How to Create Architectural Animations with the Enscape Video Editor

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all right hello everyone welcome and thank you very much for taking the time for attending today's webinar um the Deep dive on video Creation in enscape my name is Kai borival and over the next roughly 45 60 Minutes um we're gonna explore yeah the video creation abilities and enscape the user interface as well as tips and tricks on how to create beautiful uh nice videos quickly inside of enscape um yeah let's see there I'm thinking if I forgot about anything yeah the sample project that you see um takes place today in Revit so um if you have Revit and you want to to have a look at the sample project yourself you can find it on our website under if we go to the very bottom of the website we find sample projects this link right here and here you can among others find among a lot of other sample projects you can find this sample project for revits however this is not a revit-centric webinar um this is completely design application agnostic so whatever design application you're using we're gonna stay inside of enscape today and we will have a look at the enscape user interface in the video editor we will first go through a basic workflow um how to create a video really fast uh as soon as possible then we will explore the user interface in the video editor in general and then we're going to dive in to the details into some more advanced tips and tricks like keyframe animation and also into how to assemble a nice video in a third-party video editing software so stay tuned we have a lot to cover um this video or this webinar is being recorded so you can watch it afterwards um yeah let's get going so enscape among other uh among other exporting functionalities like rendering images panoramas Etc has a video editor this looks like like this in the enscape user interface and that allows you to create nice fly-throughs easily and quickly and uh yeah the quickest way to open the or by the way I expect that you have basic knowledge of the enscape user interface of navigation especially because we're gonna need that a lot um during our our webinar today if you ever struggle with navigation you can synchronize um the views from directly from your design application also to create keyframes but I would not recommend that so it's best to just get used to navigation and enscape to be able to create videos yeah freely so basic workflow how to create a video in enscape in the next five to ten minutes simply press this button up here the video editor button or press the V key on your keyboard this will open the enscape user or sorry the enscape video editor user interface which will explore in The Next Step so let's not not hurry let's create a simple video how to do that how to start to start a video it's not just opening the video editor but you can start by clicking this plus icon in the bottom right corner so by clicking that the alternative is I can also press K on my keyboard so whatever I prefer I'll click this plus icon in the bottom right it's important because we will also see a icon in the bottom left we're clicking the one on the bottom right clicking the one on the bottom right will create a camera this uh or at least something that looks like a camera a keyframe somewhere in 3D space wherever we are in the enscape scene so clicking this plus icon down here will essentially store or create a keyframe and save the location and the view angle as part of our video in this case as the starting part as the starting location for our video and we also see a representation of this camera of this keyframe here in the ends in the toolbar again we're going to explore that in more detail later but we see this camera this camera here we see it as this triangle as a starting triangle we'll see clearer if we go somewhere else press this plus icon one more time and this will create a second keyframe a second camera symbol um next in line so let's just continue and place another keyframe another camera right here and now it becomes more obvious what happens here so we start we replaced our first camera um we placed our second camera and our third camera and we see each as a representation down here in our timeline the beginning the middle and the last keyframe or camera and we can enter each one of those by clicking on this representation in the timeline press escape to exit again or by simply clicking on the camera itself in the 3D space that will bring us into into the view but we just want to create a video really fast so I'm just gonna continue press plus and whenever I place a um or whenever I click this button place a keyframe it will create an additional step at the end of our video so it will take the last keyframe that we have and it's going to create one more after uh after the last one and connect them with this path that you see this blue um blue tube with arrows on it by the way if you're wondering now I keep pressing this plus icon on the left what does the plus icon sorry on the right the plus icon on the right I keep pressing that one what happens if I place uh sorry if I press the plus icon on the left well it will create another keyframe not at the start but at at the end or sorry not at the end but at the beginning so one more time if I press the the left keyframe it will create a keyframe before my first keyframe let's just visualize that I'm going to go here plus and now we have another one that now serves as our first keyframe starting our video if I press the plus icon on the right I'm gonna Place Another keyframe at the end of our video path which is usually what you