How To Crash Test A $2 Million Koenigsegg Hypercar -

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my name is Christoph von Koenigsegg for half of my life I've been on the quest to be a leader in the hypercar industry utilizing Swedish design combined with visionary technical solutions [Music] [Music] after three months or more than three months preparing the crash car that we are sending to the test facility it's really hard to see how the car is slowly being destroyed hammer it over torquing it and then finally crushing it against the wall it's painful it's painful to watch for the US for example we have to crash test our cars even without belts and install what they call smart airbags that are able to sense if it's a small or a big person sitting in the car where they're sitting on the seat if they have a belt or not which angle were were impacting the car from and and then we should tune the deployment the strength and the volume of the airbags according to those set parameters and in order to get the data to be able to do that and to program these systems we have to crash our cars from every conceivable angle at different speeds from the side from the rear from the front offset corner even considering a bicycle driving into the car or someone bashing away with a hammer on the car and not deploy the airbags when they shouldn't be deployed and deploy them when we should it's just yeah it's this trifles quite stressful because time schedule is tight because everybody wants their supercar as soon as possible so regular manufacturer can Christ 16 cars it's no problem but for us 16 cars is almost our annual production so we cannot crash 1 year production in one world so it's very expensive from fellow long one of the mythology's we use to save basically money for this process is that we designed our carbon-fiber monocoque to withstand all these different types of crash tests without being destroyed we destroy the bodywork on the outside subframes crash members and so on but not the actual integral and most expensive part of the car so the same monocoque chassis in the same car if you will is being used basically for all of these tests and this is very unusual if you take a large car manufacture it's much cheaper for them to take a core out of the development their production line crash it throw it away take another one but in our case that it's completely different it's it's cheaper to rebuild and repair and keep on smashing the same car that's of course in a way more difficult because you it needs to take multiple hits but we design for that so it works and it saves us both time and money and resources for this program we bought a supercomputer that we have in our basement where we can crash simulate carbon-fibre structures which is very unusual so we have some specialists dedicated to that work here at Koenig say that actually have been part of developing the programs to be able to crash simulate carbon-fibre cars this means we can reduce some what the risk is when we're actually crashing the cars that we know the results and every physical test video we correlate back to the simulation to make sure it correlates so you have even bigger chance to hit it spot-on for the next test it's really really an exciting process in a way because we want to make our cars really safe and we get that verified over and over again through this process but at the same time a bit painful seeing our baby's going being being crushed and crumbled in this way [Applause] we build the car here in angle home and then we send the car in our facilities in the ER Barcelona and then it's a logistic cost also a long process we send the car there we are able to be in front of the tests while they are doing the car the the tests but we are not able to break or be inside the car while braking or prepare the crash for the car for the crash test we give them the car and they prepare it and they crash it always only there to assist them and give them information how to where to put the sensors and stuff like that but nothing else [Music]
Channel: Motive Future
Views: 11,282,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Koenigsegg Regera, Koenigsegg, Christian Von Koenigsegg, Hypercar, Koenigsegg Jesko, Koenigsegg Agera, Race Car, Racing, Hyper Car, Sweden, Swedish, Build Video, one:1, Hybrids, Technology, Design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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