How to Create Automatic Rotation Boards for Centers or Small Groups in Canva | Tutorial for Teachers

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hello there and welcome back to my channel in this video I'm going to show you how to create automatic rotation slides with directions and timers for you to display during small groups with your students so that they run on their own without you having to click anything that way your students know what to do they can stay on track and it will save you so much time save myself 90 seconds so grab a device and get ready to follow along [Music] I'm going to show you a few different options in this video because I know teachers all have different preferences I'm going to start with what I personally prefer which is having a slide with all of the centers and rotations then it switches to a cleanup slide when it's time for students to transition from one rotation to the next then it goes back to the slide with all of the different rotations and directions back to a cleanup slide so on and so so forth but I will also show you how to have Just One Singular slide so if you don't need those cleanup slides you can have just one slide that will run continuously with a resetting timer as well as having multiple slides maybe you only want to display one Center or one rotation at a time but you don't have that cleanup slide in between so if the first option that I show you doesn't work just stay tuned cuz I've got a few other ideas the first thing we are going to do is design the slideshow So within canva we want to create just a blank presentation you can choose between either the 169 ratio or the 4:3 ratio I personally am going to use the 169 I'm going to click on blank I'm going to show you step by step how to create this but along the way if you're like Michelle that's too much don't worry I actually have a set of pre-made templates for canva that you can purchase in my TPT store so I will link that for you down below if you are interested and want to save a little bit of time but as I mentioned I'm going to walk you through how to create them on your own if you want to save a little money I'm going to create two different types of slides I'm going to create my centers rotation slide and I'm going to create my cleanup slide now I'm just doing this from scratch but keep in mind canva has tons of templates that you can choose from if you would prefer but with this blank Slide the first thing I'm going to do is add in my title so I'm just going to call call this like math centers and I'm going to put this like right up near the top and as I am designing these slides I want to keep in mind that I'm going to be adding in a timer which is going to be a video file yes canva does have a built-in timer so down here I can show and hide the timer and adjust the time however it's not going to play automatically and it's not going to play on a loop which is fine but if if you're trying to run centers and maybe you're seated at a back table ideally you want this to be something you can display in the front of your classroom and it just runs on its own it will automatically reset the timer and it will play automatically and this timer in canvas is not going to do that so we're going to use video files but as I'm designing these I just want to keep that in mind because I don't want to fill up all of the space I need to make sure I leave some space for the timer let's go ahead and left align this and we'll make it bigger I don't know 75 H we'll go bigger let's go like 125 okay that looks pretty good we'll go ahead and move that up to the top now in order to create those rotations and centers I'm going to insert in a table so under elements I'm going to go to table and I'm just going to use this first option I'm going to have it fill pretty much the whole slide so I'm going to drag it so that it's really really close to each side I want it to be right up by the title and then really close to the bottom I'm going to go ahead and Center it okay now my rows and columns are all messed up I know my top one is maybe going to be a little bit thinner and let's have this be like three groups three rotations so my top one is going to be like where I list out my centers my left one is going to be for my groups so I need to add a column I'm going to rightclick and I want to add column let's go ahead and adjust this one where we want it to be that looks good I'm going to click the First Column well it's the second column but the first one in that section and hold down shift and click the last one that's going to select all the ones in between right click and I want to size columns equally and same thing with the rows I'm going to click this one hold down shift right click and I want to size rows equally okay that looks decent now I know that my groups are going to be by color I always did my uh groups by color so let's have this one be like a pink group a green and a blue so I'm filling those in and this is going to be pink group and then I would List names so like Dwight Michael Angela and Pam I'm just doing this as an example yes you should not be surprised they are office characters let's make this a thicker so like extra bold and I want the title to be a little bit bigger and then we'll make all of it oh so now I'm running out of space cuz it's readjusting okay that's fine we'll leave that now if I go in here to table spacing I can actually turn off the cell spacing put it all the way down to zero and now it's going to let me make that bigger without it resizing the table that looks good enough I'm going to go ahead and copy and we're going to paste oh nope we're going to paste it in that one and let's go ahead and make it larger okay this one is size 28 got 22 this is going to be green and let's do Jim Phyllis Oscar and Stanley and I'm just going to repeat this for my last [Applause] group okay now I'm going to set up my rotation so up at the top this is going to be rotation one rotation 2 and rotation three I'm going to select all of those we'll make it much bigger and I think I want these to be like a black fill with white text okay now in each of the rotations is where I would give them the description of what Center they need to be at so maybe the first one is going to be meet with the teacher bring a pencil to the back table so I can give them directions tell them where they need to be in the room