How to Counter SPAM FRUITS in Blox Fruits..

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hello everyone so in this video I'm going to be telling you how to counter every single spam fruit in the game now the spam fruit I'm going to be talking about is the mouth fruit as you can see right here the dragon that is currently flying we got a Buddha we got a Venom we got a dough running somewhere around here so the first fruit I'm going to be talking about is the mammoth fruit Mammoth follow me so I'm going to be showing you on how to like counter every single move and how to like escape from the spam so Mammoth and Mommy real quick as you can see right there the M1 is pretty annoying and when you spam it it's it's like yeah it's just annoying that's like a lot of reach so what you do if you're fighting like a mammoth that is spamming what I recommend you to do is to like try to escape when the roar happens like this so we don't get hit and don't get like Ken broken always keep distance from the mammoth so you can always have like an advantage also you can use your moves if you want to move away you can also attack they'll make your life easier can break your enemy enemy use your soul guar to stun him do whatever this gives you a better chance to escape the spam all right so the first attack is kickable yeah as you can see I dodged it and then the second attack is also kable yeah look it was K trickable and the third attack I think is kickable too try it out okay so we can Krick the first part but the second part is not K trickable the f move is basically just like spam of Mammoth you cannot stop or like break it so what I really recommend you to do is just keep your distance and start attacking if you have like a distance fruit this is the best thing that you could do it is just that easy and by the way like ban fruit when I have a big hit box it's good cuz you can just like move around pretty fast and just hit them from everywhere you want you don't really have to do a combo cuz combos are literally unnecessary and yeah this is basically on how to counter the mammoth fruit now Mammoth go back you did a good job so I'm going to tell you on how how to counter the Buddha fruit now the Buddha fruit is actually like almost the worst spam in the game I think cuz like the only thing that you do is just Spam your M1 yeah this is just what you do this is basically just Spam all of the attacks of Buddha are not contable but you do not have to like I don't think it's like that important cuz you can like run away from them very easily the only attack that is really annoying is the last attack it's this one right here as it does like a lot of screen shakes and you definitely will get hit if you're within the reach all the other attacks are pretty much irrelevant so the only thing that is really like important about the fruit is that you just don't need to get spammed if you get like stuck in an M1 spam you're basically done that's what of them demonstrated as you can see right here I'm pretty much stuck in this M1 spam yeah it's just bad bro it's just bad look at how much like damage I got it is not that good you will most likely hate this so what you want to do if you want to escape the soul guitar is just to like predict it yeah you just need to dash away or teleport away with your flash step or do whatever move to like try try to run away from the soul guitar if you run away from the soul guitar you can consider your mission successful that's basically it or just Krick it that's also like a very good thing to do Krick and then escape the unawakened version is basically the same thing so there's not really much to talk about so this concludes on how to counter the Buddha fruit so the next fruit I'm going to be talking about is the mythical meow fruit look at them all back there bro it's like a zoo it's like a zoo bro so what we have in front of us is the INF mythical leopard fruit okay now this before update 20 was like the biggest spam in the game demonstrate the M1 it is annoying it is annoying you can always spam it it is very annoying and look how much he's like moving the attacks are pretty annoying too as like you can't Krick everything now you can actually Krick the Z move as you can see right here that's if you're not entirely in the Z spam but other than that you can Krick it now for the next move we have the X attack now I think that's pretty kable that's like very easy to Krick do the C attack and let's see if we can Krick it or not okay so what I've seen right now if you're like far enough from like the explosion at the end you can basically Krick the SE move but other than that I don't think it's kable so that's like a new information you learn every day I didn't even know this okay so the f move of leopard is not kable at all like look at this it just K breaks it immedately so what we need to know from this fruit is basically some moves are K triable some are not the only thing that is really annoying is the M1 spam but the only way that you really want to counter this is just by keeping the distance like we had on MTH and budha you just want to keep distance and troll your enemy if you can troll your enemy and not use your Krick like don't let him Ken break you it can only have your Krick on if he doesn't do like the roar attack other than that keep it like close that's a good way to Krick everything and he cannot do any combos right leopard do a spin if you agree see even the leopard agrees all right so the next fruit I'm going to be talking about is the T-Rex fruit all right so the T-Rex fruit is pretty much one of the worst spam fruit in the whole game like I'm not joking right now this food has so much K breaks and has so much annoying m1s it's crazy I'm not capping with you okay demonstrate the m1's please you literally get a bite effect that literally K breaks you the whole time this just this just annoying bro like what is this so the Zia move is pretty much can trickable like demonstrated right now as you can see right here the Z move is kable I don't think the X move is kable yeah you