How to configure DrayTek VigorSwitch? (Part 2)

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welcome to dvcom technology in this lab i am going to show you how to configure draytech vigor p2540x switch let's go and understand the topology before we start the configuration in my topology we have wiger 2862 router which is going to act as a internet gateway and we have 2540x switch let's go and see what are the things i am going to configure it here the first task is that i am going to access the switch with the default ip and the default username and password and the default ip address for wiger 2540x switch which is which is slash24 the username is admin and the password is admin let's go and access now so before i am going to access my switch let us go and check whether i have a reachability or not open the command prompt and type so i have a successful reachability now open the browser and type the ip address is the default username is admin and default password is admin now my second task change the default ip and admin password so i am going to change the admin password first then after that i am going to change the default ip so to change the admin password just click on change password now just go down you can see here there is admin account then click on modify then click on edit password then specify your original password which is admin and type the new password and retype the password then after that specify the admin privilege then click ok then click ok now after this i am going to change the default ip so the default type if you want you can change it or you can use the same but i am going to change the default ip you can keep it in any network or it is up to you how you want to change the default ip to change the default ip go to switch lan and click on general setup and management type and click on static and you can able to change it here so right now i want to change it as and i'm going to keep it gateway as that's it then after that go down and say apply then click ok now what i'm going to do instead of 2 to 4 i'm going to type 5 now i can able to access back and click on admin and specify the password now my third task configuration of the vlans as per the two topology as per my topology i need to configure total four vlans one is vlan number ten twenty thirty and forty so villain number ten we can call it as a orange vlan will number twenty we can call it as a green vlan and vlan number 30 we can call it as a red vlan and we are number 40 we are going to use it for management vlan let's go and configure the vlans to configure the valiance go to the switch land then after that you can click on the vlan management then click on create vlan so let's go and create the vlans and if you notice here by default there is vlan number one and all the interfaces are belongs to the villain number one at the moment so i'm going to create vlan number 10 then after that i'm going to specify the name as orange then click apply now i'm going to give vlan number 20. then i am going to specify villain number 20 as the green then click apply now i am going to configure the video number 30 and i am going to specify as red and villain number 40 i'm going to specify as management william now let's go back to my scenario now i have configured the vlans as per the topology now i am going to shift the ports as per the topology to shift the ports go to the vlan management and click on interface settings then here port number one two three four and five i'm planning to keep into vlan number 10 as access ports if you see here they're untagged then click apply then after that put number 6 7 8 9 and 10 or belongs to vlan number 20 as accessport port number 30 i mean villain number 30 we are going to shift the remaining ports which is 11 12 13 14 and 15 now i am going to make it as export then say apply now if you see the status just go down port number one to five or belongs to villain number ten port number six to 10 are belongs to william number 20 and port number 11 to 15 or belongs to villa number 30. now if you notice here in my laptop policy port number 48 which is connected to my router and i am going to keep that interface into the management field so let's go and do that put number 48 which is this now i by default it says a trunk i'm going to keep this interface as a management vlan so it's belongs to wheeler number 40. let's go down then after that make it as access port and its belongs to villain number 14. say apply so so far we have done it perfect so the second task if you see here the next task i just want to configure the dhcp but before you are going to configure the dhcp make sure that you need to configure the virtual interfaces for each and every vlan so that those interfaces are going to act as a gateway so to do that go to vlan routing there you can find interface settings but before that go to the property and enable this say apply then after that say okay then click on interface settings then after that specify the vlan id vlan id is filler number 10 then description you can mention if you like otherwise just give the ip address to so this is is going to act as a gateway for video number 10 then after that 20 i'm sorry it should be here then the subnet mask which is slash 24. then after that i am going to configure the vlan number 30 then switch way say apply after that we'll number 40 so i'm going to give so since this switch it's going to act as a layer 2 plus so it does the routing between one vlan to another vlan then after that we need to enable the dhcp so the first thing is that you need to create the virtual interfaces then after that you need to configure the dhcp let's go and do that so to configure the dhcp you can go to the switch lab then after that select the dhcp server or relay then after that click on dhcp server now if you see here right now the server is down right now you selected the interface vlan id vlan number 10 enable this server then after that from where you want to start the ip i want to start the ip address from then i'm going to start i just need 10 then after that what's your