How To Create Cisco And Fortinet Devices on GNS3 | Useful Tricks and Simple Lab with FortiGate

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right and we are live you know what I was kind of confused I was looking at the different screen that was not what you were saying now because it's kind of there's like a 15 second delay hey what's up guys this is Gee here I'm glad that you are joining me on this live and we will be doing some things together in gns3 hi everybody um I'm going to give you a link where you can download the images that I'm going to use today it's going to be on Google Drive and you'll be able to do the exact same thing so today I want to show you how you can use gns3 and uh create computers or create appliances for Cisco and 40 gate so we're going to use VMware Workstation just like we did last time I put a link to the video where I was showing you how I created um the gns3 VM how you doing um I hope you're well hi Regis ebb hi Imani kabia hi Dan everybody and please this is my first live on this channel my real um yeah it's actually my very first time to go live here so if you like what I do if you want to encourage me please first like the video and then share it share the video if you can see us live here so that more people can find us online and it's gonna just give us more juice to keep doing to keep doing this because it takes a long time it takes a lot of time and for those of us that are watching on on Facebook I salute you how many people do you have on Facebook I can't even see not as many as I would thought but yeah we are live on Facebook as well maybe next time I will try to be live on Twitter and LinkedIn because I know those are also platforms that a lot of people use so yeah okay bienvenues hi how you doing all right thank you so much for being here and again please share the video make sure the message is shared with many people and you can also watch us or find us on social media we have Kevin trainings on Facebook Instagram um Twitter and YouTube so I will be going live on Twitter as well on X I shouldn't be calling it Twitter all right thank you guys so today as I said I'm going to be on gns3 we're going to load some new appliances and we we would probably do a quick simple Lab at the end but I'm more excited about 40 Gates because I am just like I published on Instagram I'm I'm going for the nsc4 it should be it should take me a few weeks maybe in you know I don't know two three four weeks I should be able to take the exam but I will be sharing with you all those oh my God my volume was just so low sorry about that can you hear me better now I think it should be way better okay so in the next few weeks I will be studying for the NAC and uh I will be sharing those lives with you here and uh yeah just stick around subscribe to the channel if you haven't okay so this is a gns3 VM just like I installed it in the last video we're going to uh spin it up and see if everything is good with it see the IP that we have so we can go ahead and start doing our labs and we most importantly need to verify the version of the device that we have okay yeah the sound is better now thank you so much bienvenue Stanislaus okay so I'm tuning on the gns3 VM let's give it a second to come up here shouldn't take this long to show anything okay all right it just came up but I see here that The Ether zero is not configured okay there are a few things that you have to do on the VM before moving forward like the the ethernet port or the the network interface card you need to make sure you are connected to the right Network or to a good Network so that gives my first time to attend your live yeah thank you so much for attending my life for the first time tikakamara come on yep all right so we're going to make sure that our Nick is connected to the right Network and also I'm going to increase the ram um and the CPUs on this device here so first of all I need to shut it down and uh we'll go from there so I need just to go under shutdown okay now that it's down I can go under uh settings right click settings and from here I can see that the memory is just 2 gigabyte and 2 gigabyte is too small for this device I need a little more because 148 can use the whole two gigabyte so I would be having 40 Gates I'll be having Cisco routers so I'm going to use 16 gigabyte and that's because my computer has 92 gigabytes so I can have as much as I want here and I had a question earlier in the French version of the lab where people are asking me why don't you just use packet truster packet truster is good packet truster is perfect but it's for beginners if you are a student or if you if you can do all of this packet trust is good and if you are limited uh with your Hardware if your computer has like four gig of RAM or if you um you don't have enough I would recommend eight gig at least for gns3 but if you have 4 gig even if you have 8 gig and you don't want to overload your computer package is fine but it's very limited so if you want to do things like a very like a good professional gns3 is a way to go or even even J some people use even G and um all right somebody's asking me how to watch my French live my French live more live on francaise is so the French version is already live on my French Channel I'm going to um give you the link to that later but yes so I'm going to increase this to 16 gig gns3 is for professionals that's why I like it it has real images and it looks pretty good so we are going to increase this to 16 for the CPUs of for the processors I'm going to give it two CPUs with four core each and uh yep two CPUs four core each and I'm going to go down to the to the network to the Nico the network interface card so here I can see that it's connected to the host only no I need to put it on the bridge mode so that it's connected directly to my physical Network so bridge mode is what you should have if you want to connect to your Nic and that should be enough I will hit OK and let's turn it on and see what we have in there meanwhile um it's coming up I can go and find