Hotel Management App in 5 steps | Build apps without coding | Zoho Creator

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hello everybody I am perving and this is AB DNA where we talk about all things apps it's time to learn some new apps in the new year in the previous year we made 50 apps together also I'm doing the current series on how I make 30 absent 30 days so don't forget to watch the series and now we will get on to learn 10 more apps in this series today's app is how to build a hotel management app now if you have ever made any hotel reservation are you have seen any online booking you would know what I am talking about we will go through our old format of creating this app in five complete steps in the first step we are going to create rooms now you can have many types of room types you can have double rooms single rooms so we will create a form where we define the room types that we are going to have in our hotel once we are done with the room type we are going to create another form to list down the rooms in every room type so let's first create these two forms we log on to created super calm to create our new hotel management app this is our new application screen where you have the option to either create a new application from start or if you're already maintaining your files through Excel or such other things then you can simply import those files and a new app will be created for you I'm going to create a new application and I'm gonna create it from scratch now this is the abdic gallery as you can see we have over 60 enterprise apps on this page one of these is our hotel management app once I'm done with this basic app we are going to go through the hotel management app that our developers have built for us and we'll see what are the extensive capabilities that this app has for now we are going to go and create our app right from scratch I'm gonna name it hotel a B&E and our app will be created shortly so this right here is our creative workspace where we are going to built our app one block at a time now it asks us to start building our application by creating a form and the first step is to create a form through which we are going to add our room types so let's get started with a new form I'd like to create my form by a blank but if you already have data you can import them or you can choose a template or an integration let's just get started with blank a drum type create a farm now I'm going to start building my farm by adding the basic fills right over here I want to know the name of my drum type for this I'm going to simply drag and drop a single line field here and name it as room type next I'm going to use a drop-down field this I'll use to know what kind of bed type does this room have whether it's a single bed or a double bed cell named it as bed type and in choices I'm going to just type single and double I don't need a third choice so I'll just subtract it but I can also have allow other choices so maybe I have a new room which is let's say a triple size now next I'm going to know what kind of adults or children does this room type have so I'm gonna use number field here and I'm going to type it as number of adults next I'm gonna do the same for the number of children so how many adults and our children can stay in this room next up I can have images of this room so I'm just going to use the image field here next I want to note the rate of this particular room type so I'm going to use the currency filter and name it as rate now I want to have it in Indian rupees but you can use other currencies as well so I'm done with my first two room type fun now before I check this form in our life mode I'm going to create another phone right away and this is to add rooms now this was the room type what kind of a room I have but this form will actually allow me to add the rooms like the room numbers so I'm gonna create it from blank and I'm gonna name this form as add room so this bomb is going to be built very similarly like our room type phone so I'm going to drag and drop the fields here so I'm going to use the single line field once again and this would be my room number it's what's my room number and then I am going to use a special field called the lookup so this lookup is used to relate to farms so unlike in spreadsheets where you have to use vlookup and others it's complicated stuff here in create or any other local platforms when you want to relate to forms to get the data from the and farm then you can use this lookup so with my lookup I can go and get the data from my ad room type and the field that I want to look up to is the room type so I know which particular room type does this room number fall into once I know the room type I want to know let's say other details like which floor is it in for this I can use my drop-down again and I'm gonna name this floor and then in the choices I'm going to have first flow taken flow and third flow I can allow other choices if I have other flows next up I want to know the status of this room whether it's occupied are available by default I am going to have the statuses available unless it's changed to occupied also I am going to other allow other choices this will be used in case the room is dirty or any other kind of customized status that you want to have like in repair for now we have enough details for a room number and then we are done now I'm going to access this application and I'll show you the major differences between the edit mode and the live mode in creator so this is the edit mode where we have our design so we build our forms here we edit our forms and reports here we have our workflows where we try to set up some basic codes for were close to run and then we have our settings where we can have a lot of admin stuff these features we are going to explore later but right now I'm going to go to the live mode to show you what we have built so far so we have created the a drum type farm where we are going to put in some data and see what happens so let's say our first room type is a deluxe AC room deluxe air-conditioned the bed type is double number Fidel's 2 number of children 2 and the image and the rate would be thousand rupees and add every time you add details in a form it gets recorded in the form of a report so all room types over here will have all the details that you have just entered so we go to our room types and it's right here to see it in detail you can just click here so the room type is deluxe air-conditioned double and this is the image looks pretty now I can add another room type this is single air-conditioned bed type is single number one else one number of children zero and I can have an image of a single room the rate is 500 rupees an ad now this room type is also added here so I have a single room and a deluxe room