How To Create A POWERFUL Content Calendar for Social Media With Trello // Content Calendar System

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one of the challenges that i hear most often from entrepreneurs creators leaders and executives is how do i find the time to actually create content on social media my blog my platforms that converts that actually yields results without feeling like this is my full-time job like i'm on a content hamster wheel and i just keep turning it out as i go and it just never actually creates momentum for my brand so in this video i'm gonna show you how you can graduate onto a pro level content fork flow inside of trello with a kind of calendar [Music] all right familia so here we are inside my sample content calendar board inside of trello and the first step if you don't yet have a trello account is to create one right away now i will show you my actual content calendar in a minute but it is a little bit more advanced and i don't want you to get overwhelmed so this is how we've structured a basic content calendar workflow and we've started from left to right with our workflow just as we would with a traditional trello board now we have two basic lists number one we're going to be planning our long-form content ideas and our long-form content in general as we go through this process but we're also going to be planning our micro content or our short form content and really this is where we're going to be publishing and posting content on social media platforms that is shorter that is usually more frequent et cetera et cetera now i always recommend that you start out with your long form content ideas because as a former social media manager i've managed so many different brands so many different social media platforms and it gets to be a lot you want to create long form content for two very important reasons number one it builds authority meaning when you're creating long-form content you're actually telling the world that you know what you're talking about not just that it creates really amazing opportunities for discoverability uh through search engines that you don't necessarily have inside of social media platforms where the content is more frequent but in shorter form so this is really really important number two it actually helps you create micro content or shorter content pieces for social media a lot easier because then you can repurpose that content down the line and makes your job so much easier so as we kind of go back here to our trello board i want to show you how you can set this up so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to really look at your ideas you're going to post and just brainstorm there's no right or wrong answer in this process and all you're going to want to do is just write ideas down now i have quite a few here on this row but to create a new card all you have to do is say okay you know what i have this awesome idea for how to create a content repurposing schedule and that's going to be published in one of your long-form content platforms now to signal which of these we're going to publish it to you can add labels so i have here your blog newsletter podcast youtube and then we have a done label which i will show you what it's for later but in this case this is going to be a podcast and i'm just going to add it here now inside this idea i can actually go inside the description and create a quick outline and uh just so that it looks really clean and easy i'm just going to add here bullet points and i can say okay intro right this is what i'm going to talk about i'm going to say okay this is going to be the body of the text and then this is going to be the outro just a very basic outline you can outline all of your ideas here or you can create an outline uh in a different platform like let's say you go directly on wordpress and you create your outline there or you want to add it through google documents or dropbox you can easily add attachments to any of those platforms here awesome so now that you have all of your long-form content ideas you just move them around the board as you go and you're gonna start researching which is the next big step right so i will go in here and in my research step i will look at seo keywords i will look at important ideas i will change and edit the actual headline make sure that i'm using one that is competitive that actually uses power words that is engaging etc etc and actually one of the things that we include in this template because this whole board is available inside one of our most popular courses the content calendar system we actually have some pre-published research steps that we use for our individual content pieces so for example this content piece here will be or already is actually a youtube video and so i have a specific workflow for my youtube videos i have every single step outlined here we have a youtube creation process we have an after publish process a blog creation process because i do post my videos on my blog always want to build up your own platform and actually you know what if you're publishing content on your own platform give me a thumbs up in the comment section below because you are on the yes train i mean seriously you're going places i see you doing good things in the world building on your own platform not depending on anyone super important super super smart all right back to our platform here this is our workflow and we have outlined basically every single step because i work with a team this is really important but even before i had a team i always outlined every single step for my long-form content creation so i wouldn't forget what to do so i don't have to hold in my head all the different little steps just freed my mind for more creative work and so that's really important and something that i highly recommend that you do now cool thing is you don't have to write these individually every single time i actually have set this template right here or this card as a template in trello you can uncheck that at any time but i can make it a template and the next time i'm creating a new card i can actually create it from a template and i can just add it here and include let's say no attachments but i want to include the checklist awesome so i got my card going and now i can actually just change out the title and insert my real title here for my upcoming video so that's something that's really handy saves you a lot of time and makes things easier as you're going through the workflow of creating your content all right next up we are moving into the production list right and this is where we get started creating the content we actually get all of the pieces in place we record the video we record the podcast we write that newsletter or we produce and edit that youtube video and finally we get it ready for publishing we add all the finishing touches publish that sucker and promote it and that's the basic workflow of a content calendar in this particular case now something really cool that you should know about is the calendar power up on trello now you'll see it blank here as i go through this process but you can add cards directly here that will immediately assign a deadline to each individual content piece so this is for example sample blog post and i know that that's going out on wednesday now you can go back to the board and say hey i want to add due dates to all of these individual pieces and maybe you're creating one piece a week that gives you literally two or three months of content just by planning it out and scheduling it in advance so by clicking on edit dates you can go and say okay so this piece is going to go out on wednesday i'm going to save that and then this one is going to go out on the following week same for this one and as we go we'll be able to see here very clearly in the content sorry in the calendar view all of our pieces and when they're actually due so this is really helpful for just visually seeing what's going to come out every single week just treating your content more like an editorial company would and less like a newbie beginner solopreneur really important now moving on to the right hand side of the board i love giving you guys the ability to actually plan micro content pieces all right so remember with trello you're just planning this content you're organizing it you're creating it but