just pull your enemy like imediately yeah it does not work at all this is busted bro and you get like the bite effect too bro this is just insane and then you got the C move which I think bites your enemy but you can't Krick it okay that's actually a good thing so you can Krick the C move and then the f move is unable I know that for a fact cuz I've tested it out yeah this is not kable at all and it's just busted bro cuz you get stunned in that exact moment so basically if somebody does like the f move and then spams you with like the m1's bro you're dead it can combo so much with this it's just hilarious bro if you want to run away from the m1's it's almost the same thing as like leopard the only thing is that like while the raar your T-Rex will still be able to run and you still get the bite effects when you get hit so that's like very bad so what I really recommend you doing is doing the exact same thing I told you to do at like leopard and like start attacking them from far away it will be a little bit annoying but you just have to live with that that's just how you counter the spam fruit all right thank you T-Rex how do you feel after me telling the people how to play against you how do you feel T-Rex all right good T-Rex go back surprise so the next food I'm going to be talking about is the cancer cancer no me so the cancer cancer no me basically has them once but I don't think they're useful I don't think you can't even hit with those like if you move around bro it's this is not hitable bro it needs a rework the only moves that need to be scared about is like the actual moves of the fruit as the first move basically when you get hit by that bomb it can break you yeah you cannot can trick that you just need to escape it if you can let's try it again and this time I'll escape from it okay as you can see I escaped it right now with my flash step so you basically just need to like Dodge it so the second move is the X move yeah that's not K trickable every single move of do is like a Ken break okay what about the f move yeah the f move is not kable at all bro yeah you just get stunned immediately bro that's just bad I could tell you guys how to escape a combo though if you want to like figure it out so what you want to do is just hit your Krick after the X attack this will not work if your enemy has very good ping by the way cuz your enemy will like immediately hit you and then you will be stuck in a combo right he will do his cdk move and then what you need to do is to activate your K exactly in that moment when he shoots his cdk now I know for a fact that most of the dough users use cdk so if this is like the most average combo so there you go this is how to like escape the C move like the combo if you want to escape the V move you just got to like run away and Dodge the f move is useless it's just a way for transportation and that is basically on how to counter the D fruit thank you so much cancer cancer know me go back bye have a great time all right so the next food we're going to be talking about is the spinning Dragon yo what bro what is this dragon on about all right so we're going to be talking about jy's favorite fruit also the annoying fruit also aka the not reworked yet fruit also we've been waiting for the rework since 5 months fruit so the first attack unric you will get hit no matter what all right so yeah it's it's not contable at all bro you will always get hit by the Z move we got the second move which I think should be contable the X move is not contrical okay we got the C move which basically if you want to escape that you got to run away and predict your enemy when you're on the ground and your enemy has the SE move ready so what you got to do you will have to Krick exactly in the moment when your enemy stops with the c attack as they could easily hit you with the spiky Trident another scenario is when they have the Sea move and you're like almost like not even on the ground which most of the times is the case what I want you to do is just start dashing away or start like high jumping away use your moves to escape like the Sea move as the SE move of dragon just busted okay don't get yourself caught with a c move it's like if you get caught by C attack with dragon you're basically done for it do you agree exactly and then we got the transformation which is another different thing now the transformation is just Peak annoying one thing that is really good about this fruit like it that doesn't have M ones that is like a very important matter we don't know for sure sure yet if it's going to happen once in the future as dragon is going to get reworked we also know that already but one thing we can know for sure is that the moves are still like pretty much annoying all right do this D move you can basically still hit me from everywhere look never mind if you don't have bad aim like this person but anyways I know for a fact that it's not K trickable cuz I fought a lot against Dragon users the X move is I think not K trickable either like try to hit me bro yeah yeah it's not kinkable either and then you have the C move now the SE move is just got to run away as fast as possible your enemy has the Sea move and you're on the ground there's a high possibility you will just get like evaporated in 3 seconds as the SE move does like crazy damage okay so the only way that you really want to escape like the moves with dragon awaken is just to dash away while they do their attacks but you as you can see right here you just got to dodge away and then yeah that's how you basically counter the dragon fruit okay Dragon do you have anything to say before you go exactly so go back now all right so the next we are going to be talking about is the venom venom before you go do you smell like poop He said yes go to the other side bro you're not you're not freaking Michael Jackson bro so a Venom is pretty much annoying as hell first move uncontable if you're stuck in that GG's let me show you right now it's not kable yeah you cannot Dodge this the only way to dodge this is to like Dash away or have a distance