How to Craft Jelly's $1,000,000 Minecraft Sword! *OP*

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I'm going to be showing you guys how to grab jellies $1,000,000 minecraft sword oh my gosh oh that is so cool audience if you guys are excited as I am make sure you leave a like down below this is one of jelly secret houses he has many secret houses he's actually a very good builder in Minecraft and if you guys haven't subscribed to his channel yet what are you waiting for three-halves loco man who also films a lot with jelly and if you are not subscribed to him you totally need to I heard you're here to make the legendary $1,000,000 jelly sword that is correct mr. slow go man's you are going to need to work your way up from the bottom oh boy we all know what this means don't we the plastic toy slime sword recipe I can't believe we're about to make a plastic sword the first thing we've got to get is we've got to go out to these trees and check this out you this is white pine wood I love the texture and the color and with this we are going to get two of the white pine sticks slimes I'm so sorry but you guys kind of are the next part of the ingredient now we get to turn these 18 pieces of slime into two different slime blocks to complete at least half of the recipe I believe for this crazy sword that we're about to craft okay so I haven't watched you guys this local man normally wear this minecraft skin I've actually never gotten to play Minecraft slow go man for the next part for this recipe you guys are gonna find to be kind of weird but what we do we actually smelt the slime block we should be good to make the first recipe check it out we just need to put one of the white pine sticks inside of here with the melted slime blocks and check it out dude we've got this Oh Mike this looks like the biggest piece of garbage I've ever wielded this is Oh what what okay hello so apparently if you use this sword to attack things it hurts yourself wait a sec oh oh dude I'm just now seeing this defective sword every time you try to swing the sword you have the possibility of hurting yourself elastic protection the fact that the sword is made out of plastic doesn't make things any better the sword is negative sharpness one dealing a mob even less damaged than a wooden sword upon a hit then we've got sticky situation when attacking a mob the ground below the mob will turn into slime and the mobs movement speed will thus decrease this does not sound like a very good sword to me guys well that sword is knives congratulations it is not nice logo man I've opened a portal outside that will bring you to the place you need to get the items here is the graphic recipe good luck this is a 4x4 crafting table okay how am i earning myself but I'm not even using the sword we only need planks and sticks ok we are set on video due to I really well I'm gonna put my headphones on because I feel like we're going into a dangerous area so I'm assuming it is as heist factory where we need to find this secret recipe oh my gosh he's got guards jellies jello factory which is close we've got to go around the backside I think of the factory if we're gonna break it I listed here I've got a question I'm okay seriously I'm trying to break into the factory and might you I've got a dodge factory guards this is gonna be great I have a question for you viewers get me in the comments your top 5 favorite youtubers genuinely I am very curious and you do not have to choose me ok I will not be offended maybe a little bit I mean today is my wife and eyes 2 year anniversary will at the time I'm filming his YouTube video it's May 12th where and what am I supposed to be looking for inside of this crazy slime factories there's supposed to be something over here factory guard got way too close to me I think we've got to do some kind of nonsensical parkour guys I figured out where to start the parkour guys if we are over the factory guards so they can't see us now now I see we've got a shoulder box parkour onto the slab oh my gosh iron bar jumps are my least favorite jumps huh can you make a ladder jump ok I'm not gonna risk the biscuit why is there so much parkour inside of an abandoned Factory oh my goodness which low key actually I do love quad jumps but they are so dadgum difficult um maybe this factory guard is gonna be cool we have no idea maybe he's a fan of the YouTube videos K we have no idea I'm not judging a book by its hey you cool is he ok you're kind of wandering around aimlessly not doing a very good job at security detail are these even real security guards like you what ok I'm just gonna go into here and fight oh that's it yup 1 million percent this is the secret jello ingredient we've been needing for our recipe Oh wah wah wah alarms triggered no you guys are not Oh Mike okay they're actually really fast hold the phone ladies and gentlemen these security guards went from being BOTS and fortnight to being pros inside of Minecraft let's look at a split over to hey Tata for now ladies and gentlemen nice try wait what if they come through the portal do you see this that's on the ground inside of jellies house this is the jello mix candy there was like six of these on the recipe I did somehow managed to lose the crafting recipe which is literally one of the biggest oops I deserve and oof in the comments listen if you're gonna leave the oaf in the comment at least make it all caps I think