the actual video for my French live so I can just put it here for my French people French speaking people foreign [Music] okay we're gonna talk about it all right oh my God this is 2.3.38 that's bad um I was actually hoping that this will be 2.40 that um 2.2.40 that one let's see what we have in the client here this is my GS3 client I just want to match the client because I don't want to mess up my config or my my setup 2 2 41. so let's go quickly let you take a moment to upgrade this I will go to upgrade and we'll select the version yes sorry about that I should have made sure that we had the right version here but we're just gonna upgrade it's gonna take like two to five minutes and we'll be done foreign foreign [Music] yes English is actually the best um and I I can tell you that I feel more comfortable in English when I'm talking um Tech um so yeah those are for my people that can hear me in French and English so they can understand that I'm more I'm more comfortable talking Tech in English thank you guys and uh so we are still upgrading the device here and I'm also reading your comments on here so I can respond and uh and yeah so Facebook yeah we have people on Facebook Leandro tandawi Lehigh brother what's up I like what you're doing thank you so much leandros thank you ccnp certified great I am currently studying for the nec4 perfect I'm going for the nac4 so we will be doing this together I will be sharing with you a lot of um a lot of Labs on here this is just the first one of many every Sunday at 2PM I will be live for you here I will be mostly doing NAC and uh um a 40 gate so if you want to learn a lot on that I'll be here for you and not only Sunday is it 2 p.m okay I'm talking about 2PM my time 2 p.m Denver time which is pretty much 4 P.M eastern Time or New York time um I'll be doing these live and uh sharing with you whatever I'm learning um and when I will take the exam hopefully I'm gonna get it it's a it's an easy exam when you look at the blueprint actually let's let's try to do that now and I'll show you exactly what what we're dealing with so I'll go under my Nas and go select I like this option on Windows where you can now have tabs with a Windows Explorer it's it's great so let's go under trainings for the gate nac4 I choose to go with the security so this is a blueprint for the nac4 security okay um or the other the course objectives if you look here the agenda is Introduction and any initial configuration firewall policies Network address translation firewall authentication logging certificate operation web filtering application control antivirus intrusion prevention control security fabric I feel like I can go and just do this exam tomorrow seriously I I feel like I'm good at all those things I've been working for 40 Gates uh for years now I mean working with 40gate for years so I should probably be good at the exam um I can take it anytime but I just want to be ready for it I don't know how much it cost it's like 300 bucks or something maybe a little more or less but yeah I'll do that and uh we'll let you know okay we have our computer or our gen s3vm upgraded to what I'm going to do now is um go to have access to the GUI what I can do is go here I think that was the IP that I saw 227 correct here I can have access to the web GUI but I prefer um to have access using just to where um the desktop client so I'm going to go on the desktop client and change the IP of the server under edit preferences and I can go under server and here I'm going to change it to 227. 143 was what I was using for the French things so 227 here you need to do it quickly because it does this this thing here where it's kind of it cuts you off all right please don't forget to share our videos or to share the live on Facebook and Instagram good morning from the land down under what is the land down under I have no idea done okay so let's do this let's apply and okay all right so because we are using 227 now we are connected directly to the gns3 VM that we have here so now we need to create our appliances and again I promise that I'm Gonna Give You images perfect it's there it's gonna work I just did the same for people in the French version of the live on the French KB trainings so I have them under my Google Drive under this project here KB trainings live live number one these are everything this is the link that I'm going to give you where you can go and download the images for oh that's Australia oh okay how do you call it again the land down under okay that's good to know thank you all right so you can go ahead and download everything here this is what we're going to use today to create our appliances including even the 40 gate uh but I can show you how to download the full gate and use it without any problem okay so if we go back to the client we can start with the switch I mean the the router I prefer starting with the router because it's the the quickest one so to create a new router all we have to do is have the image I'm going to show you how to upload it so the router that I use is not actually a virtual Appliance the router is going to be a dynamic iOS device so to do that you need to go under edit preferences and you need to go under Dynamics iOS router and here we can we can do new and we need to upload an image and I'm going to browse my computer to find the image I have it here this is the image that you need to download and the thing is that if you looking for these images sometimes you just need to look it up on the internet same Engineers before anyway yes the same images can be used for even G as well that's a question I have here so you can use the same for even G but there are some tricks you have to do I don't I'm not really on eventually right now so I don't know the specific at this time but uh they are like they can be the same so I'm going to give you the name of this image here that I'm that I'm using if you ever lose it you can go ahead and download it or try to find it online and I can just go and give you the link this is the link where you can go now it's a