How to Configure Wireless LAN (WLAN) in Packet Tracer (AP & WLC)

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welcome to imedita in this video we are going to learn how to configure a basic wireless local area network in packet tracer using an access point and wireless lan controller so in this in this version of the soft packet this software if you go to the i will just create first very normal network so i will i will just have a one a few routers i will have without us and i will i will create a topology so i will use this normal 1941 series router two routers in fact one is going towards the let's say internet and one is in our company internally then i will have a switch i have switch connected question switch question yeah the choice of the value is important so when you do the simulation no you can do it you can choose any router you want it doesn't matter all of them will work yeah you can you can because the fundamental properties fundamental concepts are going to be same so it doesn't matter what router what router you actually use it okay uh so i have one router that will be on the isp end representing the internet one router i have in my local network i have a switch and i will have a dhcp server i will have a dhcp server so i will i will just click on server and i will have a dhcp server i will have a pc from where i will do the management i will use a few pcs like you know i will use a few pcs that will connect in a wireless fashion to the access points i can go to the wireless devices and here we have this this you know 3720 this we have this wlc we have these wlc's we have these these wlc that we have and we also have the lightweight access point so i will click on here i will drop an access point here an access point here we can have more than one access points as well we can have three four if you want but i'm just going to have one one right here and this these access points are going to be managed via wlc so i will have a wlc right here as well now i have to interconnect them so these these will connect in a wireless fashion so don't worry about them these will also connect in a wireless fashion so i don't also need to worry about that part that these devices as well okay now i will just automatically choose connect this one connect this one okay okay this is the topology that i'm going to so first of all i will configure the ip addresses respectively on these devices first of all i will configure the ip addresses um ok so this is our home router so i will just say this right here is the isp internet service provider this here is our home router or we can save our customer router this here is the dhcp server that will provide the ips this right here is the wlc that we will use for the management of these access points ap1 and this is one another access point that is ap we have this ap1 we have this ap2 then we have this wlc wireless lan controller this is just a management pc i can say like this is management pc from there i will do the management this is the dhcp server these are the access points that we have okay this router is going towards the internet isp on the isp i will have a ip address like loopback so that i can represent the internet oh [Music] um okay so i have this type of network here now let's first configure the ip addresses respectively i will configure the ip addresses in this topology i will start with the isp router ip addresses you can choose any iip for example like onto here right here i can choose an ip address like maybe 100 100 public ip any public ip you can choose now i believe i have to [Music] okay control shift r so i will just choose the i i will say like 100 and here the entire this is a lan network so i will just say like the entire one is part of the entire one is part of 192 168 dot or i can better i can have any any lan network i want doesn't matter i can have any network that i want it actually does not matter okay now i will start with configuring the isp router i will go to the cli tab i will say enable configure terminal host name then i will say like interface gigabit 0 0 ip address is going to be two five five dot no shutdown then i will say interface loopback ip address and then no shutdown no i don't have to say no shut down but this is the ip address 24 is the ipaddress that i have configured as i look at so show ip interface breeze if you do these are the ipads that you have set if you remember if you remember how to configure the ips you you must know so i've configured the appropriate ips on this isp router i don't need to do anything else i will run my home router question yeah um for every interface you have to put no shutdown sorry every time you configure the interface you have to put no no shutdown every time for the first time the first timer yeah once once the interface is no shut then i don't have to do anything no i'm talking about if a writer has more than two interface yes you have to do that on both interfaces yes okay yes okay thank you i will say interface gigabit 0x1 and i will say the ip address no shutdown i will uncheck i will not shut one interface and i will say interface gigabit 0 by 0 and that is maybe because that is the ip i have chosen 170 to 16 dot let's say 10.1 that is the ip i have chosen to configure in this lan segment so i will say 10.1 to five five two five five five five dot zero no shift i bring both the interfaces up that is why should i be in the brief i can now see that the both interfaces are up now this is a private subnet this is a private subnet this is a public network from the private to public if i had to go i had to do the nat so i will also perform net here i will also perform match here network address translation specifically i will perform the path port address notation so that many private ips can be in fact many private ips can be mapped into a single public ip i will do the path on the home router to reach out to the internet that will be configured just on a home rider yeah because internally it is uh yeah is that right yeah okay so configure coming in first of all i