How to come out of depression as a Highly Sensitive Person

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there is a statistic that says that 50 percent of high sensory people in the west are in depression and here's why [Music] hello and welcome it's willow mcintosh here founder of in luminance and creator of the high sensory coaching program if so many of us are struggling with depression in one way or another how can there possibly be any positive to that well a large contributing factor to our depression as high sensory people and i speak from personal experience about this is because we are so aware that there is a really important role for us to play in our lives and for some reason we just cannot engage with it so what i mean by there being a posit a positive side to it is that we are being called to reveal what that is so in other words it's almost like feedback from our own hearts and soul that there is more and that we simply must pursue that endeavor to work out what it is so if as children we are naturally engaged with who we are that is common for all of us as humans as children we are far more in touch with what really matters most to us and we never hesitate or question our motives as children we simply respond to the world around us from a true place of authenticity for us as high sensory people that place of authenticity is a higher sense of perception that true sense of authenticity comes from a higher sensory perception so we naturally experience the world in a different way now there isn't really the right language and way to really explain this place of higher sensory perception so for most of us we switch that part of ourselves off in order to feel accepted in our communities in our families and in society the trouble is is that authenticity within us it doesn't go away in fact it just gets louder but as we become adults we're aware that there is this whole other part to us that is just dying to be acknowledged heard and activated however it's just too far below the surface we don't have that ability to be able to consciously activate it or consciously understand what it's really trying to do in order to be able to utilize it in the way that made sense for us as children but now we've got this intelligence as an adult this conscious awareness when we realized actually has a really important role to play in the world but there's just this total disconnection that is incredibly frustrating i mean i don't have to tell you how frustrating that is this frustration drove me to the work that i do today it is that calling that drive that was in me that there was something so much more to me than what i was willing to acknowledge there was so much more to me than i was admitting to but i just could not find the words for it i just couldn't understand how to bring it in to manifest i couldn't work out how to utilize this ability but but it was something that was so powerful within me this is a torturous place for us to be as high sensory people but it just does not need to be this way so for many of you who know my story and follow the work that i do you're aware that i was very very fortunate to meet the right mentors along my path that had their own level of sensory awareness that they had been initiated if you like or they had been trained themselves into understanding what it means to be a high sensory person and that the gifts that we have are unique to us and that they have these they come with these abilities with these higher sensory abilities so in my own training i was given the invitation to truly accept and notice how i actually experienced the world around me and that is from the viewpoint of a higher sensory perception and again i mean i know that i'm repeating myself this is not to say that we're better than people that don't have the trade but we've been given this trait for a reason nature intended this it's not something that just forms because of an of a traumatic event or because of our upbringing it's a genetic personality trait that gets handed down from generation to generation it's 100 species of animals so through my own training i was then given the opportunity to recognize that i was seeing the world in a different way i was experiencing the people around me at a deeper level i was able to tune into how they were feeling i realized that i had this ability to be able to see the bigger picture of who a person is i was able to sense when someone's actually speaking from their truth and when they're not with the intention of helping them to see the truth and the potential of who they of who they are and how they can actually go about bringing that into service this was the most important thing to me but i could not put the pieces together before whilst i had this this drive to want to do that for people the way that i knew i was meant to do that was just too far below the surface within me it just wasn't in my conscious reach and so by getting the right facilitation and by being given the opportunity to consider the pieces that were missing the parts of the link that weren't there between my conscious awareness and my heart's knowing as a result of my childhood where those parts of me were repressed i was able to start to piece those bits together i was able to start linking those parts between my heart and my head again so i was able to truly understand what this part of me was trying to do and this was the biggest breakthrough i've ever had in my life in all of my years of personal development i suddenly started to realize that there just was no reason to hide this part of myself that it didn't matter initially really that i didn't have the language for it what really mattered was that i tried and practiced actually doing the work in the way that i know i'm born to do it and that was just a matter of experiencing myself doing it and once i witnessed the fact that i had this gift that changed everything that then enabled me to start beginning the practice that i have today so really the reason why such a high percentage of us are struggling with depression is simply because we haven't had the correct training to recognize that the way that we experience the world and these particular gifts that we have have a purpose and they align with what is so important to us at an individual level so there's no reason for us to be in depression but it's going to take persistence in order for us to be able to come back into conscious engagement with these abilities and essentially who we are as high sensory people which is very very possible once these pieces are connected up once these pieces then come back into our conscious awareness it means that we can start to engage our high sensory abilities in our profession in our business in our lives so it means that when we are already working as a coach perhaps we in whatever in whatever context our work may be it means that that part of us that we know has something extra to give becomes available to us and that then means that we can engage this ability that we have as high sensory people in all the walks of life that we work in not only does that bring a huge benefit to the world it means that for us as high sensory people we can come back to a place of self love and acceptance and these critical thoughts that we have that are causing this place of self-rejection are going to be able to be addressed in a way that it's really going to make a difference because we're going to start to come to the realization that the difference that we feel about ourselves is there for a very very good reason and it's that that is going to help us to come back into a place of healthy mental stability as high sensory people thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Inluminance
Views: 16,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highlysensitiveperson, sensoryprocessingsensitivity, hsp, highsensoryperson, emapth, introvert, highsensoryintelligence, becomeacoach, lifecoach, highly sensitive person, highly sensitive, highly sensitive people
Id: Qn1VPXvJKng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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