Google Drive Link you can go and download everything that I just showed you here the images that are there so we have the image for the router I'm going to load it up on my server you love using micro teak yeah me critique I think they're good as well I've never really played with them but uh I hear about them everywhere so the image is uploaded now next we're going to give the name to our device I'm going to call it just R is in router it's going to be the c7200 and I will go next this is the amount of memory you can give to the device 5 12 if you have enough memory you can just go with 512 Meg which is good for the device but if you have less memory you can try to modify it and go with 256 sometimes I do 256 if I was doing it on a laptop that has like 16 gig I would go with 256 but if you notice a problem with your device then you may need to increase the the ram so 512 is what I'm going to use and then next so this is where you can add network adapters and there are many types here this one is the fast ethernet so I'm Gonna Keep just one of these and then down here I'm going to add some giga ethernet as well so one two three four these are gigabit Ethernet if you want to add like serial devices serial ports you can go with the serial or I think the cereal is this key here or something like that I can't remember I haven't been using zero for a while actually it's actually pretty old so um it's an old technology that's what I meant so I can go next and here this is a very important step if you are on a laptop for example if you um you don't use the the VM but for the VM I don't think it does anything because you need to hit idle PC to find the number that's gonna allow your device to run in the most efficient way without consuming a lot of a lot of your uh resources on your device so when you run this it's going to give you some number here that you need to validate are you going to create tcne like training for the Nets yes my goal after I passed the NAC is to create an organized course for the NEC it's not going to be as big as the CCNA because you know the CCNA is a master it's a master class or Master course actually if you want to um if you want the CCNA you can find it on my website that's what it is but yeah it's too big oh you know what I found a number here even for this and that's fine okay so we can just go ahead and click finish and then okay so we have under routers we have this router here I can even create a small project and call it Test in English and I can add the router here so there's one thing I want to show you if you when you install gns3 by default you also going to install solar party or you can just install party party or solar party or terminal emulators that you can use to get access to the devices but in my situation I'm using secure CRT I like it it's good because I use it at work the license is like 100 or something they paid for me at work but I like the the convenience of secure CRT it looks good and everything and I also included it for you in the in this photo there is a folder called secure CRT where you can find the executable for that and you can maybe find a way to to use it all right so um if you want to change like in my case I changed from solar party if you go under console applications this is where I changed and I loaded the path to secure CRT instead of uh of solar party or party I just installed units to without using an apparizer will I still be good [Music] no if you installed it without the hypervisor then you're supposed to use um your local computer it's not going to be a VM and without the VM it might be difficult for you to install some some appliances so what I would require you you to do is to go and uh download hypervisor a virtual box or whatever and then create a new VM in there that would be great so next uh just like I said I'm using secure CRT so you can change it here if you want to and okay so when I double if I turn on the device and I double click for turn on you need to hit this play button here and when I double click on it I should have it coming up without any problem so we are good there our Cisco device our Cisco router is actually booting so I can go ahead and create a new template for the switch so let's go and hit new template what do you think about MOBA X term I've never heard of it I've never used it I don't know much um installed Appliance yes we go next here you have a list of all the appliances that you can install we're going for switch so I'm going to install this one here the Cisco iOS vl2 because I have an image for it so I'll go next install it's going to ask where I want to install it and this is where what I was talking about it was Imani that asked me a question Imani Kabir Imani where are you why are you watching us from oh by the way I know just Adelaide that is in Australia what about everybody else where are you watching me from me I'm here in Denver Colorado where it's right now 2 21 p.m um so at this step here if you don't have a VM it might be difficult if you don't have a remote server it can be difficult for you to install these kind of appliances so that's where you are recommended to have an appliance a VM running so I'm going to go next on here and uh I don't have to change anything we leave it to 64 bits V version 241 next and here it's going to show me all the appliances all the different versions of appliances that I can install and as you can see this one is already ready to install because I have this image somewhere in my files so this is the image that I that I'm giving you under this file this image here this is where you can go if you don't have it you can hit import and then upload this image on your VM and you're going to uh to have it there so since it's there I'm just going to go and install it by doing next would you like to install this yes it's saying that there's no default password and so on so finish it's successfully installed under switches so this is the device that we just installed I don't like this name I usually change the name to SW and that's it so we have