all of that good stuff we're going to make this folded and let's go ahead and make this as big as we can oh to kind of fill the space without going over okay that looks decent and that's going to be what green group does here all right so that was size 29 we'll make that the same paste it here 29 okay then maybe the second rotation is going to be um technology so grab a Chromebook from the cart and work on my path sure and let's make this as big as we can can we get to the same size yeah so maybe that's what they're going to do here size 29 got to double click I keep just clicking watch you got to double click in the cell Michelle and then maybe the last one is going to be independent work and grab a worksheet from the pocket magnetic pocket on the front whiteboard and complete it okay can we make it size 29 nope that's going to be too big all right let's go a little bit smaller that's sign size 25 okay put those here and put those here okay and obviously you fill it out however you need this is just an example but I now have that rotations Slide the next thing I need to do is create a cleanup slide so we're going to just duplicate this slide so I'm clicking the three dots choosing duplicate page and this is going to say clean up I don't need this table so I'm just going to delete it but I want the cleanup time to be pretty big so I'm thinking it's going to be like filling up most of the slide but the top can just say clean up let's add let's add a trash can let's add a little Trash Can graphic shall we that looks beautiful we're going to kind of put that on the side ooh actually no I like this one not that it matters whatsoever but we're going to just kind of put the trash can here and then we're going to add some directions so let's duplicate this text box um clean up no we don't want capital letters clean up your area and get ready for the next rotation let's make that much smaller I want that to fit on one line so we're just going to shrink it down okay we'll size it there now I want it down a little bit more okay good enough so now I have designed my slides the next step is to insert in the timer now as I mentioned this timer is going to be a video file CVA actually has some built-in timers however they're not very long so for example if I type in if I want like a 10 minute timer and I come over to videos they're mostly all like a minute or 30 seconds long if you look here you can see the duration so these are all pretty short that's obviously not going to be exactly what I need but if you need a short timer there you go canvas's got some thankfully I've already created my own set of video timers I created these years ago I have them all the way from 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes and then an increments up to 30 so like 5 10 15 20 25 30 I'm going to go to projects folders timer videos and I have them already inserted into canva now if you're like Michelle that's great but I don't got that you can if you want to I have decided to make just my timer video files available in TPT so you can purchase them as a set you will get access to all the video files within Google drive from there you can download them as video files and then just insert them into canva but if you purchase those pre-made rotation boards that I mentioned they already have the timer video files inserted for you so if you want to create your own rotation boards but but you just want the timers you can purchase those but if you want everything all together you can purchase that let's say during my math centers each rotation is going to be for 15 minutes I'm going to click to insert in this video timer and I'm going to go ahead and click pause let's resize it we're going to shrink it down and I want this to display like right up here at the top like so and I want it to be lined up with the table so that looks pretty good and if I wanted to I could probably even make this text a little bit bigger I'm not going to worry about that so I have that timer right up here in the corner I also need to insert a timer on the cleanup side so I'm going to come to this one and let's say I'm just going to give them 1 minute to clean up so I'm going to insert my 1 minute timer here we'll shrink it down okay pause and let's put it like there resize it so it fits by the trash can let's move the trash can over a little bit shall we I want this to be a little bit bigger okay that looks decent now a little hack I want to show you maybe instead of a whole minute you only want to give students like 45 seconds to clean up if you come up here to the video length you can actually crop the video and change the length of it now you will notice that at the very end the last 10 seconds the timer actually turns red to alert students that it's going to be ending but if I come up here to the beginning I can actually just scroll this to be where I want it to start so if I want it to start at 45 seconds I have that option now I'm going to go ahead and click done and the last thing I want to check is under the slide duration so let me hide this timer I don't need that anymore I'm going to click on duration and it's going to show me how long each of the slides is going to display for so this one is that 49.9 seconds which is I cropped it down to 45 seconds but the timer at the very end kind of hangs out for a few seconds once it gets to zero and then my math centers one we're going to scroll all the way over is 15 minutes and 6 seconds which if I select that timer that is the full length of that timer which is exactly what I want I just want to make sure that the length of the slide matches the length of the timer now I'm going to adjust some of the video settings so with that video clicked I'm going to select playback and I want it to play automatically now that's already selected which is great but if it's not you want to make sure that that is toggled on same thing for the cleanup slide so I'm going to scroll back over let's close duration I'm going to select that timer playback and that is toggled on which is exactly what I want now I'm ready to duplicate my slides to create as many as I need so if I am going to have let's go to this grid view if I'm going to have three rotations then I need this to display three different times so I'm going to click and drag to select both of them I'm going to click the duplicate button so it's going to make new copies of