now I'm going to add the rooms so let's say the first room number that I am going to have is d-10 one it's a deluxe room it's in the first flow and status is available and the next room is going to be s102 it's a single room ad send out first flow and stay this is available now when we go to our rooms we can see that both my room numbers will right here one is the single room and once a deluxe room so this is how we add farms in creator so we have added two firms to hold our room types and our rooms now we'll move on to the second step where we will create a booking form for these rooms our hotel rooms are ready now we are going to create a new online booking form this booking form can be made public so that you can embed it into your hotel website or your social media pages and guests can book directly through this form also you can use this form to check in any guests who walk in directly to your hotel so let's create this booking form in the second step we are going to create a new form so we'll go back to the edit mode and then click on the plus here we'll create a new form and I'll name it as booking form now in this form I'm going to use the check-in date and the check-out date that the guests want so I'll use the date field here chicken another one for the checkout so these are the two fields that the guests will look for when they want to see the availability of a room next I want to add the room type that they want the kind of room set the one so I'll give them options for this we will use the lookup field once again and it will connect to the a drum type room type once they have selected the wrong type they should be able to see what consists in this room the number of beds the number of adults and the children that can be accommodated now when we use lookup it does not automatically show everything of course we can add a lot of details here here we can show the room type and the number of adults but it will not look as good as it would if I add a notes field so I'm going to just add notes here and I'll keep it blank we will later add a workflow which will push the data from the room type into this we'll see this later for now I will ask my guests how many rooms they need for these dates so I'll use the number field number forms needed and then once they have decided on a room I can ask them their name so they can book with me their email their phone and any sort of you can say do one if you want to ask them for special requests like they're checking time or any other needs that they have then they can also use this multi-line filter where you can ask them for their requests and next up I'm going to use an auto number field here so Auto number is something that'll give that will generate the number every time a new form has been submitted I'm gonna name it booking ID so that it stands as a booking ID for everybody that's done we're done now although the farm is ready there are a few workflows that I need to put so that this form works properly one of these would be that we don't want the checkout date to be earlier than the chicken date because it does not make sense we want the checkout dip to be later than the checking date for this we will put a check in place so we will create a new workflow right from the plus button here workflow and you want to trigger your workflow while using the farm booking form and name the workflow as chicken now in this workflow I'll add a new action in new action I want that a daily script run sure I have different options like when the farm loads when the form successfully submits when validating but I'm going to use on user input so when my guest inputs in the field chicken I want this data script to run here I'll be using simple workflows so if your do not know coding like I once don't you need not get terrified I will take you through this if you have any doubts you can later on comment below the video and I'll get back to you but for now I will try to guide you through certain simple logics and if you know simple statements like if else I think you should be good so first I'm going to use this if condition here so this is the deluge builder it helps you but I'm not gonna use it I'm gonna directly use this so if variable so I want to check if my check in filled is not null I don't want my chicken for you to be empty if my chicken field is not empty then I want certain things to run so if input dot chicken not equal to null that means my chicken filled have something inside then I'm going to check another condition so if again so input that chicken is lesser than Zoho dot current date so Zoho dot current date is a standard function that gives you today's date so I had to check if the check-in date is not in the past if it's in the past then an error will be thrown so alert come to the past date and in put our chicken becomes null again so it empties the checking date field and throws an error that please a chicken date in the future now the next condition that I want to check is if again so I'm first going to check if my check out is not null for this if input dot check code not equal to null then again check if input down checkout is less than input dot checking if this is true then we simply have to throw an alert distance checkout date later than the chicken date you that should do it and in case it's true the checkout is later then the chicken then it will be allowed but if it's not then we should empty whatever they have put in the chicken date so again input our chicken equals enough well justice workflow shortly to see if I'm done correctly but for now I just have to save it okay it's saved now I'll hit done let's see what happened after we have done this workflows so I'll refresh my life app and here is my booboo Tom so I'll try to check in for day in the past and I said Scotch is a past date let me see again let's say first December and says come to the past it so the workplace is working so finally I'll put something in Bellator 28 now I'll put a check-out date for today after it works let me see if I can put a check out for the 26th it's working so my workflow is not working let me go and check out my workflow again what went wrong even put the chicken is lesser than so darker indeed and put our chicken not null the same thing that I have written here for the check-in I need to put also in the user input of checkout so remember when I had started the workflow and I had put on user input of check-in so I need to do the same thing for checkout otherwise the workflow won't work because it's working on leave and I'm putting something for the check-in I don't need to do the same thing for the checkout as well well just simply copy paste this let's close it add a new action tell the scrip here on user input of checkout now here on checkout I'll copy paste the same thing and