How to convert video, MKV to MP4 (XMedia Recode)

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okay this is a tutorial on how to import MKV videos into either Vegas Pro or into Adobe Premiere Pro to import it I will use x media recode this program can either change the container of the MKV video or it can recompress it to another format so let's drag the MKV video here onto the program this is a free program free to download and it has no limitations ok now let's select the video itself that we just dropped onto the program and then multiple tabs will open up here from here from format you can choose let's say the mp4 format okay and let's go to video and here we can either convert the video or just copy it let's try the copy option first let's do the same thing here at audio also instead of converting the audio I will just copy the audio and then let's go here to cue this list is empty until I select this one and click Add to cue and this one will modify I mean will contain all the modifications made here at format video and audio ok now this one should be encoded and since I selected copy instead of convert the copy process is pretty fast and it's the stored here in the videos folder and this video can be later imported either into Vegas or into Premiere Pro it's not 100% guaranteed that it will work but you can try it ok the more secure way to import the mp4 file into Vegas or into premiere is to go to video and instead of copy convert it and choose let's say mpeg-4 h.264 as a video codec you can choose the bitrate from here this is one point five megabits that's a pretty low bitrate you can use even ten times as march 15 megabytes megabits as a bit rate okay and here at audio instead of copy let's convert this one also let's choose simply AAC and you can bump up the quality little bit let's say 192 and at Q do the same thing select the video add the Q and in code of course this encoding this one will take much more time because now we are not simply copying the contents of the original video file but we are converting the contents both the video track and the audio track ok wait until these are finished and this is more sure that it will be read by both Sony Vegas Magic's Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro again that's it thanks for watching and bye bye
Channel: furulevi
Views: 32,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furulevi, how to, tutorial, xmedia recode, convert, video converter, free converter, free download, sony vegas, mp4, mkv, mkv to mp4, converter, transform, change, modify, import, error, codec, could not be opened, reason for the error could not be determined, vegas pro, sony, magix, an error occured while opening one or more files, lossless, adobe, premiere, adobe premiere, premiere pro, cc, vegas 13, vegas 14
Id: N4pu2GQhryc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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