our switch I can also bring it in the topology and grab a cable and connect the router and you can see we have the fast ethernet we have the gig ethernet I'm going to connect this to the switch and we'll also turn on the switch all right and if I double click on the switch you'll be able to see the switch booting up as well perfect so let it boot up and we will go to the 49 next mobile exam is actually ready but a few more features oh MOBA X term by when you said X term I kind of got the idea but uh yeah unfortunately I've never used it okay I mean I don't have to try it out as long as I'm satisfied but I can just for my own curiosity I can go ahead and uh download it and see some other versions I mean some of the features that we have um we do have people like Matt Mateos and Bina okay nice um I hope everything is going well in Gabon and BINA um so the switch is booting up we should be good and uh sometimes depending on the on the on how powerful your system is it can be slow but if you have any regular computer maybe I would say I i7 and up and you have enough course and everything it should go fast so I'm even talking about the the manipulation and the commands that you do on the device sometimes it can it can go slowly but I I encourage you if you're doing that and you see that your devices are slow you can shut down some other things that you use or some other applications on your on your computer we have Regis from Ivory Coast Hi man um okay so now let's go to Ford gate for 48 we also need to do the same thing we do Network templates and install an appliance from JSP server we go next from here instead of I mean we need to go under firewalls and scroll down file firewalls why is I don't see any forget here so in this case I don't see the 40 get listed so what I have to do is update from Online Registry it's gonna pull some new appliances that I don't currently have and we hopefully are going to see the 40 gate listed there so let's give it a moment and I'm I'm gonna check things here let's see Facebook not much happening on Facebook I'm sure interesting all right um we are downloading the appliances from the Online Registry and as long as as soon as we have that done we should be able to I like generally we have a lot of devices here you can see we have PF sense we have surface we have untangle watch guard a whole bunch of things here so it's updated let's go ahead and scroll down again yep you can see right there we have 40 gate great I'm going to hit install and it's asking me where I want to install it on the main server of course this one will stay by default and it's scanning my files to see if I have everything required so for to install a 40 gate you need to two files you need the image and you need the hard drive this empty 30g is the hard drive it is a file that you can download anywhere on the internet if you just look it up you you're gonna find it without any problem and the image is also found on the 48 website and these are the different versions 2.4 2.3 so if you're trying to use a certain version of the 40 gate and you either um if you use a version Beyond 7.2.5 it might be complicated because you have no way to oh it can be a problem to get a test license on gns3 so what I recommend is to get a version that is lower than 72.5 you can get 7.0 that that two or that 12 that we're gonna do here and sometimes you can see a version here and you don't have the image on the 40net website let me show you I am going to show you how to download even though I already have this image in the folder that I showed you here but I'm going to show you how to download it um it's not actually an image it's the VM so I'm going to show you how to download uh um the VM on this on the photo net website because it's straightforward you don't have to have a contract or anything you can have access to the VMS so let me just log into the 40net on here and I'm going to I'm going to show you so you need to go under support that's for the net that's come okay I also need to show you the full screen so that you can see exactly what I'm doing and um all right so right now I am on the 40 net and you can see that uh let's scroll down um okay anyway you can see that if you go under support and you hit VM images here you can download images you can download it for the 40net you can download it for 40 manager and everything else you need so if you go under 40net and we select KVM KVM is actually the format that we use because if you look at the image that is needed here or the VM that is needed it should be that out that KVM so if you look at this you can see um this looks like uh that out it's a zip file that you can download but you're going to that's out that KVM you're going to unzip it somewhere and use the the VM that is inside so these are the versions that we can download now on the 40net website as you can see we have 7.4.0 we have 7.2.5 but that's just like I said it's better to use 7.0.12 here because it was before they started requiring a lot of things like um the test license which sometimes wouldn't work if you download the 7.4 and trust me this is from experience because I did it many times before I got to the right result I have somebody calling me here so you let's go with 7.0.12. at least we are in the 7.0 if you want to do 7.2 yes you can do that you need to to register a device and everything so 7.0.12 I downloaded it and I put it somewhere here this is it and then you need to unzip it into this folder the thing is that if you download it let's let's let's just do it now so we have a new Appliance uh for the OS you need to make sure you see or 40 gate um vm64 so that's let's download this I'm going to save it somewhere let's just go under my download folder and save it there so we have that downloaded that's fine we can go back to our gns3 to to continue the work okay so the device that we downloaded is here under the download I mean the the zip file is right here the thing we need to do is that you need to unzip this in a different folder so you need to extract all the files