How to Create A Wizard Hat In Blender | Tutorial

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ladies and gentlemen I'm back with another Harry Potter blender tutorial before this I made two Harry Potter tutorial videos one for a magic potion and second for the Harry Potter glasses if you haven't watched them yet the links are in the description and on top right part of the video by the way this time is the magic hats turn in this video we're gonna make this decent Magic Hat in blender but it is the mouse or pen we're gonna use our ROMs and spells so are you ready let's get started when guardian Leviosa let's get rid of the main light and the main Cube select them and press X then delete them and press shift a then bring a circle and open up this panel here and change the vertices to about 16. because we don't need that word c so let's change this to 16 and if we start to go to edit mode then press 7 to go to top of the graphic view then press e to extrude that then is to scale it and scale it about there so press one to go to front of the graphic View and but first of all let's select this Loop cut here the inside loop cut by holding alt and I forgot to enable my screencast keys and then let's press n and let me to enable that okay sorry for that so press one to go to front of the graphic View and let's extrude it along with z-axis and press Z to fit to the z-axis and bring it higher to about three grits here one grade two and three ones so I think that height is enough for us then when you're satisfied with that height let's scale this down here all the way up to that point it should be up to there then let's add about seven Loop cuts add some of them then right click and from here the number of cuts you can change it to any number you want I'm going to change it to seven and it's time to work on the proportional editing so let's enable the proportional editing and come to x-ray selection mode by holding alt and Z select this top vertices here and press G and you can control the size of your proportional editing with scrolling down and up your middle Mouse button so bring it here then start to rotate that and start to make the shape that you want I'm gonna make a curvy shape like this it's going to be curved and came up to this point so the thing I'm going to do is to rotate and find the correct position with G and I'm going to work with G and R actually and it's not a big deal really so let's change this Loop cut and start to rotate that do the same thing for this one as well rotate that and bring it a little bit lower and it's like these ones rotate and we can and you can change the size of this proportional editing anytime because we'll need to resize it at some times and I'm gonna find the correct rotation and quick position for these ones let's start to make the shape and I think we have to change this a little bit more and bring it here lower it's going to make sense and we're going we're going to make we're going to create the shape by the time gradually and we have to change these positions a little bit these vertices because I don't want to be ideal and without any ups and downs here and there so it's the real in the realistic world we have to create some bumps on the shapes they wouldn't be completely straight so I'm gonna change these later let's focus on that and let's rotate that a little bit and bring it lower about there I'm going to rotate that and here we need about three or four Loop Cuts let's add them by Ctrl R I'm gonna add them and after the left click and you can just press F to fit the shape of loop cuts to the sides of the shape to this one or to here if you press F then e if you press once it will fit the shapes to that point and if you press e again it will change the shapes of the loop cuts to about here let's do it again press Ctrl R and add three Loop Cuts I'm gonna press F then e you see that they're going to be similar to this part and if I and if I press e again they would be similar to that part here now I'm gonna press e and bring it a little bit lower and start to create the shape and maintain the shape a little bit more so bring this to that point rotate that scale it down and let's scale down the size of proportional editing and scale this up a little bit and also about these ones they are so fin I think and make a shape like that about this one this should be a little bit more thicker is like that so this is the main shape that I would trying to create let's select this one and maybe we can just scale it on the z-axis a little bit but actually not the actors or it was y-axis sorry about that so select this Loop cut if I could select it and scale it on the y a little bit just a little bit not so much it should be a subtle effect about there about this one for this one I'm gonna decrease for this one I'm gonna increase it a little bit not decrease it so I think that's okay so let's come out of the X-ray selection mode by pressing alt Z and I'm gonna work on these shapes a little bit more to make it a little bit better let's add some strong bombs here and there like that don't be afraid of creating these bombs because I'm gonna add a subdivision modifier and it would be completely okay with that and actually these bombs make the shape realistic and also interesting so bring it here and this one here then what can I do I can bring them a little bit out and about this one these ones I think that's okay maybe these parts need to be worked on them a little bit this part as well and back parts this one and here and I think that's okay so when you're satisfied press Ctrl 2 to add two levels of subdivision modifier and right click then J dismiss to make it smooth and press tab again so let's add another loop cut we Ctrl r to that part to make it a little bit more sharper so add three Loop Cuts here and actually two Loop because not three then press seven to go to top of the graphic views like these vertices and press three then press G and start to bring them a little bit higher and we can control our proportional editing a little bit make it bigger and I think that would be okay then it start to rotate them just like that and bring them a little bit higher to create that effect and I I think that's good so select these red six press seven to see it properly these vertices here and press three again then start to bringing them a little bit higher about there and start to receive that as well and it shouldn't be that strong as this part and we can control them a little