Create a Telegram Bot in 10 Minutes with ChatGPT! Make and deploy telegram bot with ChatGPT

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in this video I'm gonna show you how you can create an awesome telegram board using check GPT here is the both which I have created using the child GPT and let me show you what it can do so if I enter the start command it's gonna introduce itself and it's gonna send me this welcome GIF and there are some more commands as well which gonna respond to according to their code but it's just a simple mode which respond to some particular commands but this is not it you can create a way more advanced board using chat GPT and it can help you to perform your tasks it can help you to save your time so let's just create a board and let me show you how you can do this so I am with Patel and you are watching with the master YouTube channel so if you find this video helpful please drop a like and let me know in the comment section let me just open let me show you how you can do it so we are creating this board from the scratch so I opened my chat GPT and I asked it to how can I create a telegram board and it showed me that I need to go to board further and I have to create a boat there and I need to get my API token of my board which I will be using in my python code so it showed me whole process in detail it also showed me a sample code so after this I asked it how can I get the API token from the board father so it's also showed me a step-by-step process then I followed the process and I went to the telegram and I created my boat into the boat father where I need to give a name to my boat and I also have to give a username so you need to follow the same process because it's the similar process that everyone need to do in order to create a telegram board no matter what your what do what you have how advanced you're about first of all you need to get this apiator after getting the API token I asked Richard GPT to create a python code for telegram mode to which you can reply to some predefined commands like start info help status and I also asked great to give some commands from your side as well so it gave me a pretty good code for the my telegram board and it used telegram library and it also used classes called updater and dispatcher and I I had also used this code before and uh actually it didn't work for me so I asked it to use another Library I don't want to use this particular telegram Library so it also gave me the same code using the different Library called teleboat which is actually python telegram board API Library so it gave me a pretty good code and after getting the code I copied the code I went to the vs code and I created a new file called and I pasted my whole code into that particular file so here you need to do one thing that the code is actually not using your API token so you need to replace your API token into that particular variable name so I went to Telegram and copied my that particular API and I have pasted right here so once this is done I ran my code and once my code is running without any errors how to check your boat is working or not you can go to Telegram and open your board's username and just give the command start and it will show you the response which was actually written in the code and you can modify it as well so I tested all the commands and all were working fine and here I have edited this command info and I added my name that the both is created by with Patel and I also added this print board is running line so I can know that my boat is actually working without any error so then again I ran info code and it showed me my name after that I asked Richard GPT to add one more feature of the time command so if someone uses slash time command then it should show the current time as well so it modified my previously written code and it gave me a new code which was also replying to slash time command and it was returning the current time so I made changes to my I mean TG dot file and I ran it and I checked it was working perfectly fine so then I copied my current working code and I went to the chat DBT and Port pasted into the uh the text box and I also added details like that this is my current working code and I want to add a feature if someone start the board it should respond to them with a nice welcome image and it should all show grid them with a nice welcome message so it took my that particular token API token from the my code and in the Response Code it also used that token into the new code so using that it detected that this is the API token and it replaced it with a variable called API token and it gave me a fully functional code and it also gave me two approaches for this functionality one was using the image into that particular root folder of your code and also the image from the URL so whatever you want to use you can use it so while it was trended creating the code I went to the Google and downloaded a nice welcome image and I copied pasted it to the my root folder so once the code is generated I went to the chatgpt and grabbed I grabbed the code and updated my code and I changed the name of that particular image and then I tested the code and holy moly it worked but it was just a simple thing you can give a more detailed information to chat GPT and create a more advanced board which can do some advanced task also like you can convert the file type you can remove the image background you need to do some research in order to accomplish that particular thing so I asked Richard GB to do give me some ideas on how how I can upgrade my board and make it useful for some groups Channel and person personal use as well so it gave me some pretty good damn ideas you can just pause the video and you can read it out so it gave me around six to seven I don't remember you can just read it right from here so yeah it gave me some awesome ideas so you can take any of this idea and create your own board and if you if you do create the board please comment in the comment section I will check out your board so currently the boat was running on my local machine and I don't want to run my laptop 24x7 so I asked Richard GPT how I can host my this boat on any server so it can run 24x7 and I can use anytime whenever I want so it gave me some pretty names for the servers which I can use and it gave me whole process from setting up the server and deploying my board there and installing my dependencies and getting logs all of the things I asked you to give me some free server's name which I can use for hosting my boot and it gave me some names like Heroku python anywhere glitch and identify I built AWS Lambda and Google like that and I asked it to how I can use a python anywhere for my board so it gave me detailed information from creating account to creating a web app so I used the python anywhere for this particular board and you can also use it if you just want to taste your boat so it's very simple you can go to python anywhere and create your account so I did the same thing and so you can use any of the service providers and if you need help check to check if it is right there you can ask it and it will show you how to deploy on that particular server so I used to python anywhere because it was very fast and convenient for me to create this video and also test my board so just go to there and create account and it's not like that you need any such kind of payment information for creating a once you create the account you will find the similar interface like this and you have to go to web apps and create a new web app and here you have to select the flask for your web framework and the python version which is installed in your machine so the python which I was using was 3.7 so I selected 3.7 and then once your web app will be created you have to go to the source file and you will find one file called here I have two files but there will be only one file you can delete that one file because we are going to upload our own files here so once the files are deleted you can open your bash console and we need to install the libraries which we used in our board so I used a Teleport so the command for installing teleport is PIP install Pi telegram API and it is already installed because I already hosted a one vote here so once all the libraries are installed you can upload both files wordness that python file and another is that photo photo file PNG file so once your code is uploaded you can open that file and you can make changes if you want to make any changes so I added both is running command so once system you can see that my console limit was reached so you get free to consoles on your free account so if you reach out the limit you need to delete those previous two consoles and you can open your file again and you can run it again and once you see that your board is running boom you hosted your first port and it is live and you can access it from anywhere so you can perform all the commands and I hope this video helped you and I am really like to see your boards as well so please let me know in the comment section I will must check out your board so that's all for today's video I will see you in the next time peace out
Channel: Ved The Master
Views: 116,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 minutes, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot creation, OpenAI, Programming with Python, Quick and easy tutorial, Telegram bot development, Using ChatGPT for natural language processing, chatbot, chatgpt, create bot with chatgpt, how to create telegram bot, programming, python, telegram bot, tutorial, ved, ved patel, vedthemaster
Id: gvq_tSqCY4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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