How to Count Rhythm Music Lesson - 100 On Screen Exercises for the Absolute Beginner

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hello everyone Ross the music teacher here I'm really happy to present to you rather than made easy this is a hundred exercises so if you are looking to improve your rhythm if you're looking to start from scratch having never read rhythm before if you are just looking to have some fun and some sight reading practice you are all here in the right spot I had a lot of fun making this video and book of course you can get the book on music and guitar lessons dot shop or Amazon as well as all my dojo members will have this book in the mail today I mean all my dojo heroes rather you have to be at the dojo hero level which is 25 bucks a month so check all that out guys but without further ado I'm gonna show you how to read rhythm one simple exercise at a time so let's get started all right let's start from scratch the exercise one from rhythm made easy first off we need to understand a couple of things we need to understand what a time signature is we need to understand what a bar and a bar line are and we also need to take a look at some very basic note durations so I'm gonna grab my circle on the screen here I'm gonna go to the time signature first so the time signature here is this 4 4 this is giving us information about how much time belongs in each bar each bar is one bar line to the next so you can see these vertical lines here those are your bar lines 4 4 means we have 4 quarter notes and the beats in 4/4 are actually given to those quarter notes so that's it's fairly simple so we're gonna be counting if you look down here 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 right so it's all 1 through 4 at a nice consistent pulse you'll see these whole notes which are these brown circles without a stem those last 4 4 beats the half notes which have the stem last 4 - so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to count 1 2 4 as what's called your count in and then we're gonna start clapping the exercise so clap wherever you see the note here we go guys 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 moving right along to exercise - we're gonna be taking a look at what are called quarter notes now so your quarter note is right there these last one beats we have one two three four in-between that measure so you'll clap on each each beat of that measure so let's go ahead and count in and then we'll move on to another new concept what two three four one two three four one two four one two three four one two three four one two three four all right moving on to exercise number three we're gonna be adding in eighth notes now you'll see a pattern down below at the bottom here that's not one that we're using here but I just wanted to show you what eighth notes show up at so either you're gonna see this beam between them or if it's an eighth note eighth note by itself you'll see this flag so let's go ahead and get rid of that that'll be for a future exercise now what we do here is we have two eighth notes per quarter note now so those one and two and three and four and one so we have entire bars here of this so going take a look at your book and check out musical guitar lessons shop or amazon where my books are have an account of saying here we go 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 all right on exercise for rhythm made easy we're gonna be mixing our quarter notes in our eighth notes now so be aware that we are going to have some different rhythms here I'm going to go ahead and count us in here we go one two three four one two four two three four two three four alright exercise 5 is going to introduce our first rest so a rest represents silence so that's a quarter note rest that you see circled there so it lasts for one beat and just to go the extra mile we're gonna take our hands apart on the rests to kind of you know symbolize silence at the very least so here we go guys I'm gonna count us in one two three four one two three four alright exercise 6 guys check out music and guitar lessons shop or rhythm made easy on Amazon we are going to be looking at a new time signature so you'll see three four circled there so we have three quarter notes and the quarter notes are going to get the beat here so we get one two three one two three as our count from bar to bar remember bars are separated by those lines so we've got some quarter notes half notes and eighth notes and we're not gonna see whole notes here because those last four beats and that's longer than an entire measure so I'm gonna go ahead and count the same guys here we go 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 on the exercise seven of rhythm made easy we're gonna introduce the dotted half note here so the dotted half note you can see right there what that dot does is it takes the note and makes it longer in duration by half of the original value so half note is two beats half of 2 is 1 so you add that onto 2 and you get a total of 3 beats so these have these dotted half notes last the entire measure for 3/4 so I'm gonna go ahead and count us in let's go ahead and go through this and we're gonna move on to the next exercise 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 exercise eight rhythm made easy we're introducing the tie here so the tie is a little kind of smiley face looking thing that you see between these two notes and that means the the first note rings through the second so you hold that first note through the second so I'm gonna count us in guys here we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 good exercise nine rhythm made easy check it out a music guitar lessons shop also check out my dojo cuz that's a lot of fun so what we're doing here is we're gonna be tying into eighth notes so I'm gonna get my circle up front tying into eighth notes right so this is actually gonna create what's called the syncopation so I'm going to circle just a little spot then I'm gonna count