Fortinet Full Stack: Configuring FortiGate, FortiSwitch, FortiAP | SD-WAN, VLAN, SSID, w/FortiLink!

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this is primarily what we're going to accomplish by the end of this live here so I'm going to of course connect to the Fate change the host name connect I mean configure when one and when two and create an sd1 interface or sd1 Zone uh this is just a simple sd1 this is not going deep into connecting branches and things like that all of that will be done in the future so if you like those kind of videos make sure you subscribe and um and if you're watching this after I was live you can find me live anytime so if you subscribe I will you get the notification when I'm live so after that we're going to have to create a rule uh I'm going to create a Zone called internal I usually like to create a zone for all the vain that want to go to the Internet so internal we have a firewall rule uh opening it to the internet and then I'm going to configure the photo link port and set the IP addresses for the photo link port and I'm going to connect my switches and change the names of the switches create vlans and primarily for the AP VL I need to make sure my wireless controller is set up it's something that I usually do just to make sure the IP is there for the aps then I'm going to add my APS create some ssids and we're going to discuss a little bit about 4 Link fover and security fabric with 4et and um yeah so let's go ahead and connect to Our Fate just like I said you have many ways to connect to the Fate the first way is to use a console cable I have a console cable already connected to the forgate right here this is my console cable it's connected to my desktop that is right there so I can connect to the Fate using a console cable and using something like secure CRT or party let's open secure CRT over here and I'm going to show you so um this is going to be my connection to the Fate it's already there it's up as you can see and let me show you the the settings that you need to configure because it's also different from what you need for the switch this is what we need for the 40 gate so once you have your your comp Port once you know what it is you need to set the board rate to 9600 the data bit to zero parity non stop bit to one this is for the 40 gate but if you are connecting to the 40 switch you need to do this and let me show you the properties for the switch for the switch it looks like this the board rate needs to change from 9600 to 115,200 this is for the switch so you can see me switch this cable to the switch without any problem because they have uh when I go to the switch I just change the window and launch a new connection with a different B uh board rate and that works so um I am already connected to the 40 gate just like I said with the console cable or I can connect to the 4ate using a guei a web guei or graphic user interface you can use any of these c um any of these um interfaces here so the port 1 to5 are part of the internal Network that is already built in the device and it has the default IP of 192.168.1 199 so if you connect to any of these five ports and connect your computer and make sure your computer is in the same network it's going to work fine let me just show you my computer the way set up right now I have this secondary Port here set up for that let me show you um where do I see that no not there networking internet ethernet and yes as you can see my ethernet my Nick card is configured with so I am in the same network as the 4 gate so I'm able to access it you can also use the 40 Explorer it's an app that you have on your phone you can detect the 40 gate from there and do the initial config or you can uh adopt it in the 40 cloud and right now the way I have it set up is that my switch that I have here has these two interfaces one and two in two different V lenss connected to my home network so those are going to be my when connection so that's why I have two cables coming here and these two cables are connected to when one and when two on the 4ate so I will not have any problem getting access to the internet actually when we get to the to the Wi part you're going to see that we already have IPS because the ports on the Fate already come ready to get the DHCP IP that's what we're going to find out so for me today what I'm going to use is the the guey so I will go to the 192.168.1 99 once I do that that I have the certificate warning here I'm going to bypass that and by default the login is admin without password and now I'm inside the device and it's asking me to change my password so the new password I'm just going to make it simple we will go with password and I'm going to repeat it password and I need to log in again in the device admin password so because I uh didn't reboot it last time I think I just unplugged it from from power directly it's asking me to check the file system I will do it later usually doesn't have a big impact but it's always good to do if you you see that warning and you you have time for it and on this device I already had a license attached to it so you're going to see that most some some of the services will be activated but for the design or the configurations that we're doing today I don't need a license so you may or may not have a license it's going to be the same thing it's going to work just fine but in the future when we create more