How To Edit Multiple Camera Angles FASTER In Premiere Pro Using Multi-Cam Editing

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if you're editing a video with multiple camera angles with the same audio it shouldn't take you that long and so if you have a project like a music video or a long lecture or even a testimony or interview set up I'm gonna show you how an Adobe Premiere Pro you can use multicam to edit super fast and cut angles in real time and be sure to stay around to the end of the video where I have a tip that will help your editing go even faster so keep it locked let's go [Music] hey what's up it's omatsu quarry your content creator coach and on this channel it's all about helping you get better photos and videos and sometimes I do camera reviews camera tips but also times workflow tutorials just like this one so if you're new here consider subscribing so I've been editing video for right around 15 years and it's been a journey however I've always tried to find out how things could be done faster smoother quicker and so I used to do you know videos with multiple at camera angles and edit and select each angle one at a time but I found a way that you can actually just edit real time almost like your life switching and it's a super effective way that can help you edit super fast and get the projects turned around whatever it is that you need and so let's get into it alright so here we are on my desktop as you can see it's super clean that like button if you like a clean desktop very rare actually just dragged all my files into this desk folder but anyway I just wanted to show you how I stay organized before I even start editing and so you know all my files are in this folder right here this is a worship song that we recorded and you know if you're doing work for church let me know in the comments I love doing creative work for a church but anyway we just shot this worship song and with five different angles I used five so knees and I just wanted to show you that I how organized I like to stay and so if you notice I am the files what they are so this is the tight angle this is the a seven that was used on the right side the a seven that was used on the left side the slider angle and then the strings this is just recording the guitars it was kind of just on the floor but five different angles I'm naming them separately I'm not just dragging them in because it's just nice to be able to reference by looking at the file name and then as you can see I have my audio file which is the mix and the master version of the audio so I got all scratch audio on all the cameras and simply that just means my audio on the camera itself is captured so it actually has something to reference something to keep in mind is when you're filming make sure that your audio is picking up and like you're picking up some sort of audio that you can reference and so when you do sync it up with a clap or even just the ability to sync obviously the program has the ability to reference scratch audio that's what scratch audio is so we're gonna open up Premiere Pro I'm going to start a new project this is just something I do there's a million ways you could skin this cat but I'm just gonna put my project file in that actual folder I find that just helps me stay organized maybe it slows down a little bit but that's all good and so I'm gonna call this no longer slaves I'll put a link to this video actually in the description on Instagram we posted it to our church but so here we go we open up the project so here we are in Premiere Pro so the first thing I want to do is obviously import all those files and so you can click the bin twice and then I'm just gonna select the files now once all your files are imported as you can see it's already all selected if it's not just select all your files that you want to sync right click and then you're gonna select create multi-camera source sequence now when the dialog pops up the only thing I actually really change is this I like to change it to custom and then call it what it is because it'll just literally just do just that no longer slaves and then I have audio track channel one selected automatic zero you know just copy this dialogue I don't really change much if there's anything different that you see and you want to copy what I'm doing do that but I'm just gonna hit OK and with a push of a button Adobe Premiere syncs up all your videos all your audio and creates a sequence this is dope now as you can see this sequence is right here now you're just gonna right-click the sequence it made for you and then select open in timeline and then boom there you have it you can see all your files are all synced up ready to go what you use this sequence for this is not the sequence you're gonna edit and cut up this is the sequence you're gonna use to color grade all your footage if you have any edits to do to the audio so if you're doing like an interview or something and you want to like I don't know use a compressor do some audio treatments you're gonna do all that here so you're not gonna do any cutting here you're simply just going to you know color grade your footage edit your audio you could even delete the scratch files if you want I found that sometimes you'll have you know a track unmuted and then it's like what the heck was that sound coming from so if there's anything you can do right now just you can delete your tracks that you're not using and so I'm just gonna do that real quick so it's super clean and I would I would color grade this but I usually can do that at the end after I cut up the whole video itself so once you're at this place here the next step you're gonna do is you're gonna right-click the sequence again and then you're gonna create and select new sequence from clip and now this is the this is the one that you're actually gonna edit and and mess with so now before we move forward I do need you to add a few buttons in your preview monitor and so the way you do that is by hitting the plus button but the two buttons you need to add is a toggle multicam view as you can see it's a screen with multiple squares next to it or a rectangle or whatever you can call that and then I think the other one that you can add is toggle proxies so if you don't see these two now just hit the plus button and then add them you literally just click and drag like like so so just click and drag those as needed and then we can move on got it did it cool let's go so the next thing you're gonna select is the toggle multi camera view so you can just click this right here and there you have it it shows you all your angles in one time I mean at one time which is super cool and is super helpful and so the next thing I'm gonna do is right-click the screen and then I'm going to select overlays now I think it's really important that you do this do this because you can see the numbers that it gives you and these are the numbers on your