want to do so I recommend you know just press K on your keyboard that's uh accessing this right button so the the plus icon on the right um or just press this button here to create a new keyframe and fly through the model look for nice perspectives and block out your video path by simply pressing plus over and over what happens uh we can always preview our video we can press this button here or the P key on our keyboard and uh we will see our camera path so far the one that we've created um and this would be our video if we decided to click on export here in the bottom right corner let's wait for a couple seconds see where this leads us and um see how fast it is to create a video like that so you've seen it we've hit a wall here so we probably want to change a little bit about our video path here you can see it here as well the camera path shows us we are hitting this wall so I want to update uh the position the location of either this camera or this one back here or we can also add an additional camera in between the two of them which you can do either by you know clicking on the area down here on our timeline or by pressing or by sorry clicking on the timeline with the left Mouse button clicking on the timeline um where we want this camera to be placed let's move this a little bit and click update on the left here to save the changes we've made again we're gonna dive or we we're gonna ex uh we're gonna discuss these topics in more detail later on but for now uh let's just go through this process if we want to to add any changes um let's add an additional keyframe and let's uh move it we're moving it just by uh navigating through enscape as we do it usually and once we have a location that we like press update and press escape on the keyboard to exit this keyframe again and now we see our updated camera path right there so if we watch if we want to see what this looks like we can start from the very beginning from our first camera from our first keyframe but you know this can take some time so actually I actually want to start my preview from this camera here so I'm gonna left click onto the camera and many people don't know that if I press P now or this play or preview button in the bottom left if I press that now it will start the preview straight from here from the keyframe from the camera that we are in so we don't have to watch the whole video from the beginning um every single time and as you've seen I'm just going to press escape again so we exit the camera and see the camera path Again by the way that's a good rule of thumb if you don't see your camera path and the rest of the cameras that's because you are inside of a camera inside of one of those keyframes you also notice that by seeing these keyframe overrides here on the left simply press escape on your keyboard and you will exit the camera so you don't perform any changes you didn't want to so yeah let's recap just quickly we've learned how to place how to open the video editor first of all like this um how to place keyframes cameras by pressing the K key or by pressing this plus icon at the bottom right we can also place a keyframe before the first the currently first keyframe by pressing the plus button on the left we can preview our video at any point by clicking the preview button here the play button or the P key and by the way it might also be a good time to point out that we have this help mark this help question mark the help panel in the top right corner uh where you can see the general navigation at any point and you can also see the shortcuts for the video editor that while the video editor is open so add a keyframe it's a that's K preview from current keyframe that's the P new video path would be an X delete keyframe is delete or you can enter the keyframe and press uh this trash bin icon here and exit keyframe that's the es ESC the escape button on your keyboard and then again how to create a video path like this just fly through your model and find nice perspectives nice individual shots press K or this plus button and enscape will connect it automatically with a nice smooth curve how to export a video well simply oh by the way I'm just gonna disable ease in and out and how to export a video Simply click on this export button in the bottom right uh enscape will ask you what settings you prefer for your for your video full HD company or sorry resolution compression quality and frames per second the resolution you can decide either full HD or Ultra HD which would be 4K I feel like full HD is usually all right I'm going to use that for this for this webinar so we don't have to wait for too long compression quality you can absolutely leave this as at maximum at all times in my opinion enscape videos that you create it's gonna export an mp4 file enscape videos are usually uh not very big inside so unless you want to send your video via email for which it has to be below 20 megabytes I recommend to always go with maximum lossless is one step higher than maximum uh but it will create a series of PNG images image files so depending on your video software that you will continue or that you will yeah will continue work on this on your videos in uh you can go with it if you know how to import them or just go with maximum and it's all right frames per second you can decide if you want 25 30 60 or 120 frames per second of course if you have 60 frames per second it will render twice as long then if you choose 30 frames per second but that shouldn't be too much of an issue um because enscape renders quite fast we'll see that in a second now this video is no actual video yet once again just wanted to give us a nice introduction