How To Create A Course Website With WordPress, LearnDash & SureCart

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Do you want to start selling your own course or  multiple courses on your own website they are at   the right address my name is Ferdy and in this  video I will show you step by step how you can   sell courses on your website and automate the  whole process so when your visitors buys your   course you get money they get access to the course  at once let me show you what we will cover in this   tutorial if you don't have it yet I will show you  how to get your own domain name and web hosting   then we will install WordPress the best free  software to create websites and after that we   will install the LearnDash plugin that will enable  us to sell courses on our website then I will show   you how to create your first course add chapters  lessons and topics to your course you will learn   how to add quizzes to your course so you can  see if people are learning the things you teach   them in your course and we will add an automated  certificate so when people finish a course they   get a certificate with their name and completion  date we will talk about drip content that means   that when a person enrolls in your course every  day or every week they get a few new lessons   instead of giving the access to the whole course  at once when your course is finished we will use   a free tool called SureCard to take care of the  payments with your card you can create one-time   payments split payments subscription payments  let people pay what they want and you can give   people free trials before they will be charged  with SureCard you can also combine payments like   a one-time payment of 299 dollars and at the  same time 49 per month we'll also add a second   course on our website and make a special deal  for people that want to buy both courses and we   have a lot of courses on your website you can let  people also pay a monthly or yearly subscription   or let them pay a one-time fee for access to all  the courses on your website and all this can be   done with LearnDash and SureCard we'll talk about  landing pages and how to increase your conversion   ratio so you can sell more courses make more money  and help more people so and for all the steps in   this tutorial you are ready to start selling your  own course or multiple courses and when people pay   for that course you make money it goes directly to  your bank account and those people get access to   your course all on autopilot so let me talk about  a few more practical things when I go to files for   you you can go to the settings of the youtube  video and change the playback speed to a slower   one or you can click on the left arrow on your  keyboard and go back 5 seconds in the video in   the description of the video I have timestamps so  if you want to go to a certain part of the video   you can click on one of the timestamps and you  go directly to that part of the video if you like   what you see so far then please like this video  feel free to subscribe for more upcoming tutorials   now let me show you the four steps we will take  in order to create an amazing course website so   there are four things we need to do if you don't  have it yet I will show you how you can get your   own domain name and web hosting and I can give you  70 discounts after that we will install wordpress   then we will get learn dash and then we will  create an amazing course website if you already   have a domain name and web hosting and you have  already installed wordpress I will show you on   the screen right now where I need to go in order  to continue with this tutorial now it's really   time to get started the first things we need are  a domain name web hosting let me tell you what   a domain name is and what my posting is a domain  name is the address of your website so if I would   go to is the domain  and everything you see on this website is the   web hosting web hosting is a really fast computer  that is turned on 24/7 with all the information on   your website you can rent it for a few dollars  per month it's like having a house if you want   people to visit you you need to give them your  address and your domain name is the address of   your website so your domain name is the address of  your website and everything you see over here is   the web hosting if facebook would have no domain  name it would look something like this and that   can be quite a challenge to remember by heart and  that's why we need a domain name and when we have   a domain name we want to display things on our  website and that's why we need web hosting if you   have that already that's great then you can skip  this part if you don't have it go to web hosting hit enter and then you can click on the link go  to siteground I love siteground scigirl is in   my opinion the best web hosting provider there  is and i'm not the only one with that opinion   in a facebook web hosting group with more than  5 thousand members siteground is mentioned most   when it comes to the best web hosting provider  and I agree with them I scroll down a bit and   there are three plans you can choose and  the best value for your money is to grow   big plan what is the difference between  the grow big plan and the startup plan   here with the grow brick plan you can have  unlimited websites look at this unlimited   websites with the startup plan you only have one  website and all the time people are upgrading   from startup to grow big because they want to  create more websites so I suggest rubric and   you can always upgrade later if you want to over  here you can have unlimited websites 20 gigabyte   of web space well most websites are 200 megabytes  so you can have up to 100 websites with this plan   you can have up to 100 000 visits per month and  I hope you will get that because that will mean   a lot of business for you and then if you have  that you can always upgrade to the go geek plan   and then you will have 40 gigabyte of web space  and you can have up to 400 000 visits per month   this is the plan I have right now because I have a  lot of websites and a lot of visitors but keep in   mind you can always upgrade later so I will start  with the grow big plan and more great things about   is you can have free ssl so your website will be  secured with some web hosting providers that cost   money here it is free you have daily backups  that's amazing if you somehow mess things up   sideground got you covered you will have a backup  of the day before and after the day before that   free cdn that means that your website will be  fast throughout the whole world no matter where   the visitors come from your website will be  blazing fast you can have unlimited free email   accounts and really important this is great for  e-commerce and if you somehow really don't like it   you have a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's  no risk for you so I will choose to grow big plan   by clicking here now we need to choose a domain  name if I would say I want to buy I click on proceed of course it  will say you've chosen an invalid domain name   because it's already taken so you need to choose  a domain name that is still available what I would   advise everybody in the world to do is get your  own domain name with your first name and last name   I hope it's still available for you and otherwise  you can use a company name or a custom name and if   you offer local sources you can place your  hometown in domain for instance web design the great thing is that you can  choose a lot of different extensions   dot I always suggest  or the local one from your country   I go for affiliate marketing channels so let's see  if it's still available I click on proceed yes it   says congratulations your domain is available  for registration with your hosting account   let me make this a little bit bigger for  you now I can leave some details over here   first my email address jk24co2 I need  to create a password and I need to confirm my   password and then over here I need to say from  which country I am i'm from the netherlands   and I will fill in my details ferdi or pursue 30  and anna media if you have a company fill your   name over here in your vet text id if you fill in  your text id you don't have to pay taxes for this   order it's okay great siteground gives feedback at  once which is nice i'm from this city this street my zip code if I would say wrong it will correct  me it will say hey you need to remove the space   and then over here I need to fill in my  phone number and it's really important that   it's the correct number so say plus three one six  and then your phone number really important to   have this over here the country code I scroll down  and depending on where you come from there can be   local payment providers so if I would enter this  website from the netherlands I would see I do over   here you will maybe see paypal I will use credit  cards so I will fill in my details and then we   go to the purchase information we go for the grow  big plan and the data center we can choose a few   depending on where you want to focus on if you  want to focus on people from the united states   keep in the united states if you want to focus on  people from the netherlands or somewhere near the   netherlands choose germany or the netherlands I  want to go for four people worldwide so I choose   the usa and the period is 12 months we pay 6.69  per month and then we can have unlimited websites   on our grow big account which is amazing and then  if we scroll down I highly urge you to get domain   privacy it will cost you 12 per year but it will  save you so much spam because if you don't turn   this on a lot of companies can see that there's  a new domain name with your personal information   with your phone number your address your email  account your email address and then they can send   you spam emails like hey I can make a logo for you  I can do seo for you you don't want that so for   twelve dollars you don't have that then I scroll  down and I will pay a total amount of 110.27   cents it can be a little bit more or less with  you depending on where you come from and with this   amount you have a domain name or web hosting for a  complete year and you can add more domains to your   account and create multiple websites and they're  all blazing fast and there's a great support if   you get stuck somewhere I confirm that i've read  the terms service and I agree with them and I   would like to receive news updates from siteground  if you got it through you don't   pay more but you get amazing discount and I do  get credit for it so it's a win-win situation   and then I click on pay now and then the great  thing is that our website will be live immediately   we don't have to wait for 24 hours it will be live  at once if everything goes right you should see   this right now and that's amazing and then I  want to congratulate you with your domain name   and web hosting if you don't see that it  can be that you see something like this   if that's the case fill in the confirmation number  you get in the text message and then you should   be able to proceed and in some cases siteground  will put an amount on your credit card account   and you need to fill in that number so they know  for sure it is your credit card account you can do   that by going to your account or your credit card  account or by calling your credit card company I   had to call them I want to check everything so  you know exactly what to do in every situation   I hope both of those confirmations do not appear  for you but now you know what to do when you see   those two screens so let's continue and my account  was successfully created how great is that I can   proceed to the customer area then I need to log in  with the details I use to sign up for sitegrounds   now it says welcome 30 and here we can  set up our website but what I rather do   I rather go to websites then it says over here  set up incomplete so I click on finish site setup   then I choose my domain name which I have  over here I click on continue and I want   to skip and create an empty site I don't need  those two tools I scroll down and I click on   finish and now it says it will take less than two  minutes before your website is created and that   says your website with your domain is created and  I want to go to the site tools by clicking here   the first thing I want to do I want to  make my website secure so I go to security   ssl manager then I select my domain name and  then I select let's encrypt I click on get   this can take a minute so we have to wait  there it is now I can configure the hps but   what I rather do here below I go to actions and  force hps and then I turn this on and that's it   now I go to wordpress install and manage  then I want to install wordpress even   if i'm gonna install woocommerce I rather  start with wordpress so I click on select   then I choose my domain name I can choose the  language for my website the installation path   that means that I can install the website on  my forward slash new or test   but I rather install this on my main folder and  then I need to create a login name for wordpress   and a password and an email address then I scroll  down I don't need to have the wordpress starter I   click on install and wordpress will be installed  on our brand new domain name and there it is   now wordpress is installed on our brand new  website so what we have we have an admin panel   I open it in a new tab and we have the website I  open it also in a new tab then I close this window   what we see over here is the back end of our  website here we're going to configure our website   create pages create blog posts upload images and  then over here we can see the front and this is   what people will see when people enter your domain  name right now they will go right to this page we   are live the great thing is that our website is  also secure so this is what people will see when   they enter your website and this is where we can  configure our website well the first thing I want   to do I want to clean up my website so what I will  do over here at the back end I will dismiss