them but I'm going to click that twice so now there are three copies maybe though on this last cleanup slide instead of get ready for the next rotation I'm going to say return to your seat return to your seat okay so now I have first rotation cleanup second rotation clean up third rotation final cleanup go back to your seats the next step is now just to present my slides I'm going to close out of that again I'm going to select the first slide choose present but I want to make sure that I click on autoplay that is going to have my slides automatically transition so once that video is done playing it will automatically go to the next slide without me having to manually click or tell it to go on now if you don't see that autoplay option it's probably because you only have one slide you're only going to see autoplay if there's more than one slide but if I click on autoplay and then select present you will notice that timer is going to automatically countown once that timer ends it is going to automatically go to the next slide now this is a 15minute timer so I'm not going to sit here for 15 minutes to show you that but what happens is sometimes people will like scroll on the video so they'll go like this and go all right I'm G to make it so it's almost going to go off okay timer is going off and then they're like Michelle how come it's not going to the next slide remember that slide was timed to be just over 15 minutes before it goes to the next one so it's only going to transition after that 15 minutes is done but just as another example let's start with this cleanup slide we're going to choose present and autoplay and we have this for just 45 seconds so I'm going to sit here for 45 seconds let you see that it will automatically go to the next slide without me clicking anything once that timer reaches zero all right our timer is reaching zero and after the ringing is done it automatically went on to the next slide and that countdown timer is now playing now I mentioned at the beginning I would show you a few other options maybe you don't want a cleanup slide in between maybe you just want one slide but you want your timer to play on repeat I'm going to go ahead and delete these other slides maybe you just want this one slide but you want that timer to keep counting down once it finishes click on the timer come to playback and choose play on repeat now obviously that will just keep going and going and going so you want to make sure after your three rotations that your students then know to go back to their seat or you go up and stop it whatever floats your bow but that's a super easy way you can design one slide insert in a timer and just have it set on repeat so once it gets to zero it will ding students not to switch and it will then replay guys timer still going or another option is to actually add an Interval Timer from YouTube so I'm going to delete the timer that I personally have inserted and I'm going to insert in a video from YouTube so if I go to apps you can search for the YouTube app if you haven't already added it in but I already have it under my apps if I select YouTube I could search for Interval Timer so for example 5 minute Interval Timer I can find one that I like so this one will work I can click it's going to insert it in and just like before I can resize it as needed and then I can click and drag it to where I want on my slide and if I go to present the one downside with the YouTube videos is that they're not going to play automatically you do have to go up and click the play button however from there because it is an Interval Timer it's going to keep doing increments of 5 minutes or whatever length you choose so there it's going to do this 24 times that's why it says one out of 24 but it's going to count down those 5 minutes and once it gets to the end it's going to restart into do another 5 minutes so you really only have to click play at the very beginning but that might be another option for you if you want to have just a singular slide another option is to have just one slide per Center so for example I'm going to duplicate this slide let's go ahead and close out of YouTube and maybe I want to have only one rotation at a time so I might want to delete these columns and maybe I kind of resize that so I might have just this first one for 10 minutes I'm going to go ahead back in and insert in that 10 minute timer okay we'll resize put it where I want it to go and under playback I just want it to play automatically not on repeat then I can duplicate and have it go then to the second rotation so it could say rotation 2 and let's go ahead and copy these over so I'm just going to copy and paste those and then I can duplicate that again have rotation three and I'm going to copy those and paste them so now rather than maybe having a cleanup slide I want to display just each individual rotation but I can still use those same steps as before to have it automatically transition from one to the next that is it that is how you can create automatic rotation boards in canva I really hope this was helpful for you again if you're like Michelle I don't have time to create that from scratch I have pre-made templates for you that you can purchase they include all of those timer options that I showed you but if you want to create your own and you just want access to those timer video files I have those available as well but keep in mind you can follow follow this tutorial and do it all yourself and don't have to spend any money if that works better for you and your budget but if you did find this video helpful make sure you check out the link in the description box I have a playlist with all my canva videos on it so there are a bunch of other tutorials and hacks that you should definitely check out if this was helpful though go ahead and give the video a thumbs up hit the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you so much don't forget to put your positive pants on and I will catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 12,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, michelle ferre, michelle emerson, teacher technology, technology tips for teachers, teacher tech tips, canva, tutorial, how to, automatic, rotation board, centers, small groups, math, reading, timer
Id: WPb98mPSHrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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