How to Combine PDF Files into One | Merge PDF Files FREE

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Hey everyone, Kevin here. Today I  want to show you how you can merge   multiple PDF files into one PDF  file, and this is completely free. I'll show you two different ways to pull this off. First, we'll use an online tool offered  by Adobe. You have to upload your PDF,   it'll merge them, and then you  can download the merged copy. If maybe you have concerns about uploading  your document to the cloud, I'll also show you   a tool that you can download and install that  also allows you to merge your PDF. All right,   well let's jump on the computer and let's  start merging files. Here I am on my desktop,   and I have three different PDF files, right here  and I want to merge them into just one file. First, I want to show you how  you can use a free online service   to merge your PDFs into one. To merge your PDF  file online, it's really as simple as going to and then searching for merge PDF. Here you'll see all sorts of different services  that offer to merge your PDFs into one.   You have services like Small PDF, iLovePDF,  even Adobe offers to merge your PDFs. They all pretty much work the same way. You upload  your PDF files, you can then rearrange the order,   and once you're all done, you can merge  it and then download the merged file. So, which one should you choose? Well, once again, they all  pretty much work the same way. Most of them have some limits in terms of how  many files you can merge on a daily basis. With Adobe, probably the most  well-known out of the bunch,   you have to sign in to be able to download,  so that's a little bit of extra friction. Let's click into Small PDF to see how this one  works. On Small PDF, here I can choose my files,   or you can simply drag and drop my PDFs.  I'm going to click on choose files. Here I   see my three PDF files. I'll highlight  all of these and then click on open. It's now uploaded my PDF files and most  of these different services are freemium. They give you some basic functionality for free,  which is just doing a simple merge of all these   files and most of them also have a premium tier  that gives you some additional capabilities. Like maybe you want to add a watermark, or you  want to rearrange individual pages within the PDF. For now, the basic version works,  so I'll click on choose option.   Here on the next screen, I can rearrange my PDF,  so here I'll move them in the order that I want,   and I’ll place it just like  this, I think that looks good. Down below I can also add more pages if for  whatever reason on the previous screen I forgot   to select all of my files. This all looks good,  so I'll click on merge PDF. And look at that! It   looks like it has successfully merged my PDF.  Now once again, just like I mentioned earlier,   most of these services only allow you to merge  a certain number of PDFs on a daily basis. So, on the search results, if you need to merge  more, you can simply work your way down the list   and go through service by service if you need  to merge a lot. So once I'm ready to download,   I'll click on this button right here, and it's now  successfully downloaded my PDF. I'll click on this   to see how it turned out. And look at this, my  PDF is now merged, and all the pages are together. This is exactly what I want it to look like. Now  once again, with these different online services,   there are limitations in place, also,  I have to upload my PDF to the cloud,   so especially if it's a sensitive  document, I might not want to do that. Next, I want to show you how you  can use an app that you can install   on your computer to merge PDFs, and once again,  no limits and the PDF never leaves your computer. There are lots of different tools available  that allow you to merge PDFs on your computer. And by far the most recommended and also  trustworthy app that I found when I was doing   my research on different merge tools is called PDF  Toolkit free or also known as PDFTK free, and this   tool will allow you to do basic merging, so you  can pull together all of your different PDF files. And there's also a premium version  available called PDF Toolkit Pro. It gives you a few more capabilities. You could even rotate, add a watermark, you could  put a stamp on, and it has a few other features,   and if you need any of these, it only runs for the  price of $3.99, so it's not bad if you need those. But I'm here today and I just need to merge  a PDF so the free tool will do just fine. To access this tool, navigate  to the following website. I've also included a link in  the description of this video. Once you land on this site, go down  and click on this very prominent   bright green button that says download  PDF toolkit free exclamation mark. Once you click to download it, it'll open up the  download prompt, and here one of the nice things   is you'll see that it's only 3.5 megabytes, so  it's a pretty lightweight app. You're basically   just getting the merge capability, and that's all  you want. You don't want some bloated software. Let's click on run. Once you finish downloading and installing  the PDF Toolkit, go down to your taskbar and   within the search field, let's type in PDFTK  and here you should see the tool appear. Let's click on this. This opens up the PDF Toolkit and up above I can  specify what pages or what PDFs I want to merge.   Over here, I'll click on add  PDF. Here I see my three PDF   files. I'll highlight all three  of them and then click on open. Right now, I see all of my pages here and  I can rearrange what order these appear in,   so I can select one of these files and I can  drag it down or here I could drag it back   up. Over on the right-hand side, I have some  different options. I can specify within this PDF,   which pages do I want to include, just maybe page  one, three, or seven. I could also list a range   of pages, and I could even specify whether I just  want to include even or odd pages. So, in terms of   merging, this has quite a bit of functionality  compared to some of the free online services. I can even put the same file in more than once,   so here I could select one of my PDFs and I can  copy the selection and then include it again. Or maybe I added a PDF that I didn't intend  to add. I could remove that selection,   so there's quite a bit of functionality  up here in terms of merging PDFs. Down below, I have some additional controls, but  once again I need to go premium to access these. Now I just want to do a basic merge,  so right now this all looks good to me. Down in the bottom left-hand  corner, I'll click on create PDF. This now opens up a file prompt and I  can decide where I want to save my PDF. I'll just put it on my desktop,   and I'll call it combined. Once I'm  good to go, let's click on save. It's now successfully combined my PDF files.  Here I see a new file called combined. Let's click on this to see how it turned out. And look at that, here is my combined PDF,   so it combined it exactly how  I wanted it to be combined. Now, personally, I like using this  tool more than the online services. It gives me a little bit more control  over how I merge all of my files. Of course, I do have to download  and install a tool, so there is a   little bit more friction before you can start  merging, but I think the power is worthwhile. All right, well that's how  easy it is to merge PDF files. If this video helped you, please give it a thumbs  up. To see more videos like this in the future,   make sure to hit that subscribe button.  Also, if you want to see me cover any   other topics on this channel, leave a  note down below. All right, well that's   all I had for you today. I hope you enjoyed,  and as always, I hope to see you next time, bye.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 866,032
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Keywords: kevin stratvert, pdf, merge pdf, merge pdfs, combine pdf, combine, merge, combine pdfs, edit, file, pdf merge, pdf combine, free, merge pdf free, pdf merge free, edit pdf, pdf edit, online, app, unlimited, multiple, document, best, stratvert, kevin, windows, pc, tutorial, how to, how to merge, how to merge pdf, how to combine pdf, merge pdf into one, one, single file, single pdf, windows 10, page, one page, adobe, adobe acrobat, merge pdf files, mac, linux, merge pdfs into one file, reader
Id: jmY1Z95Hthk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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