will give a default route i have given a default router here the default route on router home router is pointing towards the isp router the default route that i have here default route is there so that i can reach to the internet service provider so there is also a default route on this home router so that i can reach to the internet service provider default route syntax any ip mask and this is the next stop next stop is this one is the next one and now i will use the command for outside i've been at inside i've been at outside i have configured this is my inside interface this is my outside interface so i have done that inside an outside thing so i have configured that inside and outside interfaces once i am done with this inside and outside interface then i will create an access list and that access list will match our private traffic so access list one and permit means match the private traffic 170 to 16.10.0 respectively okay now i will say ip nat inside source access list number one and which interface outside interface overload means whatever traffic is coming in whatever traffic is coming in whatever traffic is coming in i will pat it i will i will use the public ip configured on the gigabit zero by one to send the traffic so we have done the path the port address translation so the private ip is now getting mapped with the public guide the private ip is now getting mapped with the public type so i've configured the inside and outside i use the appropriate access list i use the appropriate access list access list one permit then i've been at inside source list one interface overload i said like use the match the ipad address from the private subnet and overload it on the interface we have its required one classic path video configured so this thing on to on to this point we don't have to do anything else that is fine i will just save that now i will configure this dhcp server i will go to the dhcp desktop ip it is let's say two five five two five five to five five dot zero default gateway is the default i have configured the ip address on the dhcp that id address is in fact 172 16.10.100 right here it is 170-1600 slash 24 the ip address and in fact the same set of ip address we have configured here as well that is 170 to 16 dot ten dollar here it is hundred dot one subnet here we have hundred dot one as the ip and i will say pat here so here we have this subnet and right here we have under dot 1.1.2 subnet okay this is hundreds network okay now on here i will go to the services tab i will go to the dhcp and i will say i will i will say that you will provide the dhcp services 192 sorry 172 dot 16 dot 10 dot one is the default gateway vip will start from here of course the ip will start from here it will how many number of users maximum to maximum 100 number of users now there is an option called wlc address what ip i'm going to in fact configure here let me tell you on the wlc going to configure the ip address 172 16.10.200. that is the ip address that i will configure on the wireless lan controller this ip i'm going to configure on this wireless lan controller so i'm saying in the dhcp itself on the dhcp configurations i can say on the dcp confusions i can say that who is the wlc 172.16 dot 10.200 is the wlc in here itself i can actually specify that information i can say the name of the dhcp pool the default gateway i don't have any dns server the start ip address i can i can define the star type here just start from here start from there start from 170 to 16.10.2 why because dot one is already configured here then subnet mask then the maximum number of users i don't have any tftp server but i have the wlc so i said that this is the output of the ws and i will save that i will save that so i have run the dhcp here i have under dhcp services here now what happens on the wlc on the wlc there is a port called service port on a wlc there is a port called service port and that service port is used for the initial configuration the initial setup the service port is used for that initial setup we connect our pc to the service port of the wlc and the pc automatically gets the ip address from 190 to 168 range because that service fold is automatically set to provide the ip from that particular but onto this packet pressure software we don't have this uh we don't have this uh service port if you mouse over it you will see this there is gigabit poll there is management port but there is no there is no service port in fact there is no service port in fact so what i will do i will connect it i will try to connect it i will connect it i will connect this you know this wlc uh it says like i also have a management port it says like i have the gigabit port i have the management port but the problem is that the problem is that this management tool that i am having is actually also not practically available in this wlc packet present software so what we have to do actually we have to connect it like this we have to connect it like this like we have to connect the gigabit port with the fast ethernet port initially initially we have to connect it like that initially i have to connect the gigabit one with the fast ethernet like with the gigabit one with the fast ethernet of the pc because this wlc software does not has any service port or the management port for the practical uses in the packet reserve software in the real time it's there in the real time it's there but it's not there in case of this packet as a software in case of this packet tracer software it's not there okay now what we have to do will go to that management pc here i will go to the desktop ip and i will say dhcp you will see that it automatically gets the ip it is assuming that your your pc is connected via management sorry service port we don't have any service port manually we have this uh we have this uh you know uh the man that service port service port is actually in fact you know not there actually in this soft in the software in that case yeah in this one in this in this packet pressure wlc in the package wlc we don't have that one so the