gateway my gateway is on the dns server so the dns server you can give it to as and then after that say apply then did you notice here it's going to support the maximum eight dhcp pools at the acp server so you can say then after that go to villa number 20 enable this server and i just need i want to start from 20.11 then i need just here 20. then after that gateway is and dns server is 4.2.2 and 8.8.8 then after that click apply then say okay now you can able to see there is a two dhcp pools one for william number 10 another one for 20. and after that i am going to create for red vlan enable the dhcp server and i want to start just i want to give 50. then after that gateway is then after that you are going to specify the dns server which is 213 4220.20 then click apply so so far i have configured three dhcp pools and those status is up and running so i have configured successfully then after that i need to write a static route towards my router so here you need to understand one important thing so if you see here in my topology port number 48 in my switch i have shifted into vlan number 40 which is my management video right and for my management vlan i configured gateway as right which is last 24. so now here port number four i connected at my router and i am going to configure it as then after that i am going to write a default route towards my switch to the router so the default route what it will do it's going to pointing to my router so the next stop will be that's what i'm going to do now let's go and check it now so what i'm going to do now let's go and write that route so to do that what you are going to do let's go to your vlan routing then after that click on static route then add the default route so what's the gateway the gateway is then after that just click apply there you go now there is a default route which is pointing to 40.5 so these are the configurations that you have done it on your switch side because since your switch is going to act as a layer 3 switch so that you can able to do the routing and you can able to configure the static routing in case if you want to check the routing table just click on this go to the diagnostics and click on routing table then you can able to see it see here right now these four vlans has connected directly and we return one default route which is pointing to 40.5 so this is what we have done from the switch side now what i'm going to do now i'm going to disconnect my cable from the switch and i'm going to connect it to the router so router on the lan 1 interface which is 2862 router so let's hear i am going to get the ip address automatically so now i am going to type and just configure it admin then be a great oh sorry it's a new router right there is no password for this so now i'm going to change it now so to changing that say yes no no issues to changing that go to the system maintenance then after that you need to select administrator password then specify the old password which is admin then after that the new password then go down then click ok now my password has successfully changed now you need to change the time and date then here select plus 4 because i'm belongs to dubai my time zone then after that click ok now you can see here so today is the friday i'm in morning 3 39 then after that go to the lan it's already van interface is already connected which is enabled with dhcp so i'm nothing to worry about that so go to the lan then click on general setup then here what i want to do now i need to change this ip address as which is last 24 then i need to disable the dhcp i don't want any dhcp there why because since my layer 3 switch is acting as a dhcp server and by the way you need to understand one very important thing if you see here this is my layer three switch so here what we are done we configure three vlans we land number ten villain number 20 and vlan number 30 and we configured the gateway for vlan number 10 as 10.1 20.1 and 30.1 and we configured one more vlan which is vlan number 40. that's my management vlan which is 40.1 and my switch side then here what i did port number 48 i shifted into vlan number 40 then after that i connected to the router in the router what i connected i am going to connect to port number four so right now i didn't tag any vlans or anything on port number 48 since it's a access port so the access port and it belongs to willa number 40 so simply what i am going to do now by default p1 p2 p3 p4r belongs the same lan which is lan number one and the default ip address is 192.168.1 network so i am going to make it as 192.168.5 which is last 24 it's here now i'm going to disable the dhcp here right because in my layer 3 switch i have written a default route which is pointing to my router which is 40.5 then my router the van interface is connected to isp so now what i am going to do now when the request is coming from vlan number 10 to my router then my router will send the traffic to the internet right but unfortunately when that is when the written traffic is come then router he doesn't know to where it has to forward it keep remember this for that what we are going to do we are going to write the reverse routes towards my layer 3 switch so for example what i am going to do in my router i am going to say if you want to go network which is slash 24 your next stop is same way if you want to go the next stop will be 40.1 if you want to go 30 the same way why because your router he doesn't know who is 10 20 and 30 that's why we need to write a reverse routes keep remember that otherwise you cannot able to access the internet so now what i'm going to do now let's click on ok say okay thank you very much but make sure that now you are going to lose the connectivity guys so you need to give your ip address from the same subnet right so what you are going to do lets go to ncpa.cpl and change the ip address of your neck interface as 40 then only you can able to access your router right so let's see now know so i'm going to ping otherwise i just refresh it i need to give yes successfully login say admin and the new password now there you go then