in so if we had one two right so we are skipping the one but clapping on the and so it's not the you know the easiest thing at first but you have a pause button and a rewind button and I suggest you use those for this one so here we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 done exercise 10 we're just gonna make this one a little longer no new concepts but just a little bit of review and a more challenging exercise for you guys so I'm going to count us in here we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 done all right on to exercise 11 we're gonna be introducing a new time signature here guys - 4 - 4 time that means two quarter notes per measure and the quarter note gets the beat so we're going to be counting one two one two this go around of course we got to tie some quarters but the only new piece of information here is the new time signature - four so let's go ahead and count in one two [Music] alright exercise 12 rhythm 8 easy you can find the book on music and guitar lessons shop we're gonna be just adding in some more ties to make a little bit of a variation so I'm gonna count you guys in here we go 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 & 2 & 1 2 1 2 [Music] exercise number 13 guys we're gonna be introducing the dotted quarter-note here which you can see right here and that's up in the exercise there and there so this extends the quarter note by half its original values remember that's what that dot does so a quarter note equals two eighth notes so now a dotted quarter note equals three eighth notes which means we get a rhythm of one-and two-and so let's go ahead and try this in the exercise go ahead and get rid of that I'm gonna count and here we go guys 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 alright guys so now we're gonna be introducing another different kind of pattern we have this oops wrong one sorry this one we have an eighth note quarter eighth note right so this is tricky 2 we get 1 & 2 right so that's a really cool and fun pattern so let's go and count into the exercise up above and you'll see that pattern right there here we go 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 - done alright guys exercise 15 we're gonna close this chapter off definitely check out the book at music and guitar lessons that shop and you might want to join my dojo if you play guitar you can join for anywhere between two to twenty five dollars a month so this exercise we're just gonna be adding in some variation to make it a little bit more challenging some more ties and things like that so I'm gonna count us in take as many tries as it takes guys you have a pause and rewind button so here we go one two two two two two hey guys before we move on to the next exercise I just wanted to let you know that you want to be the full package as a musician so these rhythm exercises are gonna help you a lot but definitely check out my 1-hour music theory video as well as my two and a half hour how to read music for guitar video on my channel subscribe a lot of really great stuff coming up and you can also join join the dojo to get access to some private live streams some google hangouts and that kind of stuff so I'll see you guys soon hopefully all right exercise 16 we're on the chapter 2 in the book of course you can get this at music and guitar lessons dot shop so we're on page 7 we're introducing compound time so compound time is anything with that 8 down there in the denominator so you'll see my circle hovering above the six eight here that means that we have six eighth notes per measure now that does not mean we have six beats per measure so I want to be very clear about this the beat is actually broken into dotted quarter notes so a dotted quarter note of course is going to be a quarter note plus a half of a quarter note which is an eighth note that'll give us three eighth notes right so if you look you know when we're counting this it's one two one and two right so the few ways to count triplets I prefer the and method we're gonna use that for both triplets and duple there's some people that say 1 triplet 2 triplet there are some people that say 1 Katie - Katie I mean there's a number of ways of saying this I prefer the and up because it makes sixteenth notes in the future easier I had a guy called me a charlatan because I count my triplets one and a-two anda which a lot of people do so if you're the guy that guy you know who you are you you you muddy headed fool okay so here we go guys we're gonna be counting in on the exercise up above my head and it's gonna be two beats per measure broken into 3 into triplets right that's why this is called compound time the 6/8 we have six eighth notes broken into pairs of three there we go one two one two one and two and two and one and two and one and two and all right guys let's move on to exercise 17 all right guys we're on the exercise 17 here here in the book on page 7 so this is gonna introduce the quarter notes during compound time of course you can grab that book at Amazon and music in guitar lessons net so the the quarter notes still last two eighth notes here the difference is now that the beat is actually a dotted quarter note right so our beat is up here this dotted quarter note which means the quarter note doesn't take up the entire beat so down here you'll see one and two so where our quarter notes gonna last through the one and then we're gonna hit the O so if we did that with one and right so let's count into this exercise and then we'll move on to the next one so one and two and two all right let's take a look at the next one guys all right on the exercise 18 of course in the book that you can get on Amazon with music and guitar lessons shop this exercise is fairly simple there's nothing new here except we're gonna be switching the eighth note in the quarter note there right so where we have one and two and right so we're gonna be clapping on the two in the and and let this quarter note ring through the uh you can find this