How to create a Facebook page for your business - Step by step tutorial (updated)

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in this Facebook tutorial I'm going to show you step by step how to set up and create a Facebook page properly so that it looks professional and it can easily be found in search stay tuned hey I'm Sarah neuen and on this channel I make tech and social media easier for awesome entrepreneurs like yourself if you're new here consider subscribing for all of the latest product reviews tips and tutorials and at any time check out the description for links to all of the resources mentioned in this video our Facebook page is different to a Facebook personal profile as it allows you to run Facebook ads and also access customer insights such as reach and engagement that you wouldn't get from a Facebook personal profile it's also against Facebook's policy to use a personal profile completely for business purposes so you want to create a page if you're a business so that you can promote your business and access all of the analytics and insights available to you so let's go over to my computer now and I'll show you exactly how to set up a Facebook page to create a Facebook fan page or page you need to start off by going to forward slash business and once you get to this page in the top right hand corner here select that little arrow in the corner and then select create a page once you've done that this will open up the magical Facebook page creator and from here you can select one of the options now it's not the time to freak out if you can't decide if you want to be a business or brand or a community or public figure pick one that suits whatever situation you're in and know that you can change this later if circumstances change or if you make a mistake and you select the wrong one just pick one I'm going to select for the purposes of this demonstration business or brand and then I'm going to select to get started once you've done this then you continue with the prompts so here you need to come up with a name for your page so ideally the business name or if it's a personal brand you can have your personal business name and also to select a category to describe the page so I'm going to go ahead and give my page a name in terms of a category if I start typing different things will come up look such a variety of categories on Facebook so the easiest one I think that covers 99% of most businesses is product or service if you are a bricks and mortar business so you have a retail shop front find the action find that so if you're a hairdresser find that and that will enable you to then put in the address so if you do have a shop front try to find the category for your actual business shop front whether it's a hairdresser or a bakery or a real estate agent find that category but for majority of businesses I think product and service will actually be the most straightforward in a simple one to get a categorize your business as then select continue if you selected hairdresser it would then ask you to put in the address and you want to do that particularly if you are a business with a shopfront because people actually do use the maps within Facebook to locate your business so that's a little tip there then Facebook will take you to this page and you'll see that they have these little prompts everywhere telling you how to set up the page and with little tips which is nice and fine I'm just closed them it's not a big deal so the first thing that we want to do is we want to upload the profile image for our page and just to take note that it's a square image here when you're setting up your page but once you've saved it it's actually now a circle image so just keep that in mind when you're uploading the actual image in terms of the dimension for the page Facebook recommend that you but at minimum a hundred and eighty by a hundred and eighty pixels I find that actually to be too small so I set it at 1080 by 1080 pixels and I find that that is just better in terms of the quality of the profile image when it appears on the screen so it mean essence you just need to upload an image that is a square and you're able to crop it anyway so you can choose an image whether it's your logo or an image of yourself if you're a personal brand or an avatar it's really up to you so I'm going to select change picture clicking on that little camera at the bottom there and I have the options from I have the options of choosing from photos so this will select images from my personal profile or the images that I've uploaded on my personal account I can select take photo and this will activate the webcam if you have one and then take a photo of yourself or I can upload a photo which is what I'm going to do so I'm going to select that option and select the image from my computer and that's uploading now then I have the option to drag and reposition which section of the image I want to be included in that circle and the other thing that I can do is that I can is crop it a little bit using this bottom tool here so I just drag that back and forth just so that I am happy with whatever they've included within the circle section there the other thing that I can do is if I'm adding another profile image so once I've uploaded this I have the option of changing my profile image I can make it temporary so I can set it so that this image is temporary and I will switch back to the previous profile image within the period of time that I choose and you can do this if you want to change the picture and just sit and forget it you don't have to do it while you're setting it up it's just something to know that that's why that's there I can also add a descriptions I can add the link to my website I can add just how I'm feeling it's up to you whatever you want to add in that description section there it's not mandatory but it's an option if I wanted to edit the image a little bit more I can select this edit button with the wand here and this will open up the dialog where I can choose different filters that Facebook have pre-made I can leave I'm going to leave it at its original I can add text overlays so if I click on this add text section I can add some text I can then move it around a little bit and it's just kind of this simple editor that allows you to kind of add a bit more personality and add some images and etc to the profile image so I'm going to cancel that because I don't really want to do anything with it and discard the changes but you would say that if you actually didn't want to save the changes and I'm happy with that and I select save so now the profile image will appear after the page automatically refreshes and for some reason it may be square but just know that it will be circular on mobile and you can see that on the screen now