point is that uh the point is that uh in in in the case of cisco packet is a software in the case of this cisco packet that's a software in the case of the cisco packet as a software what we had to do we had to in fact connect it with the normal port so like we have to connect it with the gigabit port but in the real time it's not like that in the real time what will happen in the real time you will create your end pc you will connect your end pc first of all with the service port that service port will automatically provide you service fold will automatically provide you the ip from that particular range just like just like just like it happened here just like it happened rightly in the real time we connected we connect the pc with the service port and that service port actually writes the ip from that frames and now i can go to the i can go to the desktop and i can in fact open the web browser and the ip address is by default of the wlc if i hit enter i must see some sort of page in that case you see this is the cisco wlc 2500 series wireless line controller and now we have to create the account and all i have to create these these things now so in real time you will have the management pc in the real time you will have the management pc you have to connect it to the service port service port will automatically give you the ip address from the range 1968.1 range and you will use the ip address which is by default configured for this initial configuration task on the wlc and then you can use the web browser to access that wlc from here and that's where you can configure it every everyone on uh no no no no no no okay we will just do the initial configurations like i will just do i will just create an initial confusion then i will use the management port to manage it to actually access it it is service port is just for the initial configuration it is not for the management when you connect your end machine with the service port of the wlc it is just that just for the initial configurations not for the entire management so let me just create some initial configuration so that so that i can manage my wlc later on i will create a username i will create a admin username i-m-e-i-t-a password i-m-e-d-i-t-a at so you see it says like uh there are specific you know like this is a start yeah it it's it's still in the red one because you know uh you have to say like one caps small then add red espresso character numbers all these things you have to use like not only this uh not only yeah so this is the username that i have here i will just start i will even write down the username somewhere so that i don't forget this is the username and the password is ime dipa rat123 it is for the login to whc and we have to log into the wlc i will use this password so this i have set at the initial point now here we have to set the other other things like system name i can system uh any any uh you know i i can just set up any name like whatever name of the system whatever name of this wlc just like the hostname as it i have set a name here okay i will set some sort of name i can set whatever type of name i want to set then country that payment diet time and date information the time zone if you have the entity server you can configure it the management address and all the management addresses what management address the management address he had to set i don't have any ntp server and also i'll just forget about it the management address is this one right here if you can not right here if you see i have written down the management address to be 170 to 16.10.200. so i will say that i will use 172 16 172 16.10.200 later on for the management 170 to 16.10.200 is the management ip address what is the subnet mask two five five two five five two five five dot zero what is the default gateway 172 16.10.1 this is the iep address of this wlc in fact that we will be using later on to manage this wlc from the web browser the 192 168.1 range it is just just for the initial purpose initial configuration purpose only so i've set up the name and all i will say next okay okay now do you want to broadcast some network yes i want to do that so i have a wireless network with the name of imitator employee so i have used this uh this you know i have used this uh this this what you say like i have used this uh ssid this is a society that that i'm going to actually broadcast this is the ssid that i'm going to in fact broadcast from my access points in the image employees what type of security do you want to have wpa2 wpa if in case of wpa2 you can just put a password in case of wpa enterprise you have to put some sort of authentication server information from here radius stackax and those i will just say wpa personal and the password is going to be cisco at the rate one two three cisco rate one two three right this is the name of the wireless network i will just note it down here as well the name of this wireless network and the password is cisco address 123 this is the ssid that will be broadcasted you know from the access point and the password is squared right one two three okay what we land it is you can since we have not created any any vlan so it will just show me in the default management vlan do you want to have the guest network as well if you want to have the guest network you can turn on the guest network as well but as of now i don't require any guest network so i will let it be off i will say next this you can leave as it is which will ip by default is so i can just leave it as it is and that's next so it says you have done these configurations you have done these configurations you can just validate this these configurations you can validate these configurations and you can just say apply confirm the settings and apply so i confirm that the settings are okay and i will just say apply system will reboot after the settings have applied so i will just say okay it will save the configurations i will say capture and forward i will say capturing power like that and now oh i can just close it now i will not be able to access it now i will