hopefully it works hit done I'll refresh my app and this time when i put check-in date for tomorrow checkout date for somewhere in the past it works yay so please choose a checkout date later than the check-in date so please remember to look for workflow errors like this it happens very often even with me after I've made so many apps so you remember that till now when you have put something in the chicken it's going to work for this but you need to check the same thing when you are putting a date for checkout as well simply copy paste both for on user input of check-in and check-out and it will work so let's check in again 29th okay puts 31st to date a drum type deluxe AC now see when I put a drum type deluxe AC my guests didn't know what is selecting for this is just a name I want the details of this room to appear here for this I'm going to go back on the workflow and make another workflow now so and a new action they load script on user input of a drum type so when my guest clicks on the ad room type I'll again use the if so if input that add room type is not equal to null that means the user has selected a room type then simply I want to input that plain so input top plane would ensure that the notes field that we had put in our form which I had later emptied so this would be input in that notes field so it will come as number four those plus input dot so I will go back to the farm where the room type details were there so if you remember it was in the add room type form so I'll go to the atom type dot number of adults again plus number of children dot a drum type dot number of children it's very simple once you know the syntax now again I want to put room rate per night this this beer just and she said it looks better otherwise as well then like in simply input that Adam died not great now should walk like cheese so I'll hit save done and refresh my app this time this form is complete so I'm going to check in on 29th checkout on 31st a drum type deluxe say so my workplace working the moment I check deluxe I see it shows that number one else is too number of children too and room rate per 90,000 there's no gap over here because I didn't put HTML tag right here if I put go back and put it here I think it should work but I remember I had put the BR before room rate but not here so pretty clear doesn't matter just update hit done and try again let's select single AC and so this time it works number of adults 1 number of children 0 is there a need it looks good number of rooms I need is one with my name and hit submit so when I go back to all bookings I can see that someone has booked from 29 to 30 and you can see all the details right here if you want to make this form public so that everyone on the internet you can find you through your website then it's very simple you simply have to go to the settings and here there's something called publish so you go to publish you have not published anything yet I want to publish this form alone my booking form say choose booking from and I hit publish and then this is the permalink or the embed code if you want to embed it in your booking website and then just copy to clipboard and then if I just paste it here it comes out like this so for someone who does not have access to the app but only has the link it would come like this see that they do not have access to the app there's no left or right it's just a farm and they can just hit submit if you want payments to be done then you can simply integrate this form with PayPal which is also possible through creator for now as this leave it at that now that we have our bookings we need to create a check-in form through this written form we are going to check in our guests so we'll have feels like check-in the number of guests that have arrived and how we are going to alert the rooms to them so let's create the chicken form in the third step in the third step we are going to create a check-in form so that when guests arrive we can check them in and allow them rooms using this form so I could have form the same way we've created the others I'm gonna name it as chicken farm now imagine when a guest arrives to your room he or she already has a booking so how are you going to look them up from the database suddenly can a lot of rooms to them either by their name or their ID right so for their names I'm going to use the lookup form so that I can go to the booking form and then look their names up so this is going to link to the booking step they have already done I'm gonna name this as name now many guests might have the same name how do you know which particular booking are we talking about so for this I'm going to use another lookup and this will look up the booking ID remember we had created the author number field in the booking form so it's going to look that up booking ID so we know when we match the name and the booking ID which booking with it and I'm going to rain it a speaking ID we know the name we know the booking ID now I'm going to use the date/time Filch for checking in checking date time another one for the checkout now I want to know the room type that the guests wanted so I look up again - the a drum type form and room type next in the number of rooms that the guests needed now all this details like the room type in the number should be Auto populated the moment I know the booking form ID but that we will be working in the workflow in the fourth step for now I'm just going to create this fields in the form okay so this is number of rooms needed next up we are going to alert them rooms for that I'm going to use the lookup field again and this is going to the add rooms and the room number so once the walkthrough runs and we know the available rooms for the guests we can alert them among the rooms available this will get her in the next step for now we are just going to create this tea in a minute how it works so I have sorry this was the room type I'm going to rename it as just room type and this was the room but the room type so I'm going to drones so slick crumbs looks up to the a drum form and to the room number next once I know the room number so I know the room type I can have the room carats the tax percent associated with this room the total amount and then the status for status I'm going to use radio buttons I want to know the status of this room whether it's checked in or checked out by default I'm going to keep this as checked in and another for the state for the payment status but that the room has been already paid for or is it let's assume that it's paid already since we have an online booking and we can integrate with for the payments and last I'm going to have another auto number here to mark the chicken ID so our chicken thumb is done and I'm going to access this application to see how the form looks like so