this   message then I want to collapse all this stuff  over here or even better go to the screen options   and check everything so it will  not be shown so our dashboard is   clean then I want to go to the plugins and for now  I want to remove all the plugins by selecting this   checkbox build actions deactivate we first  need to deactivate plugins before we can   remove them apply and since i've deactivated  them I see that my menu is a little bit cleaner   those two things are not active anymore  book actions again delete apply i'm okay great then I go to the posts there's  one example post I want to bring it   to the trash go to the trash and empty the  trash the same with pages I go to the pages   select both pages move to the trash apply  then I go to the trash and I empty the trash   I go to appearance themes and the themes I do  not use right now this one 2020 I don't use that   I delete it okay and this one I will leave that  for later because I want to show you an example   of what you can do with themes then over here  at the right top corner I can edit my profile   I can change the look of view of the back end so  you can choose something you prefer I prefer the   default one right now it says howdy 30 corp so  when I write a blog post it will say written by   ferdi corp I rather use my full name so over here  my first name is 30 my last name is corpus hook   and then I can change my display name publicity  as 30 corpus and that's what you now see over here   then over here I can have an email  address and this email address is linked   with a graphter account I will talk about it in a  minute and because it is it has a special profile   picture I can change it by clicking here and then  I go to gravatar I can sign up and if I sign up   with the same email address I use over here then  the image I upload at gravatar will be displayed   over here and also in your website where you want  to display this so if i've written a blog post   and I want to show my face it'll show this  image I can say something about myself so if   I create a blog post and it says something  about the author this text will appear   and I can create a new password and I can update  my profile if I want to go to the front end   I click over here if I want to go to the back end  I click over here so I actually don't need this   so this looks better in my opinion this is how it  looked this is how it looks right now it's cleaner   and it helps me to be productive in creating a  beautiful website I want to go through a few more   settings over here at settings general I want to  make my website secure over here so I will add an   s over here and over here I probably need to  log in again so if I click on save changes   it's all fine but sometimes  you need to log in again   so right now our website looks actually quite  bad it doesn't look that appealing let me   show you how we can make it look better using a  free theme called bloxy let's get it right now   so I want to use the best free theme there is  in order to get it we go to 30 forward   slash block c hit enter then we can go for the  free download there's a pro version i've talked   about a bit in this tutorial we'll make use of  the free version so I click on free download then   I can download it over here or I go to my website  to the back end by clicking here appearance themes   add new and then I search for block  c and there it is I click on install activate and then I need to download the bloxy  companion in order for the theme to work properly   so I click over here awesome now I want to go to  the settings permalinks and make sure that post   name is selected and then save it and then I want  to go to the general settings I want to change the   site title the site title is really important  on what keyword do we want to be found well i'm   gonna sell a course on how to make money through  affiliate marketing on youtube so I need to give   the site a title that explains that that shows  it in one sentence make money with youtube true   affiliate marketing english is now my main  language maybe I should say make money on youtube with affiliate marketing then there's the tagline  in a few words explain what this site is about   learn how to build a passive stream  of income or learn how to generate   passive income through youtube save it then make  sure there's an s over here if you don't see that   add it over here then save it and  probably you need to log in again then we go back over here site  language is english time's on   depending on where you live I choose  amsterdam where are you amsterdam   and how do I want to display my date I like this  one and over here with the time format I want to   use am and pm with capitals save the changes great  so ladies and gentlemen it is time to get learn   dash learn this is the tool we will use in order  to create courses on our website it's an amazing   tool there are so many functionalities and I will  show you what you can do with it and right now   I want to show you how you can get learn dash in  order to get it we go to forward slash   learn dash hit enter and you will be redirected  to the learn dash website well you've already   seen what you can do with this so let's go to the  pricing we only want to make use of the wordpress   plugin not the full site so here at the wordpress  plugin there are three options they're all the   same the only difference is the amount of licenses  you get so you can have a license for one website   ten websites or four unlimited websites well  I want to go for one website so I will pay   199 dollars per year so if you sell five courses  they all cost 1.99 and you sell only one course   per year you already have your money back but if  you want to use it on more websites you can go for   10 or for all individuals I will go for 10 so I  can install it on multiple websites I click on buy   now and then I need to fill in my billing details  over here so let's get started with my first name   my last name my company is ferdi and  anna media i'm from the netherlands   this is my address I need  to fill in my phone number   my email address my event id if I have a company  and I need to create a username and a password I   don't need to fill in additional information this  is what I get learndash for 10 sites 3.99 per year   and then I can pay with credit card  or with paypal I choose credit card   and then I click over here on purchase and when  you get this through my link   learndash you don't pay more and I get a  commission so it's a win-win situation it   helps me to make those tutorials so thank you for  that awesome now I can download learners over here then I go back to the website to the back end plugins add new upload plugin and then I drag  this file which we just downloaded over here   and I click on install now awesome now we need to  activate learn dash so I click on activate plugin   awesome when we do that we go to the wizard and  I want to get started so welcome to learndash   thank you and I click on get started get rid of  this then I fill in my purchase email for the   corp and and my license key and I can  find it here and licenses and there it is copy paste and I click on validate your  license is valid and click on next   and tell us about your course how many  courses are you planning to create   if you only want to create one select one if  you want to create multiple click on multiple   I select one I want to go for a course  video course with quizzes and certificates   so I click on this one and click on next  do you want to charge for your courses yes   I want to do that using stripe but I will do  that later so you know i'll say no right now next and they'll install a few things  for us so I don't need the woocommerce   we're going to use a different tool better  tool I click on save and complete awesome   so I don't need this anymore so we have  installed learndash congratulations now   let's create our first course by going to learn  lms courses we're going to dive right in so it   says over here I don't have any courses yet so  I click here on atroverse course or I click on   add new I click here and of course I need to  give this course a title so I give this a title   youtube affiliate marketing course and I can write  something about my course so I started writing so here's a text if I publish it I need to  publish it again and now I can take a look   over here I hold command so it opens in a  new tab youtube affiliate marketing course   with a text well it's not that impressive if  I go to the home page we see nothing over here   I want to show my courses over here how can I  do that let me hover over new I click on page   then I type home I click on publish and  publish and then over here I click on the plus   I type in course and I want to see the  learn dash course list there it is update let's take a look in a new tab okay then  I go to the back end to learn hop add-ons   and I scroll down and I search for the grid  if you cannot find it command or control f   grid there it is learner's course grid I click  on install and then it will be added over here   there it is and then I need to connect it so I  click over here and now when I go to the homepage   I see nothing yet but if I  go to the home page over here   I see this course then I go to the customizer i scroll down all the way and I go to the  homepage settings and I select a static page   and then I select our homepage publish so now when I click on my home  page I see our course so later we're   going to make this look better right  now I want to go back to my course   edit my course by clicking here and then here at  the right at course I need to do a few more things   I can choose a category so if I have  a lot of courses I can categorize them   so this one falls under affiliate marketing  but I also have a sub category for instance   passive income or I can have two categories I can  of course tags so here I say passive income comma   youtube affiliate marketing  online marketing make money online then I want to have a featured image  well i've created it and I show you   on my youtube channel how to  create a an image like this let me see youtube affiliate  marketing course open it set as a featured image update and if you  go to youtube maybe I removed it because   it's not really wordpress related but  search for how to create a thump nail and you can watch this video or this  one or this one this one really good   I watch this one really nice so um go ahead  update and now if I go back to the courses   and then I go to the homepage by clicking here  on my homepage I see this so before I continue   I want to do a few more things I want to have  a logo over here so I go to the customizer then I click over here on those three  dots then I select a logo upload files   select files and I think in my desktop I have this  affiliate marketing channels logo I remove all the   dashes over here at the title I want to optimize  this for the search results I will be found in the   images of google and other search engines I paste  the title in the description and add the alt text   select so there's my logo then here at the  bloxy theme I want to get rid of this site title   great and I want to go publish this  and then when I click over here   I don't want this to be so wide so I can do  two things I can go back go back and go to   the general options to the layout I can make the  website smaller as a whole or I make this one 1020   and then the narrow container max with 800 then  I go back and I go back and I scroll down search   for the learn dash area so over here then I  go to the single course which is this page   and then I can change the width to narrow width  and that's what I prefer I can make it box if I   want to but i'm okay with white publish go  back go back then I want to go to the menus   I create a new menu I call this one main menu  I assign it to the header menu one area which   is this area I click on next I want to add  some items and I want to add only one item   and that's the front page is home page I can  even click over here change the label to courses publish then I go back go back then I go to  the general options header and here I can   create a beautiful header with my logo here at  the left menu at the right I don't want to have   a search area so I remove that and it will also  be removed over here then I go to the main row   you see there are three areas this is the main  row if I click on those settings I can change   the height and I want to change the minimum  height to 70. so I say 70 over here publish close it so this is the homepage click here and  this is the course page so I added the course and we see we have the beautiful featured image  all this stuff but now I want to build the content   of the course well for that I have an overview  over here so I can make my screen a bit smaller   then I go to the builder and now I want to create  the structure of the content of my course and I   really am into structure I love structure so  what you see I created a few sections and in   those sections I have my videos it can be video  course it can be a pdf course it can be any course   you can sell something and then  give them content through pages   through videos through pdfs whatever you  want so my course has sections and in those   sections I have videos and in that way I  can structure my website so what i'll do   I will click on new section heading over here I  call this one zero one chapter one introduction   introduction I add the section heading and  in that section I think I will have lessons   so I click on the first lesson what I do I  copy this I say command shift left command c   paste it and I don't want to call this  welcome but I want to call this introduction add a lesson then I add a new lesson  and I go to the second area copy   paste the third one so that's how I do  that I assume you already have your course this youtube channel is not about teaching  people how to create a course also I really   would like that but I want to stick  with one subject and that's how to   make websites different kind of websites  start with blogging and stuff so I cannot   make videos about how to make videos