how to cook Ugandan fish stew in 15mins | the cooking nurse

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and if you're new you're much welcome I hope you join the family by clicking the Subscribe button down there it's so free and yeah this is one of those most requested recipes on my Instagram so I've decided to show you my way or my recipe for this particular stew so what I have here is some little bit of water I'm going to bring it to a boil on gentle heat and then I'll be using it to steam my tomatoes because I want to skin them I don't want the skin in my studio so I want them soft enough because I don't want to peel the last time I used an airfryer and someone asked me what about us we bought an airfryer then again I'm gonna have someone asking what about us without a colander but whatever really you do you can even boil these ones and just make sure you remove the skin so this is a colander it's just an equipment used to separate water from whatever else you're putting on top so I'm just going to put it on the boiling water already and then I'll cover it and let my tomatoes Steam from there that is going to help me keep them intact I don't get to lose a lot of it and then the skin is just easily going to go off so while that is cooking I'm going to chop my vegetables this is going to be dependent on what you have in your pantry but please make sure to stock up on everything at least a little bit so that you don't run out every time like you buy one green pepper and now you're out of it if you had a variety you wouldn't be running out of vegetables I promise so I'm going to chop some of this like you see this is a red pepper that stayed from a particular recipe I made maybe a previous day or a previous meal but you still there is going to help and I'm going to get my nutrients so I'm going to chop all of them remove the seeds of the green pepper because they have a lot of capsizing and I don't want the heat because I have children so remove the seeds put them aside and chop them into small manageable pieces and yeah that's it you can add in as much as vegetables as you want but I mean that's it we're going to be using the white uh onion so chop it also and set it aside so I have this fish guys I cannot tell you when I kept this fish but it probably must have been last week I got it fresh and then cleaned it perfectly well and kept it in this Ziploc bag in the freezer so it's been frozen and I put it out a while ago in the fridge so that is why it's now a little bit soft so I'm just going to put it in this bowl and then put in some warm cold water this is just straight from the top uh the fish was clean it was washed so that's why it doesn't have that cover of the gills I washed it perfectly well so I'm going to you know let it defrost the most so that I don't have a lot of ice in the middle of the fish so the tomatoes are ready as you can see the skin is peeling off nice and clean yeah nice and clean no steamer no airfryer no problem right also you can boil this please don't let anything come in between you and happiness so you're going to skin them separate the skin and then these are our Tomatoes skinless and more juicy so I don't think I'll be be needing tomato paste yeah yes we're going to try as much as possible to keep this as you know normal and doable for a local person as possible so this is what we have you see how juicy it is it's because we steamed it fast and then these are all the ingredients we're going to be using for now and then the rest are going to be spices as you're going to see so I'm going to put my pan on fire and once it's dry I'll add in a dash of olive oil about one tablespoon or less this is extra virgin olive oil and this is the one I'm using today I usually get questions of which one do you use but I don't have like a particular one but this is it this is what I'm using this time around so I'm going to transfer my onions into the hot oil and then fry them until fragrant now the white onion is not as strong as the red one it's not as Tangy as like it's not so sharp so you may need to cook it down so that it gives the sweetness just like this not bad guys don't burn your onions okay thank you just want to bring them to a point of surrender and they give you the aroma that you're looking for so we're going to put in our chopped tomatoes and yeah if you wanted to add in tomato paste maybe for thickness and more richness then you can just do it at this stage so we're just going to cook them on low heat also if Tomatoes give you a little bit of an acid reflux or you can feel free to add in some sugar yeah so I'm going to season mine with salt they don't do that to me so I don't need sugar so I'm going to season that with salt and then I'll go on ahead and mix it in make sure you're putting in enough salt because because yeah make sure you have enough salt to taste according to your palate all right guys if you haven't subscribed and you're at this stage Please Subscribe I am begging you please subscribe okay we're going to add in about half a tablespoon of oyster sauce and this is a replacement for fish sauce because I don't have any and it's just going to work perfectly really it's thick it's Rich it's nice it's good it just has it adds in that good flavor and then I'm going to be using some curry powder this summer on I'm using Simba I don't have fish Masala and I don't want it to be all fishy again so I'm adding in some black pepper you should use white pepper okay yes so I'm going to mix everything after adding my chopped vegetables and then in the colander the skin that remained I pressed it and passed water and that water came out with some of the flesh that had remained and that is why the water is pink if you have fish stock please go ahead and use it you just have to boil and maybe if you debone a fish you boil those buns to get the fish stuck don't ask me how now again will I get fish stock if you're from outside countries those people have access to packed stocks so you can actually go to the store and look for fish stock but this one chicken stock clear is going to work perfect even plain water this water I use design that I use to steam the tomatoes so no wasting okay I'm joking yeah don't waste stop wasting food and that's it once the water comes to our boil add in your fish fish is not something it takes like forever to cook about three to eight minutes you're good you're done you're even overcooking the fish okay I overcooked my fish so I'm going to put it to a boil I was doing something else and then that's it came back and the stew was not so thick so what would you do get a little bit of some water about two tablespoons and then add in half a tablespoon of cornstarch and then we're going to transfer it this is how the stew is looking the fish is ready it's been about five to seven minutes the stew is a bit watery so I need it a little bit thick so it doesn't obviously show like we just picked it from the lake and now served it okay you can add in some soy sauce by the way if you need a deeper color but if you want to keep it as natural as possible don't worry even that oyster sauce is replaceable everything is by the way in life even you replaceable it no minutes so we're going to read it again on like low heat and this is what we have now the sauce is thick nice and good to go with anything that you want to serve this with I hope this video helps Whoever has been looking for it and if you wear it but you bumped into it please make sure to try it out and let me know how it turns out in the comment section on my YouTube on my Instagram I'll be seeing you soon in my next videos bye Please Subscribe if you haven't again [Music]
Channel: The Cooking Nurse
Views: 385,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fish stew, Tilapia stew, Fresh fish recipes, Fresh from the lake, Easy fish stew, Easy fish recipe, How to cook tilapia, Tilapia fish, Nile tilapia fish stew, The cooking nurse fish
Id: U_otfN6IalA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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