How to Create a CapCut Zoom Effect [UPDATED TUTORIAL]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Clipmasters
Views: 95,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d zoom effect capcut, How to do zoom in effect in capcut, capcut animation, capcut animations, capcut edit tutorial, capcut editing tips, capcut transition idea, capcut transitions, capcut tutorial, capcut video editing tutorial, capcut video editor, capcut video effects, capcut zoom effect, capcut zoom in, editing tips in capcut, joke de swert, keyframes capcut, unbound creative agency, zoom in capcut, zoom in effect capcut, zoom in effect in capcut
Id: OKdWTEX5e_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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