because  then youtube is like hey what is this kind of   channel so uh those were my lessons of chapter  or section one so I create a new section heading   this time I say time to prepare and I can say  for success or just time to prepare or prepare for success and then there's the first video of my second  section lesson one I edit lesson two well I   like to number all the lessons but you can do  something else for instance not numbering them   become a doer in this chapter I want to help  people to get the mindset of a successful   person that you do not get discouraged when  something does not go as you want it to be or   where you think okay this is too hard for  me so this chapter is all about helping you to boost your mentality and your mindset so  you're ready to become successful with this   because it's a long run it's not like hey do  this and a day later you're a millionaire no then we get started and then I like to introduce  every new chapter and what I will do I will be   back with you when i've created all this stuff  what I see over here I did something wrong   so I create create a new section zero three  let's get started because this is a lesson   instead of a section now I can bring this up   bring this up remove this and then  we continue now we'll fast forward so that's it sections and lessons I updated   a few more things over here I see all those  else that means that it is a lesson if I want   to change it I can bring it down so I can  change the order or I click on the button   like that so you can um adjust the order  and we can update it previews in a new tab   and this is how it looks well I will tell you  already this is not the page we're going to use in   order to sell things I think there's a better way  to sell this and that will also give you a better   click-through rate but doesn't mean that from  the 100 people let's say that from the 100 people   one biases course so every 100 visitors one person  buys it well then we can increase the conversion   so rate click through rate dot conversion  rate right now the conversion rate would be   one percent if one person in  the 100 people that visit this   page will buy this well if we design it in  a different way we can upgrade that we can   increase the conversion rate so from every 100  visitors maybe three will buy it that means   three times as much money and helping three times  as much people so this is something that's okay   but I just don't like it so before we all change  that I want to walk through a few options with you   by going to the settings then I hit page down or  command arrow down control arrow down and I go to   the learn dash course grid settings and then  there's a short description so if I would go   to the homepage right now it says this  and then I can add a short description i can say what the duration  of the course will be it's 28   hours and 51 minutes at this moment I can  have a video preview and when I do that   I can have a video url or an embedded code so it  can be a youtube video I need to paste over here   if you want to know how there's a  video you just need to place this and then over here you need to place the mp4  file so if I would go to the back end to media   I upload a new video by dragging it over here and  this will be the video I have the url over here   and that's what I need to paste and then you  can show a video and that will be displayed over   here I prefer not to do  that hey but it's an option   custom button text right now it says enrolled  if I change the text over here I can say   enroll now and I can have a custom ribbon  text best do update or you know popular and then it will look like this popular and then  over here it says enroll now then I say command   or control arrow up so right now the course is  not protected any user can access this contents   without the need of logging in so they can  just click here go through all the content   and consume it well that's not what I want so the  second option is the course is free but you need   to register or log in in order to get access to  the course the third one let people buy it for a   one-time fee of 997 and if I want to I can have  a custom url a landing page or something else   that people need to go through in order to buy  the course and then I need to paste that link   over here then there's recurring that means  that every week or every month you can let   people pay or every year but if you want this  i'll show you a better way on how to apply this   so we don't have to go through these settings  and I can also say closed that's my preferred   way 997 dollars and then I will use an external  tool in this case sure card in order to set up   the payment so people can pay once or they can pay  monthly through paypal or through credit card and   then sure card will take care of everything else  sure cards will make sure that the people that pay   will get access to the course so that's what we'll  use closed and then we have course prerequisites   something like that that means that they need to  finish a certain course on my website before they   can access this course and then I can select  the course or it needs to be all the courses we can give people points when they participate  in the course so 10 points for getting access   and 100 points for completing the course  I don't use this but what I can say when   people pay this 997 dollars they have one year  to put everything into practice because after   one year they do not get access anymore so I  can give them access for a certain period and   I can also say that after that period all  the data of those people will be deleted   update so for you one year you have access  to my youtube affiliate marketing course i scroll down do I want to show  course materials what does it mean   well let me show you over here I can say you need  a computer you need a phone or camera you need an internet connection if I  update this and I click over here   it'll say materials you need a computer you need  a phone or camera you need internet connection   or what you can do download the pdf that  comes with the course they make this a link to the pdf so and then they can download the  materials I don't use it but hey you can is   there a course certificate we're going to create  a certificate and then link it to this course   is there a challenge xn well there will be one  I will show you how and then the course content   is it always visible and I mean this area  over here well if you sell a course of 997   you maybe do not want to show the content you  want to show them how amazing it is when they   buy the course what they can do but don't show  them all the content otherwise they think oh   I can figure this out myself I know how to do  this okay I don't need the course so I prefer   to show it only to people that are enrolled  updates so when people go to an incognito window they click over here they do not  see an overview with what will be   covered they can take the course but  there's no link for that yet we'll take   make it later so that's what I prefer to only  show to visible enrollees custom pagination if I refresh the page I see page one page two  and page three I prefer to show everything   so custom pagination I say show a thousand lessons  and a thousand topics per page that means that all the content of this overview will be on one page  that's what I prefer that's why I said thousand   how can people navigate through the course do they  need to finish the first lesson before they can   watch the second one if that's the case keep it  linear requires to use the progress through the   course in and designate it step sequence or  free form so they can go immediately to the   bonus videos see how amazing it is what you can  do with affiliate marketing through youtube so   that's up to you I give them the freedom to  do uh whatever they want so I say freeform   I can manually enroll people over  here to the course and I can also   get rid of their access to the course update  and then it looks like this for someone that's   already enrolled so I can click on the course  as a member and I can just watch the course and   what I can do since i'm a further corpse  over here I can go to the introduction   it looks like this right now I can complete  the lesson go to the next lesson no content yet   I can mark it complete again now  when I go back to all the courses   I click over here I already completed three  percent and i'm in progress if I scroll down I see   that I completed lesson one lesson two and lesson  three so I go to lesson two market it as complete   and now I already finished five percent of  the course of course we need to fill this   with content yet we're gonna do that in a  minute it looks great already let me show   you a few things we can do in order to make  our website look better let's take a look at   the look of view I go back to the customizer  because I don't like the the width over here   and then the other width over here so I go to  learn dash a single course page and I don't   want to use the narrow width anymore I want to  use a full width and I want to make it boxed so it looks like that publish close  this and then over here I want to   go back to the courses and then to learn  dash and then all the way below to settings i want to use the template 3.0 don't use the  legacy one because well and it will look legacy no thank you I prefer the 3.0 theme and that gives us a few options for   instance the accent color well I  want to make use of this red color copy by by the way to get this color I use the  chrome extension called color pick eyedropper   it's free and I paste the accent color  over here the progress color well   I want to use the black one or dark grey notifications warnings well again that one save  it refresh so we see the color red coming back   and the color black I like it or dark so now  when I go to the introduction it looks like this   actually you should see a video  over here but what I prefer to do   I can go to the next lesson etc etc I can  mark it as complete but what I prefer look   at this I can turn on the focus mode and we'll  change the look and feel of this whole page   so let me refresh it um so now at the left  we have an overview of all the content and then here at the right we see the content  well I have quite a big screen but I think this   can be wider because right now this stuff  is not filled and this stuff is not filled   so by default the focus mode content width  is 960 but I prefer to make it full width save it so then it this content will also yeah I  think that's better that's just better and then   when I have a bigger screen it automatically  adjusts okay where do I want to place the   sidebar this area well everywhere it's at the  left so why should you put it at the right   no need for that over here I want to have a logo  so I click on logo upload select and use this one see save it refresh there it  is affiliate marketing channels and do I want the video response of css  yes because then automatically the video   size will be adjusted that's what I prefer save it and as you see below there are more  options I don't take a look at this right   now I go to the homepage closes and this  is what we have so far continue to study   then we can follow the course so let's  take a look at the content of this   course because right now I see nothing  so what I can do I can edit this lesson   so I click over here so this is a lesson  page so what I can say welcome to this course if I would update this then I can preview  it over here a new tab and our first video   the introduction of chapter one it says welcome  to this course is a course with a lot of text   so you can learn how to start a  youtube channel so you can use   the blog builder to create anything over here  so click on the plus you can add an image select it update it refresh the  page so it can be that you do   you just want to tell something over here  instead of showing a video it can also let   you want people to download something so  download the pdf you can make it a link   link it to a certain to the pdf your  website dot com forward slash your pdf pdf then people can download that but what I want to do I want to show a video   I wanted to be a video course so I click  on update after removing everything   then I go to the settings and I go to the  second option over here video progression   so what I can do I can go to vimeo then I search  for video one what is affiliate marketing let's go   to this one copy the link copy the video link now  I go over here I can put a url iframe or shortcode   just paste it here before completed substep the  video must be shown and must be fully watched   before the user can access the lessons associated  steps well I have no associated steps so this is   ok I can also say first I need to complete  a certain amount of videos before they can   watch this one but I just want to show the  video so that I don't use this timing stuff   can I i can auto start the video I can show the  video controls I can also pause the video when   i'm in a different tab but I prefer not to do that  because sometimes they follow the steps and listen   to me while I talk and then in a different  tab they follow those steps I am telling so   I don't want myself to be muted when they are in  a different tab and video resumed that means that   when they close the window and come back later  the video continues where the visitor was left off and those two options are not relevant to us   else I can do I can make it a sample lesson that  lesson will be free I don't use it in my course   I also like is drip content that means that  the lesson will be available immediately or   one day after a video before or on a specific  date well i'm gonna talk about it later   and over here with the learner's course  grid settings I i leave it as it is   so i'm happy update and now if I refresh the page  right now it's uh made with a blog builder if I   refresh the page I should see video there it is so  people can click on play hi guys my name is ferdi   and now they can see the first video they can go  to the next lesson and then there's the second   video what is