figure right here as well as where else or you looks like that's the only spoke but here it is I thought it was in two spots alright guys let's take a look at this I'm gonna go ahead and give us a count in here we go one and two and two and two and two and and two and alright next exercise all right guys exercise 19 we're gonna add in some ties here so let me bring my circle sorry if I don't make eye contact with the camera all the time this is so I can kind of save time with recording video so we've got a tie here here and here of course that means we're gonna hold one note through the next this is on page 8 of the book here we go guys I'm gonna count us in we're gonna go right to the next one so one and two and two and one and two and one and two and two and one and two and one two one and two and all right guys exercise 20 alright exercise 20 of course we're in chapter 2 of rhythm made easy you can get this on Amazon or music in guitar lessons dot shop so this is there's nothing new here guys we're just doing some more ties just a little bit of a variation for review so I'm gonna go ahead and count us in and then we're gonna move on to a new concept here we go guys 1 & 2 & 1 & 2 - alright moving along all right exercise 21 this is really one of the very few exercises where you gonna get two concepts in one exercise but they're fairly simple so don't worry first off we're doing three eight-time right I always try to grab that circle and it gets bigger instead of being dragged at the top so a 3/8 time here up at the corner that is going to be one beat per measure right so we have one end of one and one and one one right so we're getting one and A one and the next concept is this eighth note rest here so it's just a eighth note of silence that's all so that's that's fairly simple of course you get the book at my website or rhythm made easy here we go one and all right next exercise all right exercise 22 and rhythm made easy bradman some ties here of course we're sticking with the one beat per measure the next few exercises are going to be kind of review just making it more difficult so here we go guys one and one and one and one and one all right next exercise 23 rhythm made easy more ties to make it more difficult getting a little bit of review in so here we go guys one and all right on to 20 something else okay exercise 24 page 9 rhythm made easy you can get this on Amazon or music and guitar lessons shop to support me we're gonna be adding in more Thai it's just making it a bit trickier for you guys so go ahead and try to clap along I'm gonna count us in here we go 1 sorry hold on one all right I'm 225 alright guys exercise 25 and rhythm made easy we're gonna make rhythm easy of course grab the book okay another variation just to make this a little bit more challenging rhythm made easy doesn't mean rhythm is easy so this one's gonna actually introduce a little bit more challenge of course we're starting with an eighth note rest I'm gonna count you in there's nothing really new in terms of concepts on this one it's just another variation there amy has some new concepts in extra exercise 26 so here we go guys 1 and 1 ok on to the new concepts alright guys we're gonna introduce 9/8 now you can see nine eight this is exercise twenty six and rhythm made easy you can get this on Amazon or music and guitar lessons dot shop three beats per measure now so nine eight we have nine eighth notes that doesn't mean nine beats right it means nine eighth notes and those beats are broken into dotted quarter of course giving us three beats so I'm gonna count us in we get one two three okay guys on to twenty-seven all right exercise 27 in rhythm made easy this exercise is just going to introduce some variation 28 29 and 30 are going to do the very same thing I want to be able to review things from where we have three beats per measure here all broken into triplets so one and two and three and one and three and one and two and [Music] alright moving on all right exercise 28 is gonna add a little more variation on something I want you to notice this isn't exactly a new concept but we haven't had a quarter note rest in compound time yet so of course that lasts for two eighth notes same thing as in duple time except the beat has a different duration so it's not the quarter note that change the duration it's the beat from from being a quarter note to being a dotted quarter note three beats per measure guys here we go one two three two and one and three and stop remember I'm taking my hands apart on those those quarter notes and that actually makes it a little bit more fun and challenging so taking your hands apart here and here and also you know on on the eighth note rest so be sure to treat those rests like they're actually rests all right exercise 29 in rhythm made easy is going to introduce some ties to make the exercise a little more challenging and hone your skills a bit more of course we still have those quarter note and eighth notes rests and three beats per measure broken into dotted quarter notes so here we go guys one and two three and stop alright exercise 30 and rhythm made easy this one is going to be just a little bit trickier than the last it's just a variation of course guys you should grab the book so you can practice this without the video too take your time with this if you need to pause it and go through it without me do it and there's also a rewind button if you need so let's go ahead and call this out here we go one two three and one and two and three and one and three and two and three and one two and three and one and two and stop good job guys all right guys exercise 31 rhythm ATZ of course you can get this at music and guitar lessons a shop or so we're gonna be doing 12 eighth time this means that we have four beats per measure broken into triplets of course this dotted whole note last all four dotted half notes last two dotted quarter notes last one and then we have our mix of eighth notes and quarter notes and all that good