in the first 15 minutes by going shallowly or top level over the process and show you how to yeah create and exported video as fast as possible and as you see enscape is exporting the video as I said really quickly we just had to decide where to save it and um see sorry that's you can clean up here a little bit um yeah an enscape uh creates the video really fast as I said so you don't have to worry about rendering times in a lot of cases um let me cancel this video creation because first I want to go with you over the user interface so you you know have more understanding of what actually is going on and then we will create a more adequate series of videos of uh renderings so let me cancel but I want to show you something because um enscape again I choose wait a minute oh sorry Escape used to cancel the process but I'm just gonna press cancel and that's gonna cancel the rendering process and hencecape does create a video file that we can view until the point of where we canceled it if that makes sense so just so you know if you are rendering a three minute video and you're canceling the process after one minute you will still get a get a video up to up to that point so um just wanted to show you that all right we went ahead quite fast there um I hope that that wasn't too confusing let's go uh two steps back and have a look at the video editor user interface so once again opening the video editor using this cutting board I don't know what it's called um icon and usually we start with an empty scene so I'm just going to click new video path and this is going to delete what we had so far if you had a video path in the past that you would like to load which can be useful in certain cases which we'll explore later on um then you can load a path from an existing file but in this case we're gonna start from scratch one thing that can help creating your video path is the show grid lines uh checkbox here in the top left just with it just as with a camera this can help following the rule of thirds which means you try to store your details add one of these intersections that you have here the most important parts of a rendering somewhere you know on one of these intersections I'm no photographer so don't expect anything great for me but if you have some experience you know this can help setting up the most beautiful shots so [Music] um let's create a a video from scratch let's click on this plus icon to create our first keyframe just like we did before this time we might travel a little bit to the left here and you know get this shot and we'll get a little yeah too to ground level and continue from here so um let's talk about the duration of your video of your of the video that you're creating enscape has two settings for you to select the overall length of your video the one is the total duration setting or uh selection that you see here you can affect it by clicking on the number and you know you have a hour minutes and seconds um dial which you can change either by clicking up and down on these arrows or by entering a number so this will control your overall the the overall length of your video you see the overall length here and on the bottom right here so right above the export button you see the current overall length of the video this is um option number one to control the overall length the second option can be found inside of the keyframes themselves and is called the timestamp but this is something that we're gonna cover a little bit later in general and we're going to cover that um later one more time as well in general I recommend to use the total duration slider more at the beginning of a video creation process or for short videos for short Snippets and it's going to become clear at the end why um I think that's the case but let's explore this uh this first the total duration right now it is grayed out as you see because I'm currently inside of one of those keyframes as you see on the bottom inside of those cameras so I'm going to press Escape by the way I could also press this exit keyframe button here it looks like yeah an exit sign so I'm just going to press that and that has the same effect as pressing escape it's gonna move me out of the K of the keyframe out of that camera but we're still in the video editor interface so yeah let's say we have you know this first shot we start let me actually remove the grid lines for now we start back here move there then here and we are already at 37 seconds I imagine this to be kind of like a outside uh flight and then we're gonna enter the building I think I want to be a relatively fast on the outside so 30 second 37 seconds it feels something like like this really fast or at the beginning right now I want to get a feel for my for my uh video for my fly through so I'm gonna dial down this number I think I'm gonna go with something like maybe 10 seconds for this flight so far I'm gonna press enter um to save the information and let's compare our our video I'm pressing p or this preview button down here and you'll see we have a higher Pace now we're moving through through the environment uh way faster this kind of resembles what I imagine for my final for this final video all right looking good so I'm gonna continue um I'm gonna press K on my keyboard to save a camera a keyframe gonna enter the building through this window here we have no Collision so we can easily enter through windows and we're gonna continue through this interior maybe let's actually do something like a rotation so Let's see we have our last keyframe is is here we're gonna continue from there so I'm gonna Place Another keyframe here in which I'm looking in this