How to Create a ChatGPT Bot for Telegram - Telegram ChatGPT Bot | AI ChatBot

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so in this video we are going to learn how to create a chat jpt bot for telegram so this is going to be an amazing automation which we are going to set up and in this automation we are going to create a chat bot for our telegram account and that chatbot will be connected to charge GPT in such a way that whenever we are going to send a message to that bot that bot is going to get the message the same message will be sent to child CPT and for that particular message for that prompt chart GPT is going to generate some content some response and after doing this the response given by chat jbt automatically this exact same word will send us the same response which chat GPT give us that too automatically this complete process will be automated using public connect so after setting up this automation where it's your telegram web or telegram mobile you can get the power of AI on your fingertips so if you want to know how you can set up this automation or create a chatbot with charge gbt for your telegram account for that you just have to come with me to my screen so here you can see that I have logged into my telegram account in telegram web now to set up this kind of connection to create an AI bot in our telegram account first what we have to do we have to create a bot in our telegram account and then after that we are going to connect that what with chart CPT or open AI so here let's create a bot first now here in our telegram account go to the search bar and search for bot father and just select the chart of this what further with this official tick after coming to what father click on the start button and then enter Slash new bot just select it just send Slash new bot after sending this we are asking us what whether to create a new bot and in return botfather is asking us to give our bot a name so for example I would like to name my bot as my AI bot this is the name which I want to give just send it then it is asking us to give this bot a unique username and the bot username should be ended with underscore bot so I'm going to enter this bot name and give this unique bot a username so this will be the username of this bot and let's send it after sending the username here you can see that what fiber has successfully created this bot in my telegram account after creating the spot in this message you can see this link by clicking on this link we will reach to the particular Bots chart just click on the start button and this bot has been added in our telegram account now I can send or receive messages from this watch in this particular chat also while creating the bot in written in response what further in this message mentioned the Epi token of this bot as well this is the EPA token of this particular bot which we have created and using this API token we can connect this what with other platforms or other applications as well so step one of this process is completed guys we have successfully created a bot in our telegram account now after creating this bot what we have to do we have to connect this bot with chart GPT in such a way that whatever message I send to this bot the C message should be sent to chart repeat and then according to that message that prompt chat GPT should generate some response and in return this spot should run me the same response created by chat GPD so to set up this kind of process to connect our bot our telegram bot with charge GPT we are going to use an Automation and integration platform that is called public Connect Now what is this public connect how you can access it and how you can set up this complete process how you can integrate our telegram Wattpad chart GPT using public link I will show you a step-by-step guide for this so first let's go to a new tab in our browser and enter p a b b l y connect and here you can see that we have reached to the landing page of public connect now if you already have a public enik account you can click on this sign in button and log into your account but if you haven't created your public account yet by clicking on the sign up free button you can create your free public account in just two minutes right now I will just click on the sign in button and sign in to my own public Nick account after signing in click on this access now below public connect and then here you can see that we will reach to public Enix dashboard now after reaching to this dashboard here you can see a list of all the automation or integration workflows which I have created inside probably connect and to begin with creating a new workflow click on this create workflow button and give this workflow a name for example I would like to name a workflow as telegram AI bot you can give any name of your choice and then just click on create after clicking on create here you can see that our automation workflow is open in front of us so in this workflow you can see two different Windows first one is the trigger window and second one is the action window so triggers and actions are basically those two concepts those two principles on which this whole automation works on where the trigger says when this happens and the action says do this so let's begin with the trigger window now guys our idea was that whenever we send some kind of prompt or message to our telegram bot our AI bot which we have created in telegram using this spot we want to send that same data the same text or prompt to child GPT then after that using chat GPT we want to generate some response for that particular prompt chat jpt is going to give some answers some response and then we want the same bot to share that same answer on our telegram chart in this way on the go you can have access to charge APD and you don't have to actually log into your charge jpt account in your browser or in some other application in just a single telegram chart window you can get the power of AI now to make this happen first what we have to do first we have to get the messages which we are sending to this AI bot on our telegram account so here in this trigger window we are going to connect our telegram bot so that all the messages or prompts or questions which we are sending to telegram bot that data should be received inside public connect then after that using public connect we are going to send those prompts those messages or those questions to charge GPT in the second step and in response chart GPT give will give us some answer for that particular Crown some response and after that in the third step we are going to send that same answer this same response back to our chat using this telegram bot so in written this telegram bot is going to send that exact same answer to us as a message so let's connect this bot in our trigger window with public connect so in this trigger window in choose app search for telegram Port just select it and after that integer event from this drop down select set per book slash watch updates as the trigger event click on connect and select add