How to Create a CapCut Zoom Effect [UPDATED TUTORIAL]

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in this quick video I'm going to show you how you can create these zooming effects using capca so whether you're looking to create a slow zoom in like the one that we've just used or a really fast one I'm going to show you two different ways that you can go about it so let's get started so once you've opened up Kafka and the project that you want to work on there are two ways to add a zoom in effect and the second way is my favorite way so just hold on for a moment so the easiest way to go about it is simply by using the animation tab so once you've selected the video clip you're going to click on animation and then we're basically gonna look for a zoom in let's just use this Zoom 2 and then we can adapt the amount of time that we want that Zoom to take so let's just go for like a good three seconds so that you can actually see it so this is what that would look like um there you go if you want that to be longer it would look like this that doesn't look all that great so let's just stick with a shorter one there we go these effects are great to add to the beginning of your Instagram reels or Tick Tock videos just to get that user's attention right so that's the way that you can do it with animation effects now that to me isn't really the same type of zoom in that you saw at the beginning of this video so how do you go about creating that so to create the type of zoom in that you saw at the beginning of this video the way to go about that is by using keyframes to add keyframes you would simply click this little button here next to the play button to add a keyframe We'll add it at the start of the video and then we'll scroll a little bit further and add a second one and then all you'd have to do is zoom use your thumbs to zoom in the footage look how lovely I look and then maybe drag it down a little bit so my face is a little bit more centered and then when we go back to the start and we play the video there you go you can see the zoom in happening all right so if you want that really fast zoom in that you saw at the start of the video all you'd have to do is remove this keyframe to have the same button it has a minus sign next to it now and then you're gonna go very close to the first one add a new keyframe Zoom it in and then when we play that clip it's going to go really fast there we go now that is a fast zoom in all right and that's all there is to it make sure that you hit that Thumbs Up Button if you like this video and in the meantime take a look at some of our other awesome content over here
Channel: Clipmasters
Views: 95,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d zoom effect capcut, How to do zoom in effect in capcut, capcut animation, capcut animations, capcut edit tutorial, capcut editing tips, capcut transition idea, capcut transitions, capcut tutorial, capcut video editing tutorial, capcut video editor, capcut video effects, capcut zoom effect, capcut zoom in, editing tips in capcut, joke de swert, keyframes capcut, unbound creative agency, zoom in capcut, zoom in effect capcut, zoom in effect in capcut
Id: OKdWTEX5e_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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