How to Create a LUT | Make your own LUTS in Davinci Resolve

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[Music] happy new year everybody merry christmas i hope everybody had a good christmas and new years today we're going to be taking a look at how to create your own lutz in davinci resolve this is an awesome process something that's very useful and today we're going to be creating this lut here that you can see you're looking at it before me so tell me if it looks good we're going to be taking a look at that it's going to be a quick tutorial how to make your own nuts and dimension yourself how to export them so let's go ahead and jump right into it and get somewhere warmer because it's really cold let's go [Music] all right so the first thing you want to do is select an assortment of different clips here when creating a lot now the reason i do this is because i want to make sure that when i'm making my lut it's going to apply to different situations and scenarios for example i chose this one because it's outdoors it's got green yellow and a little bit of that purple there um i chose this one because it's indoors with a tungsten light bulb here and a little bit of blue from the outside this one here because it was later in the afternoon so i've got lots of blues and orange from the inside tungsten light bulbs uh this one because it was being lit by a window midday you guys get the idea some outdoors some indoors this one's got different colors and then this one i chose because i wanted to make sure that my magentas and purples were in check that's why i chose this one here for the purples all right so let's go ahead and jump into the color tab and get started so when we're making this slide we are making a creative line we're not making a technical lot or a transform line those ones that you can make or download from different camera manufacturers websites this one's going to be creative lut so we're going to be doing creative decisions so you want to keep in mind that you're not doing specific things that are pertaining to one single image but instead you're doing global edits that are going to apply to all your clips so what we're going to do here is instead of just working on one we're going to go over to the timeline so that we affect all our clips and we want to keep this in mind as we're doing our edits because we don't want to do things that are specific for example we want to stay away from doing qualifiers or any masks or windows we are sharpening or grain we don't want to be touching those we want to be doing more colors contrast saturation those kind of edits are the ones that are going to be good for a lot because lots are very simple little transform things it tells you what a color is and what it's going to turn into so they're very simple tools so we have to keep that in mind as we're making them so the second thing you want to be thinking about when creating a lut is what color space are you working in so since this is a creative lut we're going to be working in rec 709 so since mine was shot in hlg2 it's pretty close to rec 709 so i'm not going to do many edits here but if you're working in something else like a log footage what you're going to want to do is color space transform and apply that to one of your nodes keep in mind this one is not being exported so make sure to label it something like delete so that you remember not to export this node and we're going to put that at the end you can then go through your settings here and make sure you're in the right color space and you're transforming to rec 709 so rec 709 but i'm using timeline since my setting is set to rec 709 gamma 2.4 once you've done that we're going to add some nodes before that we're going to do a couple here and this is not going to be a color grading tutorial necessarily so i'm just going to go pretty quickly on here and i'm not going to spend too much time creating the lut but this is something that i might do if i'm doing a creative lut so i might start with editing a custom curve because i want to add a little bit of contrast and saturation into the image that i'm working on as you can see here it's pretty uh low contrast here in the middle so i'm going to add some contrast so the first thing i do here in my curves is i go to editable splines it's already selected i like to work on that because you can add a little bit of a better curve i'm going to add this as curve let's go ahead and start editing this adding a little bit of contrast bringing that down and then bringing this back up a little bit and you can also pop this out if you need to work in a little bit more detail i'm just going to go quickly here and add a couple custom curves that are going to do a cool effect all right so as you can see here now our curves is affecting and actually doing quite a bit of edits there so that's my curves the next thing i might do is go into my hue versus you and one thing i like to do here real quick is just add one for every color and start swinging these hues in different ways that i know that i like so for example my purples i like to leave there but i do know that my like my blues a little bit more into the teal side so i'm just going to bring that up i know you can't see that right now and that's why we have different clips because i know that we're going to want to take a look at what the teals are doing great so let's label this hue same i'm going to go into my saturation and do the same thing now since i'm here on saturation i do notice that i'd like to add a little bit of saturation just so i can see how i'm swinging my hues so one thing i'm going to do here is go back to the beginning add another node down here i'm going to also label this delete so i remember to delete that i'm going to add a little bit of extra saturation almost 56 just so i can see what i'm doing over on this hue and make sure to delete that at the end and this is what the