with your enemy The X move you got to dodge away as well like that's like uncontable through the do the ex attack let me show you as you can see right here I tricked my enemy to thinking they can hit me so they started like doing this x attack and then they did not hit me all right and then we got the C attack which is basically also cannot Dodge that you just got to have like a distance with your enemy and not attack while they have it open as they deal a lot of damage with that like when if you're stuck in a combo and they have that open you're dead and then we have the f move which is basically the easiest one to dodge do the F like the flying move you just got to like have a distance yeah it's pretty slow and then we got the awakened version come on can you awaken all right so the C move is pretty much just run away for your life as you will be stuck in the domain expansion and you don't want that happening by the way don't Ken while you're on poison as you will get Ken broken and that is not good for the Z and X attack is the almost the exact same thing as when you have it unawakened try it out you just got to dodge it it is harder though let me tell you that and you get this weird nausea effects yeah so it's pretty much the same thing except for the C being a domain expansion all right Venom this is basically how to dodge you do you have anything to say before you go so the next fuit we are going to be talking about is the kitsun fruit now the kitsun is annoying so we got a few variants of ketun okay so first of all we have the variant the normal one the standard kitson your average kitson there's nothing too special on this kitson right you have the teamer ksun they could basically spam and spam the attack so basically M1 spam and spam it's like a double spam bro and then you got the regular version which is like the regular kitsun so the first one I'm going to be talking about is the unawakened kitun now the underw kitson is actually like pretty hard to play against cuz your enemy basically has the m1's has the god human has the everything and could like still M1 spam all right so the first attack is not kable I've tried it out so many times you will always get can broken no matter what you have the X attack which is I think kable try it out yeah it's kri you have the C attack which is also contable you just got to run away at the perfect time and not run into it like reex right now as you can see I just Krick it right there and I did not get any damage and then we have the f move which I think should be also K trickable yep so that's basically all the ways on how to counter all the moves from Kon unawakened then we have the M1 spam which basically run away bro just run away like this has like so big reach bro and you get like poison damage as you can see you get the burn damage it is just annoying you get Ken broken the whole time so if you want to like Dodge that you just got to keep your distance as mentioned earlier with like the leopard and like the mammoth and the T-Rex it's the same thing almost so yeah that's basically on how to counter the unawakening got the regular degular Meg konate in front of us the C attack is pretty much the same thing like if you get hit by this it's dunzo never mind it's not once you get caught by it it's basically done for so what a really recommend you doing is just to try to run away while they do the Z move yeah you just got to run away and then we got the X move which is I think should be kable yep it's canable so you just got to run away in the perfect time and then you'll basically be good to go I mean the SE move is almost the same thing as the the UN awaken C move so yep you can Krick it that is pretty good actually and then you have the f move which also should be cable try it out you can dodge this one yep you can also Dodge this one that is pretty good you actually have a few moves that are canable dodgeable whatever you want to call it and then you have the M1 spam so that is bad cuz like the Kiton M1 has bigger reach and it sucks so what you need to do is the same exact thing as earlier you just got to like keep distance and start spamming and not have your like can always on if you have it always on it's basically yeah it's bad for you all right but that's basically it a normal kitson what do you have to say before you go exactly go back for the final spam fruit we got the riding kitade now if you want to run away from this kitun spamming M1 simulator uh the only thing that you really need to do is just to like click your escape button click the L button like the leave button and then you just confirm leaving yeah you just leave you just leave there's no chance there's no point of even trying to fight those so just like run away now I'm just joking this is basically like the biggest M1 spam what you want to do is literally just keep your distance the whole time it's an unfair situation don't think attacking is like make going to make it fair if somebody teams against you you have all the rights to like run away and keep your distance as it's just unfair Advantage for the opponent team always keep your distance and just start spamming them so riding qon what do you have to say before you go oh my God bro I hate my life thank you all so much for watching this is how you counter every single spam fruit and I'll see you in tomorrow's video goodbye
Channel: Redyvex
Views: 176,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, roblox games, noob, pro, blox fruits race, blox fruits troll, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, update 17, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, dough awaken, noob to pro, max level, race v4, leopard showcase, mink v4, update 18, blizzard, presents, new update, revamp, race awaken, race awakening, human v4, blox fruit, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit update 20, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruit admin, max level blox fruits
Id: 49kXEhLowr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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