not be able to access it uh like you know the way i just did like now it is for the initial configuration only now what i will do now what i'm going to do i'm going to connect it the way it was earlier also i will use the command uh the spanning tree forward fast so that you know all the ports directly go in the folding space they don't take time anyway now i will connect my management pc i will connect my management pc to the switch as well because now i'm not i'm not directly going to manage it like by connecting it to the to the point so now what i'm going to do uh what i'm going to do i'm going to connect it to the switch like that dhcp is already working so i must get the ip you see i must get the ip via gp the http field it says let me see why that youtube is getting paid because i have already oh sorry sorry i did not turn on the service i had to power on the service as well i configured the dhcp parameters but i did not did not enable the service so i have to enable the service as so now i have enabled the service on the on the dhcp server and now let's see now let's see if i get the ip or not yeah now i got pip so i did the initial configuration and then i plugged in my my management pc then i after that after i'm done doing the initial configurations you know once i'm done doing the initial configuration i just plugged in my my this pc i plugged in that particular pc to the switch just like i connect to a normal normal switch in that case and now i will just go here i will go to the browser sorry browser and what ip address https for first of all you will not be able to access it via http and what ip address was there of the 172 16 dot remember if you 10.200 was the ip that i set on the wlc so now if you click on go you see the wlc lan controller the wireless lan controller you can log in what was the username i m e this is how your wireless lan controller interface looks like this is the wireless lan controller interface looks like believe me i have a long way to go huh yeah that is like like we don't have to cover life you know as per the season we don't have to cover things in the wlc but it's good to know yeah and then as per the c center you just need to know like okay this is these are the variety of you know options that we might have in the wlc you know by default is a society is being broadcasted why because because i i actually said that earlier so controller and all these things so you can just verify most of the options are even disabled in this packet as a software so you cannot do any any of things like you see all these options are disabled like you know you cannot do that but at least you have an idea at least you have an idea okay that that these things are there in the wlc gui this is the gui of the wireless lan controller now i will just drop it it supports how many number of access points it says it says 25 access points are supported in this particular package is a software now let's talk about these let's talk about these access point as of now these access points are not configured that is why they are not associated with this wlc you see as of now how many at this point this knows about this this wlc knows about zero access point this wlc does not know about any access point or this wlc does not knows about any any any client as well so now i have to configure these access points as well so i will go on to here i don't actually have to do a lot of confusions i just have to know i just have to this this is i just have to do this i just have to power it on i just have to drag and drop this out so that it it gets powered on and i actually don't have to do anything else i don't have to do anything else you see the gateway it already it is automatically set it is automatically set to get the ips and other parameters yes so i don't it even got the ip address of the wlc as well i did not configure it i did not configure it and if if you want to verify you can see that i in fact if i power it on and if i go to this config tab you see i this this automatically got it i did not configure it it automatically in fact got the gateway address and all because by default it is set to parameters from the hdmi yes and on the dhcp i set on the dhcp if you remember on the dhcp i said that with the wlc it is the wlc so they now know who is the wireless lan controller they know about the wlc now and since they know about the wlc if you mouse over it sorry if you mouse over these access points if you mouse over this access point they have also got the ip address 172 16.10.3 it also got the ip address one 16.10.4 the gigabit internet zero and they have created it you can see if you verify if you verify you can see that they have also created that cap web tunnel you see cap web status that it is connected this access point is connected to the wlc 170 to 16.10.200 it got the information about the wlan and it is now broadcasting the wireless lan i made the employees and if you want you can you can verify that from here you go here and you see as of now it says all what zero zero zero just refresh refresh it and you see how many access points are out there two two access points are now two access points are now there you can click on detail and you see two light weighted access points have been associated automatically with this w lc all the information all the way up to leak like you know what is the model of those access point the mac address the uptime in administrative status operational status registered they are registered on this wlc speed you can verify do they support po the packet as a software will not show you a lot of things so the speed on the ethernet zero ethernet one if you have connected anything on the other interfaces you will see how many number of clients are connected to every access point no okay i can just i can see how i can just verify only a few parameters not a lot of things so that's that's that's the way these automatically do that they automatically register yourself on the wlc in fact i can i can verify a lot whole information from here the management ip address