How To Create a Digital File on Inkscape for Glowforge

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hey guys it's catherine from 85th and pine and in today's video i'm going to be showing you how to make your own digital design and i'm just going to be showing you a basic christmas ornament pretty simple and so let's go ahead and get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so i'm just going to walk you through a way to make your own digital design i'm just going to make some a basic christmas ornament just to try to keep it kind of easy but first i'm going to go to the and then we'll use inkscape but the has tons of icons that you can use and incorporate into your digital designs if you end up selling your designs you will have to pay for these icons just to keep in mind so i'm just going to type in christmas tree and select this first one right here and i'm going to download it as an svg file and then save it to my computer and i'm also going to search for a circle for the ornament itself you can make your own circle on inkscape but i'm just going to use this circle here just to show you all right and then we're going to go over to inkscape and start importing everything so go to file import you can also use the keyboard shortcuts for that i'm going to go ahead and import these to objects here and get the christmas tree alright so i'm going to make this ornament about four inches so i'm gonna go up here to the sizing toolbar i'm gonna change it to inches i'm gonna lock it right here so it doesn't distort the image and i'm gonna make it four inches now i'm going to add no fill to this so it's not doesn't have a fill color so i'm gonna go to object right here fill in stroke over here i'm going to select fill no fill color then i'm going to put a stroke paint on it and select stroke paint right here flat color but i want that color to be red so that's just the color i use for cutting and then i want it to be thinner so i'm going to go to stroke style and just decrease the thickness of this stroke i'm going to do the same thing to this christmas tree just enlarge it so you can see it no fill put a stroke on it red stroke style i'm going to increase this because it's a little too light now i'm going to make it a little bit more larger and put it in the center of my ornament i'm going to hold down my cursor drag it and select both of these images i'm going to go to object align and distribute so that i can align them perfectly so i'm going to align center on vertical axis over here now that they're centered as you can see if i left it like this the machine is going to cut all of the lines that it sees so it'll cut right through the christmas tree and you won't have a single object so i'm going to unify it so i'm going to again take my cursor drag it select both icons go up to object ungroup to make sure they're ungrouped then go to path and union right here so now it is one unified piece and it should cut properly now i'm going to add some text so i'm going to go over here to the left hand side create and edit text objects type in whatever text i want go up top here and center the text then go over to my align and distribute again that was already open and well first we're going to take the selection tool here or select it by dragging and dropping like i did before and then align over here to the right hand side now you can center it on the vertical axis between the two items and i'm just going to move this down now it's too big so i'm going to just go ahead and make it smaller and redo that again [Music] center now it's centered on the axis with the ornament all right so now i'm going to keep my text selected and you can choose whatever font you want by do going to text and text in font and it'll come up when you go to type out your text i'm just going to keep it like this just to keep it simple now i'm going to go to path and make it a path so object to path otherwise it won't print and now i'm going to make my color pink for engraving down here i just personally use pink for engraving so that's what i'm going to choose i'm going to move this down just a little bit more because i'm going to put something else here so just to show you some score lines i'm going to create my own score lines and put lights on this tree so i'm going to go to the left hand side here and draw bizarre curves and straight lines icon go up here to the top and select this icon here and so it will curve and as you can see i'm gonna just click wherever i see fit click right here then click in the center you don't have to hold it down it does it for you and then click on the side over here and double click it so it stops now i'm going to go to my selection tool up here and select it and now i'm going to change that stroke color down here at the bottom this is another way to change the stroke color i use blue so i'm going to right click set stroke since my stroke color is blue for micro forge and then i'm going to put lights by just adding circles and i'm going to put create circles over here on the left hand side draw my own circle i'm going to select it over here with the selection tool and i'm gonna create a no fill for this so like i said you can go over here to the right hand side fill in stroke and do it like we did before select fill and go to x and i'm going to make this circle even as you can see up here it's not perfectly even so i'm going to unlock it right here and just make it even by 0.37 by 0.37 and then i'm going to go ahead and lock it so it stays that way it is kind of big so i'm just gonna make it a little bit smaller but it still stays even since i locked it i'm gonna put a couple more lights here so i'm going to just ctrl c control v on my keyboard just to copy and paste and i'm going to select all of these to make them a little more even so hold down my shift key and click on each one that's another way to select items go to my align and distribute and over here on distribute i'm going to make horizontal gaps between objects equal and i'm just going to move it over a little bit i'm going to select them again just to scoot it over a little bit there we go all right and now for the last thing i'm going to make the top circle up here with a hole in it so that you can put a ribbon through it so i'm going to go over to circles over here again just make my own circle go to my selection tool after i i drew it and for this i'm going to unlock it over here to make it even again and then lock it once it's the way i want it make it a little bit smaller oh i didn't lock it apparently here we go all right then i'm going to put this just overlap just slightly on the ornament itself i'm going to hold down and click shift and select my ornament so that i can align them properly so go back to align and distribute over here and center on vertical axis it was pretty close so didn't move too much i'm going to make this stroke color red just to keep it consistent so down here at the bottom i'm going to just do it right click set stroke now i'm going to hold down shift while that is selected and select my ornament go to object ungroup and then path and union now that is one piece now i'm going to make one more little circle just to put it at the center i could have copied and pasted that other circle and just made it smaller either way and now i'm going to put this at the center here i'm going to align it on the vertical axis again it's pretty good so now it has a cutout for the ribbon or whatever you use now i'm going to go ahead and group it all together by holding down my cursor dragging it and selecting everything at once going up to object and group now i'm going to save it to my computer and you can save it as inkscape svg plain svg or any there's a bunch of other files here formats here but i'm just going to do inkscape it works fine then i'm going to go over to my glowforge app and import and i'm going to print this on medium draft board just because i have a lot of it and wanted to use it so i'm just going to make sure everything is good so the engraving is the oh christmas tree this should be score so i'm going to set it to score for the lights because i'm going to paint those and then these two are cut so let's go ahead and print it all right again that was just a pretty basic christmas ornament design that i just made up really quickly just to show you if you're interested in buying your own glow forge please feel free to use my referral code listed in the description box below on where you can get money off plus me and my family would get credits too which we truly appreciate if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and thanks for watching
Channel: 85th & Pine LLC
Views: 2,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glowforge, glowforge referral, glowforge discount, glowforge discount code, inkskape, svg, how to create a digital file, 85th and pine, laser cutting, best laser cutter, what laser cutter should I buy, laser cutter, make money with glowforge, how much money can you make with glowforge, noun project, how to
Id: Kk5ZJrLX96I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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