bit more press three again and start to rotate them a little bit more as well and bring them lower then let's see what's happening I think that's good so let's select some of these vertices here and there and there should be some random celebrities and press G then let's scroll this really down about there and bring them higher and let's do the same thing for another vertices and this time we're going to bring them lower a little bit to make it a little bit bumpy just like that and I think that's okay but this shape is a little bit awkward I think let's make it more circularized like that and there you go we can even work on it a little bit more select these ones and bring them to the front like that but it will make it a little bit sharper they don't like that effect let's bring them little backwards and for these ones we can make them just like that and I think that's okay not bad actually so this is the front part of the shape and this is the back part of the shape so let's add another part here let's come to edit mode again and select this vertex then press V to separate these vertices and bring this a little bit to that part and this to that part and make sure to disable the proportional editing for now and come to front and come to top with graphic view then let's fix these positions a little bit and to fix that run the shape here rawness here you can add Loop cuts for this one but it will make the shape a little bit sharper and I don't like that effect but I have another solution we can press K to knife tool and add just an edge here then hit enter then let's add another one here and there we go it will make it sharper and there will be nothing to our model but actually I wanted to do that to the next word season here not this one the in the front one sorry about that let's undo that and do the same thing again press V and bring it here and here and then with knife tool we can just make a little bit sharper like that and another thing I'm gonna do the same thing here maybe and press V to separate that edges bring this here and this here then with the knife tool again let's make it sharper and there we go I think that's okay so we can select these two ones press 7 again and bring them a little bit to the correct position to make it a little bit to make it a little bit to make it a little bit better [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's good I think I'm satisfied with that so first tab again and press three to go to face selection mode then hold alt and select this Loop cut here then press shift d and right click to cancel the movement then P then selection except that as a new object so come to modifiers Tab and add a new modifier I'm going to add a solidify modifier and bring this solidified before the subdivision modifier and let's give it a little bit thickness it's about there I think that's going to be good that's good and let's change the offset a little bit to go to inside of the shape it's about there and we have to increase the thickness and we have to increase the thickness a little bit more after this gun too much I didn't want that let's decrease it and add the thickness a little bit more and just something like that I'm satisfied with that it's really cool so select this again and press Tab and with the face selection mode enables like these two faces with shift d take a copy and press P then selection to separate that faces but I accidentally selected the behind the face as well but there's no problem I'm going to delete them here and no so press so select these ones and press X then vertices and now we have just two faces in the front so let's focus on these faces and select the relative selection mode and select these two ones press g2i to edges slide and bring them about there and these ones as well G twice and it's going to be up to there and select these ones and G device then press C to make it unlimited and bring it a little bit higher to about there and select these ones G twice bring them a little bit inside of that and before doing anything let's add some Loop Cuts here and there some here another here then I'm gonna add here but I have to enable the X-ray selection but press alt Z to see it properly that's what's happening and add another here then press three to face selection mode select these two faces and X then faces to get rid of the faces and we need more supported Loop Cuts here and there let's add them one here the other one here to make the edges a little bit sharper like that and maybe one in the middle but I think that's okay we don't need that so press alt C again to come back to solid View and this time I'm gonna add thickness a little bit more and change the opposite decrease it a little bit and there we go so I think that's okay and we need a star here for creating this store it's really simple press seven to go to topographic view bring a circle and on the Red Seas part let's change it to five and press G then X to bring it to side part here then come to edit mode and with all of them selected press F to fill them and press one to vertex selection mode then let's start to join these vertices together I'm going to select two by two and press J to join them together so let's do the same thing for the other ones this part and this one and this one and this one and there we go so selectivate so select the face selection mode and select these faces now X then faces to get rid of the faces and there we go so press a then e to extrude that and press tab to go to object mode and start to scale it down all the way up to there and press three oops it was one and bring it here and start to rotate that 90 degrees and y-axis and bring it lower and I think we have to scale it a little bit on these axis like that and let's apply and let's apply the scale with Ctrl a then scale and come to edit mode and select these edges here and start to Bevel then we Ctrl B so I'm gonna add about four levels or three levels of pebble then press tab to go to edit mode and bring it higher and if you press one you can see it from Front a little bit properly and I think that's okay and we can just rotate that a little bit more to bring it to the correct position and you can just press r twice to track ball rotation to rotate that a little bit more better I think that's okay no it's okay but we can just scale it down a little bit more as you want so all of them are done now let's press a to select everything but we should deselect the camera with holding control and