#9 Program the ESP8266 Modbus TCP || FLProg || VTSCADA

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Hi everyone! VT SCADA can wirelessly  operate the ESP8266-connected sensors   and actuators using Modbus TCP communication. Like the last video, we are  going to build on the number   7 video of the ESP8266 Modbus Ladder Logic series.  Expand the controller, the Wi-Fi module settings,  and double-click to enable the Access Point.  Input the network name of ESP8266  and a password if required.  Enter an IP address of, which  should be the same as the network gateway. Expand the communication  and the Modbus slave tree.  Double-click on Add Interface  and select the TCP interface.  Expand the Interface – TCP and  double-click on communication   device to select the ESP8266 onboard WiFi. Note that the port number 502 for Modbus   TCP is automatically assigned. Then disable the RTU interface.  This will allow us to use the existing  Modbus tags of the RTU for the TCP interface. Then compile the project.  In the Arduino IDE, locate the dot attach line  in the void setup section of the code and input   , 544, 2400 for the servo motor. Then compile and upload the Arduino code. Follow the link in the description  to download VT SCADA Light.  VT SCADA Light supports the creation  of a maximum of 50 Modbus tags,   which is more than enough for this video.  Add a new VT SCADA application  with any name of your choice.  Open the tag browser window  and click on the New button.  Select Ports and then TCP/IP Port. Input the port name of TCP.  On the connection tab, input the ESP8266 IP  address of and the port number of 502. Right-click on the TCP port and select New Child. Select drivers and then Modbus Compatible Device.  Enter the name Modbus. On the options tab, select Open Modbus TCP.  On the communication tab, ensure that the station  address is the same as the ESP8266 Modbus address.  Right-click on the Modbus  driver and select New Child.  Select digitals, and then I/O  and Calculations – Digitals.  Input the ON Modbus Tag from the ESP8266 with  the Modbus mapped coil write address of 1.  Click on New and repeat the previous steps to add  the OFF Modbus tag with the write address of 2.  Add a new tag for the LED mapped to the  Modbus discrete input read address of 10001. For the analog I/Os, click on New, select  Analogs, and then I/O and Calculations—Analogs.  Add the POT tag mapped to the Modbus  input register read address of 30001.  Finally, on tags, add the SERVO with the  Modbus holding register write address of 40001. Right-click on the LED tag and select Draw. This will open the Idea Studio widgets window.  Select an indicator from the indicator  folder and place it in the idea studio.  Repeat the same steps for the ON tag, but  navigate to the buttons & Switches folder   and then the basic controls folder  to select the momentary button.  Repeat the previous steps for the OFF tag. For the POT tag, navigate to the text   folder and select the LCD 7 Segment widget. And a horizontal slider for the SERVO tag.  Close the tag browser, delete all other items from  the idea studio, and re-arrange the tags widget. Double-click on the ON tag widget. Type one for the value to write when   button pressed and zero for the value  to write when button is released.  Type ON for the button-down and button-up labels.  Repeat the previous steps for the OFF tag, but  with OFF for the button-down and button up labels.  Double-click on the slider to  set the maximum value to 180.  Close the idea studio and click on Overview. Click on the ON button to turn on the  LED and its indicator on the VT Scada.  And on the OFF button to turn it off.  The potentiometer value is shown on  the 7-segment display when adjusted.  The position of the servo motor can  be set by the horizontal slider. And that is FLProg Modbus TCP with VT Scada  Thanks for watching. I hope this video is helpful.  If so, please consider liking, subscribing,  sharing, and click on the bell icon for   more videos. Bye for now.
Channel: OnosTech
Views: 2,007
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Id: JGrw8bWm8zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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