How to connect a garden hose to a tap

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if you have an outside tap and you need a new hose connector or maybe the plastic one that you've got has broken in the winter because often in the frost they do i would recommend replacing you with a brass one because they last much longer and i'm going to show you in this video how to change this or indeed add a new one so the first thing to do is to remove this now usually the plastic ones are pretty easy to twist off and the first thing you need to do is measure the tap so before you order the part that you need just give that a quick measure so you're going to need to measure it in inches and that's three quarters of an inch and the piece that i need for this is a three-quarter inch female threaded brass tap connector that's the one that i've chosen for this the difference between the male and the female ones the female ones um basically fit over the tap and the male ones kind of uh fit underneath the tap so for this particular application i'm using a female one so once you've measured the top you can order your part now it is as easy as just threading that on there um and and and that would be good to go if you want to do bolt and braces job and make this really really um kind of drip proof what i would advise doing is using some ptfe tape now ptfe tape is used by plumbers to stop things uh from dripping and basically um it's kind of white tape that you wrap around there before you put that part on so i'm gonna do that now ptfe tape can be a little bit faffy just to put on but the aim is to um to take it and wrap it around the thread so here it goes now i know a plumber who said the secret to getting a watertight connection is to wrap it round 21 times i'm going to be honest they ain't got the patience for that but i figure that doing um at least some of it is better than none of it now the thread on this tap is really really quite small and the tape's probably like almost a centimeter thick so once you've done kind of five rounds of it just give it a little pull um and then the ptfe tape it's not sticky but it almost like sticks to it just make sure that underneath it's not blocking the hole um and we're good to go just kind of mold it around it's almost a bit pliable and then take your adapter this is the this is the one that i'm using um the hose adapter and my tip here is to turn it the wrong way and all of a sudden it'll kind of catch and then start spinning it in the right direction and don't over force it if you've got to over force it it means the thread's not quite caught so hand tighten it as much as you possibly can and it's got a grip on here which is great because that helps you with tightening it and then you can just get yourself a pair of pliers or something just to give it an extra titan if you want to and that's how you fit a female hose pipe adapter once you've fitted your tap adapter you're going to want to um fit a brass hose connector as well now this is a really good one because it's also brass so you're going to get that brass to brass connection which will give you a good um a good uh fitting um but also this has got a stop on it so it means when you take this off um you're not going to get water coming back out of it so it's really easy to do just unthread you will um i'm going to show you really quite close up so there's the hose and you just pop that over the top then there's a little white piece here which just kind of grabs the hose pipe and pop that over the top like so and then when you push that up um it will grab it and then pop that into the top like so and then push that up easier said than done there we go get that white bit just underneath there and then pop that here it's quite difficult to do when you're doing it on camera it's much easier if you've got it in a different position but just tighten that up again really quite tight and then when you put this onto the tap you'll notice you can't just push it on like you can with the plastic ones you have to pull this back and then click it in position now what that does is give you a really good connection so again pull that back push it onto the tap and you'll feel it click into position and when you turn that on you can turn it on really you know full pout and you're not going to get any water dripping and wasting and messing up the floor underneath you that's all there is to it until next time bye
Channel: Spear & Jackson
Views: 77,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dXX2B15WcR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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