How To Cook A Hen In The Oven | Best Hen Recipe Cooked In Oven

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel today I will be teaching you guys how me momma TK bakes a hint and this is in preparation for my southern cornbread dressing so let's get into this video and let me show you the ingredients that you are going to need on how to bake a hand for any occasion it can be Thanksgiving Christmas birthdays in occasion on how to make a nice juicy delicious hand okay yeah that's what you're gonna need to do is you're gonna need to find you a hen or chicken I found this one at Walmart for three dollars and like 42 cents okay I'm getting company giblets on the inside as you see is a nick I'm gonna cut that off because I'm going to use the need for boiling okay you're gonna need some butter you're gonna need some oil here I have canola oil use canola all of this for some seasoning salt some poultry seasoning some paprika some black pepper some rosemary some garlic powder some cumin and some onion powder okay you guys okay those are the ingredients you're gonna need a baking pan okay the first thing we're going to do is we are going to season our chicken okay first step is place a half a stick of butter depends on the size of evening this is for Turkey a stick of butter we're gonna melt that don't burn it okay guys I'm sorry I forgot to tell you guys that I am going to also use chopped celery and chopped and to go on the inside cavity of my arm hand just go ahead and stuck them with hands I went celery if you like the old pepper to go on the inside you can go ahead and stuff that as well now I am going to take my own butter and walk that I melted and I'm going to rub it over the outside of my chicken on both sides all the way around just read this is going to help on crispy and brown and its flavor is well too chicken can you guys so we have this all dump and this chicken rubdown really really good now just give me the start heading our singing outside okay so it doesn't matter which order you put the seasoning in you can put it in a bowl and mix the seasoning together you're just gonna make sure that you season your chicken really really well okay the pepper Rika is for color garlic kava is all very flavor flavorful since we are using this for our holiday we are not going to long do anything spicy because I'm you gonna use these the juice off of my hand for my dressing okay so we use some seasoning salt we're not gonna meet regular something using seasoning salt so if you want to you can get sage I don't particularly oh you sage this is my onion powder in my portrait season and there's not least the influence black pepper black pepper black pepper black pepper okay so that's for this side no yeah look this thing is seasoned it makes me sneeze okay rub it all over the chicken on the outside make sure you see the wheel degrees this dunk on inside camping this is raw garlic okay just use about a tablespoon and stuff the inside put your vegetables that raw garlic okay see watch your hands you're dealing with torture and you know salmonella is be seasoned this out a little more because it's not gonna be good you don't putting this season and only you can bake it I didn't want but you don't hand in a flavor to it then okay you guys see how season I have it very seasoned very well I have it stuffed okay guys so this is the hand and the pan that I am using I'm just using off you can use any kind of pain that you have then I will be cooking the hand in and the left over arm on the butter mixture that I have I'm just gonna go ahead and pour that around my hand to help it cook okay place a longer form over your hand and go ahead and place your hand in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour I'm gonna check my hand in about 30 minutes on 40 minutes so I'm getting the juice off of it I'm gonna pour that in a different pain and then I'm gonna go ahead and let it finish cooking the remainder of the way the juices will be for my southern cornbread dressing so always remember if you're using turkey use the turkey juice as well okay you guys as you can see that my is cooking on nice and crispy see the beautiful color that's on it okay and like I said it's gonna take about 45 minutes to an hour to cook I'm trying to get your best lighting for you guys you know see the juices that are coming off those will be the juices that I'm going to use to help on for my southern cornbread dressing I'm making chicken and dressing so the juices that come home from here are then going to add to the chicken broth that I bought okay guys so now it is time for me to take this juice that you see this will be the what you pull out on my mind with blank you guys please forgive me this will be my chicken problem I also have chicken broth on the side and about so this would be extra chicken product that is going to get my southern cornbread dressing the flavor that it needs so I'm gonna take this juice I'm going to pour it off and I'm going to let the chicken finish cooking increase up and as you can see that it is going to have a beautiful nice color to the chicken see that you guys in front bed beautiful I'm table and so here's the finished product I finished the hand that I am making to go home with my dressing my southern cornbread dressing and I have the juices then I have saved from the hand drip it's the pain and dripping that are here then I'm going to use in my dresser which will be for another video if you guys like this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up hit that notification bell so the two dolls can be notified each and every time I upload a video all of you guys try this recipe and come back to my channel again please come visit mama TK so that you guys too can learn how to make some delicious recipes let me see if I can flip this over before it's over with okay you see member where I stopped the burger the onion and the celery are still in the camping in the cavity of the heme see that beautiful color that's on the end it's still juicy see the juices coming off of it once I flipped it over it's a beautiful here if you guys want to know how I made this him in the oven it's baked and I made this hinge so that I could make southern cornbread dressing I want you guys to stay tuned to this video do you see the beautiful color that is on this team I give you all the ingredients and I can be step-by-step instructions on how to make this team please stay tuned to the video [Music] you
Channel: Cooking With TK
Views: 80,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanksgiving, christmas, recipes, whole roasted chicken, how to roast a chicken in the oven, how to bake a whole chicken, thanksgiving hen, chicken and dressing, how to cook a hen, how to cook a@hen in@the oven, chicken for dressing, juicy hen, juicy chicken, baken cornish hen recipe, chicken for stuffing, hen and dressing, chicken dressing, dressing southern, southern chicken
Id: sRNV-vD-_24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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