How to create a Modern French Country Chic Look

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well hello my lovelies it's Janet Perez with the painted Saro coming to you with the paint Couture paint page to show you how I created the look on both this nightstand and matching dresser I created um this look using all paint Couture products mainly along with an IOD transfer and some Annie Sloan wax so stick around and I'm going to show you how to do this first off I used a raised stencil on the sides of both of these pieces and because of the curved Bombay style uh shape of these along with the odd camera angle because this dresser is literally huge it's 72 in long I wanted to show you how to create a raised stencil on this um cabinet door so I'm using the embossing medium from paint Couture and I'm just slathering some on to this stencil which is I believe it's a redesigned stencil by katcha um and putting it on here I've taped the stencil down to the cabinet door after cleaning it completely and I'm using a pastry um scraper a bowl scraper but you can also if you don't have one of those you can use a credit card or a casino card or whatever you might have that's stiff and um can scrape the product across the stencil and you just want to make sure that you're getting good contact between the stencil and the surface of your wood um to make sure that you're not getting any leakage honestly a lot of times what I'll do is I'll use an easy Tac adhesive spray spraying the back of the stencil letting it dry for a couple of seconds and then pressing that down really firmly against the furniture piece or the board or whatever it is I'm stenciling and that will give you great adhesion so that you don't have to worry about any small pieces of the stencil lifting as you're scraping your product across the stencil so um this embossing medium is fantastic for raised stencils it spreads super great it's just the right texture um for creating a raised stencil it takes about an hour to dry and um it is beautiful now you'll see I didn't go all the way to the edges because I was just using this as a demo product so please forgive me but you'll see how beautiful that looks and I'm just wiping off the edges because I got some over the top of the um frame edge of this um cabinet door but this this is my favorite stencil uh product for rais stencils I've ever used ever so now we're moving on to the dresser itself it this is a nine drawer dresser like I said it's absolutely massive I've already primered it with the uh primer plus product by paint Couture and now I'm using Tusk and sun and I'm just applying it randomly over areas on the dresser and I'm just going to show you the left side portion of this um I'm not going to show you the entire piece because I'm repeating this process over the entire dresser um I've already done the rais stenciling on the sides and uh so you can just imagine that basically I'm doing this same look over the entire piece okay so now I'm using the color coral p fashion which is one of the chalk style paint colors and just kind of filling in some of the white primered um areas with this color and um again no Rhyme or Reason to this I just want to sort of fill in the backdrop of this piece with these colors because they're going to peek through uh that finished blue finish that I'm doing and now I'm adding Fire Light which is like an amazing orange color it's so bright and vibrant I love it so as you can see I've done the entire piece like I said I was going to do and now I've grabbed my opal green it's not a green so much as it is sort of a teal a really dark teal blue and it's my new favorite color that is peacock which is slightly different than opal green and then we've got vintage flare which I'm going to use as sort of my highlight color in the center of the drawers and the center of the sides so I'm starting off with that opal green and I'm using a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water and using it as sort of a wash and what the vinegar water mix does is it helps kind of break down the consistency of the paint so it doesn't act the same as just plain water where plain water will make it drip more and uh give it a different consistency um I suggest if you've never tried vinegar water that you play with it a little bit and see the different results that you'll get with it I'm adding the Vintage flare in the center there you can see that it's just slightly lighter and um again vinegar water washing it down and you're going to start seeing the colors beneath wash through and I love this effect that you get with the color over color that you're doing here or that I'm doing here so again I'm just using three colors here and really if you just wanted to use the two colors opal green and vintage flare would probably suffice um the peacock is just my third color to add a little bit of contrast but it's not necessary particularly I just like it um to to add a little bit of extra interest so you can see those colors coming through here and I love the effect that I'm getting now I don't want drip and that's why I'm going over it and with this process you really need to watch it pretty closely you don't want to walk away after spritzing it um unless you like drips I personally don't want drips I just