videos on um other or deeper configurations like antivirus IPS and things things like that you might have a problem if you don't have a license but for today let's just go ahead and keep going so um I'm going to begin it asking if I have any config to migrate no I don't have anything don't show this and we do it later he is asking me if I want to um automatically upgrade my device or or install patches no I don't want to do that I usually like to do it manually to avoid disruptions and uh it's asking me to confirm that I denied or I declined the auto update I'm going to confirm and here it's asking me if I want my dashboard to be optimal or comprehensive I like the comprehensive one because I have a lot of features showing so I go with okay and this is the video for the new OS 7.4 I don't want to see this if you have time to see this you can still do and now now we are inside the device as you can see here and that was very easy and if we want to do some of our first config as you can see right here the name of the device is 4G 71f I would like to change that I can just click here and go under config uh system settings and here I can change the name of my firewall and call it main main 40 gate I can change that here in the GUI or I can go under the CLI what I have to do will be config system Global and under system Global I need to set host name and here I can give whatever name I want right now it's already set to main 40 gate so we are fine the next thing I want to do is make sure that I have access to the internet if I go under network interfaces you can see that our when one and when two already have IP add addresses assigned to them 141 on both that's interesting okay so I can just make sure that I have access so I have connectivity by doing exec ping um Google for example yes we have access to the internet that is great and of course if you come under interfaces you can see that the internal um vlen switch that I told you about is here and we have all these interfaces in it one through five I usually like to leave one alone because I can use these other ones on other um virtual interfaces that I'm going to create so I am going to remove them and just leave one and two I also have on my side here I have a MacBook Pro this is going to be my test device it has an Ethernet cable connected to it and I couldn't connect it to the OBS that's why I took some time to go live but it is connected to my camera um to my camera up here so this is what you this is my actual uh device that I have here so I'm going to use it for test first of all let me disable Wi-Fi to make sure I am not connected to the internet and the first small test that I want to do here is grab this cable because if we go back on the internal interface you can see that I have this IP I also have DHCP enabled on this interface here and I have the port one and two connected to this interface and the good thing is if we go under policy and object and we check firewall policy there is already a built-in policy that allows internet I mean internal to go to the Internet which is great so from here I usually like to to create an sd1 interface so that I can use it in the future and I can manage the failover or I can switch applications between one one and one 2 today we not going to go deep into sd1 but I'm going to create just that zone with when one and when 2 included so let's go ahead and do that now so I go under sd1 if you have it uh not showing if you don't have it showing here you may you may need to go under future visibility so I'm going to create new member and if you look at here I only see one two I don't see one one because it's already being used by the the F rule that I showed you so here I'm going to use one two and I'm going to go to delete that brle to get the new member added like when one added so I'm going to create a a new Zone I usually like to create my own Zone and I'm going to call it just internet because this one will be going out and I'll go save this and that's it and then this one is went to I'm going to give it a priority of five instead of one because this goes up down so five is lower priority than one so I'm going to save this in order for me to add one one so I can just come and delete this policy so I have when one available for sd1 so I'll go under sd1 and I'm going to come here and say new member and the interface is going to be when one and I'm going to add it to internet and the priority will be one and that's it I'm going to hit okay we have now the those two interfaces under internet so what I want to do is also create a new Zone called internal okay and I'm going to add some members internal one will be the first member but by the end of this video we're going to add more members to this zone so I'll just hit okay and now I need to create some rule that will allow this traffic to go out to the Internet so I'm going to go on fire will policy create new and the name I'm going to give to it will be internal let's see internal to internet incoming interface is going to be the internal Zone outgoing is going to be the internet sd1 Zone Source everything coming through the interface it's already good enough uh destination everything on the internet service oh no schedule always service all services and N is enabled and it should all be fine so when I hit okay if I go back to my computer it should go out to the internet now okay it does and that