and it will eventually convert over to a circle like what you see here the next thing you want to do is you need to add a Facebook cover image now the dimensions of a Facebook cover image are 820 by 312 pixels and you can upload it as a JPEG file a dot PNG file and you can also create a video at the same dimension so 820 by 312 is what they you can upload it as but you can also upload the video at 820 by 462 pixels if you did want to upload a video in this space and the video would essentially autoplay and if you select this button and then you select upload photo or video I'm going to select an image that I've created and Facebook will just whack it in there for me and then I select save if I wanted to change the cover photo so let's say I wanted to make it a slideshow I can add extra images so I selected the edit I select upload more photos if I don't crop it what happens is Facebook will automatically crop it that's why it's important that you do resize the image to the right size otherwise it's going to crop it wherever it wants to and I'm going to show you exactly how redonkulous it can look so I've uploaded the additional image it's a slideshow and if I select the arrows it's cropped off half of my forehead which is not ideal so I get the image size to the correct dimensions now the third thing that you want to do is you want to set your page username so if you select create page username here it will open up this dialog box and then you can type in the page name so whether this is your business name or whether it is the name that you want the page to be known as I'm going to try and see if I can get this and if the name is available you'll see the tick mark here but if it's not here's what you'll see so let's go through you will see that the name isn't available so you need to come up with alternatives on the name but I'm going to select the one that I want that is available and then I'm going to select create username now just a thing on user names so with user names it is important that you get this one right so Facebook changed the policy on whether or not they let you change the username and they're quite inconsistent about it there was a time where they only know that you changed it two times and after two times you was just stuck with the name sometimes they let you change it sometimes they don't so spend a bit of time and do this one when you're ready and you know what these are name is that you want the page to be called so your Facebook page when my Facebook page will now be forward slash Parker creative studios and that's the URL that I can put on my business cards on my email signature on my website just to make it easier for people to find the page and easier for me to share the page with people so I'm going to go ahead and create the username there excellent there's my link I'm going to go okay we're making progress here we are making progress so we've set our profile image we've set the facebook cover photo and we've now created the username for our page the thing that we want to do next I feel is that we want to add a button if you have a look at rode microphones page on their Facebook page for their button they have learn more and when you select the button it takes us to a very specific website so they've got people going to at the moment the my rode real competition winners page so you can select where you want this button to go and put a URL to either your store your website a contact page whatever it is which is the priority call to action for you that's what I would recommend putting the button towards so select add a button on your actual page and if you have a look at the options that facebook gives you you can either choose for people to make a booking with you to contact you to learn more about your business to shop or make a donation or to download or play your app or play the game so depending on what it is you'll be able to put in the link or the details of where you want that button to take you so I'm going to go learn more about the business so here I can choose a video so I can select a video that I upload or upload one and I am going to choose learn more and then I want to send people now to a website and then I'm going to paste in a link here so I'm going to select the link here and then I'm going to select finish and there the button is learn more and when people click on that it will go to the link that I chose here if I want to change it I can always edit the button and this will enable me to then change it back to another button so a contact button or the booking button or to whichever one that suits me or I can also change the link whenever I want to as well so that's pretty important that's pretty neat it gives you the ability to drive people to the cool thing that you want them to do the next thing that we're going to do is we are going to organize our tabs so on the left hand side here Facebook will give you a bunch of default tabs and not all of them may be relevant to you so we're going to remove the ones that aren't relevant to us and fill in the details for the ones that are so go to settings and from settings you can then go to templates and tabs on the left hand side once you've done that Facebook will load the template and tabs you'll see that they've probably set a default template for you based on what they think is right select edit because normally they don't get it right and choose a template that suits you so whether you're a business whether you have your venue whether you're a non-profit politician services business I'm going to choose that I am a services business and then I'm going to apply this template you can have a look and see that will tell you what this template includes in terms of the tabs these ones yep they look pretty good to me and then you can always change them around anyway so I'm going to go okay to apply the template that suits me they have used the default tab so this is what they think will be most successful it's up to you I'm going to turn it off so that this will allow me to change them so then I have a look at the actual tab so this is the services tab and if you don't want the tab to appear you just select off now the information for services will be in the general information here so if I don't want it to appear I turn off the review tab once again if I don't want it to appear I can switch it off this is the review sections where people are able to leave a review same with the shop settings same with the offerings just go through each one and if you I think you you're not able to switch off posts because that by default is what Facebook is all about but you are able to turn the other ones off and you're also able to move them around so for me post is pretty important I need that at the top and I also think my videos are