affiliate marketing so I edit this  lesson I go to the second video copy the link settings video progression that's  it I want them to resume the video   update now when I preview  this they see the second video so that's what I need to do for all the videos  I have a video course so all these videos   need to be linked to those videos and then  my course is complete and then I will be   back with you it's quite a lot of work  so what I will do I will go to the back   end to speed it up a bit this is how I  would work here are my videos and here at   learn lms are the lessons then I would go and  click on the title so I start with the first   one and then I will hold command or control on  pc click click click click click click click ok let me go until chapter three okay now control tab on a mac I go to the  first video settings control tab settings   control tab settings so that's how I would do  this i'll go to the settings at all the pages okay now at vimeo introduction copy the video  link ctrl tab control tab and I paste the vimeo   link and I turn on video resume update  then I go to the second video copy link i can remove this command w second video  update make sure it is resuming 1.03 why   affiliate marketing so again copy the link why  affiliate marketing I paste the video update close   let me also close this one 1.04 1.04  the old way of doing affiliate marketing copying pasting update much better  way to do affiliate marketing copy paste it save it save it close it close it  2.1 instruction copy paste it make sure video   resumes on that's how I would do it it will  take some time but you only need to do this   once I will be back with you when i've done this  so i've added a lot of videos it took a while and   now if I go to a random video it appears over  here in this video I will show you how I can   mark it as complete and then I go to the next  video and they're all here so that's great I will   show you a few more things if I go back over here  every learn this course has section headings and   lessons but there's another level we can have  topics in our lessons so you can divide your   content in multiple parts let me show you how to  create topics in your wordpress learner's website if I go back over here to the overview of all  the content we have what we have right now is   section with lessons if I go to the backend  in a new tab I go to learn dash courses affiliate marketing course builder this is  a section heading and this is a lesson so   there's a nice structure but you can take  it one step further you can also have   topics in lessons so I have a video about how  to edit in davinci resolve and if I click on it i have a 40 minute video and maybe i'm like okay  that's a little bit too long I want to split up in   a few more lessons how can we do that over here  at my course builder I scroll down to video 4.6 i open it over here this arrow  down and now I can add a new topic   I can call the first one download davinci resolve  add the topic second one install davinci resolve the third topic edit your video great update the video and now I can add content hey there if I refresh the page look at this i see video 3.6 download davinci resolve hey  there but I can also add a video settings   video progression so it works exactly  the same as a lesson but you can have   a new layer so you can have section headers  or new chapters or modules in those modules   you can have lessons and in those lessons you  can have topics and in those topics you can   have quizzes we're going to talk about  quizzes later so that's how you do that   let's talk about something else what I can do I  can make sure that this is a four-week course or a   six-week course or a 20-day course and then every  day a new video will appear automatically based   on when people sign up for the course so when  people buy the course I can say that the first day   the only video they can have access to is this  video so then I go to video 1.2 and I want that   video to arrive a day later how can I do  that I edit the lesson then I go to settings   I scroll down and over here it says lesson release  schedule right now it's there immediately so the   whole course is available to the buyers or I do  enrollment based the lessons will be available   x days after course enrollment or a specific  date so I can say the course starts on the   first of january and the second of january then  the second video will be enrolled what I prefer   when people buy this after one day they  get access to video too so let me update it   let me show you how I like to work I go back  to the lesson so learn lessons I click on title   so I start with the first video okay there's  video two I hold command or control and I click   click click click click click then I say control  tab I go to settings control tab settings   control tab settings control tab settings  control tab settings control tab settings   this will save me so much  time I scroll down over here   and then over here video three will enroll  after three days not 13 3. command tab 4 command tab video 5 after 5 days ctrl tab six days maybe they a break for a day so the  eight day but I prefer just to like this eight was it eight yes okay and  then update update update update   update update and then let me show  you something else at the same time i can go to users add new and i'll create the user testina with our email first name  is testina testino choose my tester let's copy this password   and I don't want to send this I want to  add her as a subscriber add a new user update then I go to testina edit so she's a simple  subscriber I click over here and I will give her   access to the course affiliate marketing I upload  update this user and now when I log out and I   log in as testina I go to the website so I uh so  testina bought this course for today so she clicks   over here and now look at this this one will be  available from tomorrow and two days after that   three days four days friday so you see the content  but you have to wait that can help people not to   go through the whole course watch everything  and then think okay I don't like the course   i'm overwhelmed but just let them go through a  video per day so that's called content dripping   brought to you by learndash and teach to you by  freddie korbsuk a great moment to say hey if you   like this video please like it and subscribe for  more upcoming wordpress related tutorials let's   continue using learners we can create quizzes  in our website a great way to see if people are   really learning something new through our course  we can have them even set it up in a way that   when they do not graduate for the quiz they cannot  continue with the course so they really need to   pay attention to what they are learning so they  can follow through in the quiz and then they can   continue with course well let me show you how  to set it up and I log in as fairly corporate   what I want to do I want to add a quiz to our  course how can we do that by going to the back end   to learn lms I go to quizzes I don't have a  quiz yet so I click on add your first quiz   and we can give this quiz a title I call  this one the affiliate marketing basics quiz and I publish it and I publish it so I  can have some content over here introducing the   quiz but I rather want to go to the builder and  start with the first question how can I do that I   click over here and there are quite a few kind of  questions you can make so I click on new question   and there's a title of the question and that  is what is affiliate marketing question mark I   added the question and this can look a bit  overwhelming over here if I click over here on   this arrow down whoa what is this so here's the  first answer and of course we need to adjust it   so I say selling your own products on the internet  update the answer I can add a second answer   and maybe expect answer b and then I click on add answer   and maybe you think both are a this stands for  an answer so question answer answer there are   two answers this one is the correct one so  I check this the new answer the third one add the answer and then the fourth  one this is a multiple choice question so that's it I add the answer I update it   and now there are more options what I need to  do now this is the question for me for me to   see the reference of this question so I know  it's an affiliate marketing question while   there's affiliate marketing but the question  needs to be placed over here so I paste it   so this is for me and this is for the viewer  then there are more options question settings   message for the right answer is  optional I can say that's right   when they have the right answer and remember  always keep in mind that you want to help the   visitor you do not sell them you help them then  when they have the wrong answer you can say what   are you serious and then we  can give them a hint answer b it's the right one i save it great we can give them points  if they have this correct   um I can give them points I can change the kind  of question it is but i'm okay with this update   and now I can create my second question I  can do it over here but right now there's   something in front of it okay there it is  new question I want this to be a multiple   choice question so what I say how to approach  affiliate marketing the wrong way question mark   I copy this I add the question then I open  this and I want to ask the question again   and over here let me save this first I change  this from a single choice to a multiple choice   the first answer adding your affiliate links in  facebook groups is the first answer second one   placing your affiliate links  on your social media accounts the third one messaging people  with your affiliate links and then the fourth one print out your affiliate links and put them place them all over your town okay  the correct ones are the first one   the third one and the fourth one because it's okay  to place affiliate links on your own social media   but don't don't spam somewhere else message  people hey buy this or print it out in place   and anywhere everywhere in your town again  there are those questions those are the same   I update it and then I want to add a  third question and then again I need   to wait before this is gone so  i'll go on a hike I will be back   i'm back new question the third one I say place in  the right order so we can have ordering question add the question copy open place the question also over here  save it and then over here I change this to   sorting choice so the first one do market  research the second one and uh when it comes   to a sorting choice fill those in in the right  order and then learn as well place them randomly   find a product to promote sign up for the  affiliate program and start promoting the product okay that's the right order I update so I have  three questions and you can get points for that   but they're also settings so let's walk through  the settings this quiz is associated with the one   and only youtube affiliate marketing course and  with a lesson let's go for lesson 1.0 so after the   first chapter or section or module they need to  fill in that quiz it will be released immediately do they need to have   filled in and completed all the quizzes before  they can have this one note it's the first one only registered users can take this quiz yes   and the passing score in order to pass is I say it  needs to be 80 actually it needs to be 100 because   there are only three questions so if you have two  of the three questions right you only have 66.6   right so I can just I can say 100 but you can  decide what you want over here will there be a   certificate we'll talk about certificates do I  want to save the quiz halfway through no there   are only three questions I can say that they  can take the quiz only a few times they need   to fill in all the questions there's a time  limit they need to fix the quiz in two minutes and do I want to display quiz materials if so   place them over here should the quiz  start automatically when they click on   the quiz yes do I want to show one question  at a time or all the questions at once   well I like to show one question at a time and  we want to display a back button so they can   go to the last question no I want to display the  results of the questions after they submitted the   answer so they'll learn something while they are  doing the quiz and do I want to have a question   overview table well this speaks for itself how  do you want to dis display the results well I   can have a result message for every everything  so if they have nothing right I say come on you can do better than that I can add a  graduation when they have more than 30 percent   seriously you should do better and then when they have 100 let's say 60. there is room for improve and maybe you  should watch the first section module again and when they have 100 you are on you are on a roll okay they can restart it if if you want to   they can see the average score of  other people that have taken the course there can be a leaderboard and then there  are advanced settings and I don't need those   so this uh something we should not take a  look at that's okay so update I go back to   the quizzes I go back to the website I go  back to the course I go to the first video   and then over here I go to the fifth video  I watch it and after that it says affiliate   marketing basics quiz when I click on it it will  start immediately with a countdown of two minutes   there it goes two minutes what is affiliate  marketing selling your own products on the   internet promoting other people's services  okay I don't know I really don't know so I   can't get a hint answer b is the right one  okay answer b check and I see immediately   that is the right one and then there's the  message that's right and remember always   keep in mind that you want to help the visitor  do not sell them you help them next one how to   approach your affiliate marketing the wrong way  um okay I will do this wrong only this one check okay I should have multiple options so I did  wrong incorrect next place in the right order um do market research find a product sign up for  okay