you're not scheduling and publishing it personally i've graduated on to the process of scheduling my content directly into my content calendar tool which pushes out my content and that is co schedule so if you're curious about how to do that i will leave a video right up here on the cards but for beginners i recommend just starting out with scheduling your content in a simple trello board like this one and then manually posting it or scheduling and moving that content into your scheduling tool whatever makes sense for you for me it just doesn't make sense based on time but i'm already super used to doing this and there's a strategy and a reason for this because you want to be able to plan your content in advance and do it strategically i really recommend having content buckets and this is something that we talk about in depth inside the content calendar system so if you haven't joined us inside that program yet i highly recommend that you do we go in so much more detail into repurposing strategies and building things like content banks which will really save you so much time all right so what are content buckets i recommend having one for each individual social media platform that you're on and by the way i only recommend that you have one to two having more than that is too overwhelming for someone who doesn't have a team yet and so slowly you can build on that once you've reached your peak on all those platforms now when it comes to content buckets you wanna really just figure out your schedule right so i'm gonna be posting one time a day on my instagram account and usually it's one times a day really it's three to four times a week these are going to be my buckets i have five different categories of content pieces that i'm going to be posting so i'm going to post business advice video teasers personal posts promotions behind the scenes and if you want to get more advanced with this you can say okay well i'm going to theme these i'm going to say okay monday is going to be business advice day which is going to be video teaser day a wednesday personal post day so on and so forth i'm at the point where i like to vary things it just works better for my brand but it really just depends on the company that you're building but this is just a basic rule of thumb and you can just copy these individual pocket buckets right here and you'll see that that we've done it here on instagram so i have my business marketing advice my video teaser for the week my promotion um and my personal posts as well as my behind the scenes and so i'm going to start filling these out so i'm going to add my caption right here in the description it's pretty long form i'm going to add the photo that i'm going to be using if you have let's say a video file or something else that you want to upload you can also add the link to that so that it's easy to find and access and then you can go in here and do the same for each individual post you'll see here i have an mp4 and a gif because i'm going to be posting this um in a different platform as well not just instagram but also on my youtube community tab and so using the space to bulk batch your content is so important you can literally sit there and say okay i'm gonna create uh my bucket for instagram for four weeks i'm gonna create four pieces of advice or business information and i'm gonna create those four posts and so now i have that bucket completed for the entire month i'm gonna go and i'm actually going to create all of my quotes or all my behind the scenes for the entire month for instagram and slowly you start building up content for an entire month for entire two months three months the next thing you know you're good to go for the entire quarter and that is the goal the goal is to create content in advance so that it saves you a lot of time and we only want to do this with 80 20 rule right 80 of the time you're going to be creating content that really leverages your time and it's created in advance 20 of the time you reserve some space for posts that you want to create in real time and that creates a very fresh feed content that it doesn't feel like it's mechanic and robotic it's still authentic it's real and it's uh timely but you're also not stuck just creating content all day long because you have other things to do like running a business and so you want to do the same thing for every social platform that you're going to be really planning content for right i have a youtube community tab and i can go in here check out my buckets that i can create in this page copy paste them put them here boom boom boom and i'm good to go you can also assign dates and times to them if you want to show uh the calendar review and see everything at a glance which is super helpful but all of this is customizable right let's say that you're publishing to clubhouse or maybe you're publishing content to twitter right platforms that are not here you just want to add another list with that platform let's say twitter right here and then select your schedule and your frequency and create your content as you go alright so here we are inside of my actual living breathing condor and calendar this is where my entire team collaborates where we plan new content ideas for youtube the blog the podcast and also our paid courses and it's a lot there's a lot going on lots of ideas here in the pipeline and then our team collaborates with each episode to create this very elaborate workflow process that has quite a few steps so you'll see there's about 60 steps that everyone has to take in order to publish a single episode and i didn't want to overwhelm you with how this whole process works um and if you again want to see more on this is just very much a brief version you'll have to join us inside the content calendar system all right so this is how you get started with a content calendar strategy that saves you so much time but we've barely covered the surface if you want to dive in deeper and have way more advanced strategies tools and resources to help you save so many hours every single week creating content and help you strategize so that you're not just creating content that gets seen one time but you're repurposing your content and really getting as much mileage from it as possible you're going to want to check out the content calendar system all the details will be linked in the description box below and i hope this video was helpful but listen i can talk about content calendars and saving time and repurposing and really just leveraging your content creation time for days but i want you to watch our other videos so i hand selected this next video that's all about how to create a content calendar with co-schedule my all-time favorite content scheduling tool and there in that video you're gonna be able to see the next step right you're taking this content and now you're building on it with the next video on co schedule which will help you to schedule all of your content get it distributed on all your social media platforms and save lots of time while you're at it so i'll see you in that next video thank you so much for being here don't forget to smash the like button and give me a subscribe if you want to see more videos on marketing and business advice like this one and here is the question of the day what are you using to schedule and plan your content are you using a a tool like trello or asana b are you using a scheduling tool like co-schedule or hootsuite or c something else let me know in the comments section below i'd love to hear from you and i'll see you over on that next episode all about planning your content with co-schedule um see you there [Music] you
Channel: Kim & Co. by Kimberly Ann Jimenez
Views: 53,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content calendar for social media, content calendar trello, Content calendar planning, content calendar for blog, content calendar template, content calendar canva, content calendar for youtube, how to create a content calendar, how to create a content calendar for social media, trello content calendar, trello social media content calendar, content calendar, trello tutorial, kimberly ann jimenez trello, content calendar system, content calendar for social media marketing, trello
Id: DyN-OhZxGc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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