want that wash effect so that's why I'm babysitting it heavily if I get too much paint removed I'll go back in and add some paint if I don't have enough paint removed I will go back back in and make sure that I'm uh spraying it a little heavier here I'm cleaning the drawer edges off because you don't want water to pull on those drawer edges and just keep working it until you as the artist are happy as you can see I've got um a screwdriver to help me open the drawers because obviously I have the drawer pools removed and then I'm using my shop towel to clean up any drips that might be coming off of those drawer edges but look at that effect isn't that amazing it almost looks like an oil slick to me which I think is totally cool and again I'm I'm constantly working it now here I'm using just plain water out of my mister um simply because I don't want to move the paint too much I just want to move it slightly and that's why I picked up my Mis bottle and see I added a little bit more paint there because a little bit of the paint moved a bit too much so again you as the artist are absolutely able to determine exactly how much paint you want off or on and it's entirely up to you how you you want that piece to look those drips are coming off the drawers and that's why I'm really watching the area between the drawer spaces so I've got the entire piece done and now it's time to place my IOD transfer and I have it offset a little bit at first because I realized I wanted to Center the uh transfer based on the middle drawers not the outside drawers so I had to redo it a little bit but um see so I'm readjusting right here but you want to make sure that you figure out your layout when you're using a transfer prior to applying it because I've seen some people have some major oops and these are not inexpensive so you want to make sure that you don't um waste your time and your money by um not applying them correctly because that's not worth your time or your investment so here I've got the entire piece laid out according to how it's supposed to be laid out and I'm starting on my first piece now I'll show you how I cut that in just a second so bear with me um but basically when you've got multiple drawers you don't want to like stick the entire enre piece on there and um try to lay it down you want to cut it piece by piece or at least I do because otherwise you're going to have tears you're going to have um a lot of mistakes and oops so I'm showing you here first off you can see how you can tell when the transfer is adhered how it goes completely opaque on that sheet and how easy it lays down onto the furniture piece and I might also add that I sealed this piece with one coat of my um flat top coat from paint cure prior to applying my uh transfer because you always want to seal your piece before applying your transfer so I forgot to mention that as well so here I'm T taping it down leaving that gap for the drawer space and I'm using a razor blade and cutting it and cutting right through the tape and I'm cutting all of the rest of the pieces for this now that I've got it laid out where I want it making sure that I'm straight and I'm aligned holding it down with my hand and cutting it off okay and then you want to just peel back one piece at a time remove that backer paper carefully place it back down and start rubbing and applying it and it goes on really easily actually these IOD transfers apply so quickly and so simply and they adhere so easily I love them and I love this transfer I think it's one of the most beautiful they've ever created quite honestly ly it is called Joy Jo i e d d e s Roses by IOD D and it's beautiful I'm pressing down in that there's a little bit of a curve there you can see and I want to get around that edge there so that it lays down properly and doesn't crack or break on me and you will get some cracks but that's natural and normal I have never seen a transfer applied without any flaws but that's part of the beauty of it this is handmade art you guys and um to experience um those little flaws in the artwork or cracks and if there's something that really major happens you can absolutely take some acrylic paint or some of your chalk style paint or mineral paint and touch it up beautifully and nobody will ever know the difference as long as you seal it afterwards you're golden now see I'm rubbing over it with that transfer sheet afterwards just to make sure that it's adhered well and bonded and there's the whole piece so I did that cutting technique um completely the same exact way and the transfer is on it took this is a massive transfer and it took the entire transfer on this piece so now what I'm doing is I'm using a buffing pad and it's kind of uh an abrasive pad and um just kind of going over the whole thing and making sure that there's no edges sticking out um what it does is it sort of Ages it a little tin bit and um make sure that everything is laid down there's no bubbles in the transfer and it's adhered well and ready for a top coat so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to seal this with another top coat of my flat um top coat from paint Couture after sealing it with my top coat I'm going to add some Annie Sloan dark wax in the corners to just give it a a little more age sorry about that my camera