We Built A PvP Using ONLY CUBES! | Rec Room Gameplay

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shut up coach i don't know how to what now no why would you delete no don't delete it why would i not delete the floor not the phone dude helps you know what so just happen to use i'll figure it out don't worry about it so the idea is roughly everything is a cube preferably more of like an actual cube not really like very intricate like even the weapons are just cubes like you pick up a cube and there's a gun inside and that's what you shoot with it's just a cube i'm really bad at this by the way why are you making it tiny why not because this is this is the size of the weapon that's just gonna go inside you don't need to make the clamp tiny it's ugly big no one's gonna see it i'll see it i don't know if the clamp's tiny then it's hard to grab and finally my jaw are insufferable i'm not the one that's scaling down a clamp why would i not scale down the clamp why would you scale down the clamp why are they binded together now i didn't tell you to bind that clamp with that gun being stupid you had both of them selected did not look there's your giant clamp right next to it it looks stupid it is grabbable i can't grab it though it's probably just frozen oh yeah i did freeze the gun you know what okay boom there's your weapons the block of death that doesn't hurt we need some inspiration i think yeah this will give us some good inspiration [Music] do not delete it do not delete i know you oh why do i want to watch a capybara in a honda i'm just gonna make a little plan out there we go okay what you plan i'm gonna i guess i'll wait for the plan oh look at me i have a big fancy maker pin let's scale this up although this needs to be like a little bit more matched no no no no no no wait this is a plan you don't scale the plan why don't you just this is builders man what if what if what if what if what if instead of this weird un godly layout that you have here we're just like trash why are you using particle board for the floor why not it looks kind of like grass i like it what would you use huh the grass texture that it's called grass where oh that looks like ice i can dig that we gotta have some sort of tower with a microphone that's literally every pvp i got all of these ideas but i can only we can only use cubes yeah this is going to be so much pain it's all made a spherical object it's again it's not spherical it's circular the same difference technically the truth but why i'm making borders kind of say do you smell like cottage cheese okay but in his defense like cottage cheese smells pretty good why no no it's like the bad the bad cat actually we should probably bring the map up i swear you wanted it at floor level i've been sitting here fighting floor level for like 20 minutes you did that i did not i didn't whenever you're like done with whatever you want to do i'm just throwing up some little cool ice mountain things oh hi mark i won't i made i made i made triangles out of squares kill you no oh you're not dying you're game chips the game's not running because we joined the room you know so before the game chip was spawned so we're all still on the same team even though there's a limit of one okay okay most of my rooms are like month-long projects this is a day-long project not even a day-long project it's a recording on project this is this is just yeah it's just for funsies it'll be fun yeah it'll be fun i'm gonna leave in all the parts where you're complaining about your portfolio so everybody knows to go complain about it oh okay no don't god okay i'm ready to be done so okay looks good to me let's make it live what wait already we need weapons i threw like three over there oh yeah so the bow does not like being inside of a cube at all did you make the cube decoration oh i may have forgotten to do that hold on yeah it's environment there we go oh yeah it's macho better this is gonna be such a pain to edit [Music] ow yeah we're gonna make you do all that [Music] wonderful hey we know as greedy as you are that you know how to do keys i don't so you're right how dare you assume i mean you're right but how dare you assume that you're right well can i kick him for being mean yeah sure oh oh you vote you know right now you're really grinding on that leaderboard each and every time you hit me is one point say why are we all on this is how the creators get to the top of every leaderboard isn't it there we go i built a house what the crap is that can you go inside why is it so tall though the platform's right here ikea tower it's not tall you're short why are they all just orange cubes this is what else would they be it's q p v p i don't know what are y'all thinking like 5 10 i mean it doesn't have to be a lot [Music] yeah so once you buy it you have it forever so much offense why in the world did you make this out of normal hey that was not my intentions okay that was a mistake on my part i take responsibility for that one it's over there i got you i got you i got you i get it here we go here bo drop the cube just a second hey hey what's up no what are y'all doing no nothing what are you doing hi how are you okay uh oh i forgot to make that decorational get back here get back here every time i can't help that thing is good it's a can what is this bullcrap but why can't i grab the bottom of that one though it irks me you can't grab the bottom of any of them why not because is it realistic i'm grabbing the bottom of a surface is it is this realistic look oh my gosh because i played records because i play rec room for realism that's why i'm here i play rec room for the lore yeah i'm ready you ready you ready you ready you ready i'm going to publish first we should play no no no let's get it started though i have like 20 minutes okay okay okay okay oh [Music] you want to customize a room published announcement no [Music] room successfully published a few moments later i don't get it now [Music] oh no no i thought you were gonna shoot why are there a bunch of bots in here that wasn't part of the deal bow you lied this isn't the cube i like the cube that was not here time spawned that in i don't know why time spun it's not a cube though it's not a cube though we'll get rid of it oh come on that's disgusting it's gone can i take a picture [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Boethiah
Views: 205,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boe, Boethiah, RecRoom, Rec, Room, vr, Game, Gaming, Video, Retro, Virtual, Reality, Oculus, Rift, Htc, Vive, PSVR, Funny, Family, Friendly, Index, Knuckles, Quest, vrtual, Steam, Steam VR, realty, Hilarious, Cinimatic, Neat, Cool, gameplay, funny moments, rec room custom room, best rec room custom rooms, how to create a custom room in rec room, rec room pvp tutorial, rec room pvp tips, rec room pvp games, rec room funny moments, rec room vr, rec room trailer
Id: 8qxFw-he6y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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