in the live mode you can see that we can check our guests through the guests name so in my bookings I have a booking made by guests perving Chaudhary and in the chicken form when she arrives I'm going to simply check in through our name now in an ideal scenario when I click off parents Audrey my booking ID should be reflected my check-in date time my preference of rule number from everything we are going to do all of that in our fourth step which is checking for the availability of rooms and then doing this checking for workflows now some of them we can do right away so we are going to go to the edit mode and then click on creating new workflows while using the farm chicken farm now internal herb simple availability it could be anything and a new action I'm going to use a dilute script which runs on user input so every time I put something in my guest name this field will run so the moment I have selected my guest name my booking ID should be reflected so for this I'm going to put a little script that says if so it's going to check this conditions if it put dot guest name not equal to null so there's something inside the guest name then put that booking ID should be but that guest name dot booking ID so this line effectively does is I'll explain to you so first I actually selected the field guest name so the moment have selected perving chaudhary what it would do is it would go to my booking form to this to Pervin chaudhary it will select the Pervin chaudhary and when i put dot so guest name dot booking ready so it will fetch this one over here in this checking form the moment I check it and all the other details will be put in the same manner let's test it out so input out booking ID equal to input dot guess name dot booking ID next up I'm going to also select the room type dot room type equals input dot the guest name and the room type that they prefer so it's a drum type now the chicken date input check-in date time equals zero dot current time so this is a default value when guests are arriving we want to check in when the form is being used so it will automatically fetch the current date and time next we will leave the check-out date time blank because we will edit the form when the guests are checking out and only then we will know the date time when they are checking out so we leave that field black now we come to the number of rooms needed one similar manner number of rooms needed equals and put that guess named art the number from Saturday in it now we have to know the number of rooms that are available not the number but the rooms are available in the room types to the guests needs for this we are going to create a new variable called available rooms and we are going to find out which rooms are available for this we need to go to the room form remember the first form that we had created it was called a drum form and all the room details are there so in the atom form I'm going to check if my a drum type matches the room typed at my guess means and if the status of that room is available so for the rooms are available they'll be fetched and recorded in this variable and for the ones that are not available it wouldn't be so I would know which rooms are available to be let out to the guest dot ID sorted we know the IDS of all the available rooms and then we are going to use a function called get all which means what it says it gets all the records that meet these conditions matches the room tied at when guests once and the status is available once I know this I'm going to simply input select rooms uy available rooms this is the collection so UI dot add is the syntax to add collections into spaces like select rooms semicolon now I want to calculate the number of days between the checkout date and the check-in for this I'll use a variable that's the number of days and then use this 360 this is a syntax and creator that will allow me to calculate the number of days between the checkout and the chickens so input that guests name dot when it's the guests checking in come on anything is checking out so once I know this number of days and to check if the number of days is zero I need to make it 1 which of the scenarios in which the number of days can be zero so if a guest is checking in today and also checking in out later sometime in the day this number of days will calculate it is zero according to the syntax but that is not the case it doesn't matter when the guest is checking out it always has to be one so that we get an amount for the room so for this if number of days equals zero then simply make it as one the simple shred shall do it now input that wrong Sheriff and put that the room type its rate and to input that number of rooms needed finally multiply that with the number of days that should give you the room tariff now that we have calculated the room tariff we want that it should be calculated and auto-populated in the total amount for this simple this put input dot total amount equals whatever we are calculating the room type as simple as that I hope you've got this workflow I will just rewind once so first we check if the guest name is filled if it's not now then this loop runs we check for the guest booking ID and then we fill it in this booking ID we do the same with the room type for the checking date we go for xodar current time number of rooms needed also we check from the guests form and then we calculate if the rooms are available by checking with the room type and the status and then we calculate the number of days and with the number of days we multi-plate the multiply the rate and the number of rooms needed and that becomes the room tariff that's all hit update and it's saved I'll just click done and then go to the live mode and refresh it let's see if our form is running so we check our guest per beam the booking ID is 1 and as you can see most of the details is auto populated now if I put a checkout date on the 5th select room as 1 not 2 and then I have to calculate the person so there's only one workflow remaining where when I input a percent the total amount should change and then I can hit submit now because if you go and check in all bookings we can see that I have indeed booked a room for one day and that's why the tariff is showing 500 now what happens if I go and select a room for let's say 3 days then the type should change to 1500 because of the workflow let's see if that happens if I select thousand then it should become 3000 in the tariff number of rooms needed then it should become 6000 and the name would be just hit submit and now when I go to the chicken farm the guest name is Rex D'Souza the booking ID is - and as you can see the room tariff was auto calculated because I selected the room for two days and the number of rooms needed is two and now the selected rooms is d1 at mon-sol