went wonky on me for a second so I'm just using a natural bristle brush and some of that Annie Sloan and I didn't use a light wax or a clear wax underneath this because I like I said I sealed it with um my top coat already so when you've sealed with a top coat you really don't need to use a clear wax beneath your dark wax what I am doing and you'll see it in a second is offloading my brush onto a piece of cardboard so that I'm not getting too much dark wax on my brush um which is kind of important to do regardless of whether you're using a clear wax beneath or a polyacrylic beneath your wax your dark wax when you're using or applying a dark wax and then I'm kind of buffing it out and I'll let this sit for a few hours and then buff it even more so that it's um completely buffed out and it doesn't feel odd to the touch there you can see me offloading my brush onto that cardboard and it's real important that you do that so you don't get any really heavy goobers of of the dark wax onto your piece but isn't this a beautiful transfer and on those colors those teal colors with the orange Peaks popping through with the oranges and the the peachy florals of this piece I think it's just absolutely lovely so I'm doing sort of a vignette around the drawers of each drawer with this dark wax and I do the entire piece this way and I also do the sides with it so now we're moving on to the hardware and I boil the hardware in a 50/50 vinegar water mix for about 15 to 20 minutes um you can see I kind of Stir It with a wooden spoon just to make sure that it's all getting boiled thoroughly and then you want to let it cool for a little bit before you touch it because obviously it's been in boiling water and it's really really hot so don't scald yourself so I then let it set in my sink for about 10 minutes to let it cool and if you want to utilize the hardware as it is without adding any embellishment by adding color to it at this point what you would want to do is take some ayic acid like barkeeper friend and scrub it with a wire brush but all I did was scrub it with a wire brush by itself because um I was going to paint it and what I did was I used some of my um Gold Mine some of my silver ice and some of of my bronze Luxe metallic paints and painted the hardware um I just kind of wanted a medley of metallic colors on this Hardware to give it a little bit of interest and I think it turned out beautifully and as you saw on that smaller piece I use a smaller paintbrush handle to hold on to the the pieces um when I'm painting them so here I'm giving you two examples um you can use a stencil brush when you're stenciling but that's a lot of work especially on a big stencil like this and this is yes this is the same stencil I used for the ray stencils on the side but this would take me forever to do this entire top so I'm going to show you I pour some of this um this is the opal green paint I pour some into a uh plate and I use the cabinet door rollers on a 4in rolling um handle offload it onto another plate paper plate and just roll it on and it goes so much faster and there's your top so that's super simple um what I'm going to do next is I'm going to mix some of my um espresso paint Couture paint along with some of my clear glazing gel and I do about two tablespoons of my espresso paint in with about a a half a cup of my glazing gel and maybe about a tablespoon of water and I spread that on top once that gets spread and I do this in smaller sections I mean this is like I said a massive dresser so um I did about half of the dresser at one step and then um spritzed it a little bit with some more water so that it didn't get set up too quickly because even though it's uh glazing gel it will especially here in my house in the middle of summer I live in the south um it will dry pretty quickly and uh then I wipe it back with a a rag typically you want to use a lintree rag but all of M were in the laundry so I used an old towel which was fine it didn't cause me any issues um but this just darkens up that orange uh the fire light and the Tusk and yellow and the uh Coral passion that I added to the top of the dresser because it was just a little bit too bright and light and I wanted to tone it down a little bit so what this does this technique does is just soften those colors up a bit and create a more um aesthetic look I feel on the top so I'm really pleased with how this technique turns out as well so you wipe that down and then I sealed the top as well after the glaze dried I allow glaze to always dry for at least 24 hours before I seal it um and then after it's dry I seal all tops with about a minimum of two coats for a dresser like this I sealed it with four coats of uh top coat and there's the dresser all finished I hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope you'll give us a like and a follow and again this is Janet Perez with the painted Soro with paint Couture paints and I appreciate you watching um hope you'll come back again and watch us some more thanks for watching
Channel: The Painted Saguaro
Views: 1,877
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Id: nXoInfboTDg
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Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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