hue is doing very subtle changes but there you go the next one here i'm going to do is i'm going to play a little bit with my shadow mid-tone and highlight colors now keep in mind that this is not something that we want to be editing the image too much with contrast because every image is different so we don't want to be touching our temp and our tint because every image is going to be shot differently and it's going to be looking differently so if you want to do any of those edits i might go to the delete one and i might adjust this to make a little bit warmer so i can correct it over here and then i can do my creative decisions over here so i'm going to come in here and call this log wheels or we'll call them primary all right there we go and another thing i want to do here is i'm going to add a parallel node to a hue and another thing is i'm going to go to this spiderweb and do some hue swings on this one so i'm going to go here and add the 12 and then start moving some things around so i'm going to pop this out just so i can see it better put it over here all right so there's before and there's after so now here's the fun part now we go to clips and then we can test this on the other ones now if you do remember we are in timeline so we can just go ahead and flick to the other one and start seeing what we're doing in our other clips there's before and there's after so i'm liking those edits there let's take a look at that i definitely don't see anything cracking or swinging too much one way or the other i do like that take a look at that i do like how the clouds are getting a little bit yellow i don't know if you can see that there so i do like that subtle yellow and greenish hues into those clouds so i'm going to keep that before and after i do really like that that looks amazing i do love the teal in the sky here instead of the more purple blue i don't know if you can see here this is a little bit more purple and here's a little bit more greenish teal so i do like those edits that we've done and then here's the last one yeah that's quite nice i do feel like this one is pretty lifted i think when i shot it it was pretty misty outside so i'm going to go again to the delete one i'm just going to kind of tweak that to see if i like the color so i'm going to bring that down just real fast like that add a little bit more of that contrast bring that down bring my sky down a little bit and then let's see that full screen yeah i'm really liking that so i'm pretty happy with the edits we've done so the next thing i'm going to do is come here and delete that node and delete this node remember we only want to export this stuff here now that this is done we're going to now export this we're going to go to clips and we're going to select our clip we're going to right click and you're going to go down to generate lut and we're going to just export a 33 point cube that is sufficient for most of the things you do 65 point cube just basically is a larger cube it has more information but it is a large file and usually you don't need this so i'm going to go ahead and do a 33 point cube now we have an export cube and now we can test this a lot and see how that looks so what we're going to do here is i'm going to move those clips down and we're going to add another one here i'm going to connect this so we can do a little before and after and then connect this one over here there we go great the next thing we're going to do is go to the lut section here and we're going to just go and this is what i like to do i just go here right click and i say open file location just like that we're going to go back one i'm going to open it here and just call a new folder so let's go and say we'll call it tutorial inside tutorial we're just going to grab this and i'm going to simply just drag and drop and that's as simple as that now we go over here and just right click any folder just say refresh and then now we can see that there's a tutorial called export cube we're going to drag and just drop that onto there now we can compare this is the lut that we just created and here is all the mess that we created earlier so now we're going to just swap this and drop it and as you can see nothing actually changes that's because it's been exported just how we wanted it and of course now that we have that lut what we can do now is go to the clip section since the luts being applied to the whole timeline now we can go to the clip and they go to an individual clip for example this one and now since the lut is applied on the timeline my clip here i can go in here and do my edits and my contrast and saturation and other things like this tweak it make a little bit more warm maybe i want my oranges to pop out a little bit more i can come in here and grab that and say all this saturate that a little bit more i also love my blues over here so saturate my blues a little bit more and there's my final image before and after just that and of course our light is over here at the top so before and after all of it well thanks so much for watching i hope that video was helpful to you guys if it was make sure to like this video and subscribe and i'll see you guys in next week's video [Music]
Channel: Andrik Langfield
Views: 31,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to save LUTs in davinci resolve 16, saving lut in davinci resolve, saving a lut, how to create luts in davinci resolve, how to make luts davinci resolve, creating a lut in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 lut tutorial, davinci resolve 16 color grading for beginners, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve fortnite edit, davinci resolve, colour grading tutorial, create your own luts, lut tutorial, how to create your own luts, How to make luts, tutorial, create luts, export, lut
Id: pyLcI--ux4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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