everything that's remaining is - how to calculate the percent and we will do that in the next step so we'll go close this tab add a new action and this was for dello strip on user input off the tax person field so here in put up tax percent it's not a ghost null then I need to calculate the broom tariffs in a way that it includes text percent so it's a simple calculation and put our total amount will change to input that room turf but the tax percent divided by hundred well then put the origin of the room tariff so this should take care of our tags hit save and let's go and check our life at the stampin I'd type Messer X the booking ID I select the room and then I put the text and that's a this 20 person takes on it as you can see the total amount now reflects the tax person next now see when Rex has been allotted the wrong t101 we could do it twice but we should not be able to do it once a guest is already checked in also when we go to the room to check D 1 0 1 you see D 1 0 1 is still showing available whereas it should be shown occupied for this we need to add another workflow and this one will run on successful user submit so on success of this form submit I'm going to run this workflow for each so I can have any variable here so I am going to name a rebel room so for each room in the form so I don't want for it to be from any form but whatever I have input in my select robe so whichever rooms I have selected in this field select rooms for this this workflow will run when you have another variable called room record going to go to the form add room and check for all the ideas in the form add room if the match the room that I have selected in my guest form that is in the chicken form so the chicken form we are going to select rooms what this variable is going to do it's going to go to the all rooms report and check for each room individually as soon as the ID match is going to hold into this variable once I know the exact room I can just change the status by going to room rec dot status so basically what we are going doing this we are manipulating the data in another from when something happens in this checking form let's go to the chicken form in check so and I am going to select that sir eggs and I'm going to select the wrong d-10 one whatever input here is input dot select Rome's so this is here in put dots electrons so maybe I can select two rooms here if there were two deluxe rooms I have only one so for two deluxe rooms it would be like for each room that you have selected in input dot select rooms for each room that you have selected in input a select rooms I am going to go to the add room field and check for all these ideas whichever matches I'm going to put it in this variable and then just change its status to occupied so if I go to all rooms each of these records has an ID associated with it so that ID is going to be matched with the room that I have selected in this check-in form as soon as the ID is match I know it's d-10 one and then I can go to the status here and just change it to occupied this is what's happening in this workflow I hope you understood it and we will check it now wide and you'll see the changes that have happened hit done also before I go and show you the results we are going to do another thing remember when I told that even though Rex D'Souza here has been already checked in every time I go to the chicken farm it's still showing Rex feathers it should not be shown so what this form should do effectively is it should only show the pending chickens not the people who have already been checked in for that we are going to have another add new action Here I am going to have a dilute script on form load so not on form success because I want the form to be doing this workflow even when it's loading to show me the pending chickens over here even be have I have hit submit so for that I'm going to write a workflow I'll have a variable I'll call it all seconds so this will go to my chicken form and check for all the records whose ID is not equal zero so when checking form has a guest in it so go to the chicken farm check the ID is not equals to zero and then have a chicken come what chicken count will do it will go to this all chickens and then count count with function to count the number of seconds in this variable and the count is according to the booking IDs so I know the count of my chickens here if chicken count is not equals zero so there are chickens already then I'm going to get all these chickens in one place and call this as check guests let's say which will go to this all chickens don't i D don't get off next I am going to know the pending chickens and go to the online booking form to the booking form head for the IDs not in check guests so all the ideas which are not in check guests will automatically be in pending chickens right either there are two kind of chickens ones that have checked in and whose are still pending and put out his name you're why not add chickens now I'll explain this code once again because I don't think I've been cleared here there is a problem here and the problem is yeah yeah let's update done and let's see if the code works here the code works I'm going to explain it to you once again this time when I go to the chicken farm so you see only / bean Chaudhary is there there's no Rex here because when you go to the chicken farm report you see that there are too many Rex's all directions have been checked in twice I should not have been and in the chicken form now only Pervin is there because Rex is already checked in what happens if I delete both of these let's say I'm deleting all the Rex chickens now it should be visible in the chicken farm right so when I go to chicken farm this time say there's bourbon and Rex's again coming to this Rex has not been checked in according to this report lovely is working I'll go back once again and try to explain it to you once again I know it's a bit complex for dealing with the code for a bit remember that I am NOT a developer I'm marketer and I am learning developing along with you so we learn to get the faulty codes it's simple but it's a bit tricky sometimes especially when you're explaining it on the screen so what we did here is I had a variable called all seconds so I checked in the chicken farm for all the ideas which have been inserted so if ID is not equal to zero I'm going to put all of this in this chicken count with this all chickens counts so it will give me the number of chickens along with the booking ID now if the chicken comes is not equal to zero then this variable will tell me all the check gifts and the spending chickens will tell me all these guests who are not in this checklist so I need not in check guests that I did not get all and this checklist gets all its check guests from all chickens right here