and then hit okay you have this new folder with the the VM the thing is this is a different name we have on the VM here we need to make sure this VM has the same name or the KVM has the same name as the is the the file we downloaded so I'm going to go on the file and I'm going to copy this name here all the way up and this is the trick that I promised you on how to install this so you copy this name and you go in the folder and you change the name of this Appliance to this the VM to match whatever you downloaded okay so we are good the name is matching so the thing we have to do now is go in genus3 because we don't have 7.0.12 what we're going to do that we're going to create one if you go all the way to the end there is no that device there and we are going to do create new version and it's going to be 7.0.12 and okay and here we need to change the name of the appliance and this one is actually showing 7.2.4 whatever I'm going to plug in the name of what I just copied or the name of the new appliance that we downloaded it's right here in full and don't forget to add the extension at the end and hit OK um the file name for the drive the hard drive hit OK and that is going to create a new version of The Appliance it's right here okay 7.2 the 12 and you need to now import the the VM itself so we had it under downloads under this folder and I'm going to upload it on my server it's scanning again after the upload um what do we have here I haven't checked the comments if that downloaded recently and they gave me it was V7 and V6 yeah what do you mean by V7 and V6 do you do you mean like uh version seven as long as you are on the version that is a version that is beyond seven I think you're good you should have most of uh most of the new features from the reason match um I mean there are some changes but for somebody who's been uh starting with this 7.0 should be fine and uh here we can see that we have the device available to be installed I'm going to hit next and confirm this so the default is admin no password and everything so we're just going to finish and create a device I usually like to I usually like to um I usually like to I'm sorry yes I usually like to rename this device I'm going to change it and put just F GT as in 40 gate and that's it just a moment just responding to to a quick message here thank you all right so we have the 48 here I'm going to drag it into our test lab here and what I'm going to do is just a quick lab where I can utilize this 40 gate and these these new devices that we just installed so I'm going to keep a router here I'm going to put the actually let's just remove the router I'm not I don't want to deal with it so let's just get the 40 gate and the switch and also get a device behind the switch like like this VPC here and also add the cloud to connect it to my home network so I'm going to call it the internet my fake Internet that I have and I'm going to connect the internet or the provider the ISP to the port one actually I'll just say ISP internet is vulgar like I mean it's it's not appropriate because you see the ISP we can have many services here and I'm going to connect the 40 gauge to the switch and the switch to the device okay I'm going to turn on the 40 gate and double click and we can see the fully get opening up in Secure CRT and if everything goes well we should have some output coming up here okay just uh just a moment here let me check what we have in the comments and everything okay if we get is still rebooting um let's see where's my thing okay it's right here all right um but why I can access it GUI for the trial you should be able to access the GUI just make sure that your 40 gate and your computer are in the same network I'm going to show it to you right here and next also make sure you can confirm that just by just by making sure the port is using DHCP and it can get an IP and that's it or if you are not connected to the real Network you can you can make sure that your 40 gate is connected to the host Network inside uh your your your hypervisor you should be able to access it thanks for the live for watching the videos okay nice um ostinato five ostinato okay yeah I can I can share a snare with you let's see um all right so this is uh this is the Gin um the 40 Gates I'm going to log in admin without password here it's asking me to create a new password I'm going to do it now confirm all right so I am in I am inside the 40 gate so to see if I am connected and I have an IP I'm going to do show system interface and this will show me the IP that I have this is 10.35.031 if I go here I'm going to to access the GUI so let's try it I opened it up I go here and I plug this in I have access to the GUI of the 40 gate and I can do admin with my new password and I should be directly inside the 40 gate here I can do these basic configurations I'm just gonna call it give it the name of as in 40gate and I'm also going to to leave the optimal dashboard and okay I am in don't show this again all right so I am in with my 4D VM it's a VM for testing so I mean for labs you don't have a lot of options if you don't have a license if you do have a license you can go ahead and register or whatever but now we don't have license we don't have 40 cloud or anything I do have licenses I was able to um to get licenses and I'm I'm using them for my labs for my nacs because I take it seriously um but yeah if you don't have you'll be limited in what you can do in your labs so the thing I want to do here quickly is to make sure that this device is under a certain Network it's maybe under let's see I can do 10.00 that's 0 24 this is the network we have here and the 40 gate is going to be the the it's gonna be the default gateway so if I'm in the 40 gate I can open the CLI I just to make sure we have access to the internet I can ping it edit the data did oh not exact thing always forget so exact thing all right we can have access to the internet now let's make sure our device will have an IP and we'll also have access to the internet to do that we need to go inside the 