How to Create a Multicam Sequence with Audio Sync in Premiere Pro | Adobe Creative Cloud

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so let's talk about now something that you will probably likely want to do which is create a multicam sequence one of the great benefits of having all this footage and having the band is that you can right away synchronize all that footage and start doing a multicam cut with the actual performance of the song so let's go ahead and do that so here is the easiest way to do it now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to take every piece of footage that they had given us and we're going to use that to build the multicam sequence so I'm going to go ahead and twirl down audio I'll twirl down footage and I've already sort of revealed the bass the drums and the guitar there and I'll twirl down Dan vocals so what we're going to do is now we're simply going to select all the clips that contain video and audio and the reason for this is that we're going to use our automatic audio sync function in our multicam preparation here this is a very easy way to synchronize all of your clips together this is something that you can use anytime you've got audio captured across clips and multiple devices to synchronize via audio very very quickly so I'll start by selecting the master wav file let's grab all of the vocal tracts of Dan let's scroll down here and we'll grab all the takes of the bass player now notice here these ones do not indicate that they have any sound on them we're not going to we're not going to choose those why because we're going to synchronize via audio so if there's no audio in them they would simply be left out we're not going to do that all right grab all the drum takes that contains sound and grab all the guitar takes that contains sound and I believe that's it so we've got the master audio file that's key you want to make sure you select the master audio file we've got all the vocals we've got the bass the drums and the guitar okay so at this point let's go ahead and right-click on any one of these or control-click I'm going to choose and I'll zoom in here so you can see it zoom up a little bit I'm going to choose create multi camera source sequence so here now you've got a couple of different options first of all let's go ahead and give this a name and I'll call this band multi master all right now you'll notice that the first thing you have is how do you want to synchronize this so n points out points timecode clip markers yes you could do all of those things we're going to make this really easy for you simply choose audio and that is in fact the default now I think the default setting for track channel is one you've got a stereo mix here I typically choose mix down maybe we're going to track the mix down okay so go ahead and put you to that you can leave it on track one I just find that this tends to work better and tends to also leave things out if it has any trouble synchronous not synchronizing now under sequence preset you can click this drop down and you're going to see that all the various preset options are available to you and there are lots of them this in and of itself could be very daunting you may stop just there here's the thing you don't have to even change it go ahead and choose sequence preset automatic and let Premiere do the work for you fortunately all of these clips are in the same frame size they're all the same so it's very easy for Premiere to make the sequence and set the correct sequence settings automatically very very nice alright now one of the options that you have the option to choose and I like using this is to move source clips to a process clip bin the reason for that and the reason behind that is when it creates this multicam sequence it's going to take all the content that you see here and it's simply going to move it into another bin the benefit there is that if you go back into the base folder then you'll see okay these four clips haven't been used because they will be the only ones residing in that base folder everything else will be locally moving to another bin so that's entirely up to you I like that just to kind of keep things organized and again if stuff is already in that process bin it tells you that it's already part of the multicam cut that you're creating right under audio you've got sequence settings camera one is the default and you'll see you've got three options here camera one all cameras switch audio you can choose any one of these we're just going to stick with the defaults here to make it really simple audio channel preset we are working in stereo let's go ahead and leave that as stereo again you've got different options here we're just going to go with the default and the last thing that you can choose to change is how the camera names appear now typically I just leave it on enumerate cameras it doesn't really matter now one of the things that I'll show you in a moment when you cutting it can be kind of nice to actually have the clip name contained the reason being that they already went ahead and named everything appropriately based on what it is vocals bass drums guitar so you'll see in a moment it just makes it easier to actually call out and swap out cuts and shots when the clip name is used so I'm going to go ahead and check that box click OK let it do its thing and boom it's done it has now synchronized everything and what you'll now see in fact here I'm just going to very briefly switch to my editing workspace here my project panel up here so I can just you can see things a little bit better you'll see right here at the bottom or at the top because it reorganized we have this multi-master so this is the multicam sequence that we just created now if you go ahead and right-click or control-click on that I want you to choose zoom up here so you can see it open in timeline okay and this is now going to let you see let's go ahead and just make this fullscreen for a moment I'll turn off my camera for a second so you can kind of see everything here this now lets you see all of the clips that were just synchronized and one thing that you'll note now again this is one of the reasons why it's great to have the names in in the clips themselves notice that three out of the five vocal lines or three out of the four vocal lines run the entire duration of the song so this is very significant right you'll always be able to cut back to those they did that by design what you'll also notice is that things like the bass performances are scattered throughout ok so again you don't have the whole bass performance you've got bits and pieces which means as editors making the cut this is where you're going to get very creative to insert different shots of which you saw we've got dozens and dozens of shots of the fight scenes with Dolph Dan on his own Dan as a child there's an enormous amount of content to fill in the gaps here but this is what I want to show you and again similarly with the drums and the guitar you can see we've got 19 tracks of video going on here all sort of spread out but the really nice thing is that you've got those vocal lines those standard vocal performances going through the entire performance going through the entire cut so that's awesome and you'll see why in just a moment alright so let's go back here minimize I'll turn my camera back on all right there we go so that is effectively how you set up the multicam sequence now once you've done that this is just showing you the master we have one more thing to do here go ahead and select that multicam icon up here inside of your project panel and you're simply going to choose new sequence from clip a missile look sorry I got a little cut off their new sequence from clip and this is actually going to build the sequence that you will cut from okay and you see it even colors at a different it's a different shade of green here this is your multicam cutting sequence so this sequence that's opened in timeline this is just showing you the stack all right and you can again you can add additional clips into these tracks whether they're empty or just in some of the empty space and then you'll be able to see them once we actually get into the multicam cut and you'll see what I mean in just a minute all right so that is effectively creating the multicam sequence using audio sync
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 307,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, Premiere Pro, PremierePro25, hot to milticam sequence with audio synchronization, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe creative Suite, #MadeAdobeCC, multicam editing in premiere pro, multicamera editing, premiere pro tutorial, audio sync, sync audio and video
Id: 57Aek730DNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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