it was like this we are literally making a recipe kaboom we just did a blind recipe and managed to do it the jello sword ladies and gentlemen so I think that the the jello sword is a very bad sword because when you try to use the slimeball ability you immediately explode and die look at this we've got friendly slimes friendly slimes when they killed the cat I don't know if they'll kill the cow because he's technically a neutral mom oh we gonna look at them can they kill the zombie wait they killed the cow no they actually killed the cow that was epic okay slimes slimes chill chill okay the slimes are fighting the zombie oh this lives do you kill the zombie okay this sword gets a three out of 10 I changed my mind because these little slimes are so cute and actually we're gonna be helpful missed a slow go man I'm just saying he would look a lot better with some fire merch on Kate I know shameless plug guys you got to do it that's an upgrade nice work but there's still much more to come if it opened another portal for you to explore oh great we have another portal we're about to be exploring here ladies and gentlemen so we've got peanut butter and jelly items obviously it makes sense because jelly does like jelly I mean I don't know if he likes no I think he does like jelly hey wait a second oh my gosh the chickens are attacking me wait a second they look so cute and but but but what they're actually hostile mobs listen to your chicken okay this chicken has more health than I ever could imagine my friendly slimes no longer friendly they were just attacking me right there did you guys see that friendly slides you guys have betrayed your master you big monsters wait how many of these do we need I'm gonna kill two of them just for safety we've got a chocolate sheep do we even I think we need chocolate in this recipe okay ah chocolate chocolate sheep come over here why are my slimes attacking me oh and the other thing we need is from the village a pink village that oh my god forgot do not right-click with their slime sword or you will spontaneously combust and explode peanut cow there are peanuts on this galilei's yeah I didn't you guys have been loving the sign t-shirts we've got the orange sign flame tea we also have the yellow fire brick tea sign don't oppress it's Al's calm before they run out yo sheeps let's just calm down with your damage okay one thing we do need is we need wheats because we've got to make bread is there enough wheat tea oh my gosh the cows are surrounding me cows don't do this I don't like this dimension I'm just not a big fan of it I'm going back to jelly secret house I check this a ladies and gentlemen we have everything we need to craft this we put the peanut into the furnace and you get roasted peanuts so you actually put it so funny you put slime balls with whole grain bread then you get whole grain bread with slimes and for some reason the whole grain changes to purple smut or pink size this pink ours is poor I don't know which one it is guys but I do think that these are finally finished being crafted and roasted if you use um glass bottles on roasted peanuts you get a jar of peanut butter spread and then if you use jelly with the jars that is how you get a jar of strawberry jelly actually I'm curious what is your favorite jelly of ulta my favorite jelly personally is going to be blackberry jam which I guess to know the difference between a jam and jelly I think Jam has more pieces of fruits yes audience I realize I have changed my shirts okay I just wouldn't get into the comfortable ice cream tank top that dropped this week a try some style back off now look at what we have received from the good Lord above the peanut butter and jelly minecraft sort I bet you never thought you'd be watching a Minecraft video where we get a peanut butter and jelly sword I I never thought I'd be making a Minecraft video where I would be wielding one of these we have different abilities with a sword of course press f to obtain peanuts from a food compartment in your sword you spam it and you literally just get peanuts and then looking at our next ability wielding the sword you will be able to attack twice as fast now I'm sorry I need to test out the speed oh wow the sword does whack really fast although this sword is like no damage wait a second the third ability when killing a mob you'll restore one extra heart of health if you are on full health you will receive a golden heart that is actually an epic ability even though it doesn't deal a lot of damage I don't actually know how much damage it deals but you do get extra hearts when you kill a mob with it so that part is extremely epic sausages I feel like guys I feel like I'm letting you down today with my hair I don't know what's happened my change shirts and my hair is all over the place and I apologize but can we get a like down below for Preston to having a bad hair day today congratulations on creating the peanut butter and jelly sword well thank you very much mr. slow go means I still feel very uncomfortable of Heth pajamas you're wearing but we'll get to that in a different time it's no big deal we have just gotten the recipe for the divine slime sword finally we are getting into some of the epic swords ladies and gentlemen that I have been very excited to show off to you guys what if what if I just wore my hair like this for video recordings what do you guys think is this dude I