How to create a NFT on a phone for FREE | Easiest way (iPhone/Android)

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you have been wanting to create a nft or nft collection but all you have is a phone and you don't want to pay for expensive software to create these nfts then you clicked on the Right video because today I'm going to show you how to create nice nfts with just using a phone and it's super simple so make sure to stick all the way to the end if this video helps you out make sure to leave a like And subscribe and without further Ado let's get right into this video okay so as you guys can see I'm on my phone here now and this is an and as you guys can see this is an iPhone but this works with Android 2 so you just need a couple of other apps because not all of them are compatible with Android I think but something like openc that is compatible with Android 2. so you know it works too yeah and you can just still follow it along but yeah as I said we need these different apps or softwares so we are just going to go to the app store or Google Play Store whatever it is for you the first thing we need is midi Bing paint so just search it up on here midi bang paint and that is the app we are going to spend the most time on because that is basically our sketching app where we can get these nice little drawings down and create an nft out of that afterwards so just download that then we are going to search for another one and we need um openc of course so just search up openc openc nft Marketplace and download that then the next thing we need is metamask obviously because we are going to log in with metamask on openc so just search that up and download that as well but you know you can use another wallet too if you have another wallet that is not metamask but of course we just need a wallet we can log in on openc with okay and as you guys can see midibank paint and openc have already finished downloading and metamask is still loading so that is fine we'll just let that load but now we can already get into midi Bank paint to start this whole thing so open up your midibank paint app or if you are an Android then I will leave a link to a nice drawing app below and then you will just get in there now so we are just going to go in here then we don't want to watch a tutorial so we're just gonna say no and we don't want the full version neither so now we are in here so we go on new canvas first not now new canvas and then we just click on the first one up there here we can get our proportions in so I'm just gonna say I'm going to create a 1000 by 1000 pixel nft canvas now and that is important because that is basically how our nft is going to look like how big it is afterwards so I'm just going to say 1000 by 1000 you can obviously do something else and yeah that is right so we are going to go on done now we are in here and have our canvas as you guys can see and here we can just straight get into the drawing part of our nft so first of all we want to get a reference image I'm just gonna search up for example I'm just going to search teddy bear I think that will be simple and nice to draw so I'm just going to search that up and then we will get a nice image and add it to our photos now we can go back into our midibank paint app and add the layer for that we are just going to click on the tab right here and click on plus layer and then add a picture now as you guys can see I have my picture here I can rotate it and scale it and we need to scale that stuff up just like that that looks great okay now we have a reference image in here as you guys can see now we will go on our other layer I'm just gonna drag it above and we can sketch from this so basically here we got some tools the pencil and the the pencil and the Eraser obviously and yeah that's basically what we're going to need so I'm just going to sketch [Music] okay so now we got our outer lines done I am just going to say this is fine for now probably going to work on that so now we want to get some colors in obviously and for that we can just slide the bars over here to see some nice colors that is a nice Brown and then I'm going to use the Buckle tool right here to fill that in and something went wrong there so I'm just gonna use my pencil to close these lines up of course so now it should work so I'm just going to grab that bucket tool again and fill it in boom just like that and just like that we have filled in our head too now I'm going to get another color maybe something like that and fill in the pause and this thingy right here now maybe we need an even lighter color for that yeah that works fine and then I'm just going to use the on that too just like that I've created some nice artwork already just with my phone and now I think I'm just going to fix things up and then I will see you guys back and show you guys how it looks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I fixed some things and I think it looks pretty good now I think this looks good already but we can even add some little bits to it by for example taking a bit darker color now I'm going to take my pen as if there is a little Shadow just like that and yeah I think that looks great maybe we will add something more something like this and then we will just draw like a heart up here because like it's a little cute bear just like that and yeah I think this looks great then we are basically ready to export or file so for that we are just going to go over here then we're going to go on x Port PNG JPEG file and here we want to choose the PNG one and here in the export tab we are just going to go down here on save picture or image and just like that we have created this nice nft drawing now we will turn it into an nft by going on openc so the app we have just downloaded here we will just quickly go in and continue then we will connect with our metamask wallet and for nice for us that we already downloaded it so we can basically it's basically go switching over to metamask now so that is great just like that get started here we then just create a new wallet just get a password now we will move on to the secure your wallet tab just go on and say start confirm your password once again so I'm just going to put in my password Here confirm that continue go back and now we will just have to put them in the right order and just like that we have created our metamask and here's our account so now we will go back to openc and click on the metamask link again and then click on collect connect so it's going to send us here and then we will basically be connected we will go back to openc again and now we should be logged in yes we are great so now what we want to do is create a new item so I have just discovered that you can't really create an nft with openc app or I couldn't find the create button so we will just go on here to our Google and search for openc and try to do it online um so yeah just search up openc just like that now we go back here and now we can click on the create button it's really taking some time loading I don't know why it takes so much time the good thing is we have already set up our metamask so we can just connect with our meta mask here quickly and easy so just click on the metamask thingy again that will load then we will log in and connect it to openc and just like that we are going to connect our wallet so sign that and then the wallet should be connected now as you guys can see we are in here and can create our new item so basically just go on tap on this one here and we will upload our PNG that we just have created and that's this one so just take this one choose that and put it in there just like that I'm just going to name this one cute bear just like that then you can add a link description I'm just going to say something like that then here the collection section we can just go buy it because we are not creating a collection but a single item with the teddy bear so just ignore that then Supply one obviously and blockchain we are going to use polygon for it to be free to Mint it on this blockchain so yeah once you have chosen all that we are ready to click on the create button and then finally create the whole nft so just click create now we are waiting and just like that we have created cute bear as you guys can see and as you guys can see that was so easy for me to create this nft so you can try this too with only a phone and yeah this was kind of an experiment for me because I've never tried to do this with a phone too but as you guys can see this works so if you only have a phone you can get into the nfts too so don't worry make some nfts and if you have questions about something on this video just hit me up in the comment section make sure to like And subscribe if you liked and enjoyed the video or if it helped you out and with that said I'm hopefully going to see you guys next week bye [Music]
Channel: Money Carl
Views: 321,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nftart, nftdrawing, nft artist, nfts, crypto art, crypto, procreate art, drawing procreate, nft proccess, how to create nft, nft collection, nft collectibles, crypto space, opensea nft, nft accessories, nft collectables, crypto artist, #nft for free, #best nft drawing app, #how to draw nft, #draw nft, #best methode to draw nft, #make nft, #for free nft creation, high quality nft creation, nft on phone, phone nft, phone nft collection, how to nft on phone, android, apple, NFTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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