more important and shouldn't be so far at the bottom so I want people to see post videos most services my reviews are off so I'm going to move anything that I don't need at the bottom jobs I don't want to promote any jobs that's not quite relevant so I'm going to turn that off community tab you can't switch that off community tab is all of the details so for example community for road here just has a summary of their photos how many likes and follows that they have so I'm gonna leave that I'm gonna leave that probably I'll move it up a little bit so it's up to you to order them and ordering them is as easy as dragging and dropping them once you're happy with the ones that you have you can add more taps if you want but I'm not going to do that when I go back to my page I'll see that the ordering has changed videos is back up the top jobs and whatnot is all there that I've moved to the bottom and that essentially hit now the last thing that we're going to do to complete the setup of our page is we're going to go to the settings section here on the top right-hand corner and then this is going to take me to a whole heap of things in Facebook so you can go through these one by one but the key thing that I would go through is I would go to page info and I would make the effort to fill out their descriptions so a summary of your page this is important to put the keywords in so if you're a retail retailer talk about what you what you offer the products and services annual location you can fill out the details here if you want to include your phone number the website a contact email address for it to appear on the page remember this information will be public if you put it in here and once again the location which is very important people use the map on Facebook don't underestimate that so put it in there if you indeed have a business where you want customers to come and visit you if not then obviously don't put your personal address if you don't want people to come and visit you at your home you can also put opening hours very important for retailers and bricks and mortar businesses as well put the hours that you're open and closed people will refer to this when they're planning and when they're going to go to the actual retailer or the store there's other things here that you can fill in as well if you want to take the time just a summary of the products you are far your mission you don't have to fill these out but I find that it's good to fill them out because it gives you just a bit more information and if you look at Road so Road have filled all of theirs out and their about page is pretty impressive so this is this section here where it's all of that business information when they started the contact details they've got an image and a profile set up or their milestones so it's pretty impressive if you can fill it out properly and the the benefit to doing this is that it puts more keywords into your page so that if people are searching for keywords relating to your business business you have a higher chance of actually appearing in the Facebook search if you had these keywords now I'm not saying - just keywords stuff your page write it properly make sure that it's not spammy but here's the chance for you to just showcase your business talk about what you do and provide some background information to your business as well so I would make the effort to put all of those details in and that essentially is the basics of setting up your actual Facebook page the last thing I'm going to show you because the rest of it you can kind of play around yourself is setting page roles so one of the great things about having a Facebook page is that you can have lots of different admins helping you manage the page so in order to add extra people you go to the settings section where I showed you here then you go to page roles and then you can add other people so you would type in their name so if they're already friends with you on Facebook they will appear just like that or you can just type in their email address and it needs to be the email address that's connected to their Facebook profile and that won't able them to come up in this search section here and you can select to give them and you can select different controls so you can have them as an admin which is full control they're able to add and remove users do that with people you trust because that means they can actually remove you as an admin if they are an admin as well editors have similar controls but they're not able to manage users moderators advertisers analysts as you go down they get less and less control so that's where you go and you add people and you're also able to edit existing control so someone leads leaves the organization you go into this same place here you can edit the permission and change it you can remove them or you can change it is it that wraps up the basics of setting up your page with the key things once again you saw in the settings that there's other things that you can have a play around with but these are the fundamental things and once you're happy and ready to go then you can start sharing your page you can start running ads you can start publishing posts on your page and you now have a beautiful Facebook page that has a profile image a cover photo alone a call to action button it's got ordering for the tabs you've got user users added to the actual page so there are different admins helping you manage it you've also got your page username and you are ready to rock and roll if you found this video useful give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for more ways to grow your business using Facebook having an amazing Facebook page is just one part of the equation you can also use Facebook live to generate more leads and sales but you need to figure out what to say how to go live what equipment you need and how to bring it all together so I've put together a Facebook live cheat sheet it's a super simple guide to get you up and streaming on Facebook live even if you've never hit record before to get your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below and thanks for watching
Channel: Sara Nguyen
Views: 141,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a facebook page, how to make a facebook page, create facebook page, how to create facebook page, create facebook business page, facebook business page, creating a facebook page, create a facebook page, how to make a facebook business page, create a page on facebook, setup facebook business page, how to create a facebook business page, facebook page for business, how to create a business facebook page, facebook page tutorial, facebook page create
Id: MD2eTUirx48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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