check this is correct finish the quiz   and the the okay two out of three questions  are correct I did uh it took me 46 seconds   and this is the percentage and based on this  percentage it says there's a room for improvement   maybe we should watch the first section  module again so I restart quiz this time boom next one this one this one this  one great next one do mark research find a product check finish now I have 100 yeah you're on a roll  so based on the results I get this message and   now I can continue to the next section 2.1 so  ladies and gentlemen that's how you make a quiz   in learners wordpress and on the internet for a  lot of people it is important to get a certificate   there are people in the world that want to apply  for a job and when they can show a certificate   that they follow a certain course about the  subject you teach about their chances increase   of getting a job so certificates are really  important and right now I will show you   how you can create automated certificates  in your learndash wordpress website so that   when people graduate they see their own name on  that certificate and the completion date so uh   it makes it personal they can print it out  put it on their wall or take it to their   place where they are gonna apply for a job so a  win-win I don't know if it's win-win i'd just like   to say that so let me show you how it's done  so let's create a certificate for people that   finish the course that complete the  course in order to do that we go to the   back end to learndash lms and then we go  to certificates click on add your first   certificate if you want to find one I  go to forward slash envato   then go to envato elements i'm a member over here  so I search for certificate in graphic templates wow and I can download one of  those I like to use a flat one   so I found one I edited in photoshop and i'll  call this title of the certificate affiliate   marketing youtube course certificate publish then  I want to set a featured image upload files select   files and i've created this certificate and what  I want to do I want to dynamically place text over   here so here's my autograph for some people this  means a lot they ask me if I have a certificate   for them because then they can show it to their  work and they are a certificated web designer   or affiliate marketer so people like that so  that's why I show you how you can do that okay now   we go to the visual editor look at this  it's a little bit weird how to do this   so I bring this to the center hit enter I  start typing so I see where the text comes from   there it comes from so I bring it to the center  enter enter enter enter and then over here I click   on this learner shortcut icon and then I can place  dynamic data all this stuff over here well I want   to go to the user meta information and search  for the first and last name of my course dagger   I insert the shortcode so now you see this and  I want to change this to heading to then I say   shift enter and I say completed on you know what  let's do that one more time shift enter completed   on space then I go back over here to the course  info and then I search for course completed on and then I want to show the day the month  and the year not the time so let's say   f j and the year I insert the short code there it  is it looks a little bit weird but we're gonna see   if it's working update and now we need to print  this how can we do that well there's a little   work around on how to do this we go to  the quizzes I open this in a new tab   and go to the which we've created  to the settings and then add the   certificate I search for the affiliate marketing  youtube course certificate and everything below   one percentage get this certificate so I preview  the course I fill in everything wrong no problem and now i can print my certificate okay so it's not totally right yet so  I remove a few things over here update   refresh this page so it will be generated again  it's better I can go to the visuals make this h1 bring this to the center again and  make this that is okay update refresh okay I don't see when it is finished  because my course is not completed yet   and in this in case it's just a   a quiz that we finished but normally when you  finish the the the whole course these days will   appear right now it's not finished so this is  looking fine for me I need to change the color i grab this text I go to the color  let me see let me show you more color custom then I paste the code over here update refresh um okay so this is working now I need to assign  this to the course so I go back to the quizzes to the settings and I will get rid of it over here go back to the quizzes then I go to the  courses the youtube affiliate marketing course   to the settings I scroll down and  here you see the course certificate   there it is and they'll be displayed  when they finish the course   awesome okay it's time to take a look at payment  options and boy do I have an amazing free plugin   for you it's called surecard it's relative  new they've been working around the clock for   two years to make an amazing tool like this and I  love it i'm using it on my own website by the way   this website is a real website it's not a practice  project it's a real website where I sell my course   and using sure card you can do so many cool  things you can connect it to stripe and to   paypal and what is unique you can let people pay  subscriptions so every month they will be paid   but with paypal it's really hard to configure  that but thanks to surecard it is easy to do   that we just have to connect it and that's what  I really like you can let people pay at once   you can do split payments you can let people  pay one time a big fee and then at the same   time a monthly fee the sky is the limit I will  show you how you can use sure card in order to   sell your course so in order to get sure card we  go to 30 corp dot com forward slash sure card hit   enter and you will be redirected to  you can get started for free by clicking here   there will be pro version when it comes out i'll  definitely make a store about it because then you   can change your course website into an affiliate  platform so others can promote your course   and you both make money right now I want to  sign up for free there's a really big list   with a lot of questions you need to fill in so  let me walk you through them just kidding you   just download it and there you go then you go to  your website to the backend to plugins add new   you can also search over here for sure card   and there it is and click on install now  so we don't even need this so I remove this then I activate the plugin and then I go over  here to sureguard and then I click over here   to set up my store then over here I can fill  in my name for the corpus hook an email and   a password and if you already have an account  you can sign in over here or you can sign up   so I logged in because I already had an  account so I create another store so you   can follow all the steps I take in this tutorial  and I call my store affiliate marketing channels   i'll do work with dollars and the time zone  for me is amsterdam I click on next step   how to connect with stripe get started with stripe   I have tutorial about how to get started  with stripe I search for stripe tutorial 30 how to create a stripe account i'll show you step by step how I got mine  I use this email so I click on continue   my password then I get a verification to my phone and I click on great if you want you can also  connect this with paypal and the great thing   this is really unique what surecart did they made  an agreement with paypal that enables subscription   fees normally it's really hard to set it up but  what you can do now with sure card and paypal   you can let people pay a subscription fee every  month they pay a certain amount of money they   agree to it and it will be subtracted from their  account automatically if you want that click on   connect and follow the steps right now I want to  focus on stripe I will create a separate tutorial   where I show you how to work with paypal so  you can follow that by clicking over here   then I scroll down also molly really nice here  from the netherlands yay I click on next step i need to copy this token go  back to my wordpress website   and I fill in the token complete installation  by clicking here and now it is linked awesome   I close this and I hope this will be filled  with the revenue with orders on your website   beautiful and the great thing is that  they are improving this tool all the time   so my tutorial of two months old is it's still  great but you see that a lot of things are things   are different already so what I want to do I want  to create a product in order to do that I go to   products I hover over add new I click  on it and then I can give this name   and I call this the same as the course  youtube affiliate marketing course create okay now we can choose different pricing methods  this is amazing look at this I click on add price   we can have a one-time fee well my course is 997   I can even allow customers to pay  what they want so they can pay nothing three or dollars just because it is possible so  maybe for a donation that can be nice I click on   create the price but as I heard a lot further I  really want to have your course but I cannot pay   it I cannot afford it is there a different way  well I don't give discount but what I can do I   can give them a way to get access to the course  by adding another price and this time it's not a   one-time price but it's a payment plan so they pay  97 per month every month one time for 12 months   so at the end of the day they pay around 1200  a little bit more but then they get access from   day one I can also give them seven free trial days  but I don't want to do that that means that after   seven days they will be charged from their credit  card or through paypal but uh I don't want to do   that I click on create price there it goes I can  have a third one that's an ongoing subscription   so I choose the subscription and every month as  long as they are a member to pay 47 one time per   month no free trial they do not pay what they want  create the price so they start with a lower rate   per month than this one this one is going ongoing  forever and this one is finished after 12 months   and this is only a one-time payment so that's  amazing I can add some integrations well we're   going to add an integration which is  called learn dash so I click over here   I select learners course you see there are more  integrations I go for the learner's course and I   select the item the affiliate marketing course  and I edit so it's saying when people buy this   to one of those ways they get access immediately  I can give them downloads after they bought the   course but what i'd rather do what i've done over  here I link them to the courser to get access   then I want to add an image product image upload  media and by the way this is not on my wordpress   website this is on through the api this is on  surecart itself so surecart is hosting the product   my learner's course is on my own website and  this makes everything faster so I think it's this   one yeah affiliate youtube affiliate marketing  course great I selected choose so there it goes save the product so when people buy this they get access  to the course through surecart okay   what I will do I will create a checkout page but  before we do that I want to create a few pages   like the landing page and a thank you page so  in order to do that let me first copy the title   then I go to 30 forward slash  elementor hit enter you can download the   free version of elementor and they're changing  the website all the time so what you also can do   go to plugins add new search for elementor  and click on install now activate the plugin   I skip all this stuff I don't need that okay so here's my first page what I will do  I will go to the settings here left below I   change the title to affiliate youtube affiliate  marketing course I change this to published   I click on update and then I want to  change the page layout to elementor canvas great and since i'm here at elementor I  want to go to the three lines go to the user   preferences make the user interface dark that's  my preference and turn on the editing handles   update and then I click on those nine blocks  and I drag a heading over here and I say   youtube affiliate marketing course and  I bring it to the center that's enough   for now I click on update then I click on the  three lines click on exit and I change this to   wp dashboard apply so I go back to the dashboard  awesome I want to hide this by clicking here   and unchecking this okay then I want  to create a second page new page need to affiliate the marketing course welcome publish publish then I want  to edit this with elementor and again I click over here  and I want to make it a canvas   or you know what what I also can do  no it's okay I drag a video over here a self-hosted video I want to upload a file  upload files and what I say in this video is hey   thank you for getting this course to my  wordpress I upload it to my wordpress website   then I click on insert media okay then I  go to the section settings by clicking here   I change the height of this whole section to fit  to screen great then I change the width to 600 i add a heading bring it to the center welcome   and then a call to action to go to the  course so let's have a button button   I call this one start or follow or watch  the course great then I click on the i so that's what you'll see I want  it to be autoplayed so I click here   autoplay remove the controls i go to the exit over here I also go to the back end to  the front end then I go to the course   then I go to the first lesson okay and I copy  this link command and over here I go to the pages take a look at the latest  post page edit with elementor click over here place the link then I go  to the style and add the background type i will let me see style sorry the  button and the background type make it   red watch the course when I  hover over it make it grow like that so let me click on