How To Create CUSTOM GPTs Easily (Full Tutorial) (For Beginners) Build and sell AI agents

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so in this online tutorial I'm going to be showing you all how you can create your gpts my gpts is essentially the new section of chat gpts create a GPT where you can essentially create your own customizable version of chat GPT to help you perform specific outcomes later on in the video I'm going to show you from simple to intermediate outcomes that you can have and the type of capabilities that you're able to do I'm also going to show you some other examples made quickly by the community so that you can gain an understanding of what's truly possible with this update first of all a quick demo of what gpts are gpts are essentially custom versions of chat GPT that combine skills instructions an extra knowledge and any combination of skills you can see here that gpts are essentially these things where you have specific functions for that specific version of chat GPT this is really useful in specific use cases and is going to revolutionize how we interact with chat GPT if you want to access my gpts what you do need to do is on the left hand side of your screen you're going to want to press this explore tab over here since open AI has changed the user interface when you click the explore tab this is the screen that you'll see currently I do know that as of the time of recording this video it is the day after the open AI Dev day which essentially means that this section here may be blurred out for some users if it is blurred out for you and you currently don't have access to this you need to enable beta features so what you need to do in the bottom left hand corner go to this area right here it should have your name or whatever it is on your account click that then go to settings and beta then what you want to do is Click beta features right here then once you've clicked beta features there may be a tab that you can click in addition if that doesn't work for you you're simply just going to have to wait until they roll out this version to all users in addition if you don't have this feature make sure you've upgraded your plan because if you haven't upgraded your plan then you won't see access to this at all you'll need to make sure that you have access to GPT 4 and you're on the plus tab because without this you won't get access to the custom gpts now once you've managed to configure everything and this site is working you can see that we have create a GPT followed by made by open aai the ones down here are of course made by openai and I suspect that as the store is rolled out and as further features are added this is going to get filled out with some of the more popular ones currently the only ones you're going to see here are the ones made by open AI but like I stated as the store manages to ramp up in the next couple of months we are going to see many different ones now of course if you want to use any of these you can simply click them and then you can simply use them and interact with them now of course what we want to do is we want to go ahead and we want to click create a GPT when you go ahead and you click create a GPT you'll then be presented with this page what we can see here is two distinct tabs we have a create Tab and then of course we have a configure tab this allows us to create our GPT in two effective ways if we want to create our GPT by ourselves and we're a more advanced user we're going to go ahead and click the configure tab but if we want to make our GPT and we want to do it quickly and we want to use GPT 4 to help us plus we can simply just talk with GPT 4 we will get that GPT bot made very simply so you can see here in the chat it states high I'll help you build your new GPT you can say something like make a creative who helps generate visuals for new products or make a software engineer who helps me format my code what would you like to make what I'm going to do is demo a very simple version of a GPT using the GPT Builder and then I'm going to show you how you can add some configurations to make this even more amazing so what I'm going to do is I'm going to build something that helps people grow their YouTube channels so I'm going to write in that now so I've typed in I want to build a GPT that helps new YouTubers grow their new YouTube channels then I send that in you can see that it is now thinking about the current next steps in order to create a very effective GPT so it's now building and updating this GPT with all the relevant information and then it's going to give me another prompt so it says great we're making progress now let's give your GPT a name that reflects its purpose how about Channel growth companion do you like this name or do you have another one in mind I actually like this name so I'm going to go ahead and say yes perfect name then now what it's going to do is it's going to generate me an autogenerated AI profile picture and this is going to be of course built by using darly 3 so in a couple of seconds we're going to be getting that so you can see right here that this is of course a really really nice logo and you can see here is the initial picture for channel growth companion does this fit your vision or would you like to make any changes I actually really like this it has the YouTube logo and in the background it also has the arrow going up so I think this is really cool and I'm going to keep this like that later on if you don't like this I will show you how to change it so I've now put in nope it's perfect and let's continue so now this is where we get into the fine tuning it says what type of advice should it focus on most or how should it present that advice and this is where you need to give it specifics on how you want it to present the information that you're crying to do so since this is a guide for new YouTubers and not a guide for advanced YouTubers I'm going to make sure that the information is going to be presented in the most basic and easy to understand way as possible so you can see here I've put that the information should be straight forward uplifting and easy to understand since it's for new YouTubers it should ensure that they have a clear grasp of everything they need to do in order to grow their YouTube channel in addition this is where the configure tab comes into play before I input this information what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch over to the configure Tab and I'm going to go ahead and make sure that I upload some new files now you might be wondering why is it that we're going to do the upload new files thing well if you remember GPT 4's knowledge base is only up to April 4th 2023 which essentially means that any new or newly discovered information about Channel growth isn't going to be there for those new YouTubers to benefit from when you're making your GPT bot ensure that you look online on the internet and gather as much new data as possible after April 2023 to ensure that your GPT bot has this information relevant so you can see here that in September 2023 we updated our guidelines about controversial issues allowing creators to earn more ad revenue on content discussing topics that are pretty controversial what I need to do now is is I essentially just need to download this I can simply just copy this text and then of course I can simply paste this into the bot the reason I can do this is because it makes sure now that no information is missed so now I'm simply just going to paste this in a