selecting that and at the end select the head itself then press Ctrl P then object to parent them to this one to have just one object and press shift a to add a floor I'm gonna bring a plane and press s then type 10 to scale it 10 times and bring it a little bit lower to be lower than the Hat and that's going to be okay so let's find the correct position for our camera and I think that's going to be okay but we can just rotate that a little bit but I think it's okay so when you're satisfied with the view just hold alt Ctrl and zero to fit the camera to this View and press n then come to the view part then check the lock camera to The View and this time I'm gonna work on the position of a camera and just and just zoom out a little bit just like that to fit all of the camera in our the video that they had in our camera and select the camera itself then come to this object properties and change the focal length about 100 [Music] and we have to zoom out a little bit to about there so I think that's going to be okay so press enter and disable that to not move it accidentally and let's change it to material preview so if you don't have any lights let's add two lights our main light spreadsheet a and bring a Point light I'm going to use a Point light for this tutorial and bring it somewhere about there and bring it a little bit higher to that part I think that's okay then let's change it to 1500 and actually it's too much for that I know but when we give them some textures it would be okay so let's change the color to a yellowish color something like that and let's increase your radius to about 50.51 or 52 and you see that we have a really nice color and lighting here so let's take a copy with shift d and bring it here and bring it a little bit to the front of that and I think it's good and I think that's cool but this is too strong for that I'm going to change it to 500 and it would be a blue color like that I think that's okay but maybe I'll change that later a little bit more so select this floor and come to material preview and click on new I'm going to change it to floor and change the color to a bluish color something like that I think that's going to be really cool and let's change the metallic all the way up to one and bring the specular down a little bit to point three let's change it to 0.3 and I'm gonna increase the roughness a little bit up to that point and it would be our surface and floor to the model so do the next thing for the star add a new material I'm going to call it star and click on this green circle and change it to emission and I'm going to change the color to a yellowish color like that and change the strings to about 30 then come to the render properties and check on the ambinian occlusion and Bloom but we have to decrease the radius of the blue to about there I think that's good let's press 0 to see it from the camera view and I'm gonna increase the threshold a little bit and we have to work on these properties to have the best result that I want so that's good but maybe I'll change that later so select the Hub itself come to the shading part and change it to render preview and click on new I'm going to call it hat then for the texture I've had I'm going to use two note the two main nodes actually one of them is Magic node and the other one is noise texture so press shift a and search for a magic texture then press shift a again and this time I'm going to search for noise texture and bring it here then with no triangular add-on enabled you can just hold Ctrl shift and click on the specific nodes to see its preview and it's very good to see the preview and it's so powerful so you have to enable the node Wrangler add-on I've described that in previous videos and I'm sure that you've seen it lots of times millions of times in all of the videos but I'm gonna tell it again for those ones who don't know that so come to edit and prefer preferences then add-ons and and what happened so add-ons and search here for node Wrangler and just enable that and after that this will work for you as well so this is the magic texture node and I'm going to change the depths to about three and I'm going to increase the scale a little bit to about seven or eight something around this and for Distortion I'm gonna distort it really much to about 21 or maybe a huge numbers to about 35 or 40 as you like so this is the texture I'm going to use so let's hold Ctrl shift and click on the principle bstf and plug the color of the magic text or to the base color and search for a color ramp and bring it in the middle of the magic texture and principle bstf this time with adding color ramp I'm going to control the amount of the this effect and also the I'm going to control the colors of that you see that it's it has a really good effect on the colors so select this one magic texture and with no triangular add-on that I'm described that earlier press Ctrl T to bring these two nodes mapping node and the texture coordinate node and instead of generated let's plug the object to the vector of that and this time it would change the effect a little bit and I think with this one 41 is a little bit too much we can just decrease that to about 30 or 20 or maybe we can just decrease the scale it's about that point it's completely up to yourself you can do that as you like I'm gonna do something like that and let's plug the vector to the vector of the noise texture as well and I'm gonna mix these two notes let's just disconnect this from The Color Run for a moment and bring them here and I'm gonna search for mix color I'm using blender 3.6 if you're using the older versions it's mix RGB not mix color so if you're using the old versions make sure to search for mix RGB so I'm going to plug the color of the magic texture to a and the color of the noise texture to B and change the mix to subtract and now let's plug the result to the factor of the color ramp here and there we go we have this effect here and I'm gonna work on this where and I'm gonna work on this colors a little bit and their positions let's make it a little bit grayer and this should be a little bit grayish color like that and it's going to be okay about there I think that's okay and maybe we can just make it a little bit more wider and this one more black color yeah I regretted about that actually so the noise texture the scale of that is a little bit I think too much we can just work on it or decrease or increase it as you like and I'm gonna work on details a little bit