the I so I can see  the results the video starts automatically when   people just bought the course then they can  watch the course by going over here great   so i'll get rid of all this  stuff this is not necessary great youtube affiliate marketing course welcome   so I go to the back end I want to create  a checkout page so I go to sureguard   and the checkout page also  known as a form I click on forms   there's a default one I want to create a new one and I call this one the  affiliate marketing check out   it can also be the landing page by the way so um but it's okay marketing course landing  learning page okay I can choose my design   so take a look at what you like this is really  simple this looks a little bit different I choose   the first one default one it's the best one I  click on next now I can add some products well   I have one product but three different payment  options so I can add three different products   over here the first one 47 every month the second  one 97 per month and the third one a one-time   payment of 997 dollars over here we see product  options and this is really interesting because   right now it says that the customer should choose  all the options so it will pay thousand dollars   97 and 47 and this will come back every month  but I rather let my customers select one of   the options so only choose this option or this  one or this one and then the third one is that   the customer can select multiple options well  what's interesting about is what you can do   you can sell your course for a one-time fee of  299 and then after that 49 every month and you can   combine it so in my case I could say you can buy  my course for 997 dollars but every month after   that you pay 47 as long as you are a member then I  will remove this option remove and then I say all   options must be selected so they pay a one-time  fee of 9.97 and then every month 47 so I choose   only one option and then there's the custom thank  you page it turns on so when they buy this they go   to the youtube welcome page and that's where  I have my video like hey what you can do now   that says congratulations with the  course your life's about to change   and then I can click on the button  below that video to go to the first   video of the course so so far so good  I click on create and there it goes   now I can adjust everything so I can click here  and bring this down bring this up and if I click   over here I see all the options so right now you  see three times affiliate marketing course it's a   little bit weird so what I prefer to say at the  label I can say that this is the monthly plan   so I say pay per month for access then I go  to the second one and I can click over here   or I go to those three lines and there I see  the whole overview and when I hover over it   things are outlined so I can select the second  choice with the label split payment plan pay 12 times for lifetime  access and then third one one time payment or lifetime  access pay once for lifetime access and then I have all those options over  here but I can say check by default so   maybe I want to have the  third one check by default yeah that's the third one and  then over here of course it   should not be checked so I uncheck this one i can turn off the label to only show the  price I can remove the price the control   so um i'd rather show everything  and then over here below   there are the payment options well it says we did  not set them up yet so we'll talk about it later   over here people can fill in their first name  and their email if I click over here I can say   first name email address I can change that over  here I can have a placeholder so I can say jimmy and over here there are other payment methods   uh credit card so if I take a look over here  this is google pay so people can pay at once   with google pay but I don't need it so I get rid  of it so they need to fill in their first name   their email and then their credit card details  but maybe you want to let them fill in more   information so I can click on the plus browse  all and then over here at surecard I can have a shipping address form and then  I need to fill in those details   or I click on the plus again browse all fill in text the text id so you can adjust all those things over here  and remove them again if you don't need them i'll keep it simple first name email credit card and then they get this so if I click over here let me take a look here because  um let's go to the totals   uh is it collapsible well I want it to be open the the summary it's called open text summary  okay then I go to the line items and I and I   don't want it to be removable so I turn this off  I don't want it to be editable so this will get   it will be gone because I don't want this to be  both five times so I turn it off and I go to the   subtotal if you want to add a coupon code well I  do not offer coupon code so I remove it and also go to this also remove this probably  okay it's okay submit button purchase for this amount so this is our form people can choose to plan  monthly speed plane and split payment for 12   times and lifetime access so they can choose one  of the three fill in their first name email so   what you know their address or what how did  they call that let me see shipping address   yeah okay and then they can buy it when they buy  it and everything goes well with the payment they   will be redirected to the welcome page and  from the welcome page so you can go to the   first video of the course and follow the course  from that moment on onto one more thing over here   plus I want to go for a check  checkbox that goes I click on it i agree with the terms of service I can select this four slash terms of service i click on it again open a new tab otherwise  they will be gone from the page and   it is mandatory required update  maybe I should bring it down there so then I go back I create three new pages page  one it's called terms of service publish new page privacy policy publish the third one since I  create a course about making money earnings   disclaimer I cannot guarantee any earnings that  will be made through this course I believe that   what I teach is so valuable and that you can  really make a lot of money with it but I need to   have an earnings disclaimer so I added this with  elementor this is not a privacy policy tutorial I   have a few templates that I will use so I click on  this icon and then over here to drag three of them one two three so this one is this one is the earnings disclaimer   I insert it and then I change the  page layout to elementor for it update exit I go to the pages the other one and the other  one so this is privacy policy so again full width click over here my templates privacy policy  update and the third one edit with elementor full width folder no no no no my templates  and then the privacy policy update i really suggest you hire a lawyer   that can do this for you especially  when you're gonna sell courses so now I can go back oh I  don't have to go back because   if I take a look at the sure  card forms and then grab this one so how to embed this in your  website well you can do two things   you can go to the pages and we've created  the oh they're already with elementor okay   I can go to add new and this with the blog  editor really simple I click on the plus search for sure card and there can  be checkout form I select the form i choose it I click on publish  publish I can view the page so this is how it will look and we can adjust the styling and i'll show  you in a minute how you can do this so this   with the block editor what I prefer to do I use  elementor but then we need to go to surecart   forms and then grab this shortcode  that's how easy it is copy I go to the to pages most recent pages youtube affiliate  marketing course this one edit with elementor and   as I said before we can have a landing page with a  lot of reasons why people should buy this all the   benefits what you're gonna cover in every chapter  a lot of testimonials and then at the end of the   page you can have this area over here you  can add some html code and paste it update   let's take a look at the results and there  it goes so what I prefer to do go over here   change it to boxed 800. if I click on update  automatically this page will be updated then I can go to the column to the  style to the background classic   change the color so let's see what will  happen update and then it will look like that   don't like it but you can  use elementor to style this or nothing just a border of two pixels or three with a light color   let's make it two and then 20  pixels in rounded corners update well I don't like it so I say none so you can have a complete landing page and  then at the end people can choose their plan   pay this per month leave their name  their details pay with credit card and   agree with the terms of service so what  I can do since this will be the landing   page it's called youtube affiliate marketing  course that page I can go to the customizer   then I can go to the homepage settings change  this to affiliate marketing course publish closes and when people go to the home page this is the page they will see so we need to add a  lot of content for the landing page so people will   get interested in the course I prefer to use one  video where I explain everything really well and   then I say hey below you can choose a plan you can  get lifetime access for this amount you can get   12 payments so you can get started for 97 dollars  and in 12 months you've paid everything or pay 47   as long as you are a member of the course uh what  I personally don't like is that people can follow   the course in one month apply everything and then  they can cancel their subscription and then for   47 dollars you have all the access they also would  have when they pay 9.97 so but I just want to show   you what is possible so maybe you want to create  a community for people that pay 10 per month and   then they can ask you questions and stuff so I  want to show you all the plans but I prefer not   to use this and with this when they cancel after a  few times you don't want to get in a lot of legal   stuff so my personal favorite is the lifetime  access they pay the amount they get access and   then it's up to you to give them a 15 day money  back guarantee if you do that if you use 30 or   15 days while I do a few bonus videos I always put  them on drip and they will be active after 30 days   so they do not get to see all the content and then  they can ask for a refund but I keep something   behind so they do not get everything from me and  then they can cancel within 30 days because then   I lose a lot of money and they gain a lot  of knowledge so um if I click over here   there's the privacy policy page and it looks  weird so now it's up to me to create a beautiful   landing page and before we do  that I go to the customizer   all the way down to site identity I  want to change this wordpress icon   by clicking here it needs to be a square png  upload files select files and I use this fave icon   open select I don't have to crop it because it's a  square already skip the cropping and there you go so it this and say make money on youtube with  affiliate marketing so so far so good before we   gonna create the home page I want to test this how  can I do that well let me go back go to sure card   products click over here I want to change the  price of one of the products to one dollar or i go for a subscription and I go for a few  days for free but I bring this to one dollar   save the product so now if I open this website in  an incognito window so far we have our website we   have learn dash we created a course we set up our  payment method let's put it to the test let's pay   for our own course with real money and see what  happens I see that by default the lifetime access   is selected just as I want and I can also choose  47 per month and then it will change over here   or 97 per month and it will change over here  and then automatically every month this will   be subtracted from their paypal account or from  their credit card so I go for a lifetime access   I fill in my name 30. and the goal of course  is after paying successfully I get access to   the course that's the goal when I do that then  I can start to make money then I need to bring   people to this website of course I need to create  my landing page and then I can do split testing   how to how to make uh the website better let it  convert better and then I can play around with it   until I think whoa this is really high conversion  ratio and then I can start to throw ads against it   link it with convertkit so I can create an email  list give something away for free a free video   people sign up to my email list then I can send  them automated emails every day when they sign   up like hey have you watched the video already and  here's another tip and right now you can buy this   course and get access to this and this and this so  it's getting more and more fun so my email address and then i'm from the netherlands i fill in my information over here I agree  with the terms of service I click on purchase   so this is a real live order this is not  fake it's not in testing mode it's really   happening right now payment successful I get an  email there's a stripe payment so that's working   now I can click on manage orders okay I need to  sign in so of course then password so I need to   go to my gmail account okay this is what I got  my receipt great then I go to the first email   well I don't have a password yet I want to  create a password so I click on launcher password   click on get new password now  I need to check my new email there it is I click over here I create  a password and I click on save password   wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is not  how I want it to be this is complicated so I   found a fix by the way the sure card helpdesk is  really amazing they pointed me to this so what   I need to do to make it a lot easier click on the  plus and select password so I search for password   um set a password so there's the email there's the  password what I want to do I go from live to test   