is good so we have our sd1 Zone con configured we have our internal Zone configured and we also have a f rule to bring it or to connect it to the outside world and as you can see we have uh let Let me refresh yes we have some bite here so it's being used right now okay oh you know what this is something I didn't notice before we were hitting this here I think maybe because it was using when to to go out I don't know but that's going to remain a mystery all right so the next thing we're going to do is talk about 40 link 40 link is a proprietary management protocol from 4 it's really good because it's going to allow me to use all my devices or to manage all my devices the 40 switches the 40 APS inside the 4ate this 4ate is going to be the center of my security Fabric or my deployment here so when the device is um new you're going to see that like in my case the port A and B here are already enabled for 40 link and if you look on my screen you can see a and b are under this aggregate Port called 40 link so they already 40 link I can add more ports like if I want a third port added to this I can just add a new member if I can add the the port number five because it's right after these two here I can add it to it so let's go some let's go ahead and do some manipulations on the 4 Link port and I'm going to show you how important it is so you can get it by coming under network interfaces and going in 40 link or you can go under Wi-Fi switch and controller and if you don't you don't see this option here you may need to go under setting or system and feature visibility make sure switch and Wi-Fi controller are enabled so if we go back here we can select the 40 link interface this is where I can add or remove Port so I'm going to add the number five to this so down here we have the IP address or the subnet for our um 40 link I can leave it to 255 that's fine and automatically authorized devices this will make sure that if I connect a device like a new Switch or new AP the it usually happens for switches for me so uh this is actually just for switches if you look at here it says um 40 switches so if I connect a new Switch it's going to be directly authorized this is for security reasons because I'm in my lab right now I don't have to worry about it any switch that I connect is going to be mine or even if production if you don't have anybody bringing a switch or something this is something you can enable or disable if you want to authorize manually but in my case I want to come here and authorize every time so I'm going to oh no I want to I want the device to or to be authorized automatically so I'm going to leave it the way it is now split uh 40 link split interface split interface is if you connect to many switches at the same time but in my case I don't so I can disable this so that all the three three interfaces are up at the same time so I don't have to have only one if I do this if I enable this option only one interface out of these three will be enabled so I'll leave it like this so the remaining um settings can be the same or the default and then I'm going to hit apply so from here I should be able to connect my switch to my fate so what I'm going to do is use these cables here let me show you so I'm going to use these two cables I'll add a third one later on so I'm going to connect it to the switch uh number one the 148f I can use any of these ports as you can see if you look closely there is a there is a 40 link I can show it to you this way this blue thing it's a 40 link uh sign so it's already on these ports but the thing I found is that any ports can can also detect for the link so I'm going to connect it to this one will go to the port 47 the other one can go to 48 and if I add a third cable on the number five I can no that was 49 so I can connect this one to 48 okay so if we come back here and we refresh we should actually see the switch but I also want to add just this other switch already so uh let's go ahead and do I have another cable over here I think I'm running out of small cables okay it's here so I'm going to grab this and connect it to the port 45 so the second switch will also be detected at the same time so now we have our switches connected if we come back to the screen and I refresh this page you can see that a b and internal 5 are now green because they are app and connected to the switch and if I go back and hit manage 40 switches we should see these two switches online that is a good thing because 40 link already exchange the information between the switch and the 40 gate now inside the 4 gate I can see my switches and from here I can do many things I can change the names of my switches sometime it takes a moment to be online that's why you can see the second switch is still offline here um but we can go ahead and try to change the name or change the name on the first switch I'm not able to change it in a GUI here usually I go in the CLI so let's go ahead and go in the clii to change the name of that switch I can open my secure CRT over here and login with admin password I like this one here because you can see it better it's kind of it's bigger so what I want to do is config um switch controller manage switch if I do get you can see all the switches are managing right now this is the first that's the second so the command I need to do is rename and then I'll give it the serial number of the switch I want to rename