How to Crack a Password Protected Microsoft Office Document

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hello ladies and gentlemen in this video I'm going to be showing you how to crack a password protected Microsoft Office document and that includes OneNote as well so I'm going to be using a couple of components for this part of John the Ripper are specifically office to John dot P Y password extracting the file or hash extracting the file and hash cat now the reason I'm using hash cat instead of John the Ripper is because I've got more videos of it my channels is going to be easier to do the tutorial for and got more experience using hash cat as well the encryption of office passwords is actually fairly good so it's aes-128 or 256 depending on your version of office and sha-1 as well for hashing algorithm and it's sorted as well so it's going to eliminate the option of using rainbow tables to start with how to grab a copy of The Office - john dot py file from the github page there's no need to do this step if you're using kali linux as all the scripts are provided in one place I'll grab the file with W get and there'll be a link to this in the video description then they'll run the file wave Python office - John py and name in a document so I'm using the document in /downloads slash test dot X so that gives me this long line here consisting of the file name office the version on the hash and another mess I don't really need to be aware of that actual hash don't go try and crack but this part here is important because we're gonna use this in hash pads so this is the hash Mo's that we're going to use I leave links this page as well buts the line I'm looking for is office 2007 21 - 8016 so I'm going to be using hash mode 9 4 0 0 the newest version for Microsoft Office 2013 this also includes off his 2016 and office 365 that is 9 6 0 0 he'll need now to dump that hash into a file so let's just drop that into slash download slash office hash txt in fact if I go across the downloads folder that just make my life easier anyway now to run hash cards so I'll be hash cats the mode - m9 four zero zero for me 9600 if you're using the newer version of office the attack type I'm going to use so that'd be attack mode zero that'll be a straight dictionary attack and that is the place I recommend you start although although it can probably assume that for most people the encryption they use in the office document wouldn't be too strong so odds are it may be a non password already or it could be possible to brute-force it say within about eight characters start attack mode zero but I got some more videos on what you can do with hash cut the location of the hash so if me off his hash dot txt and a word list this is a word list you're going to have to grab yourself let's start with something simple like The Rock you dictionary file rock you being website where none of the passwords are probably hashed and all passwords are now known so a good one to use no it hasn't works so what have I missed well it's not a valid hash there so what I could have said is edit that file and get rid of the file name or we could just tell hash cats to look in a slightly different place one could consider that to be a username so for the sake of simplicity we'll say it's a username which will tell hash cats look slightly further along the line and there it goes so I haven't told it to use the from a speed improvement I could use - Oh which will tell hash cats to use a slightly different driver for the graphics card yeah the optimized kernel Oh says requested but not needed falling back to pure OpenCL kernel ok moving irrelevant that anyway to get an idea at a speed is actually cranked it up anyway I was getting a seat 5,000 hashes a second which is actually not all that brilliant not compared to say more basic like until M hashes which about what 16 mega hashes here and on a system at work 300 gigahertz yeah even that dropped alarmingly as well on speed yeah it's more complicated hash to crack anyway I have the password here of a 1967 the Mustang how creative that person was who created that document and password probably me it was me actually I was just doing a little demonstration anyway copied it so clipboard go and open it up now in Libre Office I know this is a Linux system but I haven't gotten Microsoft Office on here but I've pasted that password there and the document has opened so that is how to crack a password protected Microsoft Office document thanks for watching I'll see you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: quidsup
Views: 34,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Password, Cracking, Auditing, Hashcat, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, One Note, Hacking, Windows, Corporate, Linux, MacOS, Kali, Computing, Quidsup
Id: mpCae81ziio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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