know you guys are already capturing pictures of this and tagging me on instagram at real TV and our frags if you don't follow me already you totally should know this is like it's a slime dome at dimension high the first thing we need for this recipe as you guys can see we need a lot of slime so unfortunately I am going to have to take out a lot of these a little some wait a second instead of killing the slimes I wonder if we could just break these slime blocks instead that way we don't have to kill our slimy friends which jelly loves so very much I think okay these are not regular slime blocks by the way these are super slime blocks which are very very different from regular slime blocks I will show you guys here momentarily you know what I am going to oh I just grabbed a peanut I forgot that you can grab peanuts from the sword but really are you going to stop and eat a nut in the middle of a PvP battle probably not the best decision okay made a lot of decisions in my life some good some not so good we don't need to get into the not-so-good ones because I'm about to absolutely beast and reached on this parkour I mean you ain't never seen a Sam Houston like me look at me do these jumps twirl in a rail Cadmus that jump hey I almost miss the latitude I've been very bad oh look at that look at that look at the flick of a wrist we don't talk about that we don't talk about that one you saw nothing you listen to me audience you guys better not go tweet that beth at my twitter at Preston I wish I had at Preston on Instagram I have been unable to get that username maybe one of these days I'll get to change my Instagram username because right now it's kind of difficult for people to find do I just walk off here okay that was actually way easier than I thought it was what is up here I forget Oh what is this Oh hit all the targets pinned off the bombs okay we've got a oh oh oh oh okay I know what we got to do we've got to shoot all of these targets while wielding a bow okay I can do this I can do this this is kind of difficult I'm not gonna lie these little slimes do a lot of damage please come on it was just my anniversary it's my wedding anniversary don't kill me my employees okay you know I'm gonna do guys I'm gonna take the high ground ha take that you dirty little slimes now you guys can't hit me and I can shoot my targets in peace and wait one more target hole I think there's a sneaky target somewhere that we are away and I'll check it where is this sneaky target at did I miss one am i a bot um guys I do not see a target that has not been act oh it's this one ready okay yep I'm just a bot never mind ignore what I said we did it we got the magical slime shard ladies and gentlemen let's go oh look at that big jump boys flicker no loose Joe I almost landed inside of the stone that would have been a very very very bad thing yeah it's this wood right yeah I forget that why do I forget the name of this wood I think it's just because it's an abnormal name it is called that's what it is mahogany why did I forget the name of mahogany I don't know big hold of audience the super slime blocks we just need eight of these I made nine because you know you can never have a little bit too much extra okay looking at the recipe mahogany logs down here super slime ball no these are super slime blocks not super slime balls not to be confused then we put the slime shard over here and boot sausages we got the divine jelly slime support yo this thing doesn't even look like a sword it looks like um like it kind of just looks like a shard this thing's got some really cool abilities though I can't wait to show over you guys jelly transformer hitting a mob with a sword will transform it into a slime bouncy boots when wielding this sword you could fall from high and bounce on any blocks whether this is a slime block or not that is so handy explosive slime your inventory will be refilled with an explosive large slime spawn a pun spawning the slime the slime will explode two to three seconds later so I'm just gonna go and spawn this and see how much damage it does um it's not exploding hello okay I don't know this exploding slime is not yet the kill them to explode okay I think my exploding slime is broken that is okay don't ask me how I got all the way up here but I'm testing out the bouncy ability oh that is so no more fall damage ladies and gentlemen and look at this you can like keep a bouncy pattern the intent this is actually a very very useful feature that I think people overlook and if I hit any kind of mob I can turn them into it slide look at this Galaga boom turned into it's live although I don't know if you'd want to turn your cows into slimes but I guess like if you reach slime balls this is a very handy sword to have around all right mister slow go my inch what you got for me next babycakes come on let me see that you're pretty good at this I think you need a challenge fortunately I don't remember the crafting recipe for this next sword looks like it's up to you for now safe travels okay thanks for nothing slow go and it doesn't help that the portal for this sword looks to be the most deadly of them all oh great I am now in the nether with a way more magma blocks than I ever remember um guys there's a problem I don't know if you guys noticed this the lava is rising as we speak the portal that we just came into is now completely covered in lava and there are these very