direction then I'm gonna look up so we get a feel for the room maybe let's follow these stairs and I'm gonna press K or this plus button in the bottom right once again to save this particular keyframe and you see how the camera symbolizes where we are looking I'm gonna look back here click another plus to place another keyframe and continue looking at this entrance area so you see there a lot oh sorry I hit the microphone a lot has happened here we have a number of keyframes there and we want to see if everything works as we imagine it so I'm just going to enter this keyframe again sorry I'm going to enter this keyframe here not again enter this keyframe press p and see how our little pirate our little uh rotation looks okay it's way too fast have you noticed that so um this is a result of our total duration slider that we've changed earlier remember we have changed this to 10 seconds duration now we're already at 16 seconds of total duration so it's not gonna use your number your value that you enter there as a concrete setting if you add additional keyframes after that 10 second Mark um it is gonna extend your video but with the same Pace as before um that means we are moving inside right now with the same speed that we moved with being outside of the building let's say we want to change that so this will lead us for the first time inside of the keyframe of the camera interface so uh if we click on any of these cameras you see some additional information here first of all we have the keyframe number five of ten right now we can exit the keyframe by clicking this uh this button we can delete the keyframe by clicking the trash bin and we can update the location of our camera by clicking update and then we have these four values timestamp time of day focal point and field of view we're going to cover those um first of all the timestamp the timestamp so all of these keyframes you can imagine those to be like um yeah like values that you can set for each camera for each keyframe and change them over time so for example with you know time of day you can set 6 AM for your first view 12 p.m for your last View and then it's gonna move the time between those those views the timestamp slider here controls the um the time in your video so this means if I enable this um this keyframe this camera is being reached at second 12. and a change to Second 46 because uh I briefly overwrote the entire thing and now it's set my total duration to one minute so yeah this can happen if you if you if you explain something um we have two options here now either we return to our video or our total duration slider um change it back to where we were so let's go to 16 seconds for example and let's re-observe what happened so right now we have the total duration slider or controlling the overall length of the video and therefore the speed so we move with one speed throughout the entire video except for right now we're easing in and out so we are starting slowly gaining speed then have a uh equally fast speed throughout the video and then uh slow down again but I'm gonna disable this so right now we have an equal speed throughout the video so you see we move with one speed uh outside of of the building and we uh we keep that pace we keep that speed while we're inside now what do we what do we do if we want to slow down here because that last rotation is really awful for uh for the viewer we want to take away the control of this total duration slider and we want to control the the speed with our keyframes instead now we have a portion of our video that we like the first 10 seconds the outside is just the right pace so how what can we change this whole portion of that video without changing what we have beforehand well uh to do that we kind of do something that I call tying the knot or tying a knot so we want to go to the end to the last keyframe of the portion of the video path that we want to keep the the same we want to keep that untouched so we're entering the last keyframe that we want to keep untouched and we enable timestamp and now you will see it will overwrite the total duration slider again and instead we want this to stay where it was before it was a 10 seconds I assume so uh um if we did not unclick it the first time that is the value it would have kept oh yeah it was it was a 12 now I remember so uh we wouldn't have erased it if we didn't uncheck the timestamp again so now we are reaching this particular keyframe this camera at second 12. like before and now we can perform changes to whatever happens after that so if we want to slow down after this uh we can simply go into the next keyframe in order and by the way we can do this as well using these two arrow keys previous keyframe next keyframe and I want to enter times or click the timestamp value here too because I want to edit it and change it to something let's just test it here this is pure guesswork let's go with maybe 17 seconds and you see down on the timeline something happened so right now we were at 13 seconds and now we're at 17. so the timeline always shows us a relative um or the the total duration of our video actually um and the distance between the individual keyframes we see them as diamond shapes on the timeline the distance between those keyframes is equal to the distance in time it takes to reach one or the other keyframe which if we move at the same at the same speed throughout the video um would also mean it's it's the distance in in space essentially but we can change our speed throughout the video by changing the you know by changing more than one timestamp that's actually it so if we just change one timestamp we're gonna have the same