How to create a book in Blender | Modelling tutorial in blender

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[Music] well welcome to blender stuffs today i am going to make a book in blender so without any delay let's start so this is our 3d viewport i will first delete everything except the cube to start with it then select the cube and then press s followed by z to scale it along the z-axis only also i'll scale it along the x-axis and also along y a bit now we have a basic shape of a book selecting the cube press tab to get into edit mode press ctrl r for loop cut and single left click you'll able to drag the edge loop around then drag the loop to this side also add a horizontal loop cut we need two edge loops for both side we can make two edge loops and drag them one by one but also we can make one and right click to snap it in the middle then expand the control panel here and make the number of cuts too now i'll scale it along the z axis by pressing s then z press the face selection mode and select this three faces then press x then faces to delete the faces now press the edge selection mode select this edge turn around and hold pressing shift key select the edge very opposite to the other and press f to fill it for a face do the same for the rest okay now i'll make a loop cut right click and again expand the control menu make the number of cuts to 5. to make the curvy side of the book select the very middle edge and enable the proportional editing from here you can also enable it by pressing o from the keyboard now press g and then x move it along the x-axis a bit then decrease the proportional size to your suitability hmm that looks good now select these sharpie edges pressing shift key and then press ctrl b to bevel it if it do not bevel properly go back to the object mode and press ctrl a and scale to apply scale now back to the edit mode pressing tab and select these edge and ctrl b to bevel it expanding the control menu make the segments do you can copy my bevel settings now selecting the following edges right-click and bridge edge loops to make faces out of edge select these faces and double-click hold to bring this extrude menu and hold end on extrude along the normals you can also bring this menu pressing alt e drag your mouse to control the extrude and as the control menu appears check the offset even to extrude proportionally on each side also you can control the offset from the menu now select these extra faces by pressing shift and x then faces to delete these faces now selecting these faces press shift h to hide everything except the selection then in edge selection mode select the end edges and select bridge edge loops by right-click now press alt h to unhide everything press ctrl r for edge loop and in the control menu set the number of cuts to 5. then double-click or alt-left-click to select the middle edge loop enabling proportional editing press g and x to move it along the x-axis a bit you can scroll your mouse wheel up and down to resize the proportional size but currently i'm not using a mouse you can move this edge somewhat more then switch to object mode by pressing tab press ctrl a then scale to apply scale now go to modifier section and click on add modifier and then click bevel modifier right click and select shade smooth to fix the shading problem go to object data section expand normals and then check auto smooth you can play with the auto smooth value i found 20 degree better finally the modeling part is done now we can move to uv editing section now in the uv editing section double-click or alt-left-click to select this edge loop select the lower edge loop by holding shift and double left-click on the edge or alt-left-click also select the following edge loops pressing shift deselect the extra edge pressing shift left-click after that right-click and select mark seam to uv unwrap it separately you can see that the color of these edge change to orange then in the 3d viewport press a to select everything press u then smart uv project to unwrap it now let's move to shading section to add textures i'll change the base color to red or maybe blue you can make it any color as you like now in the materials section press the plus icon to add new material and make a new material from here then click on add text texture and then image texture now i'll add the texture image for the book pages clicking on open select the path of the image the images and all other stuffs link will be in the description section now back to uv the editing place the mouse cursor under a marked seam then press l in the menu here select seam to select the seam only now before you select rest of the seams select the image we just imported then select the seams for the book pages after that click on assign to assign the material to selected then selecting a uv seam press r then 90 on your keyboard to rotate it 90 degrees then move it pressing g move it roughly in the center then scale it in the x and y axis to roughly match the book's pages we'll do the same for rest as this part is a bit longer so we'll select and scale it along the x-axis back to the shading window we can see the effect of pages of the book now we might want to add a title to this book to do that select the material of the cover from here then add a image texture then load a png image for the title add a mix shader clicking on add then drag it here link the color value to the shader also link the alpha value to factor now in the uv editing window select the face for the title and select the logo we just inserted now scale the face and then place it where you want the logo also we are going to scale it to match the cover to avoid the repeating switch to clip from here also we need to rotate the image texture to do that go to uv editing window and then select the uv of the cover and press r then 180 to rotate it 180 degrees to remove the logo image from rest of the book select the uvs of the page and press ctrl i to invert selection deselect this face by shift left click then scale them to smaller size and move them away from the logo we can make the cover lighter so as to make the logo more visible now i will make the final setup for the render so this is the final render make sure to subscribe if you liked the video and also leave a like
Channel: Blender Stuffs
Views: 2,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lZaIkmRK5Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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