and then I'll do two this one I'll call it main 40 switch and by doing this the name is going to be changed inside the device itself so it's going from the 4 gate and managing and changing the host name on the device so it's asking me to confirm I'll just say yes and my switch will be offline for a moment but it's going to be online really soon so I want to do the same thing for the second switch rename the serial number two this one the second switch will be in my garage so I'll call it the garage 40 switch and I confirm all right uh one thing that I want to change from here is the the admin timeout so configure system Global I'm going to change set admin time out to 480 so it's not going to kick me out in my lab of here so that's it I'll hit end let's go back to the and refresh this page they will probably be offline but we'll see oh they online already what is this thing here not registered is this one registered yeah it's also not registered but that's something I can do later I need to register my switches I'll do it um offline so we have my two switches here they're all up they're both up and ready to go and if I go under port or 40 switch ports I can see all the different ports from my switches as you can see the garage has 10 Port the main switch has uh 52 Port so I can manage everything from here so the next step is to create our vens we're going to um segregate our Network in different uh small networks with different villain IDs and that's for my home use here and I showed you at the beginning what we're going to configure and I can show it to you right now so this is going to be these are going to be my different villain so I'm going to create right now these Four villains here that's what I need for for the moment or maybe I can do these two because I'm live and I don't want to take all my time so I'll I'll do these two first and the AP v32 and then we can go and set these vens on my port and keep going so to create vland it's very easy just like I said everything is centrally managed you just need to go in the 40 gate and go under 40 switch vlans this is where we have these default vlans here that come with the device these are for um for management and for knock for example so we're going we're not going to talk about KNC or network access control here but this is a very important uh feature to have in your network I'm going to talk about it in a different video but for now let me just create my um customized villan and we're going to get them going so the first one will be the AP villan 3 32 as I said this is going to be for my access point and the V ID for this is going to be number 32 and it's going to be aen and the IP address is I think my my mouse is acting up a little bit okay so 1. 132.0 1/24 I can create an address um an address object that's fine I can ping and I also need to enable security fabric so that my devices are detected I don't think I need anything else beside the DHCP server for my APS and one other thing is to go under Advanced and make sure the wireless controller is set for the the IP of the 40 gate so I think that's it and I can go ahead and hit oh I can also authorize devices automatically from here so I don't have to okay that's perfect and I need to hit okay and I can also create a second Vin the main 35 the VIN ID will be 35 the actual IP will be 10135 0.124 and I need HTTP I need pings I need everything else because this is my main VL so I need to have um all the accesses I need if even SNMP as well authorized devices maybe not but DCP can be enabled and um that's it I'm going to hit okay and the last villain will be the villain protect 36 36 the IP will be 10.1 36. 0.1 sl24 and all I need to do is maybe Ping On I don't need anything else and I need a DP server and that's it one thing i' like to do on the main Vin is make sure that uh my DCP server starts at let's say 33 because from 2 to 32 I want to assign it manually to some main devices in my home network so we have our VLAN configured what I want to test with you is make sure that the MacBook that I have here is going to be part of the villain number 35 for example and I'm going to connect it to one of the port on the switch so let me go ahead and move this cable from the port number two and connect it to the port number 25 on the main switch for example so as you can see I lost connectivity here so what I want to do to configure the port 25 to be an access port for the for the v35 I need to go under under 40 switch port and look for the port number 35 or oh no 25 so let's go all the way to 25 as you can see it's green unlike the others so what I want to do is change the native villain from Whatever It Is Now the default for the link to 35 so I'm going to hit M 35 and hit okay if we go back to the device we should first of all receive an IP address right now you see that I don't have an IP I have an A pip here because I was not seeing any dscp server I can go ahead and hit the renew but it's going to happen itself yes it happened and now I have 10135 0.33 which is fine but I don't have access to the internet and the reason is because I don't have my main ven 35 added to the internal zone so I need to go under network interfaces scroll all the way down to the internal Zone and make sure all my new vins I created are part of this Zone as well so ap32 is there V 35 and V 36 and close once I do this and hit okay my device should be able to go