How to connect to Windows 10 from any location | ZeroTier tutorial in 2021

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hello i'm david from id solutions network and today we are going to talk about connecting two computers to each other so you can use one computer when you are remote on a remote location to connect to your work computer you have a computer and then you have another let's say laptop this your laptop and you're connecting through your mobile device through verizon or anything like that and you will connect to your office computer which is connected to the internet one way to do this incorrectly i would say is to open the port and do port forwarding on the router here so anything that goes to the router ip on a specific port that traffic goes to the computer that's not safe not good anyone can access this port and flood your computer or try to hack it now the proper way to do that would be to install some kind of vpn between your router and your computer this can be some hardware device some hardware vpn server for example the firewall or anything like that and then build the vpn but what if you don't have this expensive device or if you don't have these router that with the vpn capabilities or you are moving this computer pretty often from location to location first you are in new york then you are in jersey maybe this is even laptop not not a workstation that is always on anyway we have a solution for that there is this software that you can install on both computers which will add the additional network interface card to both computers and these network interface card will be connected to each other virtually so for the computers these both computers are on the same broadcast domain on the same i would say network so let's say we install the software here this is zero tier and we missed all the software here and then from this network interface car we have the connection directly then you can access this computer from your laptop and you don't need to do any fancy hardware replacement here on this device we don't care what device this is we don't even care if the computer has the same ip or are connected to the same borrower the main requirements is the computer is supposed to have the internet but both computers now let's let's install this software on our computers first we need to register the account in my case i already registered this account i just need to log in but if you want to register it's the same process as any other website you put your name last name email address password and hit register now i already registered so let me log into this website so i use google and okay we are logged in okay now let's create the network [Music] and this is our network we clicked on the network and we see these are our settings here now what we want to do is download the software click the download button and download the application for windows in our case here's the windows we are going to download this one and click on it to install it okay it's installed now let's login to login on zero tier we need to open zero tier first of all and then this is our id remember in our dashboard this is our id this is our network id this is what we want to copy by clicking here and pasting this id into zero tier zero tier application join network and put the address and join and that's it now this computer is joined to zero to your network but that's not enough what we want to do is allow this computer to be on the network from zero tier zero tier account for that we go into the network scroll down we find our computer and we check here authentication and now since we authenticated my computer we can check the network on the application and we see this is our ip from zero to your network okay if you copy this ip you'll see we have this ip here and let's save this the office computer and let's name it office pc and we want to connect to this computer remotely now let's switch the windows and this is my remote computer so we can join the remote computer to the same network okay let's install this application here as well and remember we need to copy and paste the network id on our remote computer so here's our network id this one and let's go here [Music] okay here's the zero title and join the network and that's it now we have to go into an into our account refresh this page and allow this remote computer also be on the same network by checking here and let's do remote pc okay now remote pc has this ip address and our office computer has this ip address and as you can see they both are on the same subnet because this subnet mask for this com for this network is slash 16. of course here's our subnet okay so anything that has 10.242 any host within the same subnet can see each other okay now let's enable the remote desktop on this computer go into settings search for remote desktop and make sure this is enabled here in our case it was already enabled now we need to go into remote pc and run application remote desktop type remote find remote desktop connection and now here we want to put the ip 0 to your ip in our case this is the ip okay we want to copy this and we want to use it here and we try connect as you can see we have this you know username password prompt let's put peter parker and our password click yes and now we are connected to our office computer from our remote pc and that remote pc actually can be anything it can be windows computer it can be ipad it can be iphone android you know pretty much anything that zero tier supports and zero tier supports lots of operating systems you can even connect from the mac so this is how you connect two computers through the vpn so you can log into remote computer pretty much for free you don't have to buy any hardware for this now pricing in terms of the pricing up to 50 computers it's free you can't have more than one username pretty good solution so yeah tell me what you think in the comments thanks for watching and have a wonderful day you
Channel: IT Solutions Network
Views: 2,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remote desktop connection, windows 10, secure remote desktop, windows 10 professional, windows 10 tutorial, vpn, windows VPN, remote desktop connection windows 10 over internet, remote desktop mac, How to connect to Windows 10 from any location
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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