stuff below so I'm gonna go ahead and count us in one through four to get us started here we go 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 all right guys we're on exercise 32 for rhythm made easier with JIT I mean we're just gonna be adding some ties in here making this a little bit trickier all the way through 35 is going to be a bit of review we're gonna be in 12 8 which of course has 4 beats per measure you check this out at music and guitar lessons dot shop I'm going to count us in here we go guys one two three oh three four two and two and three oh all right ex exercise exercise 33 and rhythm made easy we're just gonna be making this a little bit tougher than the last exercise a bit of a review course music and guitar lessons that shop for the books guys or you can join the dojo and get the books in the mail as I complete them here we go guys 1 2 3 4 4 2 2 & 3 3 & 2 3 4 next exercise guys all right exercise 34 rhythm ATZ this just builds on 33 makes it a little bit more challenging of course you can check out the book at Amazon or musica guitar lessons - off I'm gonna count us in 1 2 3 4 3 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 2 & 3 & 2 & 3 & 4 & & 2 & 3 alright guys we're gonna make it a bit more challenging with exercise 35 the last exercise of this chapter and rhythm made easy which you can get on Amazon or music and guitar lessons not shop so we're gonna be taking a look here these are some tough measures here right so this dotted half note lasts the first two beats and then we get one oh sorry three and four and so it's three and four and right we get this figure a couple times we also get it down here so here we go guys 1 2 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 2 & 3 4 alright guys that concludes this chapter exercise 30 six rhythm made easy so what we're doing now is we're gonna be adding in the dotted quarter-note into our rhythms so if you look here's our dotted quarter-note now we had this in compound time already but here's the difference it still lasts for three eighth notes however the beat is one and two and right so this would be one and two and three and four and one and two and four right so we have one and it lasts for this end and three and four and right and we have this right up here as well as here so what I'm gonna go ahead and do is get this part off the screen and we're gonna go ahead and count in a change for my camera here so that it's not blocking what I'm reading on the screen all right guys here we go one two three four one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one and two and three and four and one two three four all right let's move forward on exercise 37 now we're going to be adding in some ties to make this trickier of course this is in Chapter three of rhythm made easy here so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be moving to using ties so that you can see the tie here so we have 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 so you you're not gonna clap on the 3 there it's gonna hold over into the 3 we also have a tie here so that makes a very interesting rhythm so I'm gonna go ahead and count us in and we're gonna go ahead and clap through this one here we go 1 2 3 4 1 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 3 4 alright let's move forward exercise 38 rhythm adz music and guitar lessons dot shop if you want to order the book so I'm gonna be introducing a really interesting figure where we have a dotted quarter note followed by two eighth notes and another dotted quarter note so here's our first dotted quarter note here's the two eighth notes and the the next dotted quarter note and what happens is we clap on the one it lasts for the and two and then we get an three so we clap on the an three and then the and and that that last dotted quarter note lasts for the three eighth notes remaining so if if we clapped it it was it would be one and two and three and four and so one more time one and two and three and four and right so that actually can get a little tricky let's take a look here and count into this exercise we're gonna be running into this figure right in the first measure here so be prepared for it here we go guys 1 2 3 4 1 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 & 3 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 2 3 4 alright let's keep moving exercise 39 rhythm made easy so we're gonna be doing another interesting figure here this one's actually a little bit trickier still so this first dotted quarter-note it's gonna last all the way into the end of the two and then we have another quarter note so that actually lasts into the end of the three where we get a dotted quarter note that goes into the next measure so we're gonna see this in the very first measure of our exercise up here so be prepared for it right at the beginning and we're gonna go ahead and go in a nice semi brisk pace so here we go one two three four one two and three and four and one and two and three and four and one two and three four and one two and three and four and one two three four all right onto exercise 40 and rhythm made easy here so we're just adding in some ties to make this a little bit more challenging of course this is already a pretty challenging exercise now so let's go ahead and count in and then we'll move forward to some new concepts one two three four one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two and three and four and one two three four done all right on the sixteenth notes guys all right exercise 41 we're gonna be learning sixteenth notes today so if you take a look we've got a sixteenth notes here we're gonna be designating the counting with E and right there's two of these sixteenth notes per eighth note so whereas we had one and two and three and one E and two E and three E and right so I'm gonna count us in for this part here we're going to clap through it we're three four now so we've got three beats per measure and a clap through this and we're then we'll do the