out to the internet which it's able to now all right so we are good there you were able to see how I changed the native villain on the switch Port so now I need to go to the final step or the next step is to configure our access point and make sure they are part of our Network so what I want to do then is make sure I have the ports configure for it I'm going to use the port number one on the first switch and the port number one on the second switch to connect my access point so I'm going to go under Wi-Fi and switch controller go under switch port and the port number one because it's going to be assigned to the AP I need to make sure the native villain is the AP V 32 and I also need to make sure that all the other APS I mean all the other Vin are authorized so Main and protect will be authorized on this interface here uh I will hit apply so this is going to work like a trunk in a Cisco world so this is going to allow many villains to go through 32 will not have a tag but 35 and 36 will have some tags on it I'm going to show you how I can assign these different villains to the ssids so that was for the port number one on the garage switch I'm going to do the same thing on the port number one on the on the main switch and authorized I have 35 and 36 okay so with that done I can go ahead and connect my access point so this is the first access point this one I can connect it to the number one on the garage switch as you can see this one has two 5 gig Port actually I'm going to make a specific video on the 40 APS even the 40 switch as well I'm going to make them I mean I'm going to make other videos uh specifically focused on these other devices but in my case I don't have Poe okay I do no I do have Poe on this switch but um since I have a 5 gig here and this is Wi-Fi E I don't want to have a bottleneck in in my network so I'm going to make sure that I have a port of at least 5 gig or even 10 gig to support my device here so that's why I'm going to have a little Poe injector with a 10 gig that I'll connect here that is going to be when I do the deployment I'll show it to you so make sure you you stick around for that and also if you are studying for the CCNA if you want to get into this world of networking and security I have a CCNA course available on KB let me show you the the website here oh oh not that that's not what I want so I want this and if you go on KBT that's where you're going to see the CCNA course and it's there available for you you can you can go from zero to engineer and learn everything you need to learn to go take and pass the CCN exam not only for the exam but also for your career because it's going to teach you all the basic Notions of networking security Cloud Wireless and everything you need to be able to do a career in this field so KB that's where the course is so let's go back here I'm going to connect this AP and it's going to come online let's put it up here so the second AP is right there I have the cable so this one I'm going to connect down here this is the 40 AP 431f oh u4 431f and the U stands for UniFi um Universal because this one does UTM or Universal threat management or yes yeah threat management so I'm going to connect this one to the port number one on the switch on the main switch okay it is connected put it down here all right as you can see this is coming up online and this one should be turning on really soon yes it does so we'll give them some time and automatically they should be able to be detected by um my 40 gate and also automatically authorized just like I said um I made my configuration in a way that I don't have to manually come and authorize it so let's refresh this page here the aps are still coming up online let's take a look at the chat thank you everybody for being online and if you have any questions leave it and if you are watching this after yeah you can catch me online um usually Sundays but today I did it on Monday morning I think it's a good time for me to go live because it's much easier let's see what do you see right now oh okay okay all right I thought you were saying a different screen but yes thank you so much for hanging out with me here in know Tuesday morning I think early in the morning is good for me to go live right before I go to work so I can do a live for like an hour between like 7 and 8 and be done with it so let's go back to our device nice okay I still don't have the IPS yet I still oh okay they're here oh because they are automatically authorized I was thinking I was waiting for a little notification over here so as you can see this AP is already authorized and it's green it's online the other one is offline because it was just authorized so it's going to take a moment oh look connected VR this one doesn't show ap32 let's make sure the port is set for ap32 yes one is ap32 okay it should be okay so let's give it give it a moment okay it's up both of them are up now uh what I like usually to do is change the name this one is in the garage so I can go here and right click edit and change the name to say garage AP or 40 AP I have a new firmware here but I don't want to upgrade now but it's already it's good to do it if you if you want to so I'll go to the second one and also change the name to let's say main AP maybe main 40 AP and that is good so we have our 40 APS and the next thing you're going to notice is that once you connect your APS new 40 AP profiles are