that booking right get all check just is like a tongue twister and then finally input dot guess name we add to the UI all this pending chickens I hope I'm three understand and now finally we are completely done with our chicken form and the fourth step we are going to have one more workflow and that is to check for this select rooms now see d-10 one is already occupied it should not be appearing here here how do we select rooms based on their availability that is another workflow and see you in the fourth step now we have a lot of data in our booking form and second from but we do not have any workflow so how do you think we are going to chettinad guests into the rooms some rooms would be occupied by guests who are already staying in so now will the creating of workflow in the foot step through which we will know which rooms are available and they will be shown in our chicken form directly also we will see other simple workflows in this step for the proper functioning of the app now in the foot step we are going to look at something that we have not thought about it here if you go to my all rooms you will see that I have only one room in the deluxe AC type but when someone is booking they can check in but a checkout date and then even type like 10 rooms needed for deluxe AC whereas there are no 10 rooms available so how do we look for that first up I will delete this ten one and then we have to actually write a workflow which will check if the number of rooms that are being asked by the guests are actually available and what are the scenarios that can happen there's a bit of permutation combination there let's just start with our workflow so workflow while using the form booking and I'll name the workflow as add a new action and this one will happen on the little script unusual input of the number of rooms needed so when someone is typing something the number of room say that this Caracas so we'll start with our if statement if input at check-in is not equal to now this is pretty standard by now you would have known that this is how we'll look for conditions and put out check out is not equal snug and there's another condition to input that add room type is also not equals null so all these three fields should not be no the number of rooms needed it's also not empty when all of these fields are not empty we are going to have a variable let's say I name my Bible as bookings so what will bookings hold I will go to my booking form and checked for all the rooms which are available within the check-in and check-out date that the kissed once and for that I have to look for certain criterias the first criteria that I can look for so let's understand this thing for convenience sake I will think that the guest wants to check in at 15 and also check out at 16 so remember for this entire criteria workflow I'm going to have 15,000 my workflow check-in and 16 as a checkout so we can understand it better so for the first condition I am going to look for all the rooms that are reserved before the check-in date that is a 15 and after the chicken date that is the 16 so if some other guest has booked a room from 14 to 17 then that room would not be available for my new guests so for that condition I am going to put us checking is lesser than the chicken date that is inputted and the other checkouts are greater than the check in database inputted so for the 15 alone I am going to check it so let's start less than or equal to and put out chicken greater than equal to chicken now that we have checked for the checking date we are going to do the same thing for checkout date now to check out this 17 remember so if any other room is also booked before the checkout date and after the checkout date then that room is also not available for us for that we are going to put this symbol it says are in deluge and then we are going to have our aces and inside it chicken by senticles when paired up chicken and okay the process here and check out please hold it any better next we are going to check for the chickens which are greater than the chicken date and the chequered is lesser than the checkout date what this condition will look for is to look if the rooms in 15 sorry if 15 and 17 are my check-in and checkout respectively this condition is looking for all the reservations which are greater than the chicken but lesser than the checkout so reservations which will effectively land up here greater than the check-in so it's 16 but lesser than the checkout or did I say the other word is greater than the chicken so it's 16 waiter than the chicken so 16 and the checkout is lesser than the checkout okay and the checkout is also lesser than checkout so effectively 15 and 18 my where my chicken and checkouts respectively we are talking about the rooms which were reserved for 16 and 17 and so they are not available for us okay and then once this is done let's put it within brackets and look put last conditions so I'm going to this sample chicken which is lesser than and check out that is greater than did you coach this one and look at the reverse condition of the earlier one so check-ins which are lesser than the chicken so chickens are lesser than the chicken and check out it is greater than check out and check out it is greater than check out just so these ranges so I think you have covered all the grounds right now and there's another one condition that has to be fulfilled and that is that the room type should match the room type of the guest otherwise it's no use if we are looking for the conditions of a single room with a deluxe occupancy both of them should meet so and a drum type should match and put duct a drum day now in the next in line I'm going to introduce a new variable called room continum just going to assume it's 0 for now next if my bookings that I've done here so bookings dot count I'm going to count the number of available seats I mean rooms so if the available rooms are not 0 that means we have some rooms available then the room count will become bookings dot some Oh number of rooms needed what this does is it just sums up the number of rooms that the guest has ordered for and that comes into room count next I'm going to have another variable I'm calling it total rooms and Here I am going to the add room form and checking for the conditions of soul just check if a drum type equals I dreamt a dot count room number so what I have done and this is that I'm dating this variable and I'm going to the ad room phone I'm looking for the room type if the room type matches that I'm going to take account of those rooms that are available and room number so the total rules is calculated by this variable and available room count Rubicon's will be decided by this variable where i'm simply going to subtract this total rooms - room count which is this so I'm