Turn your Lightroom Presets into Instagram Filters!

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what's up YouTube today I'm going to show you how to turn any of your Lightroom presets into your personal Instagram filters let's get right into it [Music] hey guys it's still back with another tutorial from my current interim office and today we're going to have a look at how to transform your life and presets into Instagram filters so before you can have a too close look at my setup we jump straight into it we just need a few things to get started spark studio the spark gap a base color we can apply our preset on and a fast color lot for sparks video but you will find all the download links in the description alright now that we have all we need on our desktop we can head straight over to Lightroom first we need to import the base grid from our desktop so head over to library import and import the PNG file from your desktop I already did that but as soon as you have that we can get started with applying our presets from here on head over to the develop tab and just choose a random picture that you would normally edit and see which presets you would like to apply to the base grade right here going for Sweden I just named all my presets like countries so head over to your base grade apply the same preset Sweden and just export this file as a PNG as it was on your desktop before you don't need to change much on your settings just make sure that it's a PNG file and it's a bit deaf of 8-bit otherwise you might get some problems that you're on and export that to your desktop if you want to use more presets later on and create more Instagram filters just reset the file and apply another preset and export these as well alright we can close Lightroom that's all we need for now let's head straight in to spark as soon as you have opened spark choose a blank project first we need to create something similar to an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro for that head over to focal distance click at canvas and on the canvas click or right click at rectangle and here we have our adjustment layer head over to size and click fill height and fill with so the adjustment layers covers the complete picture from here and we need to convert there justman layer into a material and we did that by hitting the plus button in the materials tab and better rename that to adjustment layer to be able to connect the adjustment layer to our preset hit the arrow button next to texture and we have an end no it's something what we pretty much know from DaVinci Resolve now we just need to import our fast color corrector as well as the preset that we have created earlier on you can already drag and drop the preset in and you can also do that for the fast color and connect the RGB a channel to that and leave that open for now the fast color art has two inputs one for the actual colors which slop and one for something that you can overlay the colors with like dust or smoke or bubbles whatever you want to put over the Instagram filter but as we don't have that for now and we just want to manipulate the colors of our Instagram filter we need to create something like a null texture we can do that by heading over to camera click the plus sign on texture extraction and your texture zero will show up in the textures below the lot that you have created so better rename that to no now we can also drag the null texture in and connect the RGB a channel to the texture of the fast color lot the last thing we have to do is create the color output to our adjustment layer and we see that our effects are already applied to the picture depending on your skin color you can head over to the video tab and choose different models to see how your Instagram filter will look with different skin colors for now as I'm pretty pale right now I should probably go with her and we see that the tone with more reddish if you feel like there's something funky going on with your effects just head over to your textures select the PNG file where you apply your preset and make sure in the manual compression tab that no compression is selected that should normally fix the issues if you're not feeling like comparing some of your other presets then just drag and drop them into your textures make sure no compression button is checked and drag them into the patch editor where you can connect the new presets rgba channel to the lock channel of the fast color lock if you have finally found the one that you're happy with it's now time for testing to preview Instagram filter on a live camera you just need your phone and your cable and connect that to your laptop or Mac as soon as you have established the connection between your phone and your Mac you can just open the spark player app and head over to test on device there you have the option to send the Instagram filter that you created as a preview to your iPhone once that is done you can live preview your effect on your camera and you see that my Instagram filter is working quite accurate the skin tones are not too bad so in my case I would be pretty happy to go on with this filter but there's even one more way to test your Instagram filter for that hover over to testing device center app and send to Instagram camera this will generate a link for you that you can send to your phone and as soon as you click it it will generate a preview of your filter in the actual Instagram app as soon as you took the first thousand selfies with your new filter or film the neighbor's cat or whatever you did with it you are ready to submit it to Facebook for that just make sure that you selected the right preset in your patch editor and click on upload here you have two options either publishing a new effect or updating an existing effect as I expect you not to have done that before just click or check publish new effect and hit upload this might take a while but it will automatically lead you to the spark hub website if you weren't redirected immediately just click spark AR hub and that will open it in your browser now we're at the final stages of publishing our effect just make sure to select Instagram type in the name of your preset which is in my case Sweden and make sure to select the category color and light as that makes the most sense for presets and for the keywords you can add everything from color crate to the country that you made it in or whatever describes your preset the best done' is in that case my name because it's also my facebook page and the Instagram account should be already connected as well there just a few more steps for us to go before we can submit our filter first we have to upload a demo video I would suggest that you just make a little video of whatever surrounding you have nearby while you're in the testing period of your filter and use that later on so just send it from your phone to your computer and upload it as a mp4 or MOV file I'm just going to select the file that I already made during the testing period and safe there's a demo video on my desktop once the demo video is uploaded just make sure to select a good thumbnail that will be displayed in your profile there's just one thing missing which is the icon logo in the left corner for that just make sure that you select an image that can easily be cropped into a square I'm just going to select a snapshot of my coffee maker that I already did during the testing period once your pictures uploaded you will have the square selection that you can drag around just make sure that you place it directly over the best-looking parts of the image so in this case here should be fine and hit confirm now that your icon is done just head over to the visibility settings and make sure to select as soon as possible for the review information just write in short and precise tags of what your filters actually doing if you use some Smiley's maybe they're more likely to accept it alright guys that's basically it just hit submit and be aware that Facebook states the review of your filter can take up to 10 business days but no worries guys normally it doesn't take that long for me it was always between 1 or 2 days in the meantime just make sure to head back to spark and click on file save choose your destination where you want to save it and just save your project just in case if you have to make some adjustments for filter that wasn't accepted once you get the final notification that your Instagram filter was accepted you can head over to Instagram and use it right away just open your Instagram app head over to your profile and select the filter tab if everything went wrong just click on the filter and press the safety camera button if you know open your story window and swipe left to use your filter every effect should be applied to the image you can now start creating your own stories and make sure to take me in them because I would love to see what you guys created and if I need to add your filter to my library as well and if you like that video make sure to leave it a thumb up and comment your Instagram profile below too now give it a cool outro let's just fight this out into a drone shot from Norway and I'll see you in the next week [Music]
Channel: Till Daling
Views: 174,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom, lightroom preset, instagram filter, instagram, filter, instagram story filter, instagram story, story filter, adobe, adobe lightroom, spark studio, influencer, branded instagram filter, social media, social media marketing
Id: ltLyDMl3FKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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