going to be created depending on the model of the AP that you have so I have two profiles here one for the 431g the other one for the U 431f so inside we're going to make some changes we'll come back to this later but let's go ahead and create our ssids first and the first SS ID I want to create is for the guest and this is going to be just like I said at the beginning a tunnel going directly from the AP through the 40 gate out to the Internet so it doesn't have to be mixed to our wire traffic or it doesn't have to be connected to the landan uh to the W Lane so what I want to do here is give it a name I will call it just guest um guest SSID I'm going to call it lab um so uh oh I hit the wrong button here so let's go ahead and go back there under SSID create new I think my I think my um my mouse lost its configuration because I'm I was supposed to copy but now it's kicking me out so guest um guest SSID um lab so I meant to copy this and I'm going to leave it as a tunnel IP address I can give it anything I want here so I can do 10. 250. 0.1 sl24 and I'm going to create an address object and I can only ping from here and I I need a datcp server everything else should be left left like this and I need oh I need the SSID itself this is the name of the network I'm creating and this is the name of the SSID that is going to be broadcasted so I'm going to put guest SSID lab and then I will do a password I'll give you a passw password just password and in my next videos I'm going to show you how you can set up like a captive portal if you want to do that if you want to uh you want your users to accept uh some kind of disclosure to provide the email the phone number or anything we're going to go that in uh to do that in future videos um or if you want to use radius for authentication or anything like that today we just going to keep it simple with a password and that's it I'm going to hit okay and then I'm going to create the other to I will create a protect SSID lab and uh because I'm going to change it for my home network so it's not going to stay the same so this one will be please enter at most 15 characters what do I have here okay or I'll just leave it like this protect SSID so this one will be a bridge which means that it's going to be hold back to my l or to my wired connections and will be integrated to one of these networks so that's why I'm going to give it a villain ID as you're going to see so this one is protect SSID and I'm going to give it the SSID name is going to be my my mouse is really awkward today maybe the batteries are down okay protect SS IDs and uh I'm going to give it a new password oh I'm going to set the password just password and I need to change the villain ID here to 36 that's it I can call it protect 36 we'll see that's fine so I'm I'm going to hit okay that's it I'm going to create a new one or I can clone this one let me just go and clone why am I not able to clone anyway okay create new SSID I'm going going to call this one men 35 SSID it's going to be a bridge as well the name of the S I mean this ID is going to be the same as here so same and then security with password and the ven ID is going to be 35 let's go back to this other one I want it to be protect SSID yes that's different I thought I don't need this so we are good so now we have our SSID created we need to go in the 40 AP profiles to make sure that we attached the profile to the ssids the way we wanted to so let's uh the way we wanted it to be broadcasted let's go down to the 40 AP profiles and the first one will be the 430 1G if I go in here the main thing I have to do for the 2.4 gig I can go down here and assign the ssids manually I can do everything or let's say I want the guest to have only the 2.5 so I can just leave guest here and scroll down to the 5 gig where I can add the other two so to the 5 gig I can add man and 35 so and then I I can hit okay that's it it's already linked and these ssids are going to be broadcasted so I can go to the second one and do the same thing I scroll down this is for 5G I can scroll down and 5 GHz I don't want to confused or getting confused with the 5G the protocol so I go with uh man and protect ID OS ID and then for the 2.4 GHz I will take manually the guest only and hit okay so at this point let me connect my uh my computer that I have here to these ssids so first of all I'm going to unplug the wired connection and we're going to lose access to the internet let's go under Wi-Fi and look for the guest for example he went to my home network but I want to connect to the guest SSID lab and the password is password let make sure it's correct yes and I'm going to join let's go here and see what happens first of all I should be able to get an IP let's see if I do yes I do have an IP for the guest Network and the reason why I'm not able to Ping Google is because I am not connected I mean I don't have a f World rule along ing this so what I want to do is go [Music] under go under my internal Zone interface or internal Zone not Zone interface come here and make sure the guest SSID is added to it once I do that and hit okay let's go back to the device after a few seconds we should be able to go online yes now we are able to Ping uh Google which is good so yeah I think that's it so if I go down here and look at um Wi-Fi I can look at the Wi-Fi clients and this is my MacBook that is connected I can even add some more