Word document and then I'm just going to save this and upload this so now I'm going to go ahead and upload this file to make sure that it has that data on it so you can see here that this is the guidelines now if I wanted more information for this channel growth companion what I could do is I could then spend the next 20 to 25 minutes researching online about the latest YouTube growth statistics one easy way to do this is simply by going on YouTube and then by searching for specific content now what you need to do here since video is a very good way to gauge the information that you're going to get what you want to do is you want to make sure that these videos are actually really good in quality before dumping them into your Bot because if the information is irrelevant or bad it's going to make your Bot worse so let's say for example I wanted to include some data from this video since it has 2.4 million views so once you found the video that you've wanted and you've clicked on it just make sure you scroll all the way down then click shows transcript once you've got the transcript make sure that you click these three buttons right here and then make sure you click on toggle Tim stamps this will disable the timestamps and now you have all of this data right here now that you've got the transcript what you want to do is you want to copy this transcript by simply scrolling down and making sure that you take the entire transcript and make sure that you copy it onto your clipboard so let's say for example I want to copy all of this data which I'm doing now I'm going to copy all of this in and if you want to do this quickly just and if you want to do this quickly just hold it down here and you can copy this really really quickly and then around a couple of seconds once you've reached the bottom just click contrl + C or just right click then just click copy then in a new document you can just click paste like that then of course save this as a PDF or txt file and you've added that to knowledge to your information base next you can see we can then upload this file and now I have and now that that file has uploaded I now have a very popular YouTuber's strategy I also have some of the latest guidelines and then I can go back to the create tab now in order to make sure that you reference reference some of the PDF so you want to put Ure you reference the PDF info I give you then of course I'm going to click enter and we're going to wait for it to process this data now you can see it asks us what should the GPT avoid mentioning or doing now this is the really interesting part this is where you can find tune the bot a little bit more to give it the advice and steer it in a way where things you think that the bot shouldn't do so since this is helping new YouTubers you might want it to avoid mentioning some Advanced tactics confuse some beginning YouTubers in other niches for example let's say in Fitness if you were trying to help people in a certain Fitness Niche and you knew that there was a certain Trend around a certain diet you might say avoid mentioning the keto diet avoid mentioning the allnew carnivore diet or avoid mentioning certain things that are going to prevent them from success it really does depend on your Niche but I've added a few things here that I think YouTubers should avoid additionally if you do get confused about this bit as always you can just simply ask Google or do some Reddit posts and search around and I'm sure when you search around you can simply find stuff that's going to help you so for example I found this article here and it says many different things and some of these things I can include to my custom GPT bot and for this I could simply say avoid mentioning useless things such as the soundtracks and just ensure that this user focuses on making videos because a lot of new YouTubers try to focus on all the fancy stuff such as lighting and often times they forget that you really just need to create a compelling video so that's something that you could add now of course I've now input that into the bot so now you can see it's asking me should it ask for clarification make an educated guess based on typical YouTuber concerns based on chat gpt's knowledge base if you do have all the relevant PDFs I would say definitely say make an educated guest but if you don't have the PDFs and you don't have that extra specific data I would say ask for clarification just to ensure that chat GPT or your GPT knows exactly the right direction then of course lastly we have the tone and you can see that it says expresses personality should it have a friendly or encouraging tone or do you prefer a more professional and formal style I think this should be friendly so I'm going to going to do friendly and encouraging additionally this section is where you can tailor it to your age so for example if this was something for kids you can definitely tailor it to be more childlike you can say make it more friendly and encouraging for a specific age group or if it's for a specific demographic you can definitely put that in mind for example if this was for a company I would suspect that you would want it to be much more professional and more formal and then you would put the ages of people that are in that company so now you can see it says Channel growth companion is now ready to assist you with a friendly and encouraging approach would you like to take it for a test run and you can see on the right hand side here this is where we can interact with the companion now that we've used the GPT Builder I'm going to show you about the configure Tab and some more things that you can really do that's going to make this more amazing one thing that you'll notice is that when you're in the configure tab you can see that there are four small boxes here on the right hand side now with these small four boxes essentially what these are these are essentially prompts that help the user interact with the software if they don't know what to send straight away so you can see that these are called conversation starters and you can either delete these or add these as you wish so one of the things we know is that YouTube SEO isn't as important so I can X this and say how do I improve my SEO because if new YouTubers are going to be asking this stuff it's definitely going to confuse them and make them waste time so I'm going to go ahead and click X and remove that and you can see right there it is absolutely removed as you can see I've highlighted two new issues that I know new YouTubers face so I've decided to add these right here and only the four ones are going to show so I say how do I make videos more efficiently since new YouTubers are always trying to make videos more efficiently because they lack time usually they have a different job or an occupation which prevents them from uploading regularly in addition one of the things that new YouTubers do struggle with is their fear of being on camera so I've included that right there in addition of course we already do have the knowledge here which is of course the PDFs or the txt files that we have and of course you can see that we have web browsing capabilities dar's image generation and code interpreter which essentially is Advanced Data analysis now when you're also making this B ensure you check out the instructions tab as you've made your G G PT with GPT Builder if you didn't use this tab or even if you did you'll see that they've basically made all the information that we talked about into one concise paragraph