How to Control Multiple ESP8266 ESP01 Relays | RemoteXY | FLProg

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So, you have a bunch of these  ESP8266 ESP01 relay modules.  And you want them here and there around your home  to operate the lighting, heating, and the like.  Let’s consider one of ways you can  control them with the RemoteXY app.   Let us first make a simple smartphone  interface with  And configure the Wi-Fi access point  connection for the ESP8266-based board.  Then select the Wi-Fi on-chip  module and FLProg IDE.  Add a label with the  appropriate text and a switch.  Click on get source code to copy  the code for use in FLProg.   Create an ESP8266 ESP01 FBD project in FLProg. Enable the access point from the   controller WiFi module settings. Input a network name and password if required.  Then add the GPIO0 digital output for the relay. Insert the RemoteXY block into the program   and paste the earlier RemoteXY code in the  download description of the inputs/outputs tab.  In the communication mode tab, observe that  the built-in WiFi module, Access Point,   and port number selections in the  RemoteXY web interface were updated.   Connect the output of the RemoteXY  block to the relay output tag.  Then click on the upload button. When the Arduino IDE is displayed,   ensure that the Generic ESP8266 board  type and the port number are selected.  Also, select the Reset Method  of your ESP01 before uploading.  Repeat these whole steps for as  many ESP01 Relays as desired.   C For demonstration purposes,   light bulbs are connected to the ESP01  relay's NO terminals, COM, and 110 or   220-volt AC power supply, as shown. And 5 to 12-volt DC power supply. Add a new device and select the WiFi  point to connect to the first ESP01 relay.  Go back to the main screen and hold  down the ESP01 relay access point icon.  Change the name to FRONT LIGHT. You can also change the access point icon to   that of a bulb and the button colour if required. Go back to the main screen and   connect to the other ESP01 relay. Repeat the previous steps and change   the name to BACK LIGHT as well as the icon. You can have as many ESP01 Relay added to   the RemoteXY main screen in this way. And connect to them individually to turn   them ON and OFF as needed. Thanks for watching.  Please support this channel by clicking  on the Thanks button and buying the   components used in this video using the  AliExpress links in the description.  Also, hit the like button if this video is  helpful, and don’t forget to subscribe to   this channel if you are yet to. See you in the next video.
Channel: OnosTech
Views: 1,619
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Id: Nhzrw77KBkk
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Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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