going to subtract this room count from the total room so I know the available room count once I know the number of rooms are available I can simply check her conditions if available room count is zero then an alert should be thrown that says no room available for these dates Elsa and put that number of rooms needed is greater then available rooms count and available room count is not equals zero that means someone has asked for 10 rooms while I have only two rooms for that I'm going to throw an alert that says only available room count instead of room I think this is self explainatory finally you understand why we have been doing all that we have been doing just input dot number of rooms needed becomes null so that we empty that field and our guests can try again and just close everything whatever you open you have to close this is unnecessary in this way single red one here it's safe somewhere I missed okay okay I need not have written this yeah safe everything is saved and done now that our workflow is in place let's just refresh our app and see if this workflow is doing its magic this time when I try to check in let's say tomorrow a drum type deluxe and I want I'm going to put like 120 rooms needed let's say what kind of arrows only one room available in this type of room nice so hey we need this complicated workflow and the number of rooms conundrum I thought let's move on to the final step I think this is slightly linger video than our other apps so just move really fast to our last step which is building a dashboard though this is very easy let's go about it we had done with our forms and workflows in the fifth step we are going to create a simple dashboard this dashboard will be helpful for you to see your metrics at a glance you can do your demand forecasting with it and also customize it according to you I'm going to create basic stats like occupancy rate the number of rooms available and a few pie charts with it so let's see how to create dashboards with creator so for my dashboard I'm going to create a new page so pages are the most exciting feature of creator once you have started with pages you can do anything because they have HTML and you can make pages that look like a web pages and dashboards and lot so it's really an entire world out there it's like create inside so this is the dashboard area and I'm going to just drag and drop one of these panels here let's say I'm dragging and dropping this panel here I want to say available rail rooms today instead of open tickets I want to know the number of rooms are available for today so when guests just walk in maybe if my receptionist is using the system she can know at a glance if there are any rooms available today so here she does not need to go to the report and check for the rooms it's very good now for this all I have to do is just go to add room the form count of Records in a farm I'm going to the add room form and just calculate for selected records so if the room status equals available hit done so if my room still available that means it is variable okay so it's just going to count those number of rooms and that's it instead of count you could have also gone for some so these are some of the values that you can do Wiley creating dashboards whenever the kind of app certain reports there's a whole lot of walls right here but I'm just going to stay simple so this is my available rooms today now let us add another panel what's a and I can use this one here let's say this will show the total income that I've had with my hotel management business little income and here I want the sum from the chicken farm the room tariffs now if you also want to include the tax person then you can have the total amount but if you want to just look at the total amount without the text you can just have the room tariffs and then you can select for all the payment status that equals paid so depending once you are sure and the actual income will come here next you can also have other stuff like the total guests that you had this month total guests and here you can just have a count so for this you can go to the booking form and evaluate for all the records are may be selected records you can check for the name so you can have the first name is not nice so I'll show all the guests that you have had to now next up I can have other things like demand based on groom types so with this I can have trots there are so many charts here I'm going to use a pie chart and here I can know the demand based in Rome types right so I can go to the ad room type and the X category I can select the room type and y-axis I can have actual data I can leave little types on the x-axis the label I can have to count also in values I can have count of the booking ID if I'm choosing aggregate so if I'm choosing aggregate I can just have like count of total records hit done you can change the color the legend position there are a lot of customizations just awaiting you once I have done all these four panels I can have other stuff also like I can even embed reports here so let's just say I want to embed as a report here change report application Hotel app DNA we put all room types you can have all the bookings if you want to see at a glance from your dashboard hit them okay we have made enough things and I - well you can go on and on and on you can even embed buttons over here so in a click you can book a room that also we can do actually let's just put these posters over here and this one I will name as label as the action to do is open the farm looking for now that you're done with our page let's go and rewind our app so that the Dashwood appears here yes the dashboard is here and then dinner this is what we can see so the number of available rooms for today is to the total income yet is zero because we have not had any payments that hold a number of guests to the demand for dialogue sessions English is seems to be the same one age you can book a room from this so it takes you directly to the farm and then you can check all the bookings that have been done right here so this is like one stop comprehensive dashboard if you do not want to get access to all your employees let's if the receptionist just needs to see this dashboard to make her job efficient you can just give her access to this through our sharing options which is for another time right now our app is ready we are done it all the five steps our app is ready let's just have a quick demo to see how the entire app works so that you can see what we have done today at a glance let's do a quick reminder of this app so that you know at a glance what you've done and so first up we are going to add a new room tech let's say we are going to name this as bed type other is going to be a drum number of adults three children three just leave the image and this