update now I go to the form again  in the incognito window one dollar   and then this time I say my name is ferdinand my  email is info at 30 now I set a password i'm from the netherlands since its test I can say 4 2 all the time scroll down I agree and this  time again I click on purchase   it's submitting the order  it's processing the payment   finalizing the order there's the thank you video  I go to manage orders and this time look at this   info at 30 corpus hook dot nl and  then the password I just created i click on login bam that is how I want it to go so i've learned  something new while making this tutorial and now   I show it to you let's continue so keep in mind  the customer dashboard we need to do something   over there so I log in again but not as the the  buyer but as the administrator so I go to pages   and then to the dashboard the customer dashboard  I click on it great over here I click on the plus   I drag it up I call this one horses or even  better my courses change the icon to something   more relevant to courses now i'll do the dollar  sign because um it's about affiliate marketing   I click on my courses I click on the plus now  I search for learn dash course list yes update okay now I want to log out let me go to customer  dashboard well being logged out now I can log in   with my email address then my  created password I click on login i go to my courses I click over here and I can watch the introduction and I can get started this one is  available from tomorrow on but this one is available right now so we created the course we made sure that through  sure card people can buy the course and now when   they buy the course they get access they can  fill in their own email address then they can   create a new password and they have access  to the course after they have bought it   okay it works but there are a few things we  can tweak for instance the landing page or   the the welcome page the thank you page it  did not work out as I want it to be so let me   take a look at that let's take a look at um when  people want to have a refund in some cases you can   put it in the terms of use if there is  uh if people can get a refund or not   and if they can how should you do that in short  card so people get their refund and you can also   revoke people so you can restrict their access  so you can take it away maybe they're doing   illegal stuff with your course you can say hey  you know what you do not get any access anymore   yes let's take a look at that so if I go to the  back end right now i'm logged in as myself as the   administrator again I go to surecart forms  and I go to the affiliate marketing course   landing page I was redirected to a different  page so what's going on over here let me click   here and then I see there's no custom thank you  page so since there's no custom thank you page there is a reason why I went to this thank you  order confirmation page so let me edit this one   and actually I like what I see over here what I  can do I can also click on the plus over here okay   echo that's the paragraph so I can click over here  hit enter click on the plus and go for a video i go to the media library there it is i can make it auto play all right just leave it as it is and then i bring this one on top okay there's the video  and then there's many manage orders also there what I do not like about this page is that I see   this area over here so in order to  get rid of it I go to the bloxy theme and then I scroll down and I say disable the  header and disable the footer update refresh well   there's nothing found but there there's at least  no header and no footer and my video will be here so in that way i'm also happy with the result when  people buy this they go to this thank you page thank you for approach check your inbox for  additional information and yeah you know   bring this all the way down like this so they  see the video let me update it once again i have bought this now so if I go to users I  see this user over here that has one course   he's a subscriber and a sure  customer so the role is a subscriber   so that gives him access to watch the course  so if I go to sure card and go to orders i see this guy over here he paid with a credit  card one dollar on this date if I click on him or   on this order details I can download the invoice I  can edit the customer I see what he has purchased   and I can give him a refund so if he says I don't  want this I don't like it I want a refund I can   click over here and he will be refunded but what  I can also do I can revoke him so I can give him   a refund and then he still has access to the  course or I can give him a revoke and then he   has no access but he still paid so you can also  do both if you want to refund someone and take   away their access you need to click over here and  click over here when people buy a membership and   then they want to upgrade that's also something  you can do over here so if there's a subscription   they want to upgrade you can do it for them but  if I would log out and I would log in as my user i could also over here upgrade or downgrade and  sure card will do an amazing job with that because   if I would do a payment of 12 times and halfway  through after six months so i'm halfway through   the whole payment I say I want to upgrade to the  lifetime version I don't have to pay the complete   amount of the six months now I just have to pay  the rest of the money that I would pay when I   would go for a lifetime subscription right now I  want to take a look at the home page how we can   make that in elementor let me show you how we  can do that it looks like this the question is   do you want this to be your landing page or do  you want to have a normal page and click let   people click on a link and then go to the landing  page oh let's do that so I go to the customizer   then I scroll down I go to the homepage  settings and search for the home page publish great close it okay this is  the home page I edit the page get rid of everything update and  then edit the page with elementor now I can create a header or a hero let me see I want this to be elementor full width i go to the background make it super red wait okay there it is I go for a heading learn how to how to generate passive   income by promoting affiliate products through  youtube bring it to the center make the text white make it capitals over here shift enter   then I go over here layout change  that high to a minimum height of 300 and then over here I want  to change the line height update and then over here i want to have three columns so let me duplicate  it and then I want to go for an icon box   drag it over here I also make use of an  image so I get rid of this then I go to   all the elements I search for image drag it on  top choose the image affiliate marketing course affiliate marketing course the youtube affiliate  marketing course I can have a text about it   this text learn how to generate a lot of money by  creating education or entertaining youtube videos   great straight to the point I go to the title typography change the line item a bit okay and then below I can I have a button learn more so I can link it to the youtube  affiliate and I search for a page youtube   affiliate marketing course yes then the  color of the background should be red and when I hover over it I  want it to grow like that   over here advanced let's have some betting of 40. update then I go to the layout of the  website user preferences sorry   site settings layout I changed it to 1000 20  because that's the width of the header update i close this I open it in a new  tab and I customize the website i scroll down I go to the footer  in this copyright area click on it copyright and then I say affiliate marketing channels bring it to the center go to design let me see over here design  make it dark and the text design make it white and then links make them  red okay I have a few links privacy policy earnings disclaimer n terms of service I can link them all forward slash privacy policy earnings disclaimer and terms of use publish okay now when I click over here I go to the  landing page I can edit this with elementor again also when I click here I want there to be a link to this area update also here when I hover over it perfect always check these links okay terms terms of service of  course so I go to the customizer   so always check that of course I did  this on purpose no I did not but um surface publish close there we go if I click on courses I go to the home page  so this is not necessary I can get rid of that by going to the customizer menus the menu but then I get I get  I removed over here publish learn how to generate passive income by  promoting affiliate products through youtube   okay more information we click over here then  I need to create a landing page I can also   go to the home page and create a login  button so I go to the let's do a manual create a new menu I call this one login and then over here login or user login save it oh wait wait  wait wait wait add it to the menu save it   footer menu save it then I go  to the website to the customizer   to the footer then I go to the bottom row I change  it into two columns and then at the right one i drag the footer menu over there click on it  bring it to the right go to the design changes to red and white okay I want to go to the bottom row  and change it to something like this over here go to design change it back  from bold to medium or even regular publish close it so now people can   log in over here and continue with their  course so it's getting better and better let me bring back the price to a lot  of money so I go to sure cart products   youtube affiliate marketing course then bring  this bomb on back to 997 dollars save the product go to the website and voila it's getting better  and better okay what i've done i've created a   second course but no worries I did exactly the  same thing as I am teaching you in this tutorial   how to create a course how to do the the section  headings lessons everything exactly the same also   with sure card I followed all the same steps i'm  teaching you in this tutorial and now I have two   courses a youtube course and a blogging course so  how can I create separate landing pages for those   courses well that's already what i've done but I  want to show you something else I want to show you   how you can sell multiple courses and then i'll  show you how to sell multiple courses combined in   one price so you can sell as a subscription  but um i'm not allowed to talk about it yet   we'll talk about it later but then  right now I want to show you how to   put a second course in your website so I created a  new course in sure card I created the new pricing   stuff and all everything so what I want to do now  I want to edit my page with elementor my home page so here i'll say through youtube  or blogging and then I want to   duplicate this area by clicking there removing  this area I know that I can also read okay   and then over here I say blogging  over here I change the image oh it's already there it's a little bit darker   cool learn how to drain a lot of money by  creating educational entertain by by creating   blog posts then I have the link  of course so let me update this and go to my course page pages created   view okay blogging affiliate marketing course  okay so now it's blogging affiliate marketing   course lifetime split monthly same thing so this  time I search for blogging there it is over here blogging update learn how to generate a lot of money by creating   blog posts on your wordpress website  I want this to be three lines okay so there's the link so I can follow the youtube course I can  buy that one for with those three options   and I can have the blogging affiliate marketing  course website blogging affiliate marketing course   so two different courses now i'm allowed to talk  about it I want to combine two courses in one   bundle so people pay one amount for a discounted  price and they get two courses two for the price   of one and a half in this case what you also can  do you can use this to create a subscription so   when people pay a certain subscription they get  access to all the courses on your website so maybe   you have 10 websites you sell them all 10 courses  you sell them all for 100 so if they would buy   them all 10 they would pay a thousand dollars but  you can also say for 45 dollars you have access to   all the courses all 10 of them and then they can  become a subscriber for two or three years and   then they pay at the end more but um it's up to  you to play around with that but let me show you   how it is done what I want to show you now is that  I can combine them wow so I can have a third tab remove this and I will show you how you can  have multiple courses and combine them so   they get lifetime access for all your courses so  they pay one amount and they have access to all   your courses or they pay a monthly subscription  and have access to all your courses or they buy   the two courses and get a certain discount so what  i'll say over here get both courses with discount   something like that learn how to generate a lot  of money by creating blog posts and youtube videos two courses with discount update okay so over here I also  changed the image on downloads blog plus youtube affiliate  marketing course getting both courses   with discounts so what I can do over here I  can make this uh gold give it a big border and then nice color okay something like that okay  what should I do over here   okay let me show you I will create a new  product again by going to sure cart products   add new this one is called youtube and  blogging course blogging affiliate marketing of course okay there's only one fee at a price  it's a one-time payment of 14.97 so you get 500   discounts the integration look at this the  integration is learn dash and then vlogging   but what else learn dash and youtube the image upload choose save then we go to the form create a new form blogging and youtube affiliate marketing  course choose this one next add a product this one I can only select one there's  no custom thank you page publish and then over here and I say