exercise up there so here we go one two three so let's take a listen to the one up top we have one two three exercise 42 of rhythm made easy is going to introduce the idea of doing eighth notes and sixteenth notes together right there's a few different variations of way--if ways to do this and we're gonna do one per exercise moving forward from this exercise so of course you know take some time to sit out in the park under a tree with the book that you should buy at music and guitar lessons that shop or Amazon take some time to get this I'm gonna count this down below we're still in three four here so I'm gonna count it down below first and then we're gonna go ahead and move into the other exercise so if we get one two three one right so the eighth note still takes up two sixteenth notes so each beat is gonna have one eighth note and two sixteenth notes and of course these come a little quicker you can see these patterns up here so I'm gonna go ahead and just count us in here we go guys one two three forty-three exercise 43 we're gonna be doing some more mixing of eighth notes and sixteenth notes this way we're gonna be doing it the other way around so before we had eight and two sixteenths now we have two sixteenth and eight so we get one E and two E and three E and right so if we count it in and again we're still in three four here so if I did one two three one and two and three right so it's just the other way around this way sometimes is easier for certain people trickier for others the next one is going to be trickier for everyone and that one's a lot of fun too so let's count into this one two three exercise 44 rhythm made easy we're gonna be sandwich in our eighth notes in between the sixteenth notes now of course you can pick up the book at music and guitar lessons dot shop at 1 e 2 e 3 E 1 e so we're good it's just like one E and two E and but we're leaving that and out because the eighth note here in between those sixteenth notes lasts for two sixteenth notes so 1 2 e 3 E right so just take that and out and hold that note in the middle there so we're gonna get this pattern up here and then next exercise we're gonna mix these all together so let's get started here we have 1 2 3 exercise 45 of rhythm ATZ just gonna be clapping here I'm gonna be mixing up these sixteenth and eighth notes remember you can always pick up the book if you want to really you know have it laid out for you have time to practice it pause the video so we're gonna go ahead and count into three here here we go guys one two three exercise 46 46 through 50 we're just gonna be mixing some of the concepts from before so I want to just bring a few things to your attention and then we're gonna count into this one so this is in 2 4 first off 2 for 2 beats per measure we're gonna be mixing eighth notes and sixteenth notes so of course one and two E and one two and we're here we have our dotted quarter note an eighth note so this one is one and one right so this is a pretty cool one too and here's the really tricky part down here guys our tie between the 1 and a 2 e and so I'm just going to clap that one a couple times so that you guys understand it so we get one otherwise this should be just a piece of cake right prepare to be challenged for the next five exercises because we're gonna take number 46 here and all the way through 50 we're gonna make it just a little harder I don't know if we're going to turn it quite up to 11 but it's gonna challenge you so here we go guys one two done alright let's mix it up a little bit with exercise 47 one of the things I want you to check out is this tie right in the middle here this is the two sixteenth followed by an eight twice in a row so it's kind of like the one we did last time which is right here but now we have one and two right so it's kind of a cool feeling rhythm otherwise this stuff should be pretty straightforward so I'm gonna count you in remember we're in 2 4 here so here we go one two very cool moving right along to exercise 48 this has a really cool measure here guys right here you'll see we have the 1e e and 1e up and one he it's kind of cool so we have a tie between those two figures of course we have the sixteenth eighth sixteenth then two sixteenths and an eighth so it's one so these these rhythms get a bit funkier as we go and there are a lot of fun so let's go ahead and count into this one and then we're gonna move on to 49 notice that I try to move when I'm kind of counting that's because it's just easier to keep time when you're moving with it you get in the character of it so don't be afraid of that here we go guys one two one [Applause] [Music] exercise 49 almost at the halfway point and rhythm made easy of course you can get this at Amazon or music and guitar lessons dot shop this is a fun exercise these ones are really fun guys they're challenging but but they're really fun and the thing I want to bring to your attention about this one it not my nose is this sixteenth note here these two sixteenth notes taking the place of the eighth note from the last one so we actually get one and two E and one two and and 1e e and one E and right so this is a pretty cool rhythm here replacing that eighth note with some sixteenth notes otherwise everything remains basically unchanged except this we have one E e and so you've seen it but it's just changed a little bit a little bit more challenging so don't forget to move yourself a little bit when you do this guys here we go one two one and two all right congratulations everybody that made it to exercise 50 halfway point this is a challenge more challenges to come we're taking some of the patterns from the last exercise and we're adding in this super tricky and cool one so this is that eighth note sandwich by sixty two sixteenth notes twice in a row with a tie in between so one two one two that's not the easiest thing to do so one two that's how it goes let's go ahead and count into the beginning again this one is not super easy guys so pause it and rewind