How to Create Google API | API Key | Client ID | Client Secret

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hey what's up guys in this video i am going to show you how to create google api and their credentials like client id so let's start first of all you have to hit this url in this url you have to select a project as you can see there is already a one project we have to create a new project so this is the project name i am giving it fine gap you can select the organization let's create it so as you can see a new project is created there is a project number project id and project name i have to go to marketplace to enable which api i am going to use for example i am enabling for sheet api google sheets api and i am going to enable it after that you have to go back by clicking google cloud platform so after that you have to create credentials for this api you have to select other api you have to go to credentials after that you have to create credentials first of all we are going to create api key as you can see api key is created now i am going to save it by opening a new tab api key is equal to this now close it after that i am going to create auth client id let's configure it first i am going to use external you have to give the app name find gap email already is configured logo of the home page add domain and email address for the notify you about any change to your project info dot find gap at the red and save it and close now i am going to step 3 i am going to select all scopes and update it save and continue after adding users you will have only specific users to assess this app but i am not adding it back to dashboard in the credentials you have to click on auth client id you have to select the application web application find grab and add you can add url for javascripts i am going to use one of my url just copied invalid origin you are sensitive for url must be https i did not edit https h t p yes you have to just copy it and paste it again and now it is creating as you can see client id is created you have to save it first client secret client id guys client id and api key is created so guys to configure any google api you just need three things api key client id and client secret so guys if you find my video useful don't forget like subscribe and comment thanks for watching
Channel: FineGap
Views: 24,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create google api, how to create google api key, create google api key, create google app, create google sheet api, create new app using google api key, create google id, create google client id, client id, client secret, google oauth, create google oauth credentials, oauth credentials, google api, google sheet api, sheet api, Google Place API, generate google api, google client id, generate google api key, google, google sheets api, google api key, google sheets, api, key
Id: noF-QBRLf4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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