lifetime  access check by default of course again   get rid of this I want to add address and then over here uncheck  this and over here plus check check box and then I would like to go to the  other form because I like copying and pasting that's my blogging thing I just  created so I go over here copy paste it and I need to check that update now I grab the shortcode create a new page give this one the title blogging and  youtube affiliate marketing course featured image it's not necessary but since we're  here let's do it publish edit with elementor then I want to go over here make it a canvas okay then I go to my templates  it's not a big deal course template   just this title over here in the  form then I change the form of course that's it update let's take a look there it is youtube and blogging  affiliate marketing course one-time fee I agree   that I can pay when I fill in the details  of course okay let me go to the home page edit this with elementor click over here it changes to blogging blogging and youtube affiliate  marketing also over here blogging I don't know why  it seems like i'm in a hurry   i'm not even though I go on vacation in two  days and I want to finish the video before I go   maybe there's a little bit of a rush but what i've  shown you right now is um of course I did not show   you how to create a second course because you  know by now how to do that but i've shown you   how to combine two courses and now when they're  interested okay I want to do youtube and blogging   I do both so I click over here then they can  buy them both when they buy them they go to the   customer dashboard even though I  don't have access so I cannot show you   and then they can watch both courses so users  can log in over here if they already have it   and we can have a menu over here with more  information about the three courses we offer   or the two courses so you can set up a lot of  courses you can even let other people set up their   course but what I want to show you is how you can  host your own courses on your wordpress website   using learndash and now it is a matter of getting  people to your website optimizing the pages until   you get a better result so that's the last thing  I want to talk about about the landing page what   should you put over here okay ladies and gentlemen  it's time to create a landing page a landing page   is a page with one goal and that is to sell your  course to the visitor and there are a lot of ways   to optimize it and there are a lot of ways to do  this you can have a simple video just explaining   what the course is about and then below you can  have the the check out so people can buy the   course or you can have a really big landing page  with testimonials with what you do in chapter one   what you do in chapter two either way we're gonna  take a look at a few examples on what you can do   and i'll show you how I will make my landing  page for my courses yes let's dive right into it   right now now yes when it comes to landing pages  you need to learn from the best so that's why I   watch this tutorial not because i'm the best but  i'll show you who is the best just go to facebook   and take a look at an advertisement paid  advertisement sponsored post so from jim   quick I bought something from him once so  what I do I what do I do I know he's paying   money to facebook for these ads so you only  do that when you have more return than costs   if you lose money by advertising on facebook  you're doing something wrong you should quit   or optimize it so probably jim quick optimizes  in a way that he pays 100 and maybe makes 120   so he has 20 dollars of profit so what I can do  now I can click over here and learn from this page   so the first thing I see there's a countdown  so that's a good thing to increase the sales   there's a big header there's a  subheading then there's a video there's a text there's a price there's a call to  action with a 100 risk-free money-back guarantee   trusted by building some rapport about the author  building how do you say that billing authority   he's the best in author more about jim more  about jim so it looks like he's the real deal   and then again a button so this can be a landing  page here we'll see what you'll learn and what   they do everywhere where everywhere in between  the text they give you the chance to buy it and   maybe you're not convinced yet then you read  this and then okay maybe you're convinced now   this is what other people say they keep on  taking away all the reasons why you should not   buy this so maybe like I want to buy  this but is there a money back guarantee   risk-free yes there is okay well then I will try  it register today and save 80 what students are   saying so the whole page has one goal a landing  page is one goal and that's to make you buy what   they offer so the total value thousand dollars  this time just ninety seven dollars whoa four   hundred dollars off only today I don't know if  i'd say that it says that that's a landing page so   here's a story right now if I go to elementor  elementor is in transition right now you work with a section as you see the section in  that section let me show it over here we can have   a section with multiple columns so one section  with three columns and in those columns we can   place elements but they're going to get rid of  sections it's going to be totally different so   I do not want to make a complete tutorial on how  to work with this because maybe in a month or two   it is not relevant anymore so what I will show you  I will show you really quick how I would create   this page keep in mind that this is the checkout  form i'll get rid of this one so what I can do I   can create a new section one area I can have a  heading so I can duplicate this place over here okay let's click over here go to advanced  create some margin let's say 50 and then I   give a title over here learn how to make money  on youtube with affiliate marketing okay I go   to the style typography or I just make it a bit  wider but I prefer to decrease the text a bit then I duplicate it and I say   by helping other people or without  lying or doing shady stuff but simply   by helping other people I go to the style styling  make it smaller then I can make this background red go to the section increase this let's  say top 50 button 50. I get rid of this   I don't need it then I go to the text style  color I want to be white just like this color okay then I go to advanced and again if you  want to follow this complete tutorial how   to work with a new version of elementor that  will be coming out in two months go to youtube   search for elementor container 30 and then  i'll make sure i'll be number one on this   title so over here I already talked about  the container but that's six months ago   and they still have not released it so I  don't i'm a bit careful with creating new   tutorials because everything I create can be  irrelevant in a few weeks so here at margin okay let me make this bigger I can also get  rid of this go to layout change the height to 300 okay and then over here I want to place my video   so I have a video so I search for video I drag  it over here and then here I can make it smaller 600 then I click over here i choose vimeo I paste this link I can do  autoplay but I rather do not do that I do   not show the portray intro byline intro  title no you just can't click over here and then it starts well after 30  minutes in the video what I can do i can make this appear so what I can do I can  go to this section I can go to advanced motion   effects I say fade in after how many milliseconds  well one second is a thousand milliseconds   so if I would say three thousand look at this I  go over here I only see this I click on play now   after three seconds it appears so what I can do  by the way let me make this as big as this one 800 I can say that this area should appear after  30 minutes and then you need to calculate how many   seconds it is because then they can watch this  video I don't give people the opportunity at once   to to buy the course it doesn't matter how long  they watch this so I leave it at that and then   at advanced I want to go to margin increase  the space a bit and then that's that update there it goes so people can watch this video I talk about  how to work with affiliate marketing the new   way the better way and then if they want to  buy my course they can choose one of the plans   and then I can buy my course as I said I will  focus later on creating a tutorial when the new   builder is out I think it's a waste of time to  create it right now and if you want to learn from   the best just go through facebook search for all  the sponsored content sponsored richard branson image and name you can see the trailer so again there's a video and then you can sign up you see what will be  covered that's also nice transparent other classes and then play around with all the split testing options so another one software due   by software by now video call  to action then more information all with the goal to make you buy this and then I want to point you to something  else really important if you want to if   you want to do split testing you  can search for card flows tutorial   there it is complete card close tutorial two  and a half hours which shows you how to do   split testing and when you do split testing you  can see what is converting better so I can have   two pages with two different videos send a lot of  people there through advertising and then when I   see that the one video is performing better than  the other one or a certain pricing is performing   better than the other one then I can choose that  as the main landing page then I can split test   that again and that way I can keep optimizing my  pages so that more people will buy this and I can   make more money and help more people and then  if you want to automate the process even more   you can add um convertkit so convert git tutorial  over here how to build an email list and make 5k   per month that's what is possible i'm playing  around with also split testing my thumbnails   I made 200k with this so I can I feel the liberty  to share that so what you can do when people   with card flows okay let's go to the home page when people click over here they go to a page for  instance this one call to action then they have   to leave their name and their email address and  then they can watch the training and then they   will be added to my email sequence and then  they will be sent automated emails every day   with more information about the course with  the goal to inspire them or motivate them   to get my course it's a great way to make more  sales otherwise they're just gone but there's   a different tutorial for that watch that  create a highly converting course website okay create a course website with a high  converting sales funnel here i'll talk more about   split testing and adding convertkit to  your website one more thing I will tell   you if you go to youtube and search for  body boss tutorial hit enter I have a   five hour tutorial five and a half hour on how to  create a social media platform and there you can   learn how to create a whole community around your  courses so people can ask questions you can have   groups and all that stuff it's a long tutorial but  if you want to follow that you can follow that one   so those are some nice follow-up tutorials  and as I said before I will make a tutorial   on advertising because my goal with this course  with this website is to make a lot of sales and   help a lot of people to get started with affiliate  marketing through youtube so ladies and gentlemen   thank you for watching this tutorial this is it  i'm really happy with the end result and now it's   time for me to sell the course I will do two more  things for you I will make a tutorial on how to   use google ads to get people to your website and  it can be that you have a course website it can be   definite that you have a website where you sell  your services that tutorial will cover for you   how to get people to your website and how to do  the right thing with keywords and locations and   all that stuff I have to make it yet but I will uh  use definitely this example this website in order   to show you how it works and then we can track  everything how many people are buying this and   what's the conversion rate and how can we improve  it so that's one thing I will create for you   what else I will create an in-depth tutorial  on how to create a landing page that will be a   separate tutorial this time I use a short landing  page with a video i'm a video guy but i'll also   show you how you can do that with text and all  that stuff and I will create a landing page using   elementor and make a tutorial about that and  then I want to say good luck to with selling   your courses and thank you for watching this  tutorial please like it that will mean a lot to me   feel free to subscribe for more upcoming tutorials  or if you want to support me but maybe that's   not a good thing because if you just do it to  support me and you do not watch my videos then   the algorithm will think okay ferdi has a lot of  subscribers that are not interested so for this   youtube channel is bad so we should downgrade  it and so you know what whatever you want to do   I will do my best so to create better tutorials  for you that's a beautiful ending of the tutorial bye bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 24,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wordpress, LearnDash, LearnDash Tutorial, LearnDash Course Builder, learndash elementor, Make A Course Website, how to make a course website, best lms plugin for wordpress, Online Course Website Tutorial, Build A Website For Your Course, Course Website Tutorial, sell online courses from your own website, sell online courses wordpress plugin, create and sell online courses, how to make and sell online courses, LMS WordPress, LMS, SureCart, stripe split payments wordpress, Ferdy
Id: ZC2ysnsHC-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 45sec (9165 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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