GitLab Beginner Tutorial 6 | How to install GitLab Runner on Windows OS

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[Music] hello and welcome I'm rocof and today we are going to learn about get LeBron uh how to install register and start get LeBron uh and we will do this on Windows operating system on Mac we have already learned in the last session so I'm going to go very basic step-by-step and we will learn what is kidnapped runner and how to install register and start with get LeBron uh and if you have no prior knowledge on get LeBron oh do not worry I am going to start from scratch and we will go up step by step so before I write down the steps to install and register and start a chapter now let us see what is good Leblon oh so good Lebanon is a utility or a program or you can say a project which is used in get lab C I so get lab CI is the continuous integration service and this is what we are going to learn in the coming sessions about get lab CI and get Leonor is used in get lab CI so in very simple words if you talk about get lab CI it is a open source continuous integration service included with get lab so this service is by default included with your grid lab and we will learn about this later and for now get lab to know is used to run jobs and send results back to get lab so this is what get lab Lana is used for and it will be used in get lab CI and what are the steps to get it Lebanon step number one is install get labs or no and then after installing we have to register and buy register this is a process to bind runner with the CLEP instance so this is what we mean by register and then step number three is start developer now so these are the three basic steps and we will see it on Windows so let me go to my Google here and search for get labs on oh and this is the documentation page I will go here and here you can see all the documentation about get lab runner all the dogs so get lab Lana is the open source project that is used to run your jobs and send results back to get lab it is written in go programming language and you can see all the features it allows multiple jobs run concurrently and compatibilities and then we have a section for install get LeBron oh and then we have this installed link I will click here and all these links I will make available in the notes so that you can follow them all these nodes will be available in the description section of this video so these are the links I will also copy this link and make it available here so here this is the link where you can see install get LeBron oh and then we have all these binaries that we can get so we are going to get on Windows and let me just go to my Windows system and here I will go to the same link and I will click on install on Windows and here we have the instructions so the first thing is create a folder somewhere in your system like see get lab banner now the reason I am showing you all the links and I am showing you all the steps within this webpage is because just in case I miss anything in my notes you can follow this you have the links and you can refer the links and also in case anything changes in the future you will always have the latest documentation here on the website so that is the reason I am showing you all the links and all the steps here so I will create a folder by the name kit lab - runner so I will go to my C Drive you can create anywhere but I will just go to C and create a new folder and I will name it get lab - runner and then the next step is we have to download the binary for our operating system now you can go to your my computer or this PC and do a right click go to properties and you can see the details about your operating system the bit size and everything I have 64-bit but I believe I should be fine with this x86 so I will click here x86 and it will download the gitlab runner exe and if I go to my downloads folder it is here so I will just copy this and go to my folder that I created just now which is kit lab Zana and I will paste it here and also I will rename it and I will just remove this Windows 386 and just keep it like get Leblon or dot exe and this is also mentioned here if I go to the documentation the same page it is mentioned you can rename the binary gitlab donna dot exe and then we have to run an elevated command prompt now elevated command prompt means you can run your command line with admin rights or you can also use here you can use a git bash so let me just go to my command line and I will run it as administrator and here I will go to the location of this folder that is gitlab Rana I will say CD and go to the location if you are on any other drive like arrive first you have to change the drive by saying let us say e drive e : and then enter and then you can go to the location and also a shortcut is you can just go to the address bar on your folder and say CMD and press Enter it will open on the same folder so this is a shortcut that you can do so for now I'm on my folder and then we have to run this command get lab run o dot exe install so I will run this command get Lebrun or dot exe installed and you can see this is done and now if I say get lab run o - - version I am getting the details here so these are the commands let me also highlight these comments for you so good left on a dot exe install will install and to check if you're good lab runner is installed you can run the command get lebron uh - - version now this is to start so you can also start using this command get lab runner dot exe start so if i run this here get lebron r dot exe start and here you can see i am getting this message here so it should be started I will check it later for now I need to register my gate lab runner so here if I go to the first link we also have a link to register get LeBron oh I will go here and I will also mention it here in the second step that is register get LeBron now here if you scroll down you can see multiple operating system and documentation for that this is for Linux then we have for Mac that we have seen in the last session and if you scroll further down we have Windows so these are the steps that we will use for Windows and I have to run this so let me first just run good Leblon us stop and then let me stop the Hana and then I will register and start again so here these are the commands I have to run this command register good lab planner dot exe register and here let me see it says okay I think it is still logged so I will have to say stop here so looks like it was started and not yet stopped so let me just stop this and then we will do the registration process all right so now it is saying please enter the gate lab CI coordinator URL and this is what we have to enter you can also see here this is what you have to enter that is the link forged lab I will just enter this here so I'll copy this and enter it here and say enter now we have to give the token and token you will get from your project so I will login to my gate lab account I will go to get lab calm and here I will sign in and give my username and password and sign in and I can go to my projects so let me just go to this project you can also go from here project your projects and go to the project and here in your project go to settings here and then under settings you can go to see ICD and here you will find a section foreigners click on expand and here if you scroll down you can see in this section setup or specific run or manually and here you can see this step we have already done specify the URL and this is the token you can copy the token from here and provide it here and hit enter you have to provide some description so I will just say this is my there are no one or anything you can see here and here it says please enter the good lab CI Tex so I will just say SSH and CI for now SSH comma CA you can enter any text we will learn what is the importance of text when we do run the jobs engage lab CIE for now you can just enter this and say enter and it says register runner succeeded and everything is done and now we have to please enter the executor so we have executors like ssh kubernetes are darker darker windows shell and we have multiple executors for now we are going to go with a very simple executor that is shell so I will say here shell and press ENTER and you can see here this runner is registered successfully and you can now start it so once this is done we will start the runner using this command get LeBron Oh exe start so I will copy this from here paste it here and say start and this should be now started and now we have to check so start get LeBron oh this is the command and then we will have to check if the runner is started so step number four will be check Renault is activated or started in the project so the same thing you will go to your gate lab go to your project and go to settings settings and then go to see ICD and here we will go to the runners section and click on expand and if you scroll down you should see your runners under the runners activated for this project this is my runner and you can see the name that we have given my runner 1 and these are the techs so now this runner is activated and now this can run jobs all this how to run jobs and how to use tags how to use get lap CI we are going to learn in the coming sessions so this was about it lab Lana I hope this session was very useful for you please do hands-on and also share your knowledge with others if you have any questions or any doubts you can write them down in the description or the comment section below and I will try to and say you as soon as I can I hope all of this was very useful thank you so much for watching
Channel: Automation Step by Step
Views: 131,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is gitlab runner, how to install gitlab runner on windows, how to setup gitlab runner, how to register gitlab runner, how to start gitlab runner, gitlab runner error and troubleshooting, gitlab beginner tutorials step by step, gitlab by raghav
Id: 2MBhxk2chhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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