How to Create a Male Blockout Easily in Blender

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good thing about learning blockout is that at the end you have a nice base mesh for your character that you can freely shape and sculpt and this one I'm going to show you how to make one all by forming cubes as always you can find all the 3D files and real-time processes of making these characters on my gumroad and patreon Page including this blockout 3D model let's go so first let's start with head delete the cube to make another Cube because that's how we do things around here in the edit mode make it longer Ctrl r on the left Edge to add a horizontal Loop cut then Ctrl V to divide it into two now Ctrl r on the bottom Edge this time to add a loop cut vertically now select the faces on the right and left right click and breach faces then delete the face in between in the edge select mode drag this one up and this one down then interface select mode select the face in the front and scale it down in the y-axis select the back faces and extrude them to the back then form it this way shift a and add another q let's get it up and rotate it to use it as the neck then make a cylinder and scale it up on the z-axis we're gonna use it as the nose area in the edit mode add a look at and push it Forward main mesh still needs Improvement so select it and in the edit mode add a loop cut in the middle and push it forward for the cheeks add another Cube stretch it Forward squeeze it down it should be a bit longer than the size of the face in the edit mode select face in the back and scale it down add another Cube for the ears this time go to edit mode then move it to the right scale it down on the y-axis shape it like an ear and place it in the back of the cheekbone work more on the overall shape of the head and get it closer to a skeleton head select the whole head let's get it down and bring it up shift a and in the Armature add a human meter rake if you don't see the option go to edit preference and find the rigify add-on enable it and now you should see it get it up and get it to the size of the head head should be right where the headphone is in the viewport shading menu put the color on random so we can see each mesh by different color this helps us a lot moving forward add a cube and place it on the Torso in the edit mode shape it like this and Ctrl R to add a loop cut and push the bottom vertex to the top and shape it like this foreign [Music] [Music] control 1 is subdivided at one time then add a loop cut to the bottom part so it would have a Sharper Edge let's add another Cube stretch it vertically and place it on the bottom of the Torso add a few Loop cuts to all sides then subdivide it place an X Cube on the hips add a loop cut in the middle and drag the right and left edges to the top a bit put your one or two to smooth it out we still need another loop cut here then we can shape it properly we can use another Cube for the back press Ctrl 1 or 2 to smooth out all the edges stretch it until it covers the top part of the body it still needs more geometry so we can press Ctrl 3 to smooth it even further place it in the back of the Torso but it needs to be visible from the front let's move on to the shoulders once you added the cube go Reddit mode and place it on the shoulder Ctrl 1 to make it round and add a mirror modifier so we have it on the other side as well then in the scope Mode start forming it until it connects the Torso to the arms [Music] foreign and the edit mode scale it up on the z-axis make it smaller rotate it exit the edit mode press Ctrl 1 or 2 then add a mirror modifier again and place it on the arms add a few Loop Cuts then make the bottom face a bit smaller exit the edit mode Ctrl D to duplicate and escape to place it back now go back to edit mode and place it on the forearm then make the bottom much smaller always look at the reference for this kind of stuff for the chest add a cube and edit mode move it to the right and add a mirror modifier rotate it and place it on the chest add a loop cut to the middle slightly to the right and push up the right Edge then another loop cut to the left because we don't want a round Edge exit the edit mode and press Ctrl 2 to smooth it out it's way too round so let's add few more Loop Cuts so we can shape it easier later moving on to the leg to scale it up on the z-axis add a mirror modifier and in the edit mode put it on the right leg and fit it with the bones underneath it tap to exit the edit mode in Ctrl 2 as always to smooth it out back to edit mode add one Loop cut to the top half and one to the bottom half then make a top half a bit bigger exit edit mode and press Ctrl D to duplicate then escape to place it back then in the edit mode place it in the bottom and start shaping it foreign [Music] mode make a bulge in the top part of the muscle if you look at some of the reference images bottom half of the leg is a slightly leans towards the back so take care of that add another cube in the edit mode make it roughly the size of the shoe exit the edit mode add a mirror modifier and subdivide then in the edit mode add few more Loop cuts for more topology then switch to bottom View and start shaping it based on the reference also captured from the bottom angle [Music] then select the first two faces on the top and drag it up on the z-axis add a vertical Loop cut then maybe add another loop cut horizontally to make the bottom Edge sharper now we have a base shape for the body that we can improve upon and start refining the shapes while looking at some reference images [Music] let's not forget about hands first we gotta make the poem of the hand so in the edit mode squeeze it down to make it almost the size of the Palm itself without the fingers add a loop cut vertically and move it to the right this Palm is not flat then add another loop cut horizontally and push the other one to the right as well go to top view and add two more Loop cuts and drag them out for a smoother curve exit the edit mode and smooth it out to see how it looks back in the edit mode on the inside add another loop cut and push the faces to the outside do the same thing to the upper part as well then go to scalp mode and using grab brush drag this part out for the finger bring in a cube subdivide and in the edit mode add a loop cut to the top side and the bottom side now we should have a nice smooth cylinder shift e to duplicate escape to place it back move it on the z-axis and place it on top of the other