it however many times you need to and don't be afraid to move a little bit one two hey guys before we move on to the next exercise I just wanted to let you know that you want to be the full package as a musician so these rhythm exercises are gonna help you a lot but definitely check out my 1-hour music theory video as well as my two and a half hour how to read music for guitar video on my channel subscribe a lot of really great stuff coming up and you can also join join the dojo to get access to some private live streams some google hangouts and that kind of stuff so I'll see you guys soon hopefully alright guys venturing in to the last half of rhythm made easy exercise 51 we're gonna be using sixteenth notes here in compound time starting with 3/8 which has one beat per measure consisting of three eighth notes as a triplet right so we feel those triplets as one beat so we get one and now I count these sixteenth notes one E and E there are a couple different ways to do it so anybody out there that wants to come at me for the way that I do it go ahead I don't care but this works and you'll get the the rhythm correct if you follow this so there you go so if we count in one and right it's a very nice smooth way to get those six notes without tripping over your tongue let's go ahead and count in here guys we get one alright let's try out some variations on this exercise 52 so we're gonna be kind of using a mix of eighth notes and sixteenth notes here first is the two eighth then two sixteenth pattern so as you can see this counting goes 1 and E 1 and E so let's go ahead and count to this exercise up up here hopefully that's pretty self-explanatory this this lettering system for counting really shines through and using these variations so here we go guys one and moving on to exercise fifty three so we get 1 and E 1 and E and you can find that pattern up there at the top so here we go let's go ahead just count on into this one here we go guys 1 next on to exercise 54 moving right along guys we're gonna be doing the two sixteenth to a though variation now so this is one E and AH one E and uh one E and uh one E and not to be confused with the way that we do sixteenth notes in common time which is one E and AH one E and uh right so this is one E and uh one E and alright here we go guys one and one does a weak clap one and good exercise 55 we're gonna be moving into some not so new territory but we're gonna be mixing up the variations guys so check out the book on Amazon and music and guitar lessons dot shop I'm gonna count us in here we go 1 & 1 & good exercise 56 guys this is my third take on this I keep running out of breath that's a problem so towards the bottom I'm gonna just count the one in the two probably just so that I don't turn purple and fall over a couch so just so you know there's a lot of syllables here so I can't you necessarily say them all because I'll run out of breath we're going to be working in 6/8 here and that means we have two beats per measure now one and two and we're gonna be doing a quarter note followed by two sixteenth notes one and so one and uh II right next we have an eighth note ball at followed by four sixteenth notes so 2 and E 1 e 2 and E right so if we count it into that one and two right now let's check out the one up here again I'm gonna run out of breath so at some point expect me not to say the syllables right around where you see all the sixteenth notes most likely but up top I will be sure to get them all down bottom where I start to run out of breath yeah basically let's count in one and two and and to and actually in ramen broth very cool exercise 57 this one introduces the two sixteenth notes followed by an eighth note volved by another two sixteenth notes that kind of combination here what we're gonna be doing is counting it one so if it was two and right so fairly simple fairly straightforward you're gonna find it up here right here so let's go ahead and count into this exercise one and two and two exercise 58 guys I'm gonna count us in here nothing super special here we've got some ties going on it's fairly straightforward just gonna make it a little bit tougher so let's get ready to count in of course you can get the book on Amazon or music and guitar lessons that shop here we go 1 & 2 & 2 exercise 59 music in guitar lessons that shop to get the book or Amazon so we're just gonna add some ties in like here here here and here just to make it a little more challenging we're gonna do the same thing with the next one so let's go ahead and count in guys 1 & 2 & 2 exercise 60 rhythm made easy now we're gonna add in a couple more ties just to make this trickier here and here so take your time with this guys remember the ties make one go into the other syncopated it makes it a bit you know quite a bit more difficult at the rewind button if you need to here we go guys one and two and [Applause] exercise 61 introducing the dotted eighth note here which lasts for three sixteenth notes so we're gonna skip the UH and hit the e right after and then you see how that works right so let's just count in to this one right here one and two and three and of course we're nine eight time right you can see nine eight here so I'm gonna count us in we're gonna take a look at some other variations but this dotted eighth note so one and two and three and OH exercise 62 let's dive right in guys we're gonna be moving the sixteenth note to the middle of the triplet now so if I were to count into this one here it'd be one and two and three and one alright so same kind of deal we're skipping the and in favor of the e after the and so let's try it up here up top of course you get the book at Amazon or musica guitar lessons down shop here we go one and two and three and two all right guys let's keep this momentum going exercise 63 what we're gonna be doing now is moving our sixteenth note to the beginning of the triplet there you'll see and I'm gonna go ahead and count in here so we get one and and again this is for this