more increase that just a little bit not so much and about the roughness make it a little bit more rougher like that and for the Distortion let's increase that a little bit more to have this effect on the shape I think that's really strong and for the factor we can control the amount of that that which one we we're going to using and I'm gonna use above 0.5 or 0.6 I think Point around 0.5 and 0.6 0.6 is a good result that gave us I think that's very good so come to the principal bstf itself and decrease the specular to about 0.3 it's about there and increase the roughness all the way up to that point and it will make it more looks like to a fabric and clothes so I think that's okay this one is okay so select this one it's our leather I'm going to change it to leather and change the base color to a brown color something like that and for creating some leather material I'm gonna use a noise texture and bring it lower let's bring a Color Run and bring a normal not normal it was Bump node yeah so bring your Bump node and safety noise texture with node Wrangler add-on press Ctrl T to bring these two nodes here and change this and change this generator to object and this time I'm going to plug the color of the noise texture to the height of the Palm texture and plug the normal of the bomb to the normal and you see the result is a little bit too much we have to work on that we have to increase this scale to a number that we want I think that's going to be okay about there and for detail I'm I don't need any details here and about the roughness I don't need any roughness let's make them zero all the way zero and just increase the scale to about there and when you're satisfied just come to these strings and decrease it all the way down all the way down to about that point 0.93 and I think that's okay but we can just work on that a little bit as well to about there it should be so subtle I think that's okay now and for the roughness we can just plug the color to the factor and plug the color of the color Ram to the roughness and work on that so bring the black color a little bit to that point and bring the light here let's change these colors a little bit I don't want it to be too shiny and too rough it's something in between of them and let's see it properly I'm gonna bring it here and maybe we can change these positions a little bit and also change the colors make them less touch just like that just like that it shouldn't be that visible but I think that's a little bit too shiny yeah I have to change it a little bit I think that's okay and even more wider just like that and about the color I can make it a little bit more darker like that so this one is the middle part click on new and I'm going to call it middle and change the base color to a yellowish color like that and increase the metallic all the way up to one and for the roughness I'm gonna make that little bit more rough like that something like that and there you go press zero on numpad to come to the camera view and actually come to layout tab and let's disable these ones here and come to render properties and here I'm gonna change some of the settings and increase the radius to make it a little bit more touched to give it life to that star and actually we can just rotate that to see it from here let's enable these ones again and start to rotate that and come to solve view let's zoom into that star and start to rotate it I think that's okay bring it here about there I think that's good yeah and we can make it a little bit bigger about there so press here again to go to the camera view and come to render preview and I think radius is a little bit too much for that and we can work on that a little bit more I'm not satisfied with the star here you can just work on it a little bit more to make it better this come to solid view again and bring it that position I think we have to maybe rotate that it's going to be better now it's good so let's take this slide and come to the object properties and make the light a little bit more redder just like that and this one should be a little bit more saturated and Bluer about there and here is a little bit too black let's take a copy of this slide with shift d and bring it here and bring it a little bit lower and find the correct position for that to about there and bring it higher a little bit and for this one I'm gonna change the color to a yellow color and decrease the power to about 20. and it's actually I think the glow of the star on this part and I think that's okay but we need another light from the top you see the top part is it's completely dark and that's not good so press shift a and bring in very slides and bring in an area light bring it to that bring it to the top of the model and increase the and and start to scale that press three to go to solid graphic View and actually press one and start to rotate that to that direction and increase the power about there so press zero again and that gives us a cool effect and I think that's okay and there we go we've created this decent magic hat and blender I hope you have learned something and actually this is our third Harry Potter tutorial in blender I myself enjoying these videos and I hope you enjoy them as well and learn something if you did just click on that like button below and tell me that this was helpful for you to support the channel and to give a feedback from me that how you think about the videos and also the channel I would appreciate that a lot and I'm waiting for your comments and your ideas about that also if you're new to the channel and haven't subscribed yet and haven't watched the previous videos I highly recommend you to subscribe in the channel and hit the Bell to get the notifications and also so to see in other videos that I'm gonna Post in the future so stay tuned see you in the next video
Channel: Chaakoraa
Views: 1,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, hat modeling, harry potter, harry potter blender, magic hat, wizard hat, wizard hat modeling, hogwarts, magic, wizard, 3d modeling, 3d hat modeling, blender hat modeling tutorial, creating a hat in blender, chakora, chaakoraa, 3d wizard hat modeling tutorial, 3d wizard hat modeling, cloth texture in blenedr, blender magic, procedural texture, fabric material, blender fabric material, blender leather material, blender material tutorial, potterhead, بلندر
Id: Mwtjmiv71Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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