speed throughout the video as soon as we change a second one we uh change our speed as well because let me go over it one more time you see it in the timeline happening there so 13 seconds for this keyframe we reach this keyframe on second 13. now we reach this keyframe on second 17 and first of all the distance between keyframe what is it five and six the distance grows much larger because now it's instead of just one second distance it's four seconds distance but the distance between the following uh diamonds between the following keyframes changes as well because we don't have any following timestamp change so the speed that the viewer has the camera has at this point of the video because we're not changing anything anymore we keep this pace Until the End unless you know you could change something about this keyframe here change the timestamp there and Everything Will Change again right now we're at at 29 seconds for the whole thing so I think it's a good point to review and see what's happening so we have two keyframes that we've set by the way you can also see that from the outside uh you see under this camera that the timestamp value that's this uh watch here that that's that has changed or that has a certain setting and this one too so this one being set to second to second to 12 this one being set to Second 17 let's review what we created let's uh click the preview button so we have a certain speed at the moment up until the second 12 and that's where we suddenly slow down because now we're supposed to reach that next keyframe at second 17. and now because we don't have any more directions uh it's just keeping this speed which I feel is perfect for this uh portion of the video I hope it wasn't too too confusing so far this is um you know once again total duration if we want to to change uh the entirety of the video the the all of our of our speeds essentially uh we can still go with the total duration slider but I recommend at a certain complexity to stay away from the total duration slider and instead go with the uh uh timestamp value this the timestamp setting now I'm sorry but I have to make this topic a little more complex even um the timestamp is quite quite important if you want to create more controlled videos so I'm spending a lot of time on that um but as you see this last timestamp is grayed out um that is just something that you have to keep in mind with enscape you cannot key the timestamp value for your last keyframe so if I wanted to change um the speed again which I do we're going to do that in a second but I would have to place another keyframe right before this one or right after it to control the time step value you know for for this particular one so let's just do this exercise again um we're gonna add another keyframe in the slow area so I just press K the K key again you can press this button the plus button and we're going to exit through this door plus and until here I want things to stay slow and from here on I want to um speed up again to end in a total shot let's just go here and there so we have one full tour through the building if you if you know where we're going with that so let's place this last keyframe and now we want to speed up um this last portion again of our video but as I said we want to keep this entire entire area as it was before and of course the one before that as well so we were fast slow and then we want to be fast again how are we going to do that once again we are tying a knot so what I showed you earlier I'm just going to enter this camera this keyframe and you know we're at a total of one minute and six seconds too long for me we see it down here um we want to keep everything as it is until here so that's 33 seconds I'm just gonna enable timestamp don't have to click anything else I'm just gonna click Escape to exit this keyframe and you see we have stored this value in this keyframe so everything before this will stay as it is and now we can speed up for the last part again so we're just gonna go into the last keyframe and as I just told you you cannot create a timestamp for this last keyframe so I'm going to exit it again Place one keyframe just for this right before the last keyframe click on timestamp but then again one minute and five seconds 30 seconds for this last stretch I don't want to go through that so I'm gonna dial down the num the minute number and the last one was at 33 seconds so let's go go with 45 with this and down there you see our timeline has uh adjusted again and a rule of thumb I like when the uh keyframe placement is somewhat you know equal throughout the video that shows us that we have uh roughly the right the right amount of detail so let's see we can go and save what we have let me just do that save video path to file let's give it a one save just if you know we need it for later or want to use it again let's preview what we have foreign oh yeah I was in this keyframe it previewed from that keyframe so let's preview from outside of the keyframe let's press P or the preview button really what we have and we're slowing down for the first time or yeah for the only time we're slowing down taking our time in this in this room here and now we're gonna pick up speed again because we're we have this next not we uh uh we put in before and now again we picked up some speed and moving yeah outside again all right so I like what that looks like um before we export this though let me talk about the other options for movement we have here and the other options for uh keyframe animation so uh ease in and out affects just the beginning and the end of your video is gonna start slowly pick up speeds uh you know for