after that see here it was successfully changed 40.5 now what i want to do guys i need to write the routes let's go to the static routing click on one enable this profile and i want to go which is slash 24 then i am going to specify 192.168.48 then after that say okay then enable the second which is network and this is slash 24 network and i'm going to give the next stop is then after that say okay then after that i'm going to give then slash 24 then after that i am going to specify the gateway as it has to go through the land say okay now now if you want to check the routing table see here go to the diagnostics then click on the routing table now you can see there is a three static routes you can able to see it 10 20 and 30. so now if you go to the dashboard still port number four is not connected so i'm going to connect from the switch yeah so let's go and check it now so now i have connected with port number 48 at the switch and port number four now just refresh this now you can see here port number four is successfully connected now so now what i'm going to do now i just log out from here there is nothing to do right guys then after that just remove my cable from my router then after that go to run ncpa.cpl let's go and check now i'm going to connect my pc into the switch and port number one to five any one port right so that i am going to get automatically the ip address and i'm going to get the internet as so right now i have disconnected that's why i'm not able to see that it's fine for me so let's go and connect it now so right now i have connected my pc into vlan number 10 let's go and check it whether i can able to get the ip address whether i can able to get the internet or not this is my challenging let's go and check it now so still let's wait now so now what i'm going to do now let's double click this guy so so far he didn't get any ap address so let's disable this interface and enable it there's no problem for that so wait for one minute there you go so meanwhile what i'm going to do now i just verified whether i got the ip or not so still i believe i did not get the ip address so let's go and diagnose right click on diagnose because since i am just removing the cable in multiple times and i am connecting here and there so it is resetting the lan adapter so it doesn't have valid ip let's go and check it might be our dhcp is down that's the reason so still it doesn't come up okay now what i'm going to do now i'm going to access the switch again back let's go here this is like a troubleshooting things you can just go here details yes type the ip which is the default ip192.168.1.10 say okay say close so now you know that the ip address is 1.5 and just click admin and the new password let's check what's the issue because i am not able to getting the dacp so for that what we are going to do go to the switchland then dhcp dhcp server so now did you see here the dhcp server is down that's the reason guys so you nothing to worry yeah so now what you can do if you see here right now dhcp 10 [Music] it's perfectly all right yeah just go and enable it now say okay now the acp server is running that's perfectly all right yeah so you nothing to worry guys it's perfectly all right so 20 it's enabled that's good 30 i believe it's enabled there you go yeah we learn 10 20 and 30 and make sure that you are in the specific port or not these are the troubleshooting steps that you are going to do it then after that go to the switch lan then vlan management then check the interface settings so right now this is perfectly all right so now let's log out from here and verify it now yeah so now what i'm going to do now i'm going to remove that ip address which i configured there the static ip address say okay say okay then click close close now let's remove this guy and put it back to window number 10 now just verify it now perfect now let's concede here ping fod.2.2 wow i got the ip and now i'm going to say ipconfig to verify that i should see that i am getting the ip address from my switch perfectly all right see that so right now my switch is going to act as a dhcp server yeah so now ping 4.2.2 there you can see now what i'm going to do now i'm going to remove the cable from vlan number 10 see i lose the connectivity now i'm going to connect it to another vlan so let's wait for that now just wait for few seconds there you go now i'm able to access the internet as well so wait for a few seconds there you go and if you want to check go to ncpa.cpl and double click on this and see here i got it 20.11. so now what i'm going to do i want to check vlan number 30 right so remove this cable and put it into vlan number 30 now you see you lose the connectivity now i just put it back it's going to coming up wait for movement there you go then simply what you can do go to your ncpa.cpl just double click on that click on details then you can able to see it alright guys so this is what how it's going to work now if you want to access your switch simply you can type so here i'm able to access my switch i don't have any problem yeah and even if you want you can access your router as well if you see here 40.5 and see i am able to access my router also because the routing is doing from your switch yeah and if you want to check the routing table just go to the diagnostics and check on the routing table you can see here so this is what how it's working guys and if you want to see the dhcp tables here i have connected my pc into vlan number 10 and i got this ip and 20 i got this ip 30 i got this ip right see the mac address is the same hope you guys are clear so this is what whenever you are going to use layer 2 plus switch there is a lot of advantages and you can able to do the complete routing hope you guys are enjoying this video and thanks for watching for sales please send us an email sales you
Channel: DVCOM Technology
Views: 750
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Id: mR0iP9DIRjk
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Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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