How To Connect PixHawk to Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson

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hey my name is Matt Clark and today I'm going to show you how to connect a Pixar to a Raspberry Pi or an Nvidia Jetson you'll need the following for this tutorial a Pixar this is an older version but the steps should work for newer models our Raspberry Pi this is a model 4B or an Nvidia Jetson device in this case I'm using an Nvidia Jetson Nano connected to the a203 carrier board provided by seat Studio it features gigabit Ethernet and xt30 power connector as well as an m.2 slot for an SSD its small size makes it perfect for use on a drone and I'll be integrating it soon into one of my own you can find a link to more information in the video description you're also going to need a 6 pin to serial connector cable to do the physical connection from your Pixar to your device I'm going to show you how to create this to create a Serial cable you will need the following three jumper wires a six pin connector cable which should come with your Pixar shrink tubing and a soldering kit I also also like to keep a printout handy of the wiring for the connector take your connector cable and Orient it so that the red connector is on the left this is your 5 volt wire wire wire number two TX y number three is rx and finally wire six is ground cut all six wires close to one plug this longer section will be used as the main part of our serial cable trim wires four and five these are not required I'm also going to remove the 5 volt red wire the reason for this is we are going to power our Raspberry Pi and our Jetson Nano from a separate power source next strip the ends of the remaining three wires ready for soldering at this point choose which color jumper wire to splice into each wire of the six pin connector I'm using purple for TX blue for RX and black for ground cut and strip for jumper wires for each wire twist and solder them together make sure to refer to the pin out diagram whilst you are soldering finally apply heat shrink to each of the wires now that we've got our cable it's time to sort out the software I'm going to focus on the Jetson Nano to start with and I'm assuming you've already gone ahead and set up your operating system on the SD card now I'm going to communicate to both the Jets and Nano and the Raspberry Pi via SSH however you can do all the commands I'm about to run with a keyboard and an attached monitor next I'm going to connect the serial to six pin connector cable if you're following along with the standard dev kit that the Jetson Nano comes with the pin out is the same so the ground I'm going to connect to pin number nine now just checking my notes from earlier I can see that the TX cable was purple now I want to connect that to the RX port on the Jetson Nano so that is pin number 10. [Music] finally our blue cable which was RX we're going to connect that to the TX GPA open that cable is now connected next I'm going to connect the cable to the Telemetry 2 port on the Pix Hawk so now that we've gone and connected the Pixar to the Jetson Nano I'm going to go ahead and install MAV proxy on the Jetson Nano this is so we can double check that this connection is correctly working so to install map proxy we also need to install pip for python package management now that's installed we can go ahead and install the dependencies for map proxy I'm going to then do sulo pip install pi yaml and MAV proxy I'm using sudo here so that's when map proxy is installed it's in a known location on the file system so in this case user local bin now that's useful for if you write a systemdscript so that when the system reboots you can automatically restart map proxy I'll leave information on how to do that in the video description all you've got to do now is to run it so sudo map proxy.pi master and then set this to the serial device Dev slash TTY THS one now that serial Port corresponds to the ones we've just connected over gpio hit enter and you should start seeing mavlink messages coming through from the pixork and that is now connected I'm now going to show you how to do the same with the Raspberry Pi so just disconnecting everything okay one there we go I'm just going to put that to one side first things first you're going to want to connect the serial cable to the Raspberry Pi same process and the layout is pretty much identical you're going to want to do ground to pin nine which is this one here now according to my diagram the purple wire is TX so that's going to go to the RX GPO pin which is number 10 this one here the blue cable is the RX wire which goes to the TX gpio open which is number eight like with the Jetson Nano I'm also going to use SSH to communicate to the Raspberry Pi now again you can do the same procedure by using a monitor and a connected keyboard so the first thing we need to do is to enable this serial hardware and to do that we need to use raspi config so sudo raspi config enter we're going to go into interface options to navigate I'm using the up and down arrow keys on my keyboard pressing enter then I'm going to go down and enable serial then login shell no serial Port Hardware yes okay navigate to finish by using the Tab Key enter next I'm going to disable the Bluetooth Hardware because it occupies the uart ports which we need to communicate to the pixelg I'm going to do sudo Nano slash boot config.txt going to double check the enable uart is enabled then at the bottom of the file I'm going to place in DT overlay equals disable booty which will disable the Bluetooth Hardware when you next reboot so I'm going to go ahead and save that with Ctrl o and condain control X to exit Nano and then go up for a reboot so sudo reboot so like for the Jetson Nano we also need pip installed on the Raspberry Pi so that we can install MAV proxy before running any of these apt commands make sure to run an apt-get update on your device next it is sudo apt-get install Python 3 Dash pip and I typo that you saw nothing now that's installed we can go ahead and install the dependencies for map proxy which again we're going to use to verify that our connection to the Pixar is working correctly paste that all in in the video description for that command and wait for it to do the magic okay that's now installed so all that's left to do now is to install map proxy like the Jetson Nano it's a case of just doing sudo pip install pi yaml and MAV proxy now to run map proxy it's sudo our proxy.pi Master Dev slash TTY AMA oh that works and that is how to connect a Raspberry Pi to a Pex Hawk I hope this tutorial has been useful for you and that you've been able to successfully connect your Pixar with your device I want to give a thank you to Seed Studio who graciously sent me the a203 carrier board which I've demonstrated in today's video and as always I'll see you in the next one
Channel: aka: Matchstic
Views: 25,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixhawk, jetson nano, mavproxy, raspberry pi
Id: nIuoCYauW3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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