How to create and run html, css and javascript files in VScode editor | 2021 | for beginners |

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so first of all hello everyone welcome to my channel uh i am srisha gupta here and today i am going to tell you that how you can create save and run html csn javascript files in visual studio code so if you have not downloaded visual studio code yet then you can check out my previous videos and if you have downloaded it that's well and good so from here in the visual studio screen you have to first of all open a blank folder so i have opened this project folder over here you have you can open a folder by clicking on file and from here you can select open folder and you can select the folder whichever you want now your folder is open you can add files to it so first of all we can add the index dot html file then we can save it by clicking the enter key we can make the style dot css file we can save it again and one is script dot gs file save it as well so all the three files are made and saved now we have to write some code which will be rendered on our site so first of all we can write some html code to it we can add the head tag we can write a title for the website so the title can be anything it can be just simple as project and we can please remember to link this style and the script uh files to the html file because we will be running the html file not the whole folder but the html file so link and then rel equals stylesheet and and we can write here href equals style.css we can link the script script tag also we can add to it we will be adding it in the bottom of the body as it is recommended and we can write the script tag src here we are linking the script file in our folder and here it is it is linked so we have linked our uh style.css file and the script js file both are linked now we can write some code so that it will be rendered on our site the h1 tag we can add and we can write welcome simply uh we can add a background we can add style to it in the style we can add body and here we can add body the background color is we have taken any random color we can save everything you have to save everything otherwise it will not be rendered on your site here you can write document dot right simply because it is used for testing document.write and you can write hello js anything you can write as you want and then you can save it as well now all our files are saved and we have written some audio of the code in it we can run it by clicking here on run from run you have to click on run without debugging you can choose the environment i am choosing chrome here and then here you can see your site is running well and good but we can't see the background so we can just check why okay so the spelling is wrong now we can we can save it again and we can reload it so you can see the background as well we can see the html tag which we added welcome and we can also see hello js which we added in javascript so all our three files are running so our code has been running we and we have created and saved all the files thanks for watching the video and that's all for today
Channel: Junior Coder
Views: 144,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio code windows, visual studio code, visual studio, vscode, visual studio code html, run html vscode windows 10, run html visual studio code, how to run html in visual studio code on windows 10, how to run html in vscode, run html in chrome windows, html vscode windows, Run html Code in windows Visual Studio Code, best vscode extensions, html, vs code
Id: Bd9p3XxmrfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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