How to Create a LUT in Lightroom

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today we're talking about Lutz what the is a lot well a lot is short for lookup table it's basically a set of numbers that changes the color of an image think of it like a preset or a look and that's exactly what I want to show you how to do today is design a look in Lightroom that you can save as a LUT and use the grade your footage within premiere so let's go first you need to download this free software I've put the link in the description below now I'm gonna open up premiere I just put together a quick edit here I'm gonna go through and select a frame that I like to use as a sample for designing the look once I find it I'm gonna click export frame title it whatever you want save it to your desktop and hit OK so here's my still now open up the LUT generator and click generate hald save that to your desktop as well now open up Lightroom and import both those files I'm just gonna adjust the highlights and shadows until I get the exposure that I want [Music] bring the saturation down a bit add a bit of a fade with the tone curve and then just tweak the exposure a little bit now in terms of color make the red a little more orange orange a little more red aqua more blue make the blues quite a bit more teal and then the magenta I'm gonna make a little more red now for saturation I'm gonna bring up the warm tones and then bring down the cool tones a bit and for split toning I want the highlights to be a little warmer and I'm gonna put some blue into the shadows it's starting to look like that classic teal and orange film look which is cool I'm gonna go with that unfortunately you can't use these parameters to effect the LUT so we're not going to worry about those go to your image thumbnail and right click and go to develop settings and copy settings click copy now go to the file that we generated right-click develop settings and paste settings now go up to file export save it to your desktop name it whatever you want call it film luck now make sure you save it as a JPEG the color space is RGB and the resolution is 72 and click export now open up the LUT generator one more time and click convert to cube open the file that we just exported from Lightroom and click OK and here's our lot that we're gonna import into Premiere now when using Luntz I like to apply it to the whole timeline so the look is consistent across the board to do that we're gonna add a new adjustment layer and drag that all the way across our timeline now go up to window and open up lumetri color click on the adjustment layer now under creative where it says look import the LUT that you just saved just make sure it's the cube file and there's the look we just made in Lightroom you can adjust the intensity get back it off a little bit if you want so now that look is applied to all my footage I hope that helps if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below so others can learn as well hit subscribe follow me on Instagram and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Justin Wirtalla
Views: 112,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, lut, how to, color grading, premiere, lumetri color, tutorial, video production, film look, teal and orange, cinematic, cinematic footage, easy color grading, lightroom, fast color
Id: FxkFNQXtgi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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