of this wlc is this one software version recovery system name it's been 15 minutes since this is up okay you can verify a lot whole information fan speed and everything cpu uses it this virtual device so it says zero percent yeah which level is it sorry uh this one is uh ccnp level i did not get you sorry i i'm not getting the question this uh at this level to configure this one is a ccnp or nah it is in dedicated wireless tracks so like you know once you cover the wireless then you will you will discuss about these we have different different options like how many access points are associated there is something called cisco clean here statistics we can verify now this packet is the software does not even support these options so we will not be able to see any of these well these features are not supported in the packet tester software only only a very basic only very basics are supported in this software you see suppose for example i want to edit i want to edit the the wireless localia network like that i have created i want to edit to be for example like you know i wanted the the password so i can edit the passwords from here i can enable the different different types of security you remember the static vp web wireless 2.1x all these things all these things are there but as of now it is configured to use wpa or wpa2 and what policy the pre-share key this one is the pre-share key that i have configured cisco address one two three i can i can have the routing triple a servers if you have any quality of service policy mapping a lot of lot of options you might see but this packet is a software does not even support all these options we can also add if you want you can create a new we can create a new ssid as well if you want you can create a new ssid as well if you want we have the controller option to check the status about the controller you know different different types of things are there here as well the wireless how many access points are associated and all the security parameters do we know about any aaa server or anything like that so all these things like radius authentication servers now as of now we don't have any but so that is why it it will not show you uh there is there is no as of now we don't have any radius server to cap server and even this software does not even support it so that is why you don't have any any of these options the management you know i can i can remove the user from the management as well or i can use i can add a new user who can manage this wireless lan controller so you can just explore you can ping you can if you want you can ping and everything you can just explore this variety of options but you know you don't have to configure a lot now i have to associate my end users i have to associate my end users with the access points because as of now i have just connected this access point with wlc but my end users are now not not as of as of now not these are not part of the wireless network so what we have to do in this case what we have to do uh in this case to make these these part of this wireless network i will go here by default these you know i can i can just remove one of these one or two of these if i want i can just remove it if i if i want i can also have a i can also have a laptop if you want to have a laptop you can have a laptop now okay what i have to do here by default these devices they do not have the wi-fi and ic they have this wired and ic so what i have to do i have to power it off i have the power of this machine i have to remove this i have to remove this i have to remove this wired network interface card and i have to add the wireless one similarly i will go here on this laptop i will power it off i will remove this wire and i will add the wireless one and i will power it on as well this you have to do on here as well power it on don't forget to power it on i will go here power it off remove the wired and ic add the wireless nice this packet user software cannot support both so i have just removed them and i have added them remove remove the wired one add the wireless one and power it on once you are done with that task once you are done with that task now what we have to do once you are done with that task you go here you go to the config you go to the config you go to the wireless okay what ssid you want to connect to you have to mention that you want to connect what ssid i want to connect to this ssid this is the ssid if you remember that i configured i want to connect to this wireless network because what we do we we connect we connect from our machine we connect to the wireless network so i have to specify that i want to connect to this wireless network and and the key the key wpa2 the key uh i have just i believe presumably yes i the key the key i'm using wpa wpa2 the key that i have is i believe small c or capital c uh capital c okay i will say the key is c i s c o add rate one two three this is the key this is the key to connect to that wireless network the password and you just now see now see it automatically gets the ip it automatically gets the mask and in fact if the credentials are okay you will see that it is actually now connected to the wireless access point as well same thing in fact we have to do here as well same thing in fact we have to do here as well again see i will go here i will go to the config wireless what ssid i want to connect to employees i want to connect to and what was the password the password was c i s c o at rate one two three and as soon as i do that i will get the ips here respectively and it will also get connected to there you see it got the ipv because the dhcp is already there i am getting the ipad resist from the dhcp and all and rest all the things are happening automatically now i will go here now in this packet tester software we cannot control like this will connect to this one or this one i'm not sure this might get connected to this one as well we cannot control that thing in this packet it's a software so i can just i can just you know do the confusions and let's see where it connects to yeah