luminous jelly mushrooms ok chief so I don't know exactly what I need to do here I'm going to collect the mushrooms cuz we don't even have a recipe so basically I am just going to collect everything I see and hope that we manage to get the right are those peanuts why are there so many peanuts they are now growing peanuts in the nether that is what do we even say to that dude audience I have found this I've never seen one of these in the nether before in my entire life I'm assuming I need all of these items or just one that I found the crafting recipe I don't know if this is going to help us so I'm going to scoop up everything I can out of the nether and try to find my way back to jellies house cuz dude this is crazy what are these oh okay okay there's lava there let's say let's not touch that Oh nether wart I think I'm gonna need that for this recipe yours we're not gonna talk about how I managed to get out of the nether there however I did forget to do one thing you basically have to milk magma cubes with bottles and that is how you get the magma slime fluid anyways going back over to here we can now craft the divine magma short so it's like this uh wait do we have our buckets of La oh my gosh I only have one bucket of lava okay I I now have two buckets of lava I don't know how I managed to miss that so we've got our four illuminant jelly mushroom thingamajigger poppers then we've got our two odd bricks that are going inside of here with our two lava bucket then we are going to put our magma bulb slime thing what are these even called again they are called magma slime fluids and you get the divine magma Lord look at this - oh my gosh not only is it made out of slime but it also has lava inside of it and there's a man who loves slime and lava I gotta say this is my favorite looking sword so far when attacking a mob a ring of fire forms around the mob and expands hitting any other nearby mob setting him on fire lava absorber absorbs lava around you in a four-block radius also receives regeneration wind absorbing lava then you've got burning rage press f to enable a short period seconds or your attack damage dealt by your sword increases by double the ring of fire that might be the coolest sword effect we've ever seen ladies and gentlemen in all of Minecraft Oleg walkable that ring of fire is a very large ring who activated burning rage look at this guys we have speed look out fast we are burning rage we are superfast kal I'm old my gosh we're just one shot that into fire cow and then of course we got to test out the lava absorption look at this I'm absorbing lava ladies and gentlemen it is finally time we have every single sword in our inventory right now it is time for us to get our final crafting recipe so we can make the ultimate million dollar slime sword congratulations you have made it to the final sword the final portal has opened and this time there's a twist no graphic recipe I think you should be able to figure it out it has been a pleasure well let me tell you something has it been a pleasure yes but has it been a difficult journey it has been a very difficult journey guys we're um oh gosh I've got a really bad feeling about this guys I see something down here in the bottom middle that says time until the next effect three-second what does that mean also there is some kind of oh that is what the effect means okay so these are not good effects that are happening to our Minecraft character they are very very bad effects oh oh oh that's lightning okay so let's not get struck by lightning I am uh going to what appears to be like a giant Cathedral slash castle I don't even know what to call this Oh did know Tod Tod almost just took me out right there so um creepers and cows are now spawning from me look wait to the cows just a tap oh these are down okay those are not normal cows ladies and gentlemen those are attack cows and they are very deadly aye cows I've come back for revenge cows I'm sorry to do this to you but actually I'm not because you guys kind of killed me but maybe it's payback I deserve because I did kill a lot of cows in this episode I'm sorry my bovine friends but I've got to leave a TNT stop spawning inside of you ooh we've got pedestals for our swords ooh sword added sword added another one another one another one the last and final sword ladies and gentlemen here you go check it out ladies and gentlemen the final million-dollar sword is spawning right before our eyes can we grab it yes we can dude the legendary jelly arm that cow is so dead army of slimes press f to spawn an army of friendly slimes go by slimes go look at the slimes we've got kill those killer gals the next ability is holy strike when attacking a mob a holy light will come from above and evaporate the entire mob then we've got invincibility you obtained an additional 10 gold hearts and take zero damage oh my god oh that is so cool look at this it launches them into the sky and basically just explodes them take this you demon kids oh my god dude thank you so much for watching have a blessed day click either one of these videos YouTube is recommending to you and I will see you all in my next brand new videos [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,242,748
Rating: 4.9022312 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: d-qit9OXeig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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