devices let me make sure my iPhone is also connected let's say to protect um let's go and and do WiFi and change it [Music] to where is protect okay I'll do protect SSID it's connected directly okay maybe it was connected there before so I'll grab my other phone and connect it [Music] to uh this one will be connected to the main SSID so just a moment okay so man 35 SSID password okay and I am connected so if I come here and refresh this page you can see that I have three devices just like the three devices that I just connected to my network and if I go under manage switches my switches are there and for the client switches I can see the different uh client that are connect uh wired to the network this one is down for now it was up before and if I go on the Wi-Fi client that's where I see the Wi-Fi client and one good thing about 40 link just like I said is that all the three interfaces are up at the same time which means that with my devices here I do have access to the internet of course everything grows through the the three ports that I have here let me show you everything is taking these three ports here so I can unplug any of them let me show it to you if I go if I go back here so I can come here and unplug let's say the port five so let's say this cable is down for some reasons I I just lost a single pocket because apparently that session was using this cable here so that's why I lost some I lost the Ping but I'm back online using these other ones I can unplug the port a uh let me show you I can unplug the port a and I didn't lose anything um because it's using this one here so let me put back the port but if I unplug this one everything is going to be down of course if I unplug I unplug the the the a there's no way to go out of course so I can put back a and we should be up in no time once the switch is up so that's why when you have when you have the the ports make sure that one of them at least is working and if you have three of them the sessions are going to be split between the three because it's just an um an aggre like lap or or just like uh what is the other one um I forgot the other lap um I forgot the other uh Port aggregation protocol but yeah so it's it works really well for failover and that's something I wanted to test for you I'm going to put back all these ports here and um another thing I want to show you is if we come back here and I go under the security fabric you're going to see how easy it is for me to see all my network from here now it's building the topology like the physical topology yes this is it as you can see I have my main switch over here or my main uh New Generation firewall and it's connected to the switch the two switches why is this one doted anyway so I have the two APS and I have four devices and uh yeah as as I can see as you can see this is my this is my iPhone and all the other ones if I do update now it may change a little because I think the devices should be behind the aps um it might take a while to get the whole thing but at least you can see the design of your security fabric you can see how you are connected to Internet and what is doing the security and the switching inside your network that's all guys this is what I wanted to show you today and um I just made a full deployment of the 40 gate 40 switches and 40 APS and we were able to see um 40 Link in action by adopting all the devices or managing all the devices in the 40 gate that is a very good thing and uh yeah if you like these kind of videos make sure you like the video and you subscribe let me take a quick look at the chat here and if you are is when one available for internet yes when one is available Jael I just saw your question here new subscriber here enjoying the content thank you so much jel thank you for being here thank you R and thank you everybody all right I think that's all for now and if you have any comments leave it below we will um we'll be together next time I go live it's might be Sunday or next Monday but uh meanwhile I'm going to show you some other project here like uh my lab rock over there I have a I have a rock in the in the back so I'm still uh I'm still oh no that's not what you're saying so just like I said I have a rock over there and I have devices that I'm I'm unboxing and things like that my rock will have many devices on it including 4et um ubiquity the UniFi that I'm going to remove from my home network with be in lab and um what else some checkpoint and some Cisco on there so we can do those labs together uh thank you guys it's been an hour almost so I think we're good for today and uh like And subscribe if you want to miss anything if you are on Facebook follow the page thank you so much and take care bye
Channel: KBTrainings
Views: 2,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kbtrainings, kb trainings, kb training, cisco, ccna, ccnp, ccie, networking, security, routing, switching, site to site, configuration, fortios, Fortinet, FortiGate, FortiSwitch, FortiAP, FortiLink, Network Security, SD-WAN, VLAN, SSID, Network Management, Networking Solutions, Wireless Networking, Fortinet Tutorial, Network Infrastructure, Fortinet Setup, Fortinet Configuration, Network Technology, Secure Networking, Fortinet Systems, IT Security, Enterprise Networking, Fortinet Networking
Id: rZwhM66YC1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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