40 gate under Network we need to go under interfaces and configure the port two because that's where our switch is connected so on the port 2 I'm going to set it as a lan port and I'm going to give you the name of just Lane and I will give you the manual IP of and the default get I mean the subnet mask of Slash 24. I can eloping and I think that should be enough and then I need to also spin up the DHCP server everything else can stay the same and I'm gonna hit OK so with that if I open my Appliance or my device that I have here um I can do if I do show IP you can see that we don't have anything right now okay so all I can do is IP dscp dscp we should be able to grab um an IP I'll give it a static but no it's even G I mean why are you interested they're asking me to upload my license and yet okay Imani if you don't have the license you can I don't know but you you can you can register or you can try in one of my next video I can show you how I can use a higher version like 7.2.5 it's going to ask me to register the device and if I do it with an account even if I don't have a contract or anything I'll be able to get a test license so that license is just for testing it won't do much but I'll be able at least to work with it so if you are hitting the issue then downgrade use a version like the one I'm using here 7.0.12 it didn't ask me for any license or anything and I can I can use it without any problem so that can be a solution for you downgrade to a lower version and you'll be fine um all right so we can see that the device is now which is great because we are in the same network so if I do ping Transit uh I can ping my default gateway and just like I told you the thing I like about gns3 is that I can do some captures here I have to do that in last video so I can see what's going on on the wire even G can do it but I think it's a little more complicated I mean it's just some extra steps that are not very necessary so gns3 I like it because of packet captures I like it because of the Simplicity of everything that's going on so if we redo those pings here we can see that we can see them in the the captures okay so I want this device to have access to the internet because right now if I ping 888 I'm not able to Ping because my firewall is not ready to send me out to the internet and all we have to do in the firewall is add we need to add a policy so let's go under security you know under policing object firewall policies as you can see we only have one single policy that is denying everything so I'm going to create a new policy call it Lan to win and I'm going to take traffic from the NFS Port 2 to the NFS Port one going out to the internet source because I haven't defined the IPS I can just take all but because I already defined the the interfaces that should be fine it's not a huge security concern so the services I'm going to take all so I did all all all and then down here I think everything I need is set I don't need antivirus or anything because I don't have a license and no SSL inspection all right I am going to hit OK and this policy here will allow our computer to get access to the internet so if I do again ping 8888 perfect now I'm access to I might be able to go to the internet and this 40 gate is doing not if I come here and I start the packet capture you can see that yeah I know there's a lot of noise here never mind because I have I have a lot of traffic coming even from my home network so this is going to be a mess to to look at unless I do a lot of filtering so forget about that um all right guys I think that was all for today and I think you enjoyed it how did you configure pc1 on gns3 pc1 actually comes with gns3 and um what I did to give you the DHCP uh IP is let's see so this is pc1 um to if you do show IP it's going to show you your IP configuration and um this is what I have and to configure it for DHCP all I did was show oh no sorry IP DHCP so if you have it connected to a server it's going to give you an IP directly the DHCP server will give you an IP um oops ISP or how did you configure pc1 uh ISP okay no no ISP is actually um ISP is just this Cloud here so This Cloud when you have it on your topology you can configure it it's actually by default connecting to the network interface card of your gns3 VM so it's gonna give you direct access to the Nick card of dns3 VM so that when you have another device connected to it that device also has access to the network so this is my way to access my physical Network in gns3 so I hope that makes sense and thanks a lot for this worker did you plan to do oh I did the same with in French it's on my it's on my French Channel let me send you the link again here so if you follow this link this is my other YouTube channel where I do French only and you're going to find a live that I just did like two hours ago with the same content and you can enjoy it there all right guys um any questions let me check Facebook not much going on Facebook please don't forget to share the videos and uh also like the video on YouTube we are 20 there are 21 of us here but the video is just like by seven people please don't forget to like the video I think I'm done for today unless you have any other question thank you Banker IP I don't know if it's uh IPS and Internet Protocol or anything thank you so much so guys I think that's all for now thank you for watching I'm going to go live anytime I have something useful to do with you and uh but for the Sunday appointment that is set we're going to go live every Sunday at 2 p.m Denver time which is uh 4 P.M New York time in Paris it's going to be vanduz of the party I'll be live with you merci beaucoup thank you so much and I'll see you in the next one take care and bye boom
Channel: KBTrainings
Views: 5,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kbtrainings, kb trainings, kb training, cisco, ccna, ccnp, ccie, networking, security, routing, switching, nas, qnap, labs, gns3
Id: eILQAv8KeXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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