sometimes GPT Builder might actually miss out some key things so if it's missed out anything that you think it has make sure you add it here to ensure that it moves and acts in the correct way possible now remember you do have capabilities such as web browsing D 3 encode interpreter so if you want to make sure that your Bot is more focused on one of these things you could then add something like saying I always browse the internet to ensure I get the most relevant up-to-date information so I can give it to the user this is something that you may want to tell your model because I can guarantee sometimes you're going to want to steer it to web browsing or sometimes you're going to want to steer it to certain types of image creation there is also an article on our website that gives you some of these instructions that you can simply copy it formats it correctly so you have the instructions part and then you have the avoid part this is exactly how you want to format your instructions and it's going to give you the best format for your GPT and we'll leave a link to this in the description then of course we have chat GPT actions so down here you can see that there's this little box that says add actions when you click add actions this is essentially something that is a little bit more advanced but it's not that hard to understand firstly what I'm going to do is I'm going to play you the demo from the openi dev dat then I'm going to come back here and show you how you can add your own custom actions with zapia so that you can do this for yourself so to start where your GPT will live is on this upper left corner I'm going to start with clicking on the zapier AI actions and on the right hand side you can see that's my calendar for today so it's quite a day I've already used this before so it's actually already connected to my calendar to start I can ask what's on my schedule for today we build gpts with security in mind so before it performs any action or share data it will ask for your permission so right here I'm going to say allowed so gbt is designed to take in your instructions make the decision on which capability to call to perform that action and then execute that for you so you can see right here it's already connected to my calendar it pulls into my my information and then I've also prompted it to identify conflicts on my calendar so you can see right here it actually was able to identify that so it looks like I have something coming up so what if I want to let Sam know that I have to leave early so right here I say Let Sam no I got to go um chasing gpus so with that I'm GNA swap to my conversation with Sam and then I'm gonna say yes please run that Sam did you get that I did awesome so this is now that you've watched the open AI Dev day you can see that this is something that's really useful for personal use and if you want to share this maybe there's going to be other applications that you want to build this with maybe for example notion or Gmail and then share this this is going to be something that you can do if you want to make a lot of money so as you can see it says AI actions by zapia now this is subject to probably change because it is in its AI Alpha but you can see here it says actions are a tool for Builders to equip AI platforms with the ability to run any zapia action you can see that there are 20,000 different actions that combined with of these applications here and there are many different other applications that it does combine with the reason you're going to be using this is because mainly what you're going to want to do is to find a slack message message someone or to draft a Gmail reply or to create something this just helps you because rather than going into the app and doing it yourself you can then ask your custom GPT to do it for you it's basically like a personal assistant on the fly but this one actually has access to your data so it can actually go ahead and respond to a certain email or do that stuff for example imagine asking it to find all the emails related to a certain projects and it can go ahead and get that one thing that you need to understand about actions is that when you write your actions even if you have them for private use when you share these apps they're going to be guided to connect to their own apps so even if you share them it's going to make sure that once you've shared them the users that use them are going to be guided to connect them to their own apps so for example this is cenly GPT and when I click what's on my calendar today you can see that first of all it's going to actually need to get my actions so I do need to sign in first and of course that's what it's going to do when other people use your GPT so in order to get started what you're firstly going to need to do is copy this URL to your clipboard then of course after you've created your GPT we're going to head and on the right hand side it says import open eyes schema and of course we're going to paste that in and then we're going to click load once we've loaded that in you can see right here this is so much text and then we're going to go ahead and click save now that that is saved in you can see that this is a zapia AI actions for GPT and you can see that it's got the Callback URL there then of course if you use this article you can come down to the instructions template for AI actions so what we have here is the instructions that you can use as a template that help your GPT do your zapia actions so essentially you're just going to want to go ahead and copy this and then into your Bot you're going to ahead and at your instructions tab you're going to click enter and just paste it at the bottom in addition when you do sign up to to zapia for the first time you're going to see many different apps here you're going to want to make sure that if you use any of these apps within your business you just go ahead and you click these so that when it does the AI actions and they're building what recommendations they're going to give you you can immediately have those then of course you're going to want to make sure that you give open AI access just click allow here then of course as you can see on this zapia dashboard you can see many of the different zaps that you can also make sure you do sign into these apps and Grant them permissions or else when you do have these zaps and you're trying to to test them out it isn't going to work lastly when you are doing this bot and you want to make sure that you've finalized everything so once you're done making your GPT you've previewed it everything is fine and working correctly you're then going to be able to click save you can either click save you can do only people with a link which essentially means you only shared it to people with a link this is good if you want to preview it to a bunch of people before a public release you can of course make it public which means people are going to be able to you can of course make it public but do note that if it is public the GP G PT may appear in the GPT store if people do search for it and that is of course when the GPT store does come if you do only for you and you click confirm essentially your GPT is going to be here on the left hand side and you're going to be able to interact with this in any way that you do want
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 212,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R3X6rk1bWF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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