new connection now here guys in this section we have to connect our telegram bot which we have created with probably connect and to make this connection we have to enter the EPA token of the bot which we want to create so while creating this new word using what father in this message what father has also given us the API token of this exact same bot so from that particular message we have to copy this API token go back to public connect and paste it over here and then just click on Save after clicking on Save we will see using this API token this particular bot is now connected with public connect after making this connection click on this save and send test request button now when we click on Siemens and test request it has changed to waiting for response this means public connect is waiting to get some response some data from our telegram bot now after making this connection every time a message will be sent to this particular telegram board from my site automatically the exact same message will be received inside public connect so right now this trigger window is showing us waiting for response now I am going to send a message to this telegram pod for example I would like a message as what is automation and integration what is Automation and integration this is the message I am going to send to this particular boy and I have sent it as I send this message we will see instantly in public connect in this workflow within few seconds the same message details the C message data will be received and yes here you can see that just now we have received the response in this trigger window of our public unique workflow and in this workflow you can see the response as text message what is Automation and integration the same message which we have just now sent to our telegram bot over here now after this you can see some other details from this message like the my name who sent the message and after that you can see my chat ID as well and we have the timestamp of date and time that at what date and time this message was received so in this way guys you can see that all the messages which we are going to send to this telegram Port automatically all of those messages will be received inside public connect so the step two of setting up this automation is also completed we have connected our telegram bot which we have created the AI bot with public connect now after this let's move to step three and in step 3 we want to see send this C message we want to send this exact same prompt which we have received from telegram bot to chat CPD so that using charge GPT using AI we can generate some response we can give this message as a prompt to charge GPT and get the data from them and for that we will just scroll down come to this action window and here in choose apps search for chart GPT just select it after this an action event from this drop down select ask charge GPT click on connect and select add new connection over here now here guys we have to connect our chart GPT account with public Connect using the API token over here now to get the EPA token of our chart GPT account just log in to the open air account with the same charge repeat account then go to this right top corner and under that click on this view API key button after clicking on view API key click on this create new secret key button give this key a name for example I would like to name it as Telegram and click on this create secret key button and now here guys you can see that we have created a new API key in our open AI account for our chart GPT account just copy this API key from here go to public connect and paste it over here after pasting this just click on Save and after clicking on Save we will see our chat GPT account will get connected with public connect after making this connection the first thing it asks us is to select the EI model so in this drop down you can see that in charge GPT we have two different models using which we can generate some response we can get some data out of it first one is GPT 3.5 turbo and second one is GTP 3.5 turbo zero three zero one so I'm going to use GPT 3.5 turbo model over here after selecting this AI model the next thing it asks us is the prompt that what is the prompt we want to give to charge GPT on the wordpresses chart GPT is going to generate some response so we have given the prompt to our telegram bot in this message and we have captured this telegram message which we sent to our bot inside public connect in this trigger window so from this trigger window guys we are going to map this response of message this text message which we are sending to our telegram bot and then we are going to map that data over here in this prompt section so this trigger response of message will be mapped over here and guys the process of mapping is very simple simply click on this field and here in the drop down you will see a list of all the responses which we have received from telegram bot of a new message being received out of all of these responses select this response of text message and map it over here so in this way whatever message we are going to send to telegram bot with the same message open AI or chart GPT is going to generate some response and after mapping this prompt just click on Save and send test request button after clicking on savings and test request here you can see that we have received some response and in this response when we will scroll down here you can see the response which we have is message content and in this response in front of message content here you can see that public connect has created some response for the same prompt which we have given to it we have given a prompt that what is Automation and integration the message the question or the prompt which we have sent to our telegram bot from our telegram account and here in Public Enemy you can see that using charge GPT we have generated some response some data over here charge apt has given this response for that particular prompt so the step 3 of setting up this automation is also completed we have successfully generated some response received the response from chargpt from The Prompt for the messages which we are sending to our EI pod then after this let's move to the next step the step four the final step in which we are going to send this response of chart GPT for our message back to our telegram chat so using the same telegram bot as a reply to this message we are going to send this same response so we will just scroll down click on this add action step button over here and then here in choose app once again search for telegram Port just select it and this time in this action event from this drop down we have to select the action event as send a text message or reply just select it then just click on connect and select add new connection over here now here guys because we have connected our telegram board this exact same telegram bot in the trigger window so we don't have to make a new connection you can select the existing connection and click on Save so using the old connection which we have