lower exercise we're going to do that one up there next so one and two and three and one and one more time so three and okay now let's go ahead and count into this one up here one and two and three and two and three and exercise 64 guys this one's going to be mixing some of the variations of sixteenth notes dotted eighth notes and eighth notes from the last exercises this one's a nice challenge and next one's gonna be even a little bit tougher still definitely check out the book at music and guitar lessons shop I'm gonna count us in pause it if you need to remember you know these aren't always going to be first try to spend as long as you need to on each exercise here we go guys what and two and three and two and three and exercise 65 guys please open the beautiful book that you got for music and guitar lesson stock shop and maybe who knows this one is a review from everything before we're also doing it in twelve eight so we're off to four beats per measure four beats per measure here guys these this is a tough one I want you guys to stop and look at it before you go through it with me in the video however there are no new concepts these are all patterns we've seen before I've just mixed them all up and made it really challenging so take some time but I'm gonna go ahead and count in here in the video but pause it and take some time so here we go one and two and three and four and extra 66 here we go guys this one's just a little tougher than 65 same idea though all concepts we've seen all in 12 8 and some extra ties things like that in there so take some time to look through this coming up we're gonna have some new patterns but this one's all stuff we've seen before it's a challenge though so I'm gonna count and said 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & [Applause] 4 & 2 exercise 67 guys we have a new pattern here so let's just count this out sorry let me get at the middle of the screen so if I did one and and one more time and so as you can see not necessarily the easiest thing so let's go ahead and count into this one not gonna go too fast guys there we go 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 4 good job guys really made easy exercise 68 guys and this one we're going to be doing a little bit of a variation on the last exercise gonna go nice and slow then we check out the book on Amazon here we go guys 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & & 2 & 3 & 4 & & 2 & 4 & & 2 & 3 & 2 3 & 4 & 2 3 2 3 4 alright guys exercise 69 and rhythm made easy music and go guitar lessons not shop to check out the book we're gonna check out this new pattern down here this one goes right so this is 16 8 16 8 I know you guys can understand how that fits together if you've done these so far so let's go ahead just into this exercise and slow 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 and [Music] exercise 70 closing off this chapter of rhythm ATZ checkout the book on Amazon or music and guitar lessons shop guys so that you can open it up and go nice and slow through it because this one's tough I'm gonna count us in but of course try it yourself first here we go 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 3 & 4 & & 2 3 4 exercise 71 or the made easy we're moving on to dotted eighth notes in common time alright guys so real quick these dotted eighth notes still last for three sixteenth notes but now our beats have for 16 ounces instead of six so this part down here is going to be one so I'm gonna count you in up here follow along we've got these dotted ace with sixteenths here right and we've got some eighth notes stuff going on and we're in for four so four beats per measure definitely check out music and guitar lessons that shop for my books one two three four four and one two three four exercise 72 guys we're gonna be swapping the order of the eighth note and the 16 or the dotted eighth note rather in the sixteenth note so now we have sixteenth note first so it if I were to count this sucker here to be one pretty simple just the other way around is the last exercise of course takes some time with this book that you got on Amazon or music and guitar lessons that shop take your time with it and then follow along with me because I'm gonna count in now one two three four two three four exercise 73 adds on some variation from the last exercise so nothing new here guys take some time to read through it and then follow along with me these are all concepts we've covered before so I'm gonna go ahead just start counting in here we go one two three or three exercise 74 is gonna add some variation we're gonna do this all the way through exercise 85 we're gonna get a lot of practice on these sixteenth notes variations with dotted eights and things like that so let's get started of course you should have got the book already from music and guitar lessons that shop here we go one two three four two three exercise exercise 75 adds more variation some more ties here so I'm gonna give us a count in of course music in guitar lessons shopping comm check out the dojo alright here we go guys one two three four hey guys before we move on to the next exercise I just wanted to let you know that you want to be the full package as a musician so these rhythm exercises are gonna help you a lot but definitely check out my 1-hour music theory video as well as my two and a half hour how to read music for guitar video on my channel subscribe a lot of really great stuff coming up and you can also join join the dojo to get access to some private live streams from google hangouts and that kind of stuff so I'll see you guys soon hopefully exercise 76 and rhythm made easy you can get this at music and guitar lessons that shop we're in 3/4 but we're using the same building blocks so I'm gonna count you into three take your time pause rewind that's all that good stuff that's why I have the video up here we go guys one two three exercise 77 guys this is in three for some more three for goodness with the concepts we've already