How To Cook Persian Rice

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hey everybody today I'm Henri tattoos I'm going to show you how to make Persian rice also known as bare inch or pulao let's get straight into it so the first thing we need to do is set a pot of water to boil I'll just fill this pot about halfway this will make it a easy 6 cups of rice you can do any size you want obviously use a bigger pot now to the water we're going to add about a handful of salt and about 2 tablespoons of oil I've just let that come to the ball roll it off so now just in front of me here I've got 6 cups of basmati rice and show you how using a good quality one because it does make a difference so what we need to do is wash this about two three times and then we're going to leave it soaked so to wash it just get your eyes into a large bowl like that and just fill it with cold water doesn't have to be all the way now you just want to mix that around and basically what we're doing is getting rid of all that excess starch so as you can see the water is gone cloudy it needs to be clear for this to come out perfect so pour it out and then we'll repeat it again so the less starch we have inner then the less the heats going to be her Shiraz has to be all separate pieces okay so you can see to be clear now that's what we want and be gentle when you're stirring it you don't want to break the rice just want to stir okay so that's free times now so what we'll do that is we'll fill this all the way up with water now all we need to do with this it's just later - sir I usually leave it for about half an hour and I'd like to add just a bit of salt to dissolve this will help clean up the starch as well so just set that aside and once the pot is boiling we'll come back to it yes it's been half an hour now and the water's boiling so we'll go ahead and tip this water out as you can see the waters gone clear so that's a good sign so place the rice into your pot and use the water up just move that around in there just so we get all the writer and you want to try to stir it continuously so it doesn't stick I've eyes the truth of boiling the rice is there is no time limit because there's so many variations depending on how hot your stove is how much water you have how much rice you have etc so it's just like cooking pasta you don't want to cook it all the way you want to cook it to about 90% so I'll let you know what it looks like when we get close to hey guys as you can see the rice is starting to come to the top that means we're getting very close and the best way to test it is just bring it up grab a little bit important your mouth if you can sure but it's still stuck in your teeth then it's not quite ready yet but it's close but then we don't want to softly low so you have to be really careful but at this point we're just going to turn the heat off it's not heating the pollen tube all about itself and you just gotta keep testing it so right now I can tell they're almost cooked and they're not raw so at this point what we're going to do is take off the heat and just into a strainer in the sink just pour it all out and straight away you want to pour cold water on it and just wash the inside of the boxes get all that rice so if I usually call water we're just stopping the cooking process that'll be enough just leave it up there for a minute now we're going to reuse this polygon that's always best using nonstick pot just makes it easier so we're just going to put about two three tablespoons of oil on the bottom so now just using a spoon or like in a small ball that I'm using we're going to get our rise and pour it into the pot now just pay attention to the way I'm pouring it you want to try and build a pyramid you don't want to just throw it in make it flat the rice needs room to cook make sure you get all the right side of your strainer now very important thing to this is if the rice is above the level of the pot or if it's very close then your pot is too small this isn't going to work properly it's not gonna have any room to breathe it's just going to stick together so the bigger the pot the better now once you've pulled it all in and it looks like a pyramid grab a spoon and we want to just push it all the way down to the bottom this allows sustain to go all the way through the rice so it's not just stuck on the bottom of the top and that's it now we're going to put it back onto the stove now when you put it back onto the stove grab yourselves a large tea tailor like so then put the lid on and just put the lid back like that this stops the moisture from getting back into her eyes a tea towel absorbs so now we're going to turn the rice to a medium heat and generally we're going to want to leave this for about 15 minutes but keep your honor if you see steam start to escape that's when we turn the heat low then I'll show you what to do okay so it's been about half an hour so just check the lid as you can see it's a fair amount of steam coming out so what we'll do we'll add about half a cup of olive oil on top like that it's a lid back on and we'll come back to in half an hour which at that point will be ready to serve I said spend another half an hour as you can see our rice is ready it's beautiful soft and fluffy and as you can see it just separates so in terms of serving is there a traditional way to do a Persian style is to put a big plate on top and flip the entire pot over but since I won't be suing this to entire family right now we'll just serve it from the pot you sir like that and you just want to try them do the mountain from it just to make it look los so you can sir this on a really big plate now in terms of the yellow rice that we put on top grab yourself a small bowl left out just put a decent amount of rice into the like so and we're going to make some saffron water in they see this is crushed saffron a bit of sugar and water it's tough for your eyes like that we'll just pull that on top like this like so and that's how we make Persian rice I hope you like that guys please like and subscribe to my channel if you have any questions or suggestions just leave them in the comments and I'll get back to you guys I'll see you all next time
Channel: Henrys HowTos
Views: 1,309,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: persian, rice, basmati, india, pakistan, berenj, pollo, chelo, riz, brinz, pilaf, prinz, saffron, iran, iranian, persia, kebab, meat, bbq, manghal, pot, soak, anais, henry
Id: yEYwyBbNi9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2016
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