numerical pad or even on your keyboard that you're gonna use to actually cut and so based off of what angle you want to come up next or whatever you just use the number to cut up and so that's super cool it kind of just makes it like a switcher I guess you could say and so when you get to this point you're kind of ready to go to just start going I just want to make sure you know a few things if you don't see it just make sure that you're if you're ready to do the cuts that your track is selected and I found that if it's not selected and you try to it it'll it goes away and you might be like what the heck I don't know what to do just make sure you select that first track and then it'll reappear as you can see and so then the next thing you do is you literally just play through the video you play through the video I usually drop it down because I'm using 4k files so I'll just drop this down to 1/16 and then I'll play through it and make your cuts in real time so here's an example I'm just gonna play this real quick here is shot one and then I'm gonna cut the shot too and then go to the slider which is shot three and then go back to the tight which is one and then when I stop as you can see it has made those cuts and so if you want to play it back and just like that that's how you cut up I would literally just sit here and just go through the entire song itself before I make any new micro adjustments but if you do mess up maybe you do a cut you don't want it to be there simply drag your cursor back to where you want it to start again and then all the cuts you make after that it'll just override and so I don't like doing command Z or undoing because if you sit through a two minutes of cutting and you hit command Z it'll wipe away that whole session and so I like to think of it of a session like I'm gonna session this first draft cut them all up and then I'll watch it back and then make any micro adjustments but I'm always looking for the best shot you know in a situation like this so you know if the song starts with the guy playing the piano I'm gonna start with the piano shot and things like that just to keep that in mind now I do have a tip that can make your process super quick and I think would help most people who are using 4k files or even HD files but you're maybe your computer or laptops a little slow but let me know if you're getting value in this video by smashing the like button if you haven't already and question for you is what kind of projects are you usually doing what requires multiple angles a lot of times for me if I'm doing think media videos which is another channel I post content on sometimes we do like top-down angles and I'm doing something and we need to like cut as needed I also do a lot of stuff for church like impart you know our sermon we film it with multiple angles and so I do find myself using this feature a ton especially video podcasting multiple angles 50 minute podcasts it would suck to actually spend each second selecting that footage rather than just hearing it through and so just let me know in the comments section below what you usually are working on but the tip I have for you to really speed up your workflow especially if you're doing super long edits like 50 minute podcasts or something like that and the tip is to proxy your video files if you don't know what proxying your video files is or just what proxies are in general it's simply to telling the program to communicate to a lower quality version of a video so that you could edit faster if you noticed when I started editing and showing you the example of making those cuts it was kind of lagging and it's because I'm using just my macbook pro and 4k files and so it's a lot on the computer however the way around that is to create proxy's and so simply this is all you're gonna do and you can do this process right when you import the videos into the your project or you can do it whenever but this is how you actually create and then enable your proxies and so I'm gonna go back in and here's my process clips I'm only gonna select the video files obviously you don't need to proxy audio files so I'm gonna select I'm gonna right click and I'm gonna hit proxy create proxies now I like to use the lowest quality possible-- so this is like a 540 so you think about 720 1080 4k this is literally 540 and then what I'll do is I'll hit okay what's gonna happen is it's gonna open up Adobe encoder and it's gonna proxy your footage just want to let you know that it takes time this is something you can do overnight so if you plan on editing a project do this process overnight and then when you get back to it it's gonna be super ready to go now when it is done and you do have your proxies created you can see when the proxies are done by going to the folder of the video especially if you have this selected and you want to make sure the destination is just selected next to original media that's where your file is so it would be on my desktop in that folder however once you have your proxies done ready to go you do want to enable it so if you if you remember when I had you add add the toggle proxy button on your preview monitor and so that's this one right here as you can see it's kind of like a switcheroo call it a switch a ruski because that's what it's doing it's switching the the files from the 4k files or 1080 files or whatever files you're using with the bad quality ones I guess you could say are the 540 P versions and that way you can actually edit SuperDuper fast and so that's my power tip if you have questions about it let me know in the comment section below and I actually have a playlist on think media and we we go through a ton of stuff in regards to Premiere Pro so if you want to check that out click or tap the screen and I really appreciate you watching this video again if you got value smash the like button if you're not subscribed subscribe I'm gonna drive try to drop more content I know I've been ghosted for a little bit but it's all good you boys back now I got a beer don't up I'm gonna keep it I got a kid now I got a different life my life is different from all the videos that I posted in the past but anyway it's super cool I hope you serve you that can't wait to see you in another video peace [Music]
Channel: Omar Eltakrori
Views: 41,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit videos faster, multicam editing premiere pro, how to edit multiple camera angles, how to edit multicam premiere cc, how to edit multiple camera angles in premiere pro, how to edit multiple clips in premiere pro, multicam editing premiere pro cc, multicam sequence adobe premiere, premiere pro multicam tutorial, premiere pro multicam editing tutorial, multiple camera angles adobe premiere, editing faster in premiere pro, omar eltakrori, adobe premiere pro
Id: tClgsxclbUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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