just now made in the trigger window we are going to send the message because we want to send the message to the same telegram board using which we have received the message as well then after this the next thing it asks us is the chat ID that what is the chat ID on my telegram account to whom we want to send the message so here guys we have to enter the chat ID of our own account and in the trigger window when we have captured a message we have captured the message sent to this telegram board in this response we have received this response of chat ID you can see over here so we are going to map this response of chat ID from this trigger window responses to this action window response just click here and from the drop down from telegram triggered responses map the response of chart ID then it is asking us for the text message that what is the text message which we want to send and we want to send the reply the response of chat GPT which we have received as a message so we are going to map this response of message content which we have received from chat GPT over here just click on this field and from the drop down from chat CPT responses select this response of message content and map it over here if you want you can add some text before and after it as well for example I would like to say chart gptcs and then whatever response charge GPT has given us we are going to add that response in this message so chart GPT says will be a constant for every message every reply and after that we will have this message then after this guys after adding this text the next thing it asks us is the message thread ID and reply to ID so all of these fields are not monetary not required so you can ignore these fields for now then it is asking us to disable the notifications so we are selecting no over here now it is asking us disable the web page preview sending without reply and all of these details so we are selecting it no as well then it is asking us past mode so what will be the password HTML or markdown so we are going to select the pass mode as HTML over here we are going to send this message in HTML type of text then at last it is asking us button label or button URL so if you want you can create some kind of Button as well so right now while sending this chat repeat response is we don't want to create any kind of buttons in it as well so we can ignore that field for now as well now here guys after mapping all of these details after entering the chart ID and the chat GPT response for our prompt for our message what we have to do we just have to click on this C and send test request button and when we click on this see when send test request button we will see the message which we have created over here in this text message section our telegram bot has sent us the same message on our chart so let's check it we will go to Telegram and yes here you can see that we have this message in which charge gptcs and this is the complete response with charge GPT has generated for this message for this question which we have asked to this spot so in this way we have successfully created an automation a telegram bot using which whatever text we are going to send whatever message we are going to send to this telegram bot using chart GPT we can generate some response this bot is going to send that text to charge CPT and we can get the chat jpd's answer for that particular question in the same chat window now in this way we don't have to open charge GPT or any other platform to get the power of AI on our hands I can just open my telegram account open my bots chart and ask them anything and in response we will get the reply of child CPT in the same chart window so here guys we have successfully created this automation workflow inside public Connect using which we have connected telegram bot with charge GPT now after setting up this automation let's test this automation a couple of times for example I would like to ask strategpt as write and article on Summer so I'm just sending this from this message to this AI bot which we have just now created and we will see within few seconds charge GPT will respond to this message and the same response with child drippity is going to generate will be received to us in this same chart window and yes here you can see that just now within seconds charge GPT has actually generated some response and with the same bot we have received this response over here in the start window so we haven't logged into our chart GPT account or directly we haven't given any prompt to charge GPT we have just created an Automation in the back end with our telegram bot and charge apt inside public connect and using this now I can access charge GPT on my phone tablets iPads desktops everywhere are you start to log into my telegram account and send a message to this particular bot after this let Let's test this once again I would ask my bot as for example write a code for the day so I will just ask to write a code for the day in the chat GPT says you miss hundred percent of the shots you don't take so this is a code generated by charge GPT which it has given me in response so here guys in this way you can access chart CPD now here we have tested this automation this process this complete setup of telegram bot and chart jpt which we have created using public connect so not just these applications guys you can connect plenty of other applications with public connect and one more important thing if you want to create this kind of chart jpt bot in your own telegram account you will get a clone link of this exact same public unique workflow in the description box below by clicking on that link you can clone this exact same workflow which we have created in this video into your own public Nick account and use this workflow for free also let me tell you public connect offers you a free plan and in this plan you will get some free tasks every month into your own public enik account so if you want to try and test this automation which we have created between telegram bot and chat GPT and using which we have created and chat GPT bot inside our telegram account you can do it for absolutely free if you have any kind of doubts or queries you can post them on so if this video was helpful to you you can obviously like this video comment down to your suggestion and don't forget to share it with others so guys that's it for today this video thank you have a great day
Channel: Pabbly
Views: 19,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a chatgpt bot for telegram, create a chatgpt bot for telegram, telegram automation, use chatgpt on telegram, chatgpt telegram bot, chatgpt telegram bot free, chatgpt and telegram, telegram bot chatgpt, telegram bot, chat gpt telegram bot, how to create telegram bot, how to make chatgpt telegram bot, how to make telegram chatbot, telegram bot tutorial, how to set up a chatgpt telegram bot, chatgpt telegram bot link, chatgpt bot telegram, AI ChatBot
Id: hlhe_RbUuAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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