talked about today so we're gonna count count in nothing new here just some ties and some more challenging stuff so here we go one two three exercise 78 guys music and guitar lessons that shop so within this exercise of rhythm made easy we are going to add some more ties more some more variations all that kind of good stuff so counting us into three pause rewind all that good stuff here we go 1 2 3 exercise 79 more variation for you guys music and guitar lessons dot shop I'm not gonna waste time chat and I'm gonna go ahead and count us right into this one here we go guys one two three exercise 80 this one's fun a little more challenging just another variation nothing new so I'm gonna count us in music and guitar lessons dot shop here we go one two three three two one exercise 81 guys where the made easy check out the book at music and guitar lessons dot shop we're in - for now - 4 same concepts just a different time signature this of course means two beats per measure so I'm going to count us in here we go 1 2 exercise eighty two guys two for rhythm made easy music and guitar lessons - operon - for two beats per measure nothing else has really new here just another variation to further challenge you guys and congratulations for making it this far in the first place but more challenge is necessary here we go one two exercise 83 - for some more ties we're just going to make it more challenging don't forget to check out my books so here we go one two exercise 84 guys this one's another further variation so I'm just gonna count us in here we go one two exercise 85 guys so we're gonna finish off this chapter this isn't - for just another further variation here we go one two on exercise 86 guys we are going to start mixing duple and triple you can see here we have triplets where we should be just counting one and so I'm going to go ahead and count you into this one I want you to follow along nice and close and you'll hear the effect so if we get one to two those triplets have to be nice and even guys so take another listen if you need to all right guys exercise 87 much like last time we're going to be implementing triplets here so we have that trip that kind of triplet that we used last time and then we're also going to use another pattern within that triplet and you should recognize this from our compound time exercises now we're going to get that and da right so check out the book at or music and guitar lessons that shop I'm gonna count us in remember the key here guys to have some reason even triplets oh here we go one two exercise 88 we're gonna be just doing a variation on this idea nothing really new here so I'm gonna give us a count in here we go one two exercise 89 from rhythm adz check it out on Amazon to musica guitar lessons stuff shop okay guys we're gonna be adding in some ties and things like that just making this one a little more challenging so here we go what all right exercise 90 guys here we go this one's just gonna make the last one a little tougher with some more tie so I'm going to count you right in check out the book one two two and one two alright guys now we're gonna be mixing our sixteenth notes into these triplets you've seen these patterns before so I'm not gonna show you how to client Clint how to count them but of course it works the same way but we're now in common time so these triplet patterns change up so it's the same concept from the last set of exercises this one is just a bit tougher also we're in 3/4 time here so we get 1 2 3 [Applause] all right guys exercise 92 I'm not gonna flash the book on the screen anymore you haven't gotten it by 92 that's okay but I am gonna count you in this one's a little bit more challenging and definitely gonna want to take this slow here we go guys 1 2 3 1 2 alright guys exercise 93 here we go this one's very hard he's got some ties we're gonna be mixing the dotted eighth note into those triplets now so tread bravely here we go one two three [Music] alright exercise for I'm gonna count you in we're doin dotted eighths with both the duple and the triple now so it's pretty tough here we go guys 1 2 3 1 & 2 & 3 1 & 2 & 3 1 P 2 & 3 1 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 3 1 all right exercise 95 we're going to be mixing do poles and triplets still there's no new concepts throughout the rest of the book next five exercises was being for four but this three for posit if you need to I'm going to count us in one two three [Music] I'll ride on to exercise 96 we're in 4/4 time now 4 beats per measure this is gonna close off the book so for anybody has made it as far Congrats we've got our last 5 exercises so I'm gonna count us and there's nothing new here we're just adding in common time here we go 1 2 3 4 all right exercise 97 we're gonna add in some ties to make this one a little tougher here we go guys 1 2 3 4 1 2 & 3 moving right along to exercise 98 guys this one's got more ties to make it a little tougher here we go 1 2 3 4 exercise 99 we'll put some more sixteenth notes in there guys so a little tougher but of course no new concepts so I'm gonna go ahead and count us in 1 2 3 4 1 & 2 & 3 & 3 & 4 all right everyone exercise 100 rhythm made easy here's the last one congratulations on making it this far if you're able to clap all these exercises you're gonna be a heck of a better musician so check out my website and my dojo join the dojo everybody loves the dojo including you here we go 1 2 3 4 you
Channel: Ross the Music and Guitar Teacher
Views: 84,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Count Rhythm, Counting Rhythm Music Lesson, Ross the Music and Guitar Teacher, Rhythm Made Easy, Beginner Music Lesson, Music Theory, Rhythm Patterns, Beginner Rhythm Lesson, How to Read Music, Ross the Music Teacher, Colorado Springs Music Teacher, Music Clapping Exercises
Id: o9Pei6qg_Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 7sec (6427 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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