a couple seconds then move equally fast and then uh slow down again towards the end and shaky camera instead of flow instead of following the the camera path that um enscape has created the camera will wiggle up and down a little bit uh to uh create the effect of a human hand that is holding the camera nice effect I don't think I personally don't use them every time more you know in exceptions um if we enter one of those keyframes we will see as I mentioned before for values we can keep for each of these keyframes we discuss time stamp uh the times the timestamp settings here um let's have a look at time of day so there is one more thing that is good to know uh when animating the time of day it will take up a little bit or it will render a little bit slower when you're animating the time of day throughout the video so it's nothing that you want to do for every video then again enscape rendering time is quite fast anyways just to check that out let us render what we have right now see how how long that would take actual video number one test whatever and let's see how fast we reach the one percent that's that two percent so all right that would be the the speed right now I think actually maybe sorry it might be equal when um we animate the time of day we'll see here to time of day you can animate it for every keyframe and if you're new to animation in general this might be uh great to play around with because it gives you a feel for what your uh how your animation behaves like if you set one value for your first keyframe and one value for your last keyframe by the way you can do that for time of day it's just the timestamp value um if you if you said one value on the first keyframe and one on the last it will change between those two values throughout the entire video so that's usually what you want to do with the time of day setting you could you know change it for one keyframe to 3 pm the next keyframe to 12 uh the next keyframe to 5 PM but it wouldn't look any nice so usually with time of day you'll go from you know keyframe one and you'll see in the time of day uh row here we have a a keying a value that we've set let's start with what 8 AM maybe yeah am and let's end with I'm aiming for you know in this in these middle parts I'm aiming for some nice uh noon Sun something like that but it feels like oh it's it's it's coming in the morning it's visible in the morning so all right anyways never mind I'm just gonna go to the last uh keyframe here and select time of day and put this to 11 A.M maybe that way we're we're still going to be in the morning when we're in that indoors area so again most of my keyframes don't have a time of day keying now but the first one and the last one both do so what does that look like let's press p oh yeah and as you see the Shadows are moving the Sun the the clouds in the sky are moving so we have a time lapse that gives us maybe some additional depth storytelling to our video so I like that I would keep that um as it is and before we get to the other two points focal point and field of view um that we've we're going to discuss afterwards uh I'm going to render this video because this video is perfect for what we've set up so far and the other ones will require their own videos I'm gonna hit the export button and check my notes actually this looks quite uh quite comparable in time to when the video sorry when the daytime is not animated so uh never mind what I said earlier yeah so actually I'm going to uh save this video path uh uh and uh render it afterwards just you know and and include it in here so we save some time in general I also didn't want to focus or I don't want you to focus too much on this kind of video creation on this fly throughs um that you know try to put everything into one go it's a matter of choice it's a matter of artistic expression so um it's totally up to you I personally feel that um something that um something that works better in visual storytelling and gives more room to breathe is not these long winding videos that uh move through the entire entire uh project essentially but rather small yeah sorry small Snippets short Snippets put together so something like let me actually search for something that we can use to uh to show the depth of field animation uh doing so so something like for example this here one keyframe right here and another keyframe something like a couple meters to the right or left or to the back or to the front let's press K one second duration right now we're gonna change this to 15 seconds we are going to disable ease in and out because I want um equal speed throughout the video and um I think I'm going to animate the time of day just slightly so let's start with this 9 20 and end with 10 30 or something and now this is a great video let's have a look at it not too much movement uh let's preview this is a great way uh to show what the focal point and the field of view animations do focal point is a setting that controls the distance or if yeah that controls the distance of the sharpest point of your camera of your lens now um if we enable focal point and change the setting nothing really happens because we need to add to to um to set up a setting a visual setting which you can actually access up here through this button we need to enable depth of field before we can access the focal point setting because that's what it refers to the depth of field focal points depth of fields as you see whoops sorry that was the wrong slider here depth of field will blur objects at a certain distance from the camera we also for a focal point to have any effect does it does it no I was wrong I was wrong yeah no yeah I am