How to Convert Word to PDF

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Hi everyone, my name is Kevin. Today  I want to show you how you can take   a Microsoft Word document  and convert that into a PDF. It's really easier than you can imagine, and  before we jump into it, as full disclosure,   I work at Microsoft as a full-time employee.  All right, well let's jump into it. Here I am on my desktop and what I'm going  to do is I'm going to open up Microsoft Word. So here I am in Word, and I have a just kind of  a quick Word document that I pulled together. It's a resume. The picture doesn't match me, but  it has my name on the resume, so that's a little   awkward, but whatever. So, here's my name and I  put down my title, so I said You Tube superstar   and maybe not quite but maybe someday I’ll  get there. And so, this is my Word document. It's just a traditional Word document. I can  make any type of modifications in here, so   just the standard document, and what I want to do  is I want to take this Word document and I want to   convert that into a PDF. So how do I do that? Like  I said before, it's extremely easy to do. Now what   you do is you first off click on file in the top  right-hand corner and then we're going to go to   save as. And what I want to do is I want to  just, I'll put it on my desktop on my PC. So, I'm going to come up here and  we'll just put it on my desktop,   and so by default the document  is called Kevin Stratvert.docx. Docx is the Word file format,  but I want to make it a PDF. So how do I do that? Well, underneath the file name  there's something that says   save as type and so we're going to click on  that list and a whole bunch of options pop up. Some of them might not make sense. But we have your Word  document, which is the default. You could also save as a web  page or rich text format and XML. There are lots of different options  that I have, but the one we're looking   for is PDF because we want to take this Word  document and we want to turn it into a PDF. So, I'm going to click on PDF, and you'll notice  now that the file name is Kevin Stratvert.pdf. I have a few different options I could choose,  but defaults are kind of what I want them to be. But what you can also do is if you know here  if I click in the options, you could save the   current page, you could set the range of pages  that you want, you could look through that.   Lots of different options that you could set,  but like I said, the default looks good to me. Now I'm going to click on save. And so what  you'll notice happen is it just popped up the   PDF in Edge and this is just a standard PDF now.  It matches, you know here the PDF matches what my   Word document looks like, but in PDF format. So  that's how that's how I set up my PDF using Word. What I also want to show though, is let's  say that you don't have Word or you're not an   Office 365 subscriber and maybe you don't  have word 2016 or 2019 on your machine.   You can still create a PDF from a Word  document. Well, how do you do that?   So, what you want to do is we're going to go  to What I've done is I've already   logged in. You could log into  for free. It doesn't cost anything as long   as you have your Microsoft account. You  could set up a Microsoft account for free. Simply log into and you'll  land on a page that looks like this.   What we're going to do then is we're going to  click on Word and here too I'm just going to pick,   we're going to go with just one of the  standard templates, just as an example,   so here it's creating a  new Word document template. I'm just going to fill in some information  real quick, so I'll just type in my first name,   and then I'm going to type in my  last name, so Kevin Stratvert,   if I could spell correctly. Whenever you  demo things, you tend not to spell as well,   so there is Kevin Stratvert. And now, just like I  did in Word on my desktop, I could click on file,   go to save as and you'll see an  option here that says download as PDF. So, I'm going to go ahead and download as PDF. Now it’s saving the document. It's converting  to PDF. It says your document is ready,   I'll go ahead and download it and then here  it's downloaded the PDF, so I can open it up. This is also a PDF now and it's in my downloads  folder. So, whether I have Word on my desktop,   or if I don't have Word on my desktop, I could go  to, sign in and go into Word and then   create a PDF from a Word document. If you already  have an existing Word document and you want to use   the online method, first you have to upload it to  OneDrive. Once it's in OneDrive, just open that   document and save as PDF. So, it's extremely  easy to create a PDF from a Word document. There are two different ways you could do it  that work extremely well and that's all it takes. Hopefully that helps you create a PDF document   from Word and that's how simple it is. If  this helped you, please give it a thumbs up   and if you want to see future content  like this, hit that subscribe button. That way you'll get a notification anytime  new content like this comes out, and that's   all I have for you tonight. Hope it  helped. I'll see you next time, bye.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 2,617,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doc, docx, pdf, .doc, .docx, microsoft word, word, office, office 365, microsoft office, adobe, converter, convert, word to pdf, how to, tutorial, guide, edit, editable, pdf converter, instant, word doc to pdf, document to pdf, acrobat, conversion software, software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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