one do that one more time in the modifier properties hover your mass on the subdivision modifier and Ctrl a to apply it do that to the other two as well go to scalp mode and start forming them like fingers using grab brush you can switch between the objects to do that just hover your mouse on one of them and press alt Q now I can scope under the specific object [Music] then you think is good enough select all of them move and rotate and place it in the bottom of the Palm for the index finger remember it should have a slight angle towards the left then duplicate and place it for the middle finger it should have less angle than the index finger rotate it to the right just a bit do that to the other two fingers moving on to the thumb place a cube on this side of the Hand Solve the right and extend it to the direction of the hand then start shaping it in the edit mode [Music] foreign [Music] you can apply the subdivision modifier and go to sculpting mode [Music] [Music] now select two parts of the other finger duplicate and escape to place it back then in the edit mode move it to the thumb rotate them to match the direction of the thumb then start shaping it thumb finger has a slightly different shape than the other fingers so you need to make it a bit larger but do it while looking at some references [Music] thank you [Music] once you are done select the whole hand go to edit mode and move it to the wrist and fit it with the bones it doesn't matter if the bones are not matching just make sure the overall size is close to the rig now we're going to start adding the secondary shapes at this point we mostly don't need no meshes and we're going to duplicate our existing objects first select the waste and duplicate escape to place it back in the scalp mode pick up move brush and push the sides to the inside then push the front forward since we enabled random colors we can easily tell which one is which also move the bottom of the stomach to the outside now select the waste again duplicate and escape to place it back in this sculpt mode push everything in then take the bottom half to the outside of the body foreign foreign just like before duplicate and take it outside of the body make the top wider and bottom Slimmer then smooth out any irregularities we're also going to divide the ribcage area we can use a simple Sphere for the elbow now let's divide the muscles of the arms just duplicate and separate the front from the back and make them pop out a bit more do the same thing for the forearm as well but this time separation starts at the middle of the biceps all the way to the wrist area now let's duplicate it one more time and divide it from the previous muscle let's push these areas to the inside using move brush to make a hole in between two meshes then fill in the hole with a sphere and shaping it until it fits the hole let's push these meshes inside again to make a similar hole then fill it with a sphere I add a sphere that's been stretched vertically just a bit and place it in the hole add a loop cut in the middle and push the top to the back add another loop cut close to the center because I want it sharper then push the bottom to the back as well squeeze it a bit more and move the loop Cuts towards the bottom then add another loop cut to the top side in the wireframe mode I select the right and left vertices and push them up a bit then worked on the overall shape now it's time to duplicate the thighs and separate the muscles here as well [Music] also for the cows as well we need to separate the front from the back for the neck muscles duplicate the neck mesh and pull out the sides to create the muscle tissues around the neck we forgot the color room so I just duplicate the chest mesh and move it upwards in the edit mode delete the second and third row faces then in the bottom select the front and back edges right click and Bridge Edge Loops to fill it up now make it smaller and place it in the back of the chest mesh we're mostly done just go around the model and refine the shapes and get them closer to the reference [Music] [Music] you have probably noticed we only have one hand there's a big possibility that you've moved these meshes outside of the edit mode and messed up the origin to fix that let's select the full hand Ctrl J to join them all together shift s and set the cursor toward origin then right click and set the origin to 3D cursor now its origin is in the center of our scene and when you add a mirror modifier we have the hand on the other side as well in the render properties I change it to workbench put it on matcap and change it to a material so we can see all meshes in the same color now we can see it better I select the head component and in the edit mode add a few Loop cuts to the edges then out of the edit mode press Ctrl 2 to subdivide but it is still too round so I add more Loop Cuts in the edit mode and do the same thing to the other parts of the face and stop the right I choose each object and hover the mass on the modifiers and Ctrl a to apply them we don't want any modifier left especially mirror modifier because we're going to join them all together and modifiers might cause some problems do that to all objects once done select all of it Ctrl J to join them all together then add a rematch modifier change this size to a reasonable number so it's not really heavy but you're able to see the details now you can hover your mouse on the remesh and apply it and there you have it our block out is done now we can go to scalp mode and start sculpting the character we want I hope you enjoyed the video if you did hit that like button and sub if you want to see more of these videos and don't forget you can download all the 3D files and real-time process of creating these characters on my gumroad and patreon Page see you on the next one peace
Channel: PixelicaCG
Views: 11,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, Blockout, blender, Blocking out, sculpting, how to create blockout, modeling characters, character modeling, how to model character, character, realistic, blender character tutorial, stylized character, male body, body modeling, how to blockout character, 3d character sculpting, 3d, 3d art, 3d tutorial, 3d modeling, creating, cycles, head, how to, tips, modeling human, character design, how to sculpt characters, how to create characters, blocking out, cgi, stylized, easy
Id: NjJ0vdlcMmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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