right uh for focal point to have any effect you also need to disable auto focus autofocus will use enscape uh intelligence to try to find the right point for the focus enable depth of field disable autofocus and then you can control the focal point distance for your videos I'm going to dial down the depth of field a little bit to make it less less strong and now we can have a look at the result by keying the value namely in this view in my first view I just select this bush here on the left and that's the sharpest point and in my last keyframe I'll enable focal point as well but I want another distance to be focused namely the building so uh you see we have this little Gray Line white line indicator that shows us where our distance is right now so if the line is on the building we are about right and if we preview what's happening now you'll see the bush is sharp now the individual lines on the uh on the uh cross uh sorry Lane Crossing Street crossing um are being sharpened and now our building is sharp at the end so you know you can use that for a uh cinematic experience I'm actually going to reduce the depth of field but keep it in and save this as a video path as well depth of fields gonna render this later and include it here just so uh we have something nice to see and um field of view works just the same way we don't have to to to to to change any visual settings for it to work it will simply create or work as a zoom effect on your camera so from one video from one keyframe to the next we can have a zoom effect let's have a look at that and this whole thing leads me to the inclusion of um video editing software of uh yeah third-party video editing software um why because you can be as good as you want with the enscape video editor but it's more a video creator so you're editing the camera path um but if you want to add something like music or if you want to combine multiple shots then um you need third-party video software I personally usually work with a Premiere Pro um but there are other softwares of course on the market and for this webinar I had a look at a software called DaVinci Resolve and I actually wasn't even aware of the software for a long time but it's a free software that um produces that lets you create high quality videos and I would like to have a look at that with you together and see a couple more uh interesting features that we can do with enscape videos and the software that I looked up once again usually I use Adobe Premiere Pro to create my videos but if you are looking for something uh free to test with I've found this awesome software it's called DaVinci Resolve um deep dive video creation and you can create uh or you can get very a lot more varied results um when creating your videos using um or yeah when when adding a step in the creation of your videos and using this software to combine multiple videos to one because I feel like there is a certain appeal if you put everything in one go in one video um and it's easy to do actually let's have a look at what a 45 second video with music sounds or looks like in one cut [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay so it's it's all right um but let's compare and see what 45 seconds of video with music look like in multiple simpler cuts [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] depending on your personal taste of course but I feel like um a video that's that consists of multiple smaller simpler Connor shots um I personally like that more than one video where it is one fly through trying to connect all the dots of course it depends on the project on the design that you that you want to share and your personal uh preferences but this also like on top of the re or on top on top of the option to add music to your videos using a third-party software speaks uh in my opinion for using a third-party software there is one last trick though that I want to show you um that also speaks for using third-party video editing software um with which we're gonna end this deep dive webinar um because you can you can render you can export the same camera path um you can export the same camera path multiple times from enscape with various visual settings view settings hiding stuff unhiding stuff at various stages of the project etc etc essentially you can render the same video path um one second there we go again I'm new to DaVinci resolves so uh yeah there we are so you can render the same camera path multiple times overlay them exactly just like this and then fade from one to the other uh which means we're gonna put a fade somewhere in here let me go to edit to change the necessary settings something like this and I'm just gonna fade so I'm gonna let the first version disappear or the first version of the video and we're slowly fading to another version of the video maintaining the same pace so um this way we can create transitions between materials times of day um visual settings whatever you want essentially and that's another really nice um effect with which or that speaks for using um third-party video video editing software on top of the enscape video editor feature set with this however um I say thank you for being with me and uh I hope you learned a lot of new things and I hope it was interesting have fun creating amazing videos using enscape and share them with us in the forums so the community can participate in on that thank you very much for being with me stay safe see you next time goodbye
Channel: Chaos Enscape
Views: 15,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e0jKsnfBat4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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