How to configure your own Gitlab CI Runner

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hi guys this is Valentine and welcome to another gitlab CI tutorial this time I'm going to show you how you can install a gitlab CI runner on your own computer so let's get started with it so I have this project ingot lab CI and as you can see if I go into settings CI CD and I can see that the project only has shared runners and there are eight available shared runners but if you look here on the left side you will see that you can specify your own runners and you can do this on a group level but you can also do this inside a specific project and this is exactly what I'm going to do now I'm running Mac OS on my computer and for that reason I'm gonna follow the get labs here I run our installation for Mac OS you will find in the video description links for all the operating systems so that you can follow this process as well and the idea is pretty similar so I'm not going to do anything special in this tutorial other than just simply to follow the documentation and show you how it works so the first step is to download the gait lab CI runner and this is the command that downloads the binary on the system so I'm gonna copy this and open a terminal and simply paste it there you the next step is to give it a proper permissions in order to execute okay now the runner is installed but we need to register it and this registration connects your get lab CI server in this case I'm just using get lab comm with a runner because they both need to communicate with one another otherwise the runner will not know what to do so now in order to reduce the runner I will go to the documentation for Mac OS and I'll start running it lab - runner register as a command all the information that is needed in order to register the gait lab CI runner is available on the job page and all I have to do is to copy this information so you will see that the coordinator the server is actually good lap comm if you have your own github installation then this will be a different URL second of all we don't want to allow any runner out there to simply connect to the server so for that reason there's an authentication mechanism and this is granted by these tokens and if you think your tokens have been compromised you can even reset the tokens I'm gonna simply name my runner mecha Wes I'm not gonna assign any tags because this is something that I can do later as well and now I'm being asked about the executor there are multiple ways on how you can run jobs in it lap CI one of the easiest ways to do this is to use docker containers or two simple enable the shell mode which will give you access to the respective machine that is executing the good lap cia-run in my case I simply want to use docker images and to make this as independent of the machine that I'm using for gitlab CI as possible for the doclet default image I'll simply use Ruby in version 2.6 now the runner is successfully registered and we will start it and start interacting with it so anyway I'm going to try to install the runner just in case something didn't work started if you refresh the runner's page you will see now that the runner has been activated for this project this is the name of the runner and you can even edit it to see other details about it for example in order to edit text if you want to do that by default gitlab see I will use other specific runners or shared runs so if you want to only rely on the specific runner that you have specified here you will have to disable shared runners and this will ensure that a specific group or a specific job will only use the runners that you have activated for a project now let's go to CI CD pipelines and to execute a pipeline to see how the new runner is going you now if we expect the pipeline you will be able to see that it says which kids Aparna is being used and in which version and additionally on which machine this is running so if you compare this information with what you have bridges that you will see that this is the exact same machine so the only requirement that I had for my Mac OS in order to run docker containers was to have Takara installed and apart from that all the steps that I've showed you is everything that you need to do in order to get started having runners configured on your own machine objects works for you as well if you have any issues leave a comment in the section below check the video description because I'll be posting links to all the steps needed in order to do this and subscribe to this channel for more tutorials like this see you next time guys bye bye you
Channel: Valentin Despa
Views: 119,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: continuous integration, continuous deployment, gitlab ci, gitlab, runner, docker, devops, gitlab runner, ci/cd, gitlab aws, gitlab azure, gitlab digitalocean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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