How to create augmented reality video experiences | Top considerations from Overly

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[Music] hi everyone today i'm going to walk you through creating augmented reality video experiences and i'm going to give you three examples of how you can go about building video experiences that feature augmented reality or vice versa and just important things that uh you can consider when planning your campaign i've already created three projects with those three examples in augmented reality platform that we have go ahead and look at all their videos just to see how you can get started i will paste the link below also to our general blog about setting up an account here and we can just jump straight into those different types of video experiences so the first experience i want to show you is uh just an example from our customer and the customer sells chocolates so this is a cover of a chocolate box and they have this uh really awesome cover and they decided to add a video a song that is also about alphabet we can maybe have guessed that this is a something to do with alphabet and the song is also about alphabet so they decide to add it on top of it regardless of the reason why this is an example actually of something that works really great but also in some instances it may represent something that you have thought of at separate times so for example you may have found a video that's in your archive that would really greatly complement a campaign that you're doing now maybe you could add it to the poster that is a different style and also it's different size and you know when it comes to augmented reality there's really no rules you can still combine them and that's what this customer did so they just took this video and decided where should we place it on our box uh which i'll do here as well as an example and uh and brought it to life so just now we can have a look at the video [Music] so that was an example of a project that you can create combining two different assets so a poster that you may have created just now and a video that was created a while back so it doesn't matter that it's uh different sizes it's still okay and it's still fine as long as you're happy with how it looks the next example that i want to show you is a bit different and it is also combining two assets that were prepared at separate times as in the previous example but in this instance i'm not saying that it was the case but it may have been the case that the person who was in charge of this project was a bit more of a perfectionist so they wanted it seemed like actually the magazine cover comes to life so instead of just combining the video that they had and placing it anywhere you know here and just leaving it as it is on top of the cover they decided to create a video that is the same size as the magazine to give an effect and that it actually comes to life so you see that the video actually that they had originally is this size but it's being implemented within a wider frame with an animation so i'll show you what it looks like in [Music] different programs so this is the marker image and here is a video with an animation where you can just quickly have a look so it starts with the same look as the magazine cover and then it smoothly transforms into the video file that we actually have so this is a solution you can use maybe you will need some editing help but for sure it is a really cool example of how you can use existing content add something new and create an awesome experience so we can have a look now at how it looks in augmented reality [Music] awesome so that was a cool example of how you can combine maybe archived materials with some new projects that you're running and it you know still looks like the actual content comes to life so it's a really really smooth transition and a great example now i'm going to show you the third level of expertise in augmented reality which is when you start with the end in mind i'm going to use another client's example so we worked on a project for a woman's magazine and you will see that this is the marker image actually at the same time it also serves serves as a still for the video so this is actually the video content so if we pause it we see that it starts the same as the marker image looks right so there is actually perfect perfect example of how you can create an effect when somebody comes to life something somebody exactly in this instance it is somebody coming to life so yes so that's how the video looks so it's the first still we just pull it over it is also the same size as the magazine cover itself so looks really good in real life and i will include an example of how it looks in augmented reality just now [Music] great so we watched three examples so how we can go about creating augmented reality video experiences one where you start with the end in mind and two where you either combine something existing or add a little bit of the old and new together i think this can give you some great food for thought but also if you wanted for your experience to look really smooth you don't really need to kind of work for a magazine and how professional photographer or you know videographer to create these smooth transitions all you can do is even record a video on your mobile phone screen grab the first frame and then create it into a marker image and bring it to life and that's how simple really it is but it is does depend at which level you're operating so if it's like a postcard for your family member you can just use your mobile and do everything so it's completely fine but anyways if you have any questions or need help setting up drop us a comment below or reach out to us on our website and we'll see each other again on the next tutorial thanks [Music]
Channel: Overly app
Views: 21,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: augmented reality, augmented reality videos, create your own augmented reality experiences, create augmented reality experiences and videos
Id: mEqOa1EWjYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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