How to Cook Brown Rice Perfectly in Pressure Cooker? Brown Rice vs Red Rice

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you must have definitely heard that brown rice is good for you have you faced the difficulties in cooking brown rice and you must also have read about red rice so what is the basic difference between brown rice and red rice and where does black rice fit into this yes you are at the right place you will have all your answers in this episode of munchan Mal only if you stay tuned until the Melt point at the end of the video [Music] in biology and environmental science a health and wellness consultant and your host on Munchen [Music] foreign before we look at how to cook brown rice it is extremely important to understand the difference between red brown and white rice because the cooking process will slightly change depending on the rice that you use very simply put red and brown Rices have their brand layer intact and this layer is just below the husk in other words they are also called unpolished Rices you may have also heard the terms parboiled rice and raw rice in Tamil we call it purulshi or pacharashi now what is that this is a completely different way of categorizing Rices and we will Reserve that for another episode but for now you can just remember that you can have fully unpolished semi-polished and fully polished white rice as both parboy or raw going just by looks parboiled Rices are slightly translucent raw rice is more popular in use than parboiled rice and I too prefer using raw rice so in today's episode where we are going to see how to cook red rice or brown rice it refers to raw rice depending on the level of the intact brand Rices could be fully unpolished semi-polished or fully polished typically fully unpolished Rices are fully red or brown in color semi-polished red Rices may have streaks of red on them and Vary from burgundy to pale pink semi-polished brown Rices very typically beige to pale yellow color fully polished Rices are of course white in color in other words any rice variety will naturally have either a red or brown color if they are fully unpolished so red rice or brown rice are generic names and not the names of any one variety of rice so from a nutritional perspective it is more appropriate to look at whether the rice is unpolished semi-polished or fully polished unpolished Rices are far healthier than white rice I have discussed the health benefits of brown rice in this previous episode of mine how to make brown rice Dosa the link of which is given above you can watch that episode after watching this episode for now just remember this in comparison to white rice unpolished or brown and red rice are far more richer in fiber minerals vitamins and they have a low glycemic index too so it is extremely suitable for diabetics and weight loss how does unpolished rice benefit a diabetic and counter obesity watch this video of mine of how to make brown rice idli the link of which is given above for the answers but there is more the nutrients often vary from one unpolished rice to another so it is smarter to use more than one variety of traditional unpolished Rices by rotation to maximize the health benefits did you know that even today there are around 6 000 varieties of rice existing in India today there'll be more shocking insights when you watch this episode on India's rice diversity I use at least five to six varieties of these unpolished Rices by rotation and my go-to source for getting authentic organic traditional unpolished Rises is of course biobasics you can also try an amazing range of 50 rises from biobasics using the link in the description box for an initial discount on the first order essentially the rice brand is what is responsible for the 1 wonderful health benefits so hire the brand healthier your ices most of you are probably transitioning into the unpolished rice space after years of consuming white polished rice if that is so particularly for table rice I suggest you start using semi polished rice first get used to its flavor and texture and then you can graduate to fully unpolished or full brand rice that is red or brown rice but if you're more adventurous like us you can straight jump on to using the full brand rice cooking semi-polished brown rice is very similar to cooking white rice in a pressure cooker what you have to do is take one cup of brown rice 3 cups of water pressure cook it for about 3 whistles and leave it on a Sim flame for 5 minutes and your rice is ready but if you like very soft rice you could increase the quantity of water but today we will see how to cook full brand rice in a pressure cooker as this calls for a few additional changes so let's begin so here I have taken one glass of a full brand variety of brown rice this particular variety is called Samba look at the color so I am going to be just adding some water rinsing it first and collecting the rinse water keep the rinse water aside and now I'm just adding water and since this is a full brand variety we are going to be soaking this for a minimum of four hours so I'll just put this aside now so here our brown rice is nicely soaked for four hours so I'm going to be draining the water now so this was a rinse water and the soaked water the side will be using it to water my plants so now we'll be pressure cooking the rice so with the same glass I'm adding water so one cup of rice and I'm adding three and a half cups of water one two three half and now we will pressure cook this so switching on the gas here goes the rice we will pressure cook this for five whistles on a high flame and then after five whistles reduce the flame on a Sim flame we will keep it for 10 minutes so now five whistles are over so I'm reducing the flame to sim and we'll keep this on for 10 minutes so 10 minutes are over so I'm going to switch off the gas once the pressure is completely released we'll open the cooker so here let me open the cooker here see the brown rice is cooked so let me remove this so here my brown rice is cooked see so soft for different varieties of brown rice the quantity of water might differ so initially you will have to do a trial and error and sometimes you may find that in the first or second time when you're cooking slight water stays up so that water you just drain you can either put salt to it and drink or you can use that water to water your plants so slight trial and error will be required to adjust the water quantity to the variety of brown rice that you are using so here's the summary of the cooking process of the various types of raw Rices just remember this data is based on my personal preferences in cooking red rice you may need to slightly tweak the proportion of water or the cooking time to suit your family's tastes and here is a small Pro tip you could simply soak the unpolished rice overnight a longer soaking is better than shorter and here is another if you are not sure whether a rice is a semi-polished or fully polished just soak and then cooked you completely forgot about black rice I'm sure our viewers are mulling about where black rice fits into everything that you have said I'm sorry I forgot to mention about the black and purple Rises black and purple Rises are very similar to the full brand red rice variety but they have a very rich antioxidant called anthocyanin that gives them their color you can cook black rice exactly the same way as we cook full brand red rice but it is interesting to know that when cooked black rice has a very sticky nature and it is excellent for making kheer you may find the recipe of my black rice dessert recipe in the link above and this episode also gives you a very interesting history and health benefits of black and purple rice let me finally leave you with these points to also my lower studies show that bran and the unpolished rice whether brown or red have multiple health benefits like being anti-diabetic anti-cholesterol cardio protective and antioxidant capabilities by contrast white polished rice is nothing but starch or carbs in other words without any nutrients in them so now it's your choice what would you choose watch this video eye-opening for you and did you get clarity and confidence in using red and brown rises in your regular diet if yes then you ought to press that like button to make the YouTube algorithm happy do you have more questions about these aspects then you should definitely put them out in the comment section below and I will try my best to address them and if you care for the well-being of your family and friends you should share this video with all of them so here's wishing you the best in your journey into the world of unpolished prices hey have you subscribed to manchinmal do click on the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon to receive notifications of my newest videos uploaded every Saturday [Music]
Channel: Munch & Mull
Views: 71,409
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Keywords: How to cook brown rice, How to cook brown rice perfectly in pressure cooker, how to cook brown rice perfectly, right way to cook brown rice, brown rice vs red rice, brown rice vs red rice vs white rice, how to cook brown rice in a rice cooker, How to cook brown rice in pressure cooker, how to cook brown rice fast, brown rice vs red rice vs black rice, How to cook Red Rice in pressure cooker, How long to cook brown rice, Benefits of Brown Rice for Diabetics, munch and mull
Id: Q-7JsTSO_rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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