it connected to that one we cannot do in anything in that case on here as well i will do the same i will go to the wireless i'll go to the wireless ssid and it was cisco at the rate one two three so i cannot i can not control you see everything is getting connected to this one i cannot control in this package of software like okay these devices will connect to here they might have been they might connect to here itself but we cannot control that point that thing in this in the software we cannot do that in the software we cannot actually control that that where they are going to connect if i power of c again it is getting connected to the c i cannot control that in this in this software maybe if i if i power it off power it on a few times maybe it might get connected to this nearest one it might get connected to this nearest one but i'm still i'm still not sure like it will happen they might they might try to find out the nearest one and they will either connect to this one see again so this dislocation does not matter in this case uh in this software and the software it is all like you know we cannot control this thing so it is connecting to that now see if i did a few times i did power off power on and it connected to the to the other one okay and i can just go here and i can just power off power on a few times i'm not sure what exactly is the fundamental in this software but you see it's getting connected to that ap again and again okay so but anyway anyway we cannot control this thing in this software i can just power off power on a few times like it might get connected to this nearest one otherwise they might get connected to the other one we cannot control that and now once this association is done once this association is done in fact once this association is done now what we can do we can in fact see that the traffic can move from one point to the other point the traffic can go accordingly now we can see that okay now finally it got connected to this one okay so two two devices here two devices here okay now once these devices are connected you can go here and you can also refresh one more time and you will see how many devices are connected how many clients are connected four clients are connected you can also validate that part as well you can see like you know how many number of devices are connected to that access point you can see the how many number of users are connected to users two users are connected in that case so i can have this this particular thing in this packet is a software for this task i can have this in the packet as a software for this particular task okay now let's talk about data sending and receiving process if we talk about data sending and receiving process let's say i want to ping if you want to ping from one point to the other point i can ping as well so if i want to ping i can just take a packet i can click from here to here and see the pin is successful if i want to simulate it how the data is getting passed so you can see data is coming to the access point the data is coming to the access point it is going to the wlc and from the wlc it is coming back and it is getting distributed and then the reply will come respectively so the data you will see that the data you will see that the data will pass via wlc the data in fact it will pass via wlc from here to here it doesn't show the actual like you know it does not show you the actual in detail process you know it it gets transmitted it is it is received on the wireless network uh it will be forwarded respectively you know it will be forwarded respectively to the next one it doesn't it does not see i'm trying to pick i'm trying to reach from here to there so you know it does not show us properly but the ping and trace will be successful of course if and also also if you want to reach if you want to reach from this internal network to the internet that will also get successful why because if you think about it i have done until here the proper netting and all i have done that point as well so if i see if i see from here to here let's see it is successful the traffic must be going from here to here to here to here respectively i'm not sure if i can i can show you that in the capture forward scenario uh yeah you see now it's okay now it's okay that the traffic is moving via wlc to the end devices successful so you can ping you can also ping from one to another if you want you can ping from here to here as well it must be successful because it's all in the same network you can ping from like here to here as well it must be successful as well if i want to check the simulation i can check the simulation mode as well that what is happening if i am thinking from here to here the traffic is rendered it is sent to the wlc and from wlc it is coming back to the appropriate destination and then the reply will come back you see then the reply will in fact come back and it will be passed via wlc itself so remember that the traffic will pass via that wireless lan controller the traffic will pass via that wireless lan so i can reach internal to the network and i can also reach to the external network like internet i can reach to the external network like internet as well so these this is how we can actually have a very simple this is how we can have a very basic topology in this case of wlc wireless lan controller
Channel: I-MEDITA (IT Training Academy)
Views: 10,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wireless Router configuration, Packet Tracer – Configuring Wireless LAN Access, Wireless Router configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer, How to configure wireless lan connection in Cisco Packet Tracer, configure wireless lan, WLAN Configuration on Packet Tracer, WLAN Configuration, Wireless LANs in Packet Tracer, Wireless LANs, Access point, Wireless LAN Controller (WLC), CCNA wireless lab, ccna lab, imedita, Packet tracer tutorials, ccna, ccnp, router, wireless router, wifi router
Id: GXbL3p6KHlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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