is I'm going to press it exorbitant yet some 5,000 and add in the room types you see it has been added yes too sweet so now I'm going to add new rooms the room number would be 3 0 1 4 suite the floor third status available unless changed and then once your rooms are done you're going to share this booking four meter guests and they are going to check in they're going to book for their dates I'm going to select suite number from cinder 2 only one room available in this type of room because I only added 3:01 if I'd have added three so - two rooms would have been okay so I'm just going to have one here and then I'm going to name it and just hit submit when all bookings you see Wendy needs a suite for thirty to thirty first and when Wendy arrives what happens when I go to the chicken farm and select Wendy I'm inside the booking ID by asking him I should before the chicken date is this room type of suite the number from he needs is one five thousand trees Robin is available as percent so the tax is calculated it's checked in payment status is paid and I just hit submit what happens when Wendy is checking out then I simply go to the boat click on Wendy's record and edit it now when he's checking out I just put the same date I put it as checked out and I update this record so Wendy is checked out you have your checking and check out right here all the workers are working smooth like butter and then when you go to the dashboard you'll see developer rooms you see that sweet has got a new demand total yeses three you have got $5,000 after Wendy checked out and all their records are right here all the bookings so app is functioning really well congrats so if you succeeded in making this app with me I think you should go to creditors over comm and try out the main app so this hotel management app that you can find by just simply going to new application and finding it so this is developed by our developers and it is much better than what I develop today but what I developed today was for newbies so if you're starting out with creator I think it is a good starting point to know how quickly with just five steps you can get your app running but if you need an app for the enterprise level and you don't want to do all the coding and stuff you can just check this out I think it's great and I just do a quick run-through of this so this is for the front desk so it is aggregate in a lot of manners this is the front disc and the front disc can always see the timeline view but justice so you when you have booking so you can see day twice or even device how many bookings do we have for today for this week you can customize it to even monthly view I think and then you have the reservations so all your reservations over here the check in the check out this has been segregated very different than what my app is but my app is lake or microcosm of this but it does all things its upcoming chickens awaiting confirmations all reservations you have the progress where you can see today's page and this is the dashboard just look at how the dashboard is it's so nice there is occupancy rate revenue per room average rate number of guests yet to check in yet to check out ok this is really cool and this is advanced level and then you have the monthly view here which has some more dashboards this is a ready-to-use app you can raise new complaints so if you have so if the guests have any complaints they can raise them there are maintenance complaints for the staff there are closed once once their complaint has been handled so this is entirely a different new module here request handling then you have maintenance where you can check the maintenance block when the maintenance is going to happen then you can also have restaurants in your hotel so you can generate service bill service bills for extra amenities we can have your guests profile in this context the payments one key difference of this app is that while my app could cater to only one kind of audience this can have even corporate payments so corporate payments is because you can have corporate guests where you Club all the bills to a corporate and then you have also individual guests coming in so pending corporate invoices in vs. also merged into this their paid corporate payments and then this is the restaurant where you can raise a new order you can order for the food dynein take away you can choose the item here but see what's there ok it leaves there hmm you can have a lot of food here and you can ask the guestbook from this depending all this awaiting payments items in queue you have Quixote's all kitchen orders so it has kitchen module also in it then the payments then the service usages I think laundry is also there yeah dirty rooms rooms room amenities you can check the rooms here they have this Kanban view where you can see the clean rooms occupied robes the dirty looks I can keep going on about this app this app is really the comprehensive app and to make it smaller to collab time so this is that's why my app took so long this is a hotel info and then you have staff taxes so everything is been segregated very neatly and you should give this app a try if you are looking to learn more about hotel management or you are going to use this for your business or if you want to add more features onto the simple app that we built today till then that's all for today now in a simple hotel management app with created forms for our room types and rooms we created an online booking form with checked in our guests and we had a workflow to see all the measures in place also we created a dashboard this was a very simple app that I created for your easy understanding now you can go to and check in the a black page there the full hotel management app is there which is customized for your complete needs also do not forget to subscribe to our page this was the first app that we made this year a hotel management app will be continuing the series with nine other apps so I look forward to you engaging on our page more please subscribe to our channel AB Dana for more such app content also press the bell icon so that you get notified when we create the next app together till then keep making apps and be happy
Channel: App DNA
Views: 30,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoho creator tutorial, low code platform, low-code, zoho product, zoho creator 5, online database, low code, app dna, Zoho, zoho creator, app development for beginners, create app, create android app, how to make my own app, low code apps, create app without coding, app maker, hotel management, hotel reseration system, hotel management software, create hotel management app, how to create hotel management app
Id: upXoQA_D9WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 25sec (4105 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.