How To Create a macOS Sonoma USB Boot Disk in 5 Minutes EASY!

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hey everyone Mr McIntosh here in this video I'm going to show you how to create a Mac OS Sonoma USB installer boot disk in under five minutes that anyone can follow along let's jump in and get started first of all what is a macro Sonoma bootable installer for Mac OS you can use an external driver a secondary volume as a startup disk from which to install the Mac operating system you don't need a bootable and started upgrade or reinstall but it is useful if you want to be able to install Mac OS on multiple computers without downloading the installer each time or if you're unable to install a compatible Mac OS from the finder or Mac OS recovery the first thing we're going to need to do is download the full installer of Mac OS Sonoma which is usually around 10 to 12 gigabytes in size you can use this link to go to the App Store when it's available or you can use my macro Sonoma download video where I show you three different ways to install it from the install assistant to fetchful installer binary to the Mac App Store link once you have that downloaded then we can move on to step two okay step two is we're going to need a USB device whether it's a USB flash drive or a USB external hard drive or a Thunderbolt drive any of those drives will work but you need at least 14 gigabytes of available storage on that drive to be able to put the installer onto it and make it bootable now you have to be at least on Mac OS El Kappa Tema later to be able to start this process once you have it then we can work on creating the bootable installer now the first thing we want to do is to put in our USB flash drive into the Mac now okay I just plugged it in and it should start to show up on the desktop right here I actually have a Windows installer on this USB drive and I did this on purpose because if you buy the USB drive from the store maybe it's formatted in Windows so what we want to do is we want to format it first keep in mind Apple mentions not doing that in here because the media installer binary will erase the drive but I like doing this just in case there's a problem with erasing the drive or formatting or anything like this I can't tell you how many people I've had see that they've had problems with this process and it was all because they didn't format the drive properly first so all we need to do is open up Disk Utility we'll go into the Mac hard drive or finder click on applications and then scroll down to the bottom to the utilities folder once you're in the utilities folder we're looking for Disk Utility let's double click to open it up now that we're in Disk Utility we can go in and find our external drive on the side it's going to show the internal drive first we don't want to do anything up here we are looking for the external drive and that's where all the drives that you plug into the Mac will show up now what we also want to do is click on view here or click view up here and make sure that we have show all devices selected once we have that we're ready to go to the next step because we will be able to click on the top level drive over here then when we click on erase we'll see all three sections the name of the drive the format and the scheme so it doesn't matter the name because that'll be changed once the installer starts but the format needs to be Mac OS extended journal and make sure the scheme is guid partition map once that's done we can click erase but before we do that make sure that any data that you have on this drive is backed up and I know it seems simple but just double check just make sure you don't have any files on there or if you have multiple volumes on there this erases the entire disk so you want to make sure that you have multiple volumes copy all of it off because this disk will be erased let's click on race all right we're done I'll click on done here and then we can close Disk Utility and we can move to the next step so now the next thing we do is we need to get our full Installer app now that is in our applications folder that we are just in now depending on what you're making here it can be a beta full and solid Sonoma or it can be a final version of macro Sonoma that's available drag it all the way over to our terminal window the terminal application is located in Macintosh hard drive applications utility so once this is open now all we need to do is run the command as an administrator first so we can do that by typing in sudo s-u-d-o and then space then we can drag the app directly into the terminal window so let's create a beta installer here so all we need to do is drag our beta installer here to the window and it fills out automatically the full path now that's not the entire path though because what we need to do is move our cursor back to the app part and do a forward slash and then the next folder is called content so we'll have to do a capital c o and then hit tab to auto complete and then we're going to go into the resources folder capital r e and then we'll do another Tab Key to auto complete and then we're going to do create install media cre and then tab and it fills in the entire command now we can do a space and then dash dash volume and then space and now we're ready to drag our USB flash drive all the way to the open window and it fills out the command right there and then all you need to do is hit enter now type in your administrator password give it a second here to continue we need to erase the volume and volume's entitled the user wish to continue click the Y button and hit return so we will hit Y and then enter and then it's going to erase the disk and we'll give it a second here and you can see it remounted and now that is the erase is complete and then now it's starting to copy the essential files and then copying Mac OS recovery OS over there okay now we can see copying to disk 0 10 20 till we get to 100 and we're starting to pick up a little speed here now 18 to 20 megabytes a second and we'll be done in a little bit all right we're complete we can install media now available at volumes install Mac OS 14 beta and on the desktop there's our drive you can double click on it to open it up and there is our installer beta right in the folder right in the main folder now what you can do is a little trick here if you want to change the icon click on the icon click command I and then click on the icon here click command I click on the